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2010 International Conference on Computer Application and System Modeling (ICCASM 2010)

Mobile Jamming Attack in Clustering Wireless Sensor Network

Liu Zhiping Li Hui

Henan Polytechnic University Henan Polytechnic University
Jiaozuo City, China Jiaozuo City, China
liuzhiping@hpu.edu.cn li20022004@hpu.edu.cn

Abstract—Denial-of-Service (DoS) attacks are recognized as a The objective of the jammer is to find the cluster head, near
biggest threats due to the resources constrained proterty in to cluster head, and currupt transmissions of the cluster head
wireless sensor networks(WSN).Especially, using some mobile by causing packet collision. Because cluster head play an
nodes , we can attack the cluster heads in clustering netwrok, important role, it collects and fuses data from the legitimate
this jamming can cause a serious damage in perfomance of nods in cluster and tranform to the BS. An advantage of our
WSNs. Because the cluster head collect and fuse the data from attack is that the base station cann’t receive message form
all nodes in cluter, and forward to the base station. It is hard to the network almostly.
provide enough protection against this type of attack. We
conducted a simulation to investigate the impat of the mobile II. RELATED WORK
jamming in cluster WSNs. The simulation results demonstrate
that the mobile jamming we prosoed is more devastating than In order to cope with the threat of mobile jamming
traditional jamming attacks. attack, it is important to understand the charactristics of
clustering wireless sensor network. Whether wireless sensor
Keywords-wireless sensor networ,mobile jamming; cluster network adopt the distributed clustering protocol or the
centralized clustering protocol, LEACH 【 3 】 is the first one
I. INTRODUCTION WSN clustering routing protocols, which was designed by
Wireless sensor networks receive more and more Heinzelman. soon after, LEACH-C 【 4 】 、 EEUC[5] 、
attention because of their wide application in military as well EECS[6]、HEED[7] and other protocols are advanced. The
as in living life[1]. The most esentional applications are clustering sensor network have some characters. First,
monitor service systems, such as military monitor system or networking process is divided into two stages, cluster
security system[2]. Since the WSN are composed of formation and steady-state phase. Second, once the cluster
numerous economical but resource constrained sensor nodes, heads were elected, the cluster head nodes must let all the
securing sensor network is a challenging task. Many other nodes in the network know that who is on the role for
researchers had proposed several kinds of attacks to cause the current round. Adopting LEACH, each cluster head
concerns in security issue. The fundamental characteristic of node broadcasts an advertisement message using a
wireless networks that renders then vulnerable to attacks is nonersistent carrier-sense multiple access MAC protocl[].
the broadcast nature of their mudium. The Denial-of-Service
attacks, especially the energy efficient DoS attacks have This message is a small message containing the node’s ID.
most devastating influence among this attacks. The reason is Each non-cluster head node determines its cluster for this
that the sensor node has limited power resource and it will round by choosing the cluster head that requrirs the
fail to operate when energy exhausted. minimum communication energy, based on the received
The jamming attacks is quite simple. It can be excuted in signal strengh of the advertisement from each cluster head.
link layer or in physical layer. In link layer, the jamming Adopting LEACH-C, the cluster head nodes were chosen by
attack can disrupt the communication between sensor nodes base station based on its current location and energy level of
around the jammer. Beside, this attack is particularly each nodes. Once the cluster heads and associated clusters
effective since (1) no special hardware is needed; (2) it can are found, the RS broadcasts a message that contains the
be implemented by listening to the open mediun and cluster head ID for each node. Last , in steady-state phase,
breadcasting a simply frequency signal. Although the the leach and leach-c have the same steady-state protocol.
jammer are deployed randomly, the damage on the network The steady-state operation is broken into frames, where
is still makedly. Up to now, several measures have ben nodes send their data to the cluster head at most once per
proposed to defense against the jamming attacks[8]. frame during their allocated transmission slot. Once the
In this paper, we present a mobile jamming attack in cluster head receives all the data, it performs data
clustering wireless sensor network. Clustering network is an aggregation to enchance the common signal and reduce the
important framework, because it adopts an application-
uncorrelated noise among the siganls.
special protocol architecture. Here, we call a jammer whith
mobility as a mobile jammer, which is placed randomly.

978-1-4244-7237-6/$26.00 C 2010 IEEE V9-5

2010 International Conference on Computer Application and System Modeling (ICCASM 2010)


In this section, we present our algorithm of mobile
jamming attack. Which is divided into three parts, detecting
the cluster head node; excuting mobile algorithm;
processing jamming. θ

A. Finding the Cluster Head Node

First, a mobile jammer has the mobility, in figure 1, a
mobile jammer is deployed into the WSN. It keeps listening,
because the clustering sensor network have the characters
that once the cluster head nodes were chosen whether the
network adopt the centralized or distributed algorithm, there
existed a broadcasting message, which includes the ID of the O (0,0)
cluster head nodes. The mobile jammer can estimate which
cluster head node is nearly based on the received signal
Figure 2. The mobility of the jammer
strength(RSS). One of the simplest approaches that have
been used for estimation of distances between nodes.
C. Jamming Attack
After the mobile jammer moves to the cluster head
node, it excutes jamming according to send signal to the
channel when the cluster head node collect the information
from non-cluster nodes and forward to the sink node.
Because the message which the cluster head node are ready
to send is more important , it concluds amount of useful data,
if the communication between cluster head node and the
sink node is interrupted, the base station will can’t get
information form the network, and network is paralyzed. So
though the mobility of jammer, the attack is enforced on the
improtant nodes in the network, we don’t care the normal
As the network clustering process is cyclical, the
Figure 1. schematic diagram of mobile interference mobile jammer compute the movement periodly.
B. Excuting Mobiling Algorithm
We simply simulate a wireless sensor scenario in a
A mobile jammer is deployed into the WSN is randomly, square field with a size of 100 feet x 100 feet using the NS2
through the first step, the mobile jammer can estimate the 【9】
as shown in figure3. In order to reflect the formance of
nearest cluster head node, how to move to the cluster head network topologies of [3] truly, under experimental
node is important. Although the mobile jammer know the evironment we simulation the high-density sensor network.
location of the cluster head node, but the initializtion of The specific network enviroment is follows:
mobile jammer is unditaminate, so how to determine the 1.This is a clustering sensor network, once nodes were
mobile node’s current location information is more important. depolyed, the topology will not change;
When the environment and the node communication range is 2.The mobile jammer node’s energy is 5J, the ordinary
large enough (100 m level), you can assume that the mobile node’s energy is 1J, the normal jammer node’s energy is 15J;
node(decimeters Or centimeter-level) for a particle in a two- 3.Agreement with LEACH;
dimensional plane, exercise in two-dimensional plane 4.Nodes are deplyed randomly in Figure 3.
rectangular coordinate system. For motion analysis.
Trajectory projected by the absolute coordinate system,
usually X-axis pointing to the East, Y-axis pointing north. As
shown in Figure2. The jammer move to the cluster head node
according to a certain deflecton angle.

2010 International Conference on Computer Application and System Modeling (ICCASM 2010)

mobile jamming
16000 normal jamming








0 50 100 150 200 250 300
时时 (s)

Figure 3. Schematic diagram of the node distribution Figure 5. comparison the data of the BS.

In order to analysize the effect of the attack we proposed,

the normal jamming was simulated, which is a randomly C. Comparison of the energy consumption
jamming, the state of jammer node alternate between sleep The nuber of the moble jammer is decided by the number
and jamming, without following the current medial access of the cluster head nodes. The mobile jammer used the
control protocols, the jammer send a strong power of method mentioned to find the nearest cluster nodes and to
wireless signals. move to the cluster head nearly, so the energy consumption
on jamming is little, the energy were consumed on
A. Comparison of network lifetime calculating an moving, we can see from the figure 6.
We first difine the network lifetime, wich is the time 14

when the number of network nodes reduced to 10. We normal jammer

mobile 1
compare the network lifetime of no interference, the nomal 12
mobile 2
mobile 3
jamming and the mobile jamming. As shown in Figure4. 10 mobile 4
mobile 5
干干干干干数干干 (J)

0 50 100 150 200 250 300
时时( s)

Figure 6. comarison of the energy consumption

As shown in Figure4, Figure 5, Figure 6, mobile
Figure 4. comparison of the network lifetime jamming consumed more energy than normal jamming, but
it’s interference is better, it almost make the network useless.
The network under mobile jamming has a long lifetiime,
the communication between the cluster head node and base V. CONCLUSION
station were currupted, the cluster head don’t comuse energy
on send data to base station, the energy were saved. The mobile jamming in clustering sensor network can cause
the base station receiving little data at the price of little
B. Comparison the data energy consumption, which is effective. But this jamming is
Mobile interference is mainly through the mobility informed of network communication protocol as the
of the jammer, making interference mainly focused on prerequisite. Under normal circumstances, especially
the attacking of the network cluster head, the military network, it is diffcult to know the network
communication of the cluster head node includes the communication protocl, so excuting mobile jamming is
main data, if such communication is damaged, the base impossible. In the future, we focus on sutdying special
station will not receive almost any data from the network.

2010 International Conference on Computer Application and System Modeling (ICCASM 2010)

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