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Exam 2 (Take home part) - November 22nd , 2019 MATH 620

Instructor: Drew Lazar BSU, Fall 2019

Name: Score: / 30 =
Show work for full credit. Neatness counts; -1 for illegible or unmarked
work. Box in final answers.

Problem Points Score

1 7
2 9
3 9
4 5
Total: 30
#1) (7 pts.) Let X and Y be the number of orders at a certain electronics parts web
site between 9-10 am and 10-11 am, respectively. At least one part is ordered every day
between 9-10 am and at least two parts are ordered between 10-11 am every day. The
joint pmf of X and Y is
 y−2  y+1 "  y+1 #x−1
2 3 1 1
f (x, y) = 1−
5 5 3 3

for x = 1, 2, 3, . . . and y = 2, 3, 4, . . ..


a. The probability that there will be two orders between 10 and 11 am, fY (2).

b. The conditional pmf of X given Y = 2, g(x|2).

c. The expected value of X given Y = 2, µX|2 and the conditional variance of X

given Y = 2, σX|Y =2
#2) (9 pts.) Let X, Y have the joint pdf

f (x, y) = 24y(1 − x − y)

for 0 < x < 1, 0 < y < 1, 0 < x + y < 1.

a. Draw the support of X and Y .

b. Find fX (x), fY (y).

c. Find σXY and find ρ.

d. Find the least squares regression line (lsrl) and write in slope-intercept form
y = a + bx. Draw your lsrl on the graph of the support.

e. Find P (Y < X)
#3) (9 pts.) A car dealer sells X cars each day and always tries to sell an extended
warranty on each of these cars. Let Y be the number of extended warranties sold; then
Y ≤ X. The joint pmf of X and Y is given by

f (x, y) = c(x + 2)(4 − x)(y + 1)(3 − y), x = 0, 1, 2, 3, y = 0, 1, 2, with y ≤ x.

a) Find the value of c.

b) Sketch the support of X and Y .

c) Record the marginal pmfs fX (x) and fY (y) in the “margins”.

d) Compute µX , µY , σX and σY2 .

e) Compute Cov(X, Y ) and ρ.

f) Find the lsrl as y = ax + b and draw it on the sketch of your support. Give a and
b to the fourth decimal.

g) Predict the number of extended warranties sold if two cars are sold in day.
#4) (5 pts.) Let T1 and T2 be random times for a company to complete two steps in
a certain process. Say T1 and T2 are measured in days and they have joint pdf that is
uniform over the space

1 < t1 < 10, 2 < t2 < 6, t1 + 2t2 < 14.

What is P (T1 + T2 > 10)?

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