Marwa Marwan Abdulrahma1

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Marwa Marwan Abdulrahman

Medical Analysis

2nd stage

Smoking Argila/ Shisha habit among 1st and 2nd stage students

Like most people, you already know that smoking is bad for your health. But do you really
understand just how dangerous smoking really is? Tobacco contains nicotine, a highly addictive
drug that makes it difficult for smokers to kick the habit. Tobacco products also contain many
poisonous and harmful substances that cause disease and premature death. Did you know that out
of a group of 1000 smokers (age 30), that a full quarter of them (250!) will die of smoking-
related illnesses prior to completing middle age, an additional quarter will die prematurely from
smoking-related illnesses shortly after retirement age, and another large group will develop
debilitating chronic illnesses as a result of their smoking? Most people don't know the odds of
getting sick as a result of smoking are really that bad, but when you do the numbers, that is how
they come out. For many people, truly understanding the very real dangers associated with
smoking becomes the motivating factor that helps them to quit.

Although it can be a very difficult habit to break, smoking is ultimately a choice; it is your
responsibility to choose whether or not you will continue to smoke. This article provides a brief
synopsis of the risks associated with smoking; an overview of nicotine addiction, including why
it is so difficult to give up smoking; and an outline of the advantages and disadvantages of
quiting. Once you have decided to quit, you will benefit from the information in this article about
the physiological, psychological, and behavioral aspects of nicotine addiction; the different
methods available to help you quit; and the steps you can take to make the process easier.
Learning about and understanding the many facets of the smoking habit can put you on the right
track to successful smoking cessation.

The Aim
The aim of this is to raise awareness towards this subject. Since its widely spread now, people
have normalized it. Neglecting how bad it is for the health of ourselves and also our
surroundings. I will be mentioning the basic and most important knowledge that needs to be
The Questionaries
The questions I had to ask was online. Setting questions with polls on social media, and emails to
my friends to discuss this topic and ask them questions. The first questions I asked to Shisha
smokers was, where you uner or above 18 when you first started?

The total of people I had were 60, 25 girls and 35 boys. 65 % of the boys said under 18 and 35%
were above 18. The 30% of girls were under 18 and the 70% were above 18.

The second question I asked was, do your parents know? The answers were for boys was yes
they did but after I had turned 18. And almost all girls answered with no my parents did not even
after turning 18.

The third and last question was, Why aren’t you quiting since you know its bad for your health
and surrounding? I had different answers. Someone said that he would use it as a way to let out
all the negative energy he has inside through smoking. Others said that its fun and can be seen as
Soda or any soft drink to them when they are gathering around friends. As I understood that they
all agreed to one point which is, Shisha gives them a comfort feeling.

From the questionaries I did among 1 st and 2nd stagers, its mostly their parents fault. They give
the permission for boys to do because they think its inappropriate for girls. Girls wouldn’t let
their parents know about it because they are too scared from their reactions. The differences that
is made between genders has a huge impact. Almost all of them was talking about dealing with
stress. Of course for not being educated about the health damage of smoking helped the rise of
youth to smoke more. Smoking shisha is associated with three main detrimental health effects:
cardiovascular damage, infection and cancer . Much of the morbidity and mortality associated
with shisha smoking can be attributed to impairment of the cardiovascular system. It is important
to note that in some studies studying the effects of shisha smoking, regular cigarette smokers
were not excluded. Therefore, the results observed may have been due to a combined biological
effect of both cigarette and shisha smoke. Young people in our sample were more likely to
smoke if family or friends smoked and if smoking was allowed in the home, and generally found
it easy to access cigarettes. Smoking was more common among privately educated students and
among those who were not Muslim. Most smokers wanted to quit. As a result of anecdotal
reports during the piloting of our study, we also uncovered significant experimentation with
shisha smoking, for which the gender gap in prevalence was much less marked than for cigarette,
cigar or pipe smoking. Smoking was also most common in the older boys, but tended to be
higher in younger girls than older girls. Shisha smoking provides almost the same amount of
nicotine to users as cigarettes do therefore nicotine addiction is an unsurprising consequence.
The nicotine also stimulates adrenaline production thereby raising blood pressure, making the
heart work harder and increasing the risk of heart attack or stroke. Unlike cigarettes, shisha is
burnt using charcoal or wood cinders so users can also be exposed to incredibly high levels of
carbon monoxide gas. This level of carbon monoxide in the tobacco smoke reduces the oxygen-
carrying capacity of the user’s blood so their heart must pump harder to supply the body with
sufficient oxygen. Knowing all of these risks and yet they still did not care and some are actually
still trying to stop.

In conclusion, the gender differences that our parents generations is one of the main reasons why
their kids still smoke. Younger girls and boys are willing to try everything no matter what it was,
and they can be very difficult to deal with. Beside all the health risks, smoking is a way to
release their stress and a way to entertainment since it has many flavors unlike ciggaretes. Also,
some them would take it as a sign to seeming like they are older or more risk takers. The older
ages I had asked are more willing to quit and change that habit.

I would personally prefer more campaigns and awareness in the within the smaller generations so
that they don’t grow up wanting it. It is okay to try new things, but sticking to it as a habit is very
dangerous. Not just our generation, but the older generation with kids too need to be aware of
this topic. They need to comfort their kids to seek them first not smoking. To show them healthy
lifestyles to deal with stress. Its beter if parents don’t smoke around kids, and to seek their helath

 Males are more likely to smoke under 18
 Females who smoke are more likely to not telling their parents
 Shisha smoking provides almost the same amount of nicotine to users as cigarettes do
therefore nicotine addiction is an unsurprising consequence.
 Smoking shisha is associated with three main detrimental health effects: cardiovascular
damage, infection and cancer .
 Shisha is burnt using charcoal or wood cinders so users can also be exposed to incredibly
high levels of carbon monoxide gas.
 Much of the morbidity and mortality associated with shisha smoking can be attributed to
impairment of the cardiovascular system

Thank you

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