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Umar Amin
Reg No:
Thermodynamics 2 Lab
Submitted To:
Muhammad Zia ul Haq
Assignment # 01
Question # 01: Why we use intercooler for multistage compressor

Ans: Intercooler:
“An intercooler is a mechanical device used to cool a gas after

Compressing a gas increases its internal energy which in turn raises its temperature
and reduces its density. An intercooler typically takes the form of a heat exchanger that
removes waste heat in a gas compressor.
By use of intercooler we are decreasing the temperature of air coming from the
first stage of 2 stage compressor. The reason for using intercooler are as follows;
1. By cooling the density of air increases and therefore its volume decreases
as mass =volume*density ,here mass is the next stage size of cylinder
2. As the volume of air decreases so work done =p*v in compressing the air is
reduced, thus the power can be saved
3. Prevents mechanical problems as the air temperature is controlled
4. Volumetric efficiency is increased because as the pressure is distributed
between the 2 stage so less air will be present in clearance volume, so as the
piston goes down the atmospheric pressure is reached quicker and more
amount of air can be sucked in that cylinder.
5. Due to less temperature suction and discharge valve in cleaner, without
being called with carbonized oil.
6. it can avoid a danger of an explosion take place in compressor cylinder
7. It allows good lubrication of the compressor piston
8. It also enables to deal with a greater weight of air for the same energy

Question # 02: Why are used in compressors

Ans: The intercooler is not used for various reasons such as:
1. The intercooler is not used where compression of the gas causes the
elevation of the temperature
2. The intercooler is not used where risk of explosion is minimum.
3. The intercooler is not used for small scale gas compression with small
elevation in temperature.
4. Operating with dirty intercooler increases the risk of higher air temperature
and reduce air density during compression. This can result in reduced
turndown and cause pressure to rise to surge negatively effecting both
efficiency and the capacity.

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