Name: Hussain Ali Registration NO.: 2018-CH-237 Section: A Subject: Thermodynamics Lab Submitted To: Mr. Zia-ul-Haqq

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Name: Hussain Ali

Registration NO.: 2018-CH-237

Section: A
Subject: Thermodynamics Lab
Submitted To: Mr. Zia-ul-Haqq
Assignment No. # 01
Q#01. Why we use intercooler for multistage compressor system?
Ans. Intercooler:
“Intercooler is simple heat exchanger in which heat is removed from the air after

• Cooling water passes through the tubes and air is circulated over the tubes through a
system of baffles.
• Intercooler is mounted horizontally between the cylinders.
• The air after compression, in the first stage passes through intercooler where it is cooled
to initial suction temperature.
• Then air is passed through higher pressure cylinder and compressed.
• By using intercooler, the saving of work input up to 20% can be saved.

Use in Multistage Compressors:

• Better lubrication due to low temperature.
• Saving of work input is up to 20% can be achieved.
• It reduces the cost of compression.
• The low-pressure cylinder may be lighter.
• It reduces the leakage loss

Figure 1: Intercooler Working

Q#02. Why we do not use intercooler for multistage compressor system?
Ans. The intercooler is not used for various reasons such as:
• The intercooler is not used where compression of the gas causes the elevation of the
• The intercooler is not used where risk of explosion is minimum.
• The intercooler is not used for small scale gas compression with small elevation in
• Operating with dirty intercooler increases the risk of higher air temperature and reduce
air density during compression. This can result in reduced turndown and cause
pressure to rise to surge negatively effecting both efficiency and the capacity.

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