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Agricultural Systems and Food Security

Professor: Dr. Saltanat Mambetova

Student: Zubair Khan, Khudonazar Imomyorbekov, Adnan Ali
Assignment: Debate Reflection, Assignment 04

Conventional Farming:
Conventional farming is still one of the most practiced farming methods because of its
benefits to the producers and consumers, including availability and price. But with hype going
around about replacing conventional with organic farming, it is very essential to look at the
benefits of conventional farming and see if its feasible time for transition or not.
According to farmers who practice conventional farming, one of its benefits is the cheaper costs
of using this method. Unlike organic farmers who use compost and animal manure which are
expensive to ship or make, conventional farmers can use synthetic chemical fertilizers and
sewage sludge that are cheaper. Also, they can also make use of a larger area of land to plant
their crops and thus, can sell higher when the demand is also at its peak. Organic farmers cannot
do this but instead, apply crop rotation. Also, with the choice of farmlands to grow their crops,
they can produce at lower costs and gain a higher profit, making conventional farming a lucrative
Since production costs of conventional farming are low, farmers will be able to produce more
crops and as a result, meet the growing demand for food supply. With the effects of global
warming which include natural calamities, drought and the like, food production becomes low.
With the capability of this method to produce larger quantities of food as opposed to organic
farming, more farmers use this method.
Because of low production costs, conventional farmers can mass-produce their crops and sell
them to consumers at lower prices. As an effect, there will be more choices for the buying public
because competitors will also be urged to lower their prices to be competitive. This becomes a
win-win situation for both farmers and consumers.
In short, we cannot simply say that conventional is bad and organic is moral, eco-friendly and all
good method. Both have their own disadvantages, but it is the conventional farming that has the
capacity to sustain world’s food security. Yet we cannot deny the fact that this method has
always the room for improvement and betterment.

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