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"Through self-discipline we shall harness all our energies, so that our power, spreading over the

length and breadth of this Land will develop its resources, advance its culture, secure social justice, give
puissance to the Nation, and insure happiness and contentment for all the people, under the aegis of
liberty and peace." A famous quotation by the former President of the Philippines Manuel L. Quezon,
who gives an important and relevant note to all Filipinos to achieve greatness and prosperity to his
country, the Philippines. In todays generation, we see some citizens that show lack of discipline and
moral values to themselves. They do not care about the others; they only think of is themselves and their
own opinion and perspective that causes toxic mentalities that will be passed to generations to
generations. This kind of mentality that intact to the minds of the citizens of the Philippines must be stop
in order for the development and progress of all aspects of the society. We can say that the Philippine
government have heard this kind of issues thus we see an enormous effort to erase and enlighten their
mind to be a good model as a Filipino in the Philippines.
For national moral recovery, the Department of Education, Culture and Sports introduced the
DECS Values Education Program in 1998 emphasizing social reform through the inner transformation of
the individual. That was in support of President Corazon Aquino’s 1988 Moral Recovery Program. The
DECS Values Education Program had as its centerpiece the offering of Values Education as a subject in
all Grade levels the same subject is offered in the K to 12 Curriculum with a new name “Edukasyon sa
Preamble of the 1987 Philippine Constitution We, the sovereign Filipino people, imploring the
aid of Almighty God, in order to build a just and humane society and establish a Government that shall
embody our ideals and aspirations, promote the common good, conserve and develop our patrimony, and
secure to ourselves and our posterity the blessings of independence and democracy under the rule of law
and a regime of truth, justice, freedom, love, equality, and peace, do ordain and promulgate this
The Enhance Basic Education Act of 2013 (R.A. 10533) states that the K to 12 Curriculum (that
includes EsP) is developed based on the principle of spiral progression. The use of spiral progression
means basic concepts, big ideas, and important tasks are revisited in every grade level in an ever-
deepening inquiry and increasingly complexity through engaging problems and applications. The
outcome of EsP teaching is a student who grows in his pagkataong etikal pag unawa, pagninilay nilay,
pagsang guni, pagpapasya at pagkilos and a kabataang makikibahagi sa pagtatayo ng pamayanang
pinairal ang katotohanan, kalayaan, katarungan at pagmamahal.
The Department of Education in the Philippines have made an order to teach the students from
grade 1 to grade 10 of the K to 12 Basic education program:
“DepEd Order No. 31 s. 2012 entitled, Policy Guidelines on the Implementation of Grades 1 to
10 of the K to 12 Basic Education Program (BEP) effective school year 2012-2013, provides details on
the time allotment per learning area across grade levels. Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao (EsP), one of the
learning areas, is taught thirty (30) minutes per day or one hundred fifty’ (150) minutes per week in the
elementary. In the Junior High School (JHS), it is taught two (2) hours per week or one (1) hour a day for
two (2) days per week”
In Tertiary education, there are still relevant minor subjects that also specialize the teachings of
values education such as Understanding the self and National Service Training Program. Values
education important even with the young and old minds in order to truly reflect to ourselves and to others
the moral values we have. Based on Proverbs 22:6 “Train up a child in the way he should go, even when
he is old, he will not depart from it.” We can be an excellent and a good role model in our society, we just
need to value our education and try to reflect it to ourselves in real life situations, and there will be one
day that we can truly achieve greatness for our country.

Charles Anthony L. Dela Cruz


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