Lesson 1: The Norms of Conduct For Public Officials and Employees A. Commitment To Public Interest

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How can you show your commitment to public interest?
As an individual and future civil servant, showing commitment to public interest is like
showing how you value, respect and love your work. First, when it comes to the usage of office
supplies; I must use office supplies efficiently and avoid wastage of it. Like for instance, if I can
recycle it, why not, to help minimize the government spending on supplies. Second, honesty is
the best policy, especially with the funds in the office. Government fund should be preserved and
be budgeted efficiently and will never be used in corruptions and for personal intentions. Even if
you borrow some funds for your personal consumption, it is considered as an indirect corruption
that might lead to serious corruption. Last, dedication to work is very important, organizing the
agenda and work for the day helps me to have smooth flow of output of whatever reports needed.
Some would say: “To change the ways of doings of others, you must first begin with yourself.”
Knowing and understanding this, commitment to public interest would be a great start if I want
to make an impact.

How can you become more professional? How can you improve the work you do in the office to
improve your service to the public?
as the SPMS can be analyzed to see if what improvements can be done. Benchmarking,
too can be helpful to see if there are good practices from another agency that can be
imitated and initiated in our own. The employees’ esprit d’ corps can be fostered through
teambuilding activities.
To improve individual output, I could participate in training relevant to my position to
equip myself with updated knowledge, skills and practices in my line of work.
I can become more professional by having a professional attitude. I will be cooperative
and supportive towards my supervisors and co-workers. I will not talk about them or gossip
behind their back. I will report to work early and stay until my time ends. For Filipinos, being
late and starting things late have always been part of our culture. Many Filipinos seems to either
practice it or accept it, so much that we’ve been given a term for it — Filipino Time. This is what
I don’t like about our culture because this will cause the stagnation of our country’s
development. Therefore, the best way for an individual like me to show professionalism or to
become more professional is to respect time and me, myself are very strict about it. There are so
many ways on showing professionalism but I believe this is the most important.
To improve my individual output, during this pandemic, since I could not participate in
trainings/seminar personally, because it is prohibited. There are lots of resources, particularly
online, that can help me to become more professional. If you look online, you’ll easily find
guides that cover the area of professionalism relevant to my position to equip myself with
updated knowledge, skills and practices in my line of work. Also, I could participate in online
seminars through webinars. I believe that, if you’re passionate about your job and truly want to
improve the quality of your work and help out the public, stay as focused as possible on the tasks
at hand.
How can you put into practice political neutrality?
As a future civil servant, I need to act and perform my duties in a political neutral
manner. One way of putting it into practice is by not siding or discriminating against any parties.
Yes, I have my own political views, I am free to say whatever I wish, but I think I should be very
careful of what will I say. I will not involve myself directly and indirectly in a conflict between
two or more competing groups/parties. When the time comes, that I will work for the
government, I will make sure that I will entertain every Filipino people that needs my service
despite his/her political views. Because what’s important is serving the government and people
not the few people. Government is for all the people. Not for a certain political party.


Can you recall an experience when your honesty was tested? Or when you became a victim of
Since I was a fresh graduate, I don’t have many experience in work, I can share only
experiences during my college days. During that time, I was tested by temptation. I have gone
through a lot of things and mistakes. I admit that there were several times that I didn’t study for a
certain exam and I had no choice but to cheat or else I will fail. My seatmates were willing to
share some of their answers to me but I refused to accept it because I know that I needed to do it
by myself. For me, that was honesty, and I’m proud of myself that time even though I failed the
1. What can you conclude from your story or experience?
What I learned about the experience is I can lie to other people, but I can never truly lie to
myself. Being honest starts within yourself and that I should know first what things are good.  I
should have adequate knowledge and resistance to temptation to prevent myself from engaging
in dishonest practices. 
2. What can you say about honesty? About being just and sincere?
Honesty for me is not just a one-time thing. It is incorporated it to one’s life. There are many
temptations in the world. There are many instances wherein my honesty and integrity can be
tested. Honesty is a very good virtue that every person should follow. This principle is vital on
the formation of our integrity as civil servants.
When it comes to justness and sincerity, it boils down to respecting one another regardless
of one’s standing in life. It is giving everybody equal opportunities to something.
3. How can you show justness and sincerity in the performance of your work?
All of us were victims of dishonesty. Thousands or even millions of pesos were stolen from
the national funds of corrupt government officials and employees. In a workplace, by simply
stating the correct amount or giving the money where it is due, is a simple form of justness and
sincerity to public service. Most importantly, it is honesty. I can also show honesty and integrity
to public service by taking positive measures against graft and corruption. Like for instance, not
accepting food or any gift from a client because of the help that I extended to him/her. I will
decline the offer because it is my job to give a quality service and I should not be paid because
of that.


Many would say “If you want to change the ways of doings of others, you must start
with yourself”, and understanding this norm, commitment to public interest, would be a very
good start for the change for the better nation
Many would say “If you want to change the ways of doings of others, you must start
with yourself”, and understanding this norm, commitment to public interest, would be a very
good start for the change for the better nation

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