Chapter 1

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1.1 Background of the Project

Renewable energy scenarios are more complicated to model than fossil and nuclear
energy-based scenarios. This is because the efficiency of renewable energy devices
mainly depends on the other medium. Where system performance relies on its
preceding performance [1]. The other obstacle is the substantial amounts of energy
storage required to cope with the remain of active of renewable sources such as
ocean, wind, and solar energy [2].

Ocean wave power generation has become popular, as it is relevant,

consistent, and highly available in compared with other regular renewable energy
resources. Ocean waves also an immense, largely untapped resource of energy and
there is considerable potential to extract energy from ocean waves [3] When wind
passes over water, waves are created. The faster the velocity of the wind, the greater
the wind lasts, the greater the distance the wind passes, the greater the height of the
wave and the greater the energy produced by waves [2].

Ocean wave energy engines exploit the kinetic and potential energy found in
the normal oscillations of ocean and sea waves to turn them into electricity. Figure 1.1
indicates several methods that exist for utilizing the source of energy from the ocean
wave [3].
Figure 1.1: Types of waves generator [4]

1.2 Problem Statement

On the other hand, non-renewable energy also has some major drawbacks including
greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution, mining depletion, millions of tons of waste
production, and hazardous material pollution.

It cannot be denied that after combustion coal leaves toxic by-products behind.
Such by-products cause a significant amount of emissions and lead to global warming.
The rising carbon emissions from coal fired power plants have resulted in more global
warming resulting in climate change.

Besides that, coal mining not only contributes to habitat and landscape
degradation, it also displaces people. Many people are displaced in large numbers
where coal is heavily mined. It leading to the pitting of the earth caused by
underground mining. Places close to coal mines are dangerous for living things, as the
ground could cave in any moment.

Thermal plants such as plants fired with coal release toxic substances to the
atmosphere. Mercury, sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide, mercury, selenium, and
arsenic are among others. Such toxic compounds cause not only water pollution but
are also very harmful to health.
1.3 Objectives of the Project

The objectives of this project are:

I. To develop and stimulate the development of new devices for potential

use in the energy industry.
II. To test the performance of Wave Energy Converter.
III. To analyze the effectiveness of Wave Energy Converter.

1.4 Significance of the Project

The goal of this project is to create electric generation that clean without polluting our
air. This project also is to utilize a wave energy conversion from wave energy and
produce a corresponding amount of power that would be required from a conversion
generator for small wave energy.

1.5 Scopes and Limitations of the Project

This project is a conversion device with a semi submerged chamber, keeping a

trapped air pocket above a column of water that convert wave energy to electrical
energy. Also, this project should achieve to generates power as planned which is up
to 20 watts. The limitation for this project is Difficulties of having suitable material.

1.6 Chapter Summary

This chapter discussed the introduction of the project. This chapter introduces the
project background, problem statement, objectives of the project, scope of project and

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