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United Church of Christ in the Philippines

Nasugbu Christian Faith Academy, Inc.

San Roque St., Nasugbu, Batangas

Midterm Examination in Applied 1

(English for Academic and Professional Purposes)

“Cheating is easy… Try something more challenging… like being honest.”

Name: _____________________________________________________ Date: ____________

Grade/Section: ______________________________________________ Score: ___________

I. Direction: Identify the following.

________________1. It is often a point you want to argue or support in an essay

________________2. It is often placed in the introductory paragraph of an essay
________________3. It is a claim that could be argued
________________4. It is the main idea of an essay
________________5. This explains to a reader the main idea of the essay, and the writer’s opinion on that

II. Direction: Revise the following phrases/sentences to make a good thesis statement.
NOTE: May add words or ideas to make each thesis statements arguable.

6. Hemingway's war stories are very good.

7. The Columbus Cavaliers have trouble at the

defensive end and line-backer positions, and
front- office tensions don't help, but the team
should be able to make the play-offs.

8. The world is in a terrible mess.

9. People are too selfish.

10. Crime must be stopped.

11. The two films are different. One focuses on

two women who are close friends and the other
focuses on two male friends who are really just

12. Detective stories are not a high form of

literature, but people have always been
fascinated by them, and many fine writers have
experimented with them.
13. Inflation and Old Age

14. The Fad of Divorce

15. This paper will attempt to tell you

something about the emotions I felt on viewing
the Grand Canyon.

III. Direction: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

A. Choose the best revision for each thesis statement.

16. “The Raven” is a dark and morose poem that leaves the audience feeling depressed by the last stanza.
Poe succeeds in creating that effect in “The Raven” through use of repetition and adds to it through contrast of
religious Christian and Greek mythological references.
A. E.A. Poe uses repetition and contrasting religious symbolism to create the dark and morose feeling of
“The Raven.”
B. Through the use of droning alliteration and assonance, Poe creates a dark and morose feeling in “The
Raven”; Poe enhances this feeling by employing both Christian and Greek religious symbolism.
C. E.A. Poe’s “The Raven” conveys dark, morose, and depressing feelings because of the repetition of
sounds and the contrasting Christian and Greek symbols of death and the afterlife.

17. Alexander Hamilton appeals to the logic of the Americans reading this text.
A. Alexander Hamilton appeals to the logic of his audience by relying on well-chosen diction and syntax.
B. By employing well-chosen diction and syntax, Alexander Hamilton appeals to his audience’s sense of
C. In “The Federalist #1,” Alexander Hamilton appeals to his audience’s sense of logic through his use of
powerful diction and clear syntax.

18. While describing her feelings for her husband in this poem, Anne Bradstreet uses many symbols to get her
point of the love for her husband across to the reader.
A. In “To My Dear and Loving Husband,” Anne Bradstreet uses several symbols, including “gold” and
“rivers,” to convey her feelings of love.
B. Anne Bradstreet invokes her feelings of love in “To My Dear and Loving Husband” because of her
effective use of symbols, including “gold” and “rivers.”
C. In the poem “To My Dear and Loving Husband,” Anne Bradstreet accomplishes her main goal of
expressing her love for her husband by effectively using the symbols of “gold” and “rivers.”

B. Select one sentence that you think would make more effective thesis in the introductory paragraph
of a short essay.
19. (a) The Hunger Games is a science fiction adventure film based on the novel of the same name by
Suzanne Collins.
(b) The Hunger Games is a morality tale about the dangers of a political system that is dominated
by the wealthy.

20. (a) There is no question that cell phones have changed our lives in a very big way.
(b) While cell phones provide freedom and mobility, they can also become a leash, compelling
users to answer them anywhere and at any time.

21. (a) Finding a job is never easy, but it can be especially hard when the economy is still feeling the
effects of a recession and employers are reluctant to hire new workers.
(b) College students looking for part-time work should begin their search by taking advantage of
job-finding resources on campus.

22. (a) For the past three decades, coconut oil has been unjustly criticized as an artery-clogging
saturated fat.
(b) Cooking oil is plant, animal, or synthetic fat that is used in frying, baking, and other types of

23. (a) There are several steps that teachers can take to encourage academic integrity and curtail
cheating in their classes.
(b) There is an epidemic of cheating in America's schools and colleges, and there are no easy
solutions to this problem.

24. (a) The iPad has revolutionized the mobile-computing landscape and created a huge profit stream
for Apple.
(b) The iPad, with its relatively large high-definition screen, has helped to revitalize the comic book

25. (a) Like other addictive behaviours, Internet addiction may have serious negative consequences,
including academic failure, job loss, and a breakdown in personal relationships.
(b) Drug and alcohol addiction is a major problem in the world today, and many people suffer from it.

IV. Directions: Write T if the sentence is a thesis statement, and NT if it is not. Write your answer on the space
before each number.

____26. I want to tell you about the many defects in the administration's proposals for restructuring the Social
Security program.
____27. Al Capone, the Chicago gang leader, was nicknamed "Scarface."
____28. Justice delayed is justice denied.
____29. My thesis asks whether affirmative action programs are just a new form of racism.
____30. It's not only poor people who get government handouts.
____31. How to Grow Prize-Winning Roses.
____32. This paper will examine recent proposals to reinstate the death penalty.
____33. Chef Nina is a terrible cook.
____34. My husband cooks all the meals for our family.
____35. Christmas shopping shows that the law of the jungle is still with us.

V. Direction: Enumerate the following.

Things to Consider when Writing a Thesis Statement

PART II. Write a critique/review of the movie, “The How’s of Us”.


Prepared by: Checked by:


Subject Teacher Principal

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