Company Articles 1

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Company Articles 1

By Jagadish

Amravati capital is identified as infusion of capital into district by north Indians and foreigners

Amravati is going concern concept-based capital city

A capital is known through infusion of demand

Demand for capital is determined by progress of city or district

Capital infusion is decided by outsiders to see growth of state government

Capital infusion is pulse of state to determine wealth of state

Wealth of state is usually one which has maximum infusion of capital from outside the state to inside

Infusion of capital is construction of financial institutions

Financial institutions run the state government

State government should never run out of finance when it needs capital to run districts

Hence capital of state is one which doesn’t run out of capital

In times of crisis of the state the outsiders of state infuse capital where they prefer

Chief minister has to identify where the capital flow is not stopping even during crisis

This crisis is usually handled by the city hence that city is called capital city

It is attachment to capital city is called capital of the state and not detachment

Hence Amravati city if doesn’t come under attachment of the state finance would never be flown in

Finance is flown in even during crisis of state is one which is attached to both outside and inside public

Attachment to capital city is infusion of finance and knowledge of it is fought for by outsiders

This outsider's knowledge is to be sought out for by the chief minister and determined capital of state

This attachment to city by outsiders and by insiders determine capital city as it is continuation of money
Thought of the day

Attachment to capital city by outsiders' insiders is knowledge flow and financial flow of state in crisis


Telangana formation is unethical formation under KCR leadership, joining state is only way left

Telangana mother tongue is Urdu not Telegu

Telangana formation is nizam Telangana

Employment loss of Telangana public is incompetency

Andhra IAS is superior than Telangana IAS

Chennai was comfortable and faster in decisions when it came to Andhra IAS

When it came to Telangana IAS Chennai decisions are slow

Maoists took into consideration lost students party as base to fight Telangana issue

Those students who lost election are integral part of Maoist movement

Telangana university works for all under democracy and not alone

State cant be separated out on issues without negotiation

Language based states are not to be accepted as jobs are not in plenty

Constitution doesn’t give you rights to separation on small issues to show manliness

You can't keep public without mobility as it harms agricultural output, you have to provide transfers

Knowledge of state is knowledge of country and should be shared, you cant be backward

You can't teach public to be loyal to state language, you should adopt flexibility to promote democracy

You can't restrict knowledge to entrepreneurship to only specific state, you should expand to joint stock

You can't act like dictator as it would end up only in civil wars because of suffocation in decision making
You can't create districts in plentiful destroying salaries of public asking them to leave restricting them

Also, again through state education twin blade destruction of state and cities for public to live

Thought of the day

For further knowledge of Telangana formation read

Battle ground Telangana English from kobo books


Operating system work is to generate biographies of public in the form of letter of correspondence

Constant interaction with the public to find out their ethical code of conduct

Constant interaction with the public to find out their requirements

Constant interaction with the public to find out their tourism packages to solve

Constant interaction with the public to observe their daily routine affairs

Constant interaction with the public to find out face in the crowd

Constant interaction with the public to find out the taste buds and knowledge

Constant interaction with the public to assign away biographers to draft CEOs headlines

Constant interaction with the public to generate news for the media to know country

Constant interaction with the public to find out evil forces in the society to be removed

Constant interaction with the public to find out the industries position in the world scenario

Constant interaction with the public to find out the pulse of the state government functions

Constant interaction with the public to find out the role of parties to see developments in constituency
Etc etc etc

Thought of the day

Workload of operating system is to correct the system of market place and space to see public success


Why rich class community is needed in the society but should be less to keep knowledge intact

Knowledge should never ever be versatile but should be fixed for everyone to understand

Knowledge should never ever have confusion in the minds of people and be fixed

Knowledge should be easily be appreciated so that people can follow it easily

Knowledge should be industry friendly hence anyone can grasp it without tension

Knowledge should be easily available so that it can be taught easily and groomed up forward

Knowledge should be easily digestible so that people can do PhD and progress so that rich class created

Knowledge should be easily available in bookstores so that insomnia can be removed from society

Knowledge should be easily replicated so that people can sleep peacefully during pandemic time also

Knowledge should be easily be collaborated with so that nobody is left behind in world of poverty

Knowledge should reside with those people whom people have trust so as to give confidence in decision

Thought of the day

knowledge which is not confusion but way to replicate strategy for public benefit is promoted

Decisions are to be made in such a manner that biography can be drafted on the characters involved

World is biography

People are biographers writing biography

Students are future CEOs to be got bonanza of biography

Country is treasure of face in the crown of biography

Family is source of knowledge of personal biographies

Companies are drafted biographies to learn from failure to success

Industries create marriages and give knowledge for families to be intact

Hospital are a source of knowledge application of books treasure

Encyclopedias are a way of life to do PhD to extend biographies of public life

Relatives are source of family set ups of Hindu undivided family biography of kartas in each generation

Utilities are source of biography of existing generation usage to get wealth for society to sustain

Science biographies depict the usage of mineral deposits for public to get into manipulators

Spiritual biography depicts the inner core strength of lifestyle of world geography

Fictional writing depicts nonfiction in the form of character biography to play cat and mouse in minds

Thought of the day

Biographies give knowledge for world to see how one is kept intact in society full of evil practices

Marriage between male and female happens when they know society evil and good forces

Male and female are wise if they don’t put each other in peril

Male and female are wise if they know what society is offering them as husband-and-wife combination

Male and female are wise if they know what society rules and regulations are

Male and female are wise if they know what books society asked them to read

Male and female are wise to know what situations society has asked them to encounter to be alive

Male and female are wise to know how to spend 24 hours intellectually

Male and female are wise to know what society has asked their children to work for

Male and female are wise to follow society rules to be intact for fear of families being scared

Male and female are wise if they are following other society members to share with society

Male and female are wise if they know why people are asked to have followers to know decisions

Male and female are wise if they are told by society what to follow and what not to follow

Male and female are wise to follow society as they are the once who come handy when separated

Male and female are wise to know tricky situations of life and best way to learn is internet

Male and female are wise if they have protection of the society and watched by them

Male and female are wise if they protection of elders and society acceptance instead of hatred

Male and female are wise if they are given rules and knowledge by intellectuals as friends

Thought of the day

Society if is favorable male and female can fight protecting child from evil otherwise rough roads

If you want to be rich in society with entrepreneurship never ever be knowledgeable

If you become rich in this world your biography is drafted not knowing your fears for it

If you become rich in this world your intelligence quotient is tested upon unknowingly

If you become rich in this world your smartness in answering questions is snatched away

If you become rich in this world your followers would always scrutinize your life

If you become rich in this world your entire lifestyle is copy pasted and criticized thousand times

If you become rich in this world your privacy is gone forever

Hence to be rich you have to do sacrifices

Over and above it if you prove yourself knowledgeable

You are picked up by negative forces under blackmail

Those who win cases regularly without losing are always have to be middle class

Those who win and lose cases can think of being rich

It is art of losing which gives you protection to be rich

It is so because opposite party who scrutinizes you don’t know what your swot is

He has to guess and guessing is not knowledge of you, it is only fluke business hence savior of yours

So being stupid in knowledge apart from knowledge less is protection of self

Those who have advanced knowledge like Abdul kalam needs protection of being president of India

Ordinary people who are not knowledgeable don’t need protection and can move freely

If you don’t have fear of being in limelight of biography sketch map can become rich

But you must never ever be highly knowledgeable else kidnap, death is imminent or self-fear of your
own Would eat away braincells of your keeping you poor and never rich

Hence to be rich you should never fear anything

Fear is main cause of keeping you away from being rich

The more you know society fear would creep in because of your awareness

Over and above if you have remembrance power as asset you are likely to be picked up

If it is positive you are saved, if people are negative you are dead at any time

Being stupid, having fear of knowledge, being idiot

Opportunities of self-fear is removed giving you scope to be rich

Else being healthy ,l knowledgeable , smart thinking can lead you to middle class if you take yourself


Thought of the day

Never ever have fear because of knowledge, if you do never ever be rich, you would fear twice

leading you to demise or suicide not able to handle self


How much knowledge one person should have to be wise but not foolish in world of business set up

Entrepreneur should get his work done through others

Employees must be more knowledgeable than employer

Employees must think that they can set up business better than employer

Stake holders should praise bravery of entrepreneur but not on strength of knowledge
Books should criticize the entrepreneur

Entrepreneur should be laughed at by negative forces

Entrepreneur must lose money faster than thought on social service

Entrepreneur must give himself scope to become middle class at any given point of time

Entrepreneur must be detached from money

Entrepreneur must be well-wisher of employees' welfare and lose money for them

Entrepreneur continuation of finance of being rich must never ever have tinges of intelligence

Entrepreneur must be hard working but not smart to work for only 3 hours per day to generate wealth

Entrepreneur must take up those tasks where scope to become pauper is available

Thought of the day

Knowledgeable people are middle class, stupid's are rich because wisdom is fear of self-kills' people


If you are doubtful about company policies and funding is to be done sponsorship is answer to it

Judge the company through second and third company

Judge the company through society norms rules and regulations

Judge the company through biography of employees

Judge the company through university writings

Judge the company through memorandum of association, prospectus and articles of association

Judge the company through knowledge sharing

Judge the company by giving it time to prove its authority and acceptance in the society

Judge the company through marriages happening and role of children of them to continue

Judge the company through social debtors

Judge the company through financial institutions funding and credit acceptance

Judge the company through socializing of employees

Judge the company through political interventions and biographical sketch

Judge the company through strength, weakness, opportunities, and threats

Judge the company through batches and its strength to stick to income earnings without tension

Judge the company through its friends and enemies before enrolling into society policies of earnings

Judge the company through political funding to decide its fate of authorized capital and sustenance

Judge the company through establishing the possibility of becoming rich in near future to continue

Thought of the day

Any company, any industry, any setup in the country which is new has to go through above norms


What to do when you are poverty stricken and live in cars as has happened in USA

Earnings = spending, what you earn in day, you spend everything by night to sleep

Savings = food, what you save by night, you eat food in night once per day moonlight

Investments = clothing, learn knitting, learn stitching, learn tailoring, what you save in week

Knowledge = shelter, laptop knowledge of torrents give income to stay in villages 1km from city walk

Organized retail stores = wealth, closer to them is health, purchase through word-of-mouth jobs

Word of mouth jobs = websites, office assistant, MS office, ERP, reading books, introvert, speeches
Relatives = sharing profits, you give 1 dollar to them, they invest in bonds, you get food, they get income

Sharing wealth, invest in bonds, share money, share house through tent house, live in village near city

Bond needs minimum amount , you can invest money through margins by collaborating with

venture capitalist

Gold smith



Knowledge provider

Company employee

Advertisement agency

Job giver consultant

Pension provider

Thought of the day

Collaboration , mutual funds, bonds market mutual fund, venture capitalism , companies , public


Bonds market mutual fund creation for poor people who want cash to stay in domitories

Pooling up money of poor people 5 dollars per day

Add it to fund of say 2 lakhs lump sum

Invest money in the bonds market for 50 years duration

stay in dormitory in return

Quadrapulate the bond market through reinvestment strategy by the company paying nothing to poor

Whatever the bond earns interest on principal is retained by the company

How to get 5 dollars per day to pay to the company for fund to grow

Multi level marketing by increasing the number of players in the poor section just like life insurance

Somebody would pay 5 dollars every day

Somebody would spend 5 dollars to invest

Make the pool large

Never ever company is paying them interest

Interest gets added to the principal

subsistence Food, clothing , shelter ,

Pay the poor nothing but free

Charges born by the company

one time food plenty through buffet

Thought of the day

Subsistence living lifestyle of poor, one-time food, one-time ablution, one-time sleep


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