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Guardian Protector ISFJ


This report has been
prepared exclusively for

Monique Cox

November 1, 2020

“There is much to be gained by appreciating differences, and much

to be lost by ignoring them or condemning them. But the first step
toward seeing others as distinct from yourself is to become better
acquainted with your own traits of character.”

- David Keirsey
Monique Cox

This report is designed to help you
understand yourself and how your
temperament shapes your career.

Understanding You and Your Career 5

Temperament and Talent Relationship
The Guardian (Logistical) Role at Work

Learn About Your Temperament in the Workplace 18

Being a Protector
7 Things About You
7 Things to Be Aware Of
7 Things You’re Good At

Choosing the Best Occupation 22

Your Ideal Work Environment
Tips to Help You Find the Right Workplace
Typical Jobs for Your Guardian Protector Personality

Learn About Guardian Leaders 32

Famous Guardian Protectors

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Monique Cox


Monique Cox

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Monique Cox

Understanding You and

Your Career

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Guardian Protector ISFJ

Monique Cox
Guardian Protector ISFJ

Your particular personality type, the Guardian Protector

(ISFJ), makes up just about 12-13% of the total population,
which is a good thing, as Protectors often are the hard-
working unsung heroes who get the background jobs done
that keep things working on an even keel.

40-45% of the population are Guardians

There are four types of Guardians (SJs): Supervisors, Inspectors, Providers,
and Protectors. These four personality types share several core characteristics.

Supervisor Inspector Provider Protector


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Temperament and Careers

In a world filled with unique individuals, when it comes to personality there are
only four different temperaments and sixteen types of people. Understanding
these personality types and mastering your own can be the keys to achieving
your goals.

This report is designed to help you understand how the needs and preferences
of your temperament shape your career development process. It includes a
list of occupations that match the typical work style shared by people of your

Artisan Guardian Idealist Rational

Promoter Supervisor Teacher Fieldmarshal


Crafter Inspector Counselor Mastermind


Performer Provider Champion Inventor


Composer Protector Healer Architect


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Temperament and Careers


45% All Guardians share

the following core

Guardians pride themselves on
1 being dependable, helpful, and
hard working.

Guardians tend to be both helpful and dutiful, with a

strong work ethic that can take them far. However, grand
rewards aren’t necessarily very important to Guardians. Guardians make loyal mates,
Instead, they tend to be humble types who are happy to 2 responsible parents, and
stabilizing leaders.
simply receive gratitude for a job well done. Guardians
are typically more cautious and deliberate than many
people are; this is not a temperament that jumps into
any personal or professional situation half-cocked. Their Guardians tend to be dutiful,
grounded approach to life can make Guardians loyal 3 cautious, humble, and focused on
credentials and traditions.
mates, responsible parents, and stabilizing leaders.
Indeed, this group can serve as the very cornerstone
of society. They tend to be concerned citizens who are
willing to join together with others around them. Perhaps Guardians are concerned citizens
this is because Guardians typically value the camaraderie 4 who trust authority, join groups,
seek security, prize gratitude, and
and security inherent in belonging to groups. As law-
dream of meting out justice.
abiding individuals who place trust in authority, Guardians
will often go out of their way to seek out justice.

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Temperament and Careers


The Four Temperaments

Artisan Guardian Idealist Rational

Optimistic Factual Imaginative Ingenious

Daring Cautious Romantic Calm
Adaptable Respectable Authentic Innovative
Excited Dependable Intuitive Logical
Impulsive Law-Abiding Relational Curious
Enticing Concerned Kindhearted Independent
Playful Steady Empathetic Pragmatic
Tactical Logistical Diplomatic Strategic

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Temperament and Careers


30% 15% 10%


are the temperament with a natural as a temperament, are passionately are the problem solving temperament,
ability to excel in any of the arts—not concerned with personal growth particularly if the problem has to do
only the fine arts such as painting and development. Idealists strive to with the many complex systems
and sculpting, or the performing arts discover who they are and how they that make up the world around us.
such as music, theater, and dance, can become their best possible self— Rationals might tackle problems in
but also the athletic, military, political, always this quest for self-knowledge organic systems such as plants and
mechanical, and industrial arts, as well and self-improvement drives their animals, in mechanical systems such
as the “art of the deal” in business. imagination. They want to help others as railroads and computers, or in social
make the journey as well. Idealists systems such as families, companies
are naturally drawn to working with and governments. Whatever systems
people, and whether in education fire their curiosity, Rationals will
or counseling, in social services or analyze them to understand how they
personnel work, in journalism or the work, so they can then figure out how
ministry, they are gifted at helping to make them work better.
others find their way in life, often
inspiring them to grow as individuals
and fulfill their potentials.

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Temperament and Talent Relationship

What is the and Intelligent Roles
Between Artisan
and Talent? Guardian

The four temperament styles match up Idealist
consistently with four general types of
intelligent roles: Tactical, Logistical,
Diplomatic, and Strategic. The four
connections between temperament and Rational
intelligent roles are as follows: STRATEGIC

Relative Strengths of
Intelligent Roles in Guardians

An individual’s innate type of intelligent role is

determined by temperament; however, the degree of
skill in that role is determined by practice. Leaders
who study temperament and talent can achieve higher
results and productivity by recognizing and developing

the natural talents of their team members. The best


policy for a leader of any temperament is to look for


the best intelligence and talent match and put it to

work where it is most effective.

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Temperament and Talent Relationship

Artisans are best when they can use their tactical skills that enable them to look at resources
available in the moment and make the most of them. They are unusually skilled in being able to
react quickly in emergencies. Artisans are most comfortable working in the moment without an
excess of constraints or red tape. Tacticians are valuable since they can quickly react to changes in


Guardians are at their best when they can use their logistical skills to ensure that the proper
equipment is in the proper place at the proper time. They are most comfortable when following
step-by-step procedures and fulfilling their place within the hierarchy. Guardians and their logistical
skills are valuable since if supplies are not available when needed or if critical procedures are not
followed, any company can run into difficulty.


Idealists do their best work when they can use their diplomatic skills to communicate with others.
They are particularly gifted in helping others perceive how valuable they are and how their gifts
can best be applied within a company’s workforce. With their ability to envision future possibilities
for people, they encourage all to learn new skills. They act as the oil that keeps teams working
harmoniously and efficiently together.


Rationals use their strategic skills in envisioning and setting long-term goals and milestones for
meeting objectives. For Rationals, everything is part of a system. Making things work is a matter of
understanding the strategic impact of each part of the system and manipulating them accordingly.
The rarest of all gifts, the ability to think in the long-term and create new possibilities is particularly
valuable in business.

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Monique Cox

How Your Temperament
Shapes Your Career
As a Guardian, you enjoy working as a valued member of a team, whether you are leading
it or following a credible leader. You like to work with people who carry their weight.
Intellectual or aesthetic stimulation is not of primary importance to you, and you are
willing to wait until after work hours to pursue your fun. You appreciate having clear-cut
responsibilities and being recognized for your dedication and achievements.

You prefer structure and routine; more creative environments may feel to you like free-
for-alls. You may be struggling more than other temperaments with the way that the new
economy does not offer clear career paths or employment security. Your natural traits are
those that employers have traditionally valued and that successful companies still respect.
You are responsible and loyal to an organization once you’ve signed on. Your natural
attention to the cohesion of community life or corporate culture in your company, agency,
team, or troop is critical to the organization’s ability to realize its mission.

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talent for management

ability to direct
and oversee others

People who share a temperament often share

aptitudes: those things that a person can do well
good organizational skills
without much training, enjoys doing, and will usually
volunteer to do when the opportunity arises.


devoted to their institution

Management Organizational Skills

Guardians reported that their Guardians also claimed good
talent for management was among organizational skills. They like
their most valuable contributions structure and will devote time
to their work places. Guardians are and energy to creating workable
willing and inclined to direct and systems for themselves and for the
oversee other people’s behavior institutions they work for.
when such direction and oversight
benefit the whole group.

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respect for authority

Favorite Activities
can easily play role of

While skills and abilities are important, people perform best

enjoy counseling and
and are most satisfied when engaged in activities they enjoy.
correcting others
Guardians enjoy doing what it takes to maintain the social
cohesion of the work place. They are willing not only to
conform but also to take on responsibility for enforcing norms can set standards and
of procedure as well as hierarchy. expectations

guide others to achieve

success in their jobs

Supervision Counseling
Telling other people what to do is a Guardians also enjoy counseling,
critical part of many jobs, especially correcting, and guiding individuals
in industry and in the military. to help them achieve success in
Guardians are comfortable with this their jobs. For them, the focus of
role and are comfortable accepting counseling is behavioral rather
direction from people in positions than therapeutic. Many Guardians
of authority. Though authority may believe that therapeutic benefits
seem harsh, it is usually benevolent are the byproduct of fulfilling
in motivation, exercised for the long- expectations successfully.
term benefit of the group, and, by
extension, the individual. Guardians
enjoy supervising situations.

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Monique Cox



reputation & respect

Acceptance into, and affiliation with, a well-regarded traditions

entity is important to Guardians. They take pride
in taking responsibility for something larger than structure & guidelines
themselves, particularly something that has stood the
test of time and has proven its worth. Guardians’ need
for belonging requires an environment where others
also emphasize their place within the whole over (or as
integral to) their self-interest or individuality.
value teamwork

Affiliation Cooperation
Guardians appreciate being Teamwork is also important to
part of a respected group as Guardians. They are reassured by
much as being respected as being on the same page as their
individuals. They are attracted to co-workers. While some other
an organization by its reputation; temperaments find roles stifling,
being part of a respectable Guardians feel freed up when they
or prestigious company is as know what their parameters are,
important as holding a as well as what to expect from
respectable position. their co-workers.

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security & stability

Guardians are concerned about their credibility. They like
concerned about credibility
to have meaningful standards against which to measure
progress and accomplishments. Training offers reassurance
that they can continue to develop in a useful direction.
desire to be rewarded
In exchange for their dependability and self-sacrifice,
Guardians expect predictability on the part of their
for hard work
employer. Hard work, they believe, should be rewarded
with security.

desire to learn and to

be trained

Training Stability
Concerned about their credibility, With less need for variety and
Guardians like their companies to more for predictability, Guardians
sponsor training programs to help choose stable companies and those
them know the right way to do that provide established services
things. The learning curve is not a and products over start-ups or
comfortable place for them, and companies focused on research
they appreciate the support of and development.
skilled trainers.

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Learn About Your

Temperament in the Workplace

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About You

You seem to have an extraordinary sense of loyalty and is important to you, but that doesn’t mean that you’re
responsibility. In fact, it appears that your fulfillment often overly willing to walk over others in the process. You
depends on the degree to which you can shield others will ordinarily conduct your professional and personal
from the world’s dangers. affairs as humanely as possible.

Wanting to be of service to others, Protectors can find Protectors almost always prefer to rely on time-hon-
great satisfaction in assisting the downtrodden. In your ored products and procedures rather than spending time
own life you may find that you can deal with others’ speculating or experimenting. As a result, at work you’re
disabilities or neediness better than almost anyone else probably not very happy in situations where the rules
around you. Although you are very caring, you’re not typ- are constantly changing or where long-established ways
ically one to be outgoing and talkative. As a result, your of doing things aren’t respected. Tradition is important
shyness is sometimes misjudged as stiffness or even as to you, whether in your work life, your family life, or in
being cold. This perception couldn’t be further from the your vision of society at large. Your type often finds a
truth. Protectors like you are warm-hearted and sympa- kind of stability in the social rankings conferred by birth,
thetic. In fact, you’re one who will happily give of yourself titles, offices, and credentials. This traditional nature can
if you encounter someone in need. also make you a wonderful keeper of your family history,
property, and heirlooms.

Your reserve really ought to be seen by others as an PRESERVING
expression of your sincerity and sense of purpose. The The thriftiest of the sixteen types, Protectors like you
most diligent of all the types, Protectors are often willing seem to know the value of a dollar. As a result, you
to work long, hard hours doing all the thankless jobs that can abhor the squandering or misuse of money. Putting
others manage to avoid. something aside for a rainy day is something near and
dear to your heart. In your efforts to be financially sta-
ble, there are times when you may overwork yourself

STABILIZING to the extreme. Try to be mindful that it’s all right to

take a break from time to time. Give yourself the credit
You’re probably quite happy working alone, regardless and kudos that you’re due, as others who are less hard
of the task. This can be especially true when you’re in po- working will rarely be able to appreciate the true value
sitions of authority; you’re the kind to try to do everything of your dedication and contributions.
yourself rather than delegate. Getting a job done right

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Monique Cox

7 Things About You


Guardian Protectors are Apt to: 7 Things to Be Aware of:

Feel an obligation to get the work done You are apt to become stressed about
1 1 other people’s misbehavior.
and do chores no one else wants to do.

Want a sense of belonging and securi- You may have difficulty asserting your-
2 ty, for without it you get anxious and 2 self when necessary.
Have a hard time receiving criticism
If you don’t get enough quiet time, you
3 because it is almost like you have let 3 have a tendency to get run down or sick.
the other person down.

Be more often seen as supporting oth-

4 You tend to take rejection and criticism
ers rather than taking the visible lead. 4 personally.

Be dedicated to helping others—family,

5 friends, co-workers, and bosses. 5 You easily become set in your ways.

Prefer having some degree of indepen-

You avoid asking for help in your job
6 dence and need times of privacy in the 6
workplace. search, as well as on the job.

Take longer than some other types in

You become unsettled in variable and
7 completing a job because of your need 7 competitive environments.
for thoroughness.

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7 Things About You

7 Things
You’re Good At
Colleagues and customers appreciate
1 your unassuming kindness.

2 You follow instructions well.

The most diligent of all
the types, Protectors are
You genuinely care about the people often willing to work long,
you work with and your customers.
hard hours doing all the
thankless jobs that others
You enjoy lending support and
4 assistance to others.
manage to avoid.

You are meticulous about following

5 procedures.

6 You are usually very efficient.

You are attuned to people’s personal

7 needs and how to accommodate them.

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Choosing the
Best Occupation

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and Choosing the Best

Establishing and following a familiar daily routine is

critical to your well-being. In your ideal job environment,
you and your co-workers are on the same page. Though
you prefer to stay in the background, tending to your own
work, you feel unsettled and vaguely ashamed when other
people are derelict in their duties.

Like other Guardians, you are wired to seek belonging

within a group or community. As a result, in the workplace
you’ll typically make attempts to stabilize both relation-
ships and institutions through responsible, conventional
behavior. You thrive as a conservator who establishes,
nurtures, and maintains traditional social and business

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Choosing the Best Occupation

Your Ideal
Work Environment
Takes place in a personal environment
1 where people are loyal to one another
and dedicated to their work.

Provides a hierarchy of social and work Getting a job done right is
important to them, but that
doesn’t mean that they’re
Provides you clear benchmarks and
3 overly willing to walk over
others in the process. They
will ordinarily conduct their
Allows for some downtime for solitary
4 work. professional and personal
affairs as humanely as
Does not require you to make frequent possible.
5 group presentations.

Makes use of your ability to concentrate

6 on and attend to detail.

7 Lets you settle into a daily routine.

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Choosing the Best Occupation

3 Tips to Help
You Find the
Right Workplace
Seek out a relatively structured environment where people
1 work well together.
Look for stable institutional support, clear benchmarks to strive toward, and a system for
recognizing your efforts and accomplishments. Take assessment—will you, for instance,
get the training you need to move where you want in the company? You will probably be
stressed by workplaces where workers don’t take their responsibilities seriously or where
managers don’t ensure that people know what’s expected of them and make sure they get
it done. You hold yourself and others to a high standards—you put your individual needs
aside in deference to the company’s bottom line requirements, as well as its duties toward
its customers and society at large.

Look for environments where there’s enough of a sense of

2 order that you feel comfortable, supported, and productive.
As a Guardian, you don’t tend to question rules of conduct or procedure that others may
question out of expediency, curiosity, boredom, or emotion. You will fit in best where the
corporate culture is relatively well defined and stable.

Don’t let your need for comfort and security stand between
3 you and opportunities to learn new skills, contribute in ways
you may not have imagined, or take advantage of positive
changes in your company or field.
Your natural talent for imparting order to a system or situation leads to the most often cited
Guardian weakness—resistance to change and intolerance of people who don’t conform.

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Choosing the Best Occupation

Provided below is a non-exhaustive list of occupations you may wish to consider. While all personality
types are represented across the spectrum of careers, particular types of work tend to attract particular
types of people. Your personality type influences:

• 􏰀Whether or not you are suited for the inherent demands of the work.
• 􏰀Whether or not you and your colleagues are likely to be on a similar wavelength.
• 􏰀Whether or not you enjoy the culture and lifestyle that goes along with the career.
If you are embarking on your first career or considering a career transition, start with this list. You will
see the career/job title, a brief description taken from the O-NET (Occupational Information Network)
database sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor, and a link for more information (if available) from
the O-NET website. Here you can explore many aspects of the job title, including related jobs, interests,
values, activities, and skills.
After reading the career/job descriptions, you might find it useful to browse some actual job listings at While some of the careers listed below require more education and experience than
others, viewing the job listings provides an indication of the current market demand for these positions.

Antique Dealer Nurse Practitioner Lab Technician

Buy and sell antique merchandise, such Assess patient health problems and Perform routine medical laboratory
as furniture, appliances, or apparel in a needs, develop and implement nursing tests for the diagnosis, treatment,
retail establishment. care plans, and maintain medical and prevention of disease. May work
records. Administer nursing care to under the supervision of a medical
ill, convalescent, or disabled patients. technologist.
Advise patients on health maintenance
and disease prevention or provide case
management. Licensing or registration

O-NET Career Builder O-NET Career Builder

Job Description Job Listing Job Description Job Listing

Physician: General Practice Veterinarian Event Planner

Diagnose, treat, and help prevent Diagnose and treat diseases and Coordinate activities of staff and
diseases and injuries that commonly dysfunctions of animals. May engage in convention personnel to make
occur in the general population. a particular function, such as research arrangements for group meetings and
and development, consultation, conventions.
administration, technical writing,
sale or production of commercial
products, or rendering of technical
services to commercial firms or other
organizations. Includes veterinarians
who inspect livestock.

O-NET Career Builder O-NET Career Builder O-NET Career Builder

Job Description Job Listing Job Description Job Listing Job Description Job Listing

© 2016 Keirsey. All Rights Reserved. November 1, 2020 26

Monique Cox

Choosing the Best Occupation

Dentist Dental Hygienist Teacher: K-12

Diagnose and treat diseases, injuries, Clean teeth and examine oral areas, Teach pupils at the elementary level in
and malformations of teeth and gums head, and neck for signs of oral disease. public or private schools basic academic,
and related oral structures. May treat May educate patients on oral hygiene, social, and other formative skills.
diseases of nerve, pulp, and other take and develop X-rays, or apply
dental tissues affecting vitality of teeth. fluoride or sealants.

O-NET Career Builder O-NET Career Builder O-NET Career Builder

Job Description Job Listing Job Description Job Listing Job Description Job Listing

Social Worker Secretary Lawyer: Family Law

Provide social services and assistance to Perform routine clerical and Represent clients in criminal and civil
improve the social and psychological administrative functions such as litigation and other legal proceedings,
functioning of children and their families drafting correspondence, scheduling draw up legal documents, and manage
and to maximize the family well-being and appointments, organizing and or advise clients on legal transactions.
the academic functioning of children. May maintaining paper and electronic files, May specialize in a single area or may
assist single parents, arrange adoptions,
or providing information to callers. practice broadly in many areas of law.
and find foster homes for abandoned or
abused children. In schools, they address
such problems as teenage pregnancy,
misbehavior, and truancy. May also advise
teachers on how to deal with problem

O-NET Career Builder O-NET Career Builder O-NET Career Builder

Job Description Job Listing Job Description Job Listing Job Description Job Listing

Librarian Clergy Child Care Worker

Administer libraries and perform related li- Conduct religious worship and perform Attend to children at schools,
brary services. Work in a variety of settings, other spiritual functions associated businesses, private households, and
including public libraries, schools, colleges with beliefs and practices of a religious child care institutions. Perform a variety
and universities, museums, corporations, faith or denomination. Provide spiritual of tasks, such as dressing, feeding,
government agencies, law firms, non-profit and moral guidance and assistance to bathing, and overseeing play.
organizations, and healthcare providers.
Tasks may include selecting, acquiring,
cataloging, classifying, circulating, and
maintaining library materials and furnish-
ing reference, bibliographical, and readers’
advisory services.

O-NET Career Builder O-NET Career Builder O-NET Career Builder

Job Description Job Listing Job Description Job Listing Job Description Job Listing

© 2016 Keirsey. All Rights Reserved. November 1, 2020 27

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Choosing the Best Occupation

Animal Trainer Flight Attendant Personal and Home Care Aide

Train animals for riding, harness, Provide personal services to ensure the Assist elderly or disabled adults with daily
security, performance, obedience, safety and comfort of airline passengers living activities at the person’s home
or assisting persons with disabilities. during flight. Greet passengers, verify or in a daytime non-residential facility.
Accustom animals to human voice tickets, explain use of safety equipment, Duties performed at a place of residence
and serve food or beverages. may include keeping house (making
and contact and condition animals to
beds, doing laundry, washing dishes) and
respond to commands. Train animals
preparing meals. May provide meals and
according to prescribed standards for
supervised activities at non-residential
show or competition. May train animals care facilities. May advise families, the
to carry pack loads or work as part of elderly, and disabled on such things as
pack team. nutrition, cleanliness, and household

O-NET Career Builder O-NET Career Builder O-NET Career Builder

Job Description Job Listing Job Description Job Listing Job Description Job Listing

Curator: Art/Artifacts Appraiser Craftsperson

Administer affairs of museum and Appraise various assets to determine Create or reproduce hand-made objects
conduct research programs. Direct their fair value. for sale and exhibition using a variety of
instructional, research, and public techniques, such as welding, weaving,
service activities of institution. pottery, and needlecraft.

O-NET Career Builder O-NET Career Builder O-NET Career Builder

Job Description Job Listing Job Description Job Listing Job Description Job Listing

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Navigating the Job Market
While your Keirsey Career Temperament Report does contain a list of careers often selected by people of your
personality type, these lists are not exhaustive. Personality is not the only factor in career choice. To identify your best
options, consider the big picture—how your job fits into your whole life.

1. What will my lifestyle be like if I choose this 3. Will I be doing work

position or this occupation? that matters to me?

Where do you want to live? (What country or region? Do you have a What classes fascinated or
preference for the city over the country or the suburbs? Do you want absorbed you in high school or
to live on a boat or in a log cabin?) college?

How much money do you need to make? What would you do if money
How long a commute are you willing to endure? were no object?
How will you structure your career to accommodate future study,
travel, children, early retirement, or other goals? What do you naturally do well?
How many hours per week are you willing to spend on the job?
What community or creative work may limit the time or energy avail- What local, societal, or world
able to devote to your job? issues interest you?

What have been your most

satisfying life experiences?
2. Will I be comfortable with the culture that
surrounds this line of work? What life experiences have
disappointed you?
Identifying your highest priority values is an important step in
evaluating any career move. You will be most satisfied working with
companies and colleagues who respect and support, if not share, your
values. Choose your top values, starting with the following list of ten:

Achievement - mastering goals

Aesthetics - working with beautiful things, being surrounded by beauty
Affiliation - working with people like you
Authority - managing or directing other people’s work
Creativity - ability to innovate, to try new approaches
Ethics/Morals - being free to work in congruence with your own judgments
High Pay - commanding a large salary
Independence - being free from other people’s direction and control
Recognition - becoming known for your expertise
Status - having a high prestige job

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Frequently Asked Questions

Can My Temperament Tell Me What

Career to Pursue or Whether or Not I
Should Take a Particular Job?
Temperament alone cannot
TEMPERAMENT? determine your career choices.
HAVE TO DO WITH First, temperament is more likely to
influence your choice of role and function
Some people value status or need
money and will sacrifice their temper-
MY CAREER? within a career field than to dictate the amental preferences to acquire those
path itself. For example, a Rational who things:
chooses a career in the business world
Lucy is a Guardian with experi-
Temperament theory describes distinct is more likely to be an engineer than a
ence in non-profit administration and
patterns of approaching the world. Just stockbroker. However, a Rational reared
corporate management. Her style of
in a family with a long tradition of work
as young children show a preference for work was goal-driven, organized, and
in the arts may be drawn more to one in
using the right or left hand from a very by the book. She left the work force
motion picture sciences than to a business
for several years to care full-time for
early age, people seem to display one of career.
her ailing grandmother. Throughout
the four temperaments: Artisan, Guard-
Second, temperament is one of many that process she felt trampled by the
ian, Rational, or Idealist. Unless you are filters that contribute to your ultimate kinds of rules and regulations that
blocked or deflected from doing so, you choice of work. Some people will sacri- had previously made her feel secure.
develop a unique personality that ex- fice fit out a sense of duty to a particular Now she finds that she is passionate
presses that temperament. cause: about advocating for change in the
medical health system and making it
You will be most satisfied with your Ralph is a Guardian who has been
user-friendly for people who are be-
working for fifteen years as a school-
work if you choose an occupation that ing treated poorly. Despite her pre-
teacher. He feels a sense of duty toward
permits you to be yourself—one that en- vious satisfaction with the Guardian
the younger generation and is proud of
courages and rewards your natural pref- approach, she is exploring work from
his commitment to the public school sys-
erences. an Idealist perspective, writing and
tem. He appreciates the stability of his
speaking to educate patients, care-
career and chose it, in part, because he
As an example, most people of the takers, practitioners, and the general
knew that “there will always be job open-
Rational temperament like to work in a public about changing the paradigm
ings for good teachers.” Now he is the
self-directed manner. They prefer taking of the health care system.
father of four children, two of whom are
orders only from people who have earned approaching their college years. So Ralph
their authority having demonstrated their is investigating a career that a friend sug-
own expertise. People of the Guardian gested—using his teaching skills as a cor-
temperament, by contrast, are comfort- porate training consultant. The idea of
going out on his own is a little scary for • Your temperament is
able nestled within a hierarchy, where fundamental to your optimal
Ralph, but he’s attracted to the possibility
they have a named role between their ways of learning and working.
of earning a lot more money while con-
superiors and subordinates. tinuing to teach and, as his own boss, • Trying to force yourself to
become what you’re not is
keeping his summers off to vacation with
likely to lead to dissatisfaction
his wife and kids. in your career and possibly to
poor performance as well.

© 2016 Keirsey. All Rights Reserved. November 1, 2020 30

Monique Cox

Frequently Asked Questions

What Motivates
People of

Artisans Guardians Idealists Rationals

Artisans (SPs) are wired Guardians (SJs) are wired Idealists (NFs) are wired Rationals (NTs) are wired to
to seize freedom and to seek belonging to a to pursue personal acquire competence and
spontaneity. They hunger group or community. They growth, authenticity, intelligence. They strive to
for the liberty to act on stabilize relationships and integrity. They yearn learn, know, predict, and
their impulses, to play, and and institutions through to develop themselves control the resources and
to create. Artisans thrive responsible, conventional, fully as individuals and to ideas in their environment.
in “action” occupations— and traditional behavior. facilitate growth in others. They thrive in intellectually
those that involve They thrive as conservators Idealists thrive when they stimulating, innovative
precision, endurance, who establish, nurture, can turn their attention to work environments where
strength, boldness, and and maintain social personal concerns of their they are recognized for
timing. structures. co-workers, clients, and their expertise.
customers and their own
personal growth.

© 2016 Keirsey. All Rights Reserved. November 1, 2020 31

Monique Cox

Keirsey 160 Guardian Protector

Famous Leaders The Serving Leader



1946-Present 1925-2014 1913-2005 1910-1997 1821-1912

“The people’s verdict “There may be ways “Each person must “If we pray, we will “I may be compelled
tells us that above all in which we can live their life as a believe; If we believe, to face danger, but
else they crave for work for change. model for others.” we will love; If we never fear it, and
honest and capable We don’t have to do love, we will serve.” while our soldiers can
governance and dramatic things or stand and fight, I can
decency in public devote our entire stand and feed and
life. We must not lives to it. We can nurse them.”
disappoint them.” lead normal lives but
at the same time try
hard not to be



1932-Present 1927-Present 1925-1968 1924-Present 1895-1952

“If I see smiling faces “Find the Lord, find “The purpose of life is “From now on, “The highest of
and well-scrubbed the saints of the to contribute in some any definition of a distinctions is service
surfaces behind the times, but also find way to making things successful life must to others.”
scenes, I know that the not canonized, better.” include serving
the rest of the hotel simple persons who others.”
more than likely is are really in the heart
doing just fine.” of the Church.”

© 2016 Keirsey. All Rights Reserved. November 1, 2020 32

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