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05 (Revised) lum- 66. Cs SCHEDULE OF TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS FOR ENHANC!": CAPACITY (ALLOY STEEL) SCREW COUPLINGS - USED ON RAILWAY COACHES (SUPERSEDES C-9505) (NOVEMBER 1996) Ce Par) CHI cis wolling Officer ae Signature D rignati Diresloyfos t ren 2001) ~~ feet rete Issued by: Research Designs and Standards Organisation Manak Nagar, Lucknow ~ 226 011 PRICE Rg GG 0/— S.No. Description eaeeeceee eae _Page No. _ SECTION-A 1 Scope 1 Materiat 1 3. Quality of Screw Coupling 3 4, Heat Treatment 3 5." Sampling 3 6 Test 4 7. + Additional Test 5 8.. © Spares 2 5 9: 5 Testing & Inspection Facilities 6. 10. Rejection 6 11. Marking 6 12. Protection & Packing 6 ‘SECTION-B 4. Requirements 7 2, Testing Facility 8 3. Quality Control Requirements " 4. jnspection " C-9505(Revised) SECTION-A SCHEDULE OF TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS FOR ENHANCED CAPA‘ STEEL) SCREW COUPLINGS USED ON RAILWAY COACHE 1 SCOPE YY (ALLOY This schedule has got two sections i.e. Section-A and Section-B, Section-A covers the technical requirements, methods of sampling and tests for screw coupling used in BG coaches. Section-B covers schedule of infrastructure requirements for manufacturing, testing facilities, quality control requirements and inspection. 2 MATERIAL 2.1 The material shall conform to grade: 35MniMos of 1S: 5517-93 with the following additional requirements: ‘ ve 3 MANUFACTURE ‘he steel shall betmelted in Electric Arc furnace followed:by sécondary refining. “Fhe molten metal shall be degassed throughvacuum:degasaing arrangements to erisure freedom from harmful gaseous content. eer ys 3.1.1. The hydrogen content in the liquid steel shall be 2 ppm max, 3.1.2, The sulphur and phosphorus content during ladle analysis shall be 0.025% (Max.) each. 3.1.3. The size of ingots or concast billets for the given size of the finishud reel product shall be such that a minimum reduction ratio of 8:1 from the minimum cross- section area of the ingot or concast billets to the maximum cross-eéction area of the product is ensured, 3.1.4 Elements not mentioned in IS: 5517-93 shall not be, intentionally or otherwise, added to the steel. i 3.2 CHEMICAL COMPOSITION 3.2.1 The ladle analysis of steel, when analysed in accordance with IS: 228 shall be to IS: 5517-93 Table-2 read in conjunction with requirements detalied in clause Nos. and above. 33 33.4 3.3.2 3.3.3 3.3.4 34 3.6 ~~: £-9505(Revised) FREEDOM FROM DEFECTS The screw couplirigs and/ or spares such as bent couplirig links, pins etc, shall be free from harmful surface and sub- surface defects, which may impziir the end use Of the product. When ingot practice is adopted, the internal defesis of steel, as evaluated by macro etching test as per IS:11371-85 shall not be worse than S- 2 (Sub- surface), R-2 (Random condition) and C-2 (Centre segregation) as por ASTM E-381. When continuously cast billets/blooms are used, the intemal defects of steel, shall not be worse than SB-2 (Sub-surface blow-holes), SC1 (Sub-surface cracks), CS-2 (Centre segregation) and CL-2 (Centro looseness) as er 1S: 13362-92 (Stock for forging produced from continuously cast blooms, billets and slabs Spec.) During processing the billets, blooms or slabs shall be conditioned to remove injurious surface defect, provided the depth of condilioning does nol exceed 1 mm for every 15 mm of concered dimension, upto a maximum depth of 20 mm, -and provided thatthe width of the conditioning is at least four times its greatest depth; except that in case of slabs, theidepth of conditioning on the wide surface may exceed :this.allowance by 50%,.upto a maximum depth of 20 mm, The maximum depth of canditioning on two parallel sides at opposite locations shall not exceed one and half times the maximum allowed for one side. The transition between conditioned and non-conditioned areas shall be gradual. All heavy.swart and/or slag shall be.removed. After removal of surface defects from: the billets, magnetic particle-testing and ultrasonic examination may:be:carried out-on-all the. billets to ensure:freedom from surface defects and intemal defects respectively. “Standard for testing method and acceptance criteria may'be'prepared and'RDSO's approval obtained. In special cases, particularly where it is necessary on large material and is not injurious, greater depth of conditioning may be permitted by agreament belween the Purchaser/inspecting Authority and the Manufacturer. The method of conditioning employed for removal of surface defects shall be such that it does not impair the properties of the billet material, The Manufacturer shall be at liberty to choose the method of conditioning, subject to prior approval of the Purchaser. The raw material shall be procured from ROSO approved sources only. Complete details of chemical composition and other tests shall be obtained from steel maker and shall be produced to the inspector. : The screw coupling assembly shall conform to RDSO/SK-990"1 with latest alterations, lea 5 6 64 QUALITY OF SCREW COUPLINGS if too good fit is made, the couplings are soon distortion of the screws due to stresses set u {tem § of $k.98002) to be assembied with bent coupling before nest treatment. Procedure should be by heating the bent portion of the coupling link and then @pening / closing up reasonably for insertion of the trunnion After fitrrent, arms of {he coupling link to be closed. The marking of the raw material sou ie,, IS:561%, 91am No.1.2,3,5,6.8 8 of Sk.99002 to be'Btrilly done In the Jocation shown:jn the drawing. After assembly, each soi i be fixed 2s it in actual Practice and screw both in and out to the fullféngth’of the travel. ‘ vv fendered inoperative owing to slight ip in use. Trunnion witiy LH threads HEAT TREATMENT; (Hardening & Tempering) 7 Pte \i8F{G Coupling components i.e, link, screw." pi AP HdRiigingwihn RH. thread shall Re. heat treated, separately in a component wise batch, {hreads of the screw and trunnion should be given suitable protective masking to avoid any damage of the thread during heat treatment. Heat trectrore cycle should be as per. procedure given below to meet the requirements stipulated in Clause 6 of this ST i), Fut the above components in the furnace at temperature lower than 500°C il) Heat it progressively upto 860°C in minimum 2 hours. li) Soak at 860°C. Soaking time should be as per the thickness of fav component iv) Quench in circulating oil. ¥) Temper at 580-650°C followed by normal cooling. Soaking time should be as Per the thickness of the component. SAMPLING Screw coupling assemblies, spare parts shall be offered for inspection in separate lot, Lot size for complete screw coupling will, however, not to exceed 100 screw couplings. Two nos. of sample shall be drawn from the lot for condve ing test as, Per clause 7.1 to 7.3.2. and. remaining screw coupling shall be

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