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United International University

Worldwide Corona reports Delivery by

Kerberos Symmetric Encryption
(Term Paper).

Submitted By:
Md. Anisur Rahman
MSCSE, CSE Department
United International University.

Submitted To:
Mohammad Mamum Elahi ( MME)
Assistant Professor, CSE,
United International University.

Submission Date:
This project is included in Cyber security Standard And Government and
(CSE 6195).
The main aim of my term paper is to specially design for worldwide corona
reports delivery are available for remote user authentication. Most of the existing
schemes for Corona Reports aren’t customarily proposed for the single server-
based environments and in a single-server environment. Therefore, there is a need
for corona patients to distinctly register and login with each server to employ
distinct services, so it escalates the overhead of memorizing the passwords for the
users. Whereas, in a multi-server environment, users only need to register once to
resort various services for exploiting the benefits of a multi-server environment.

Recently, I proposed an authentication scheme with Kerberos symmetric

encryption to provide corona reports delivery.

INDEX TERMS Authentication and key-agreement (AKA), Corona Databases

Server, Authentication Server (AS), Ticket Granting Server (TGS) and Server (V).

This work proposes an amended Kerberos symmetric key based secure

authentication and key agreement scheme for Authentication Server (AS) and
Ticket Granting Server (TGS) to provide corona reports delivery properly.
The coronavirus outbreak quickly surges worldwide, many countries are adopting
non-therapeutic preventive measures, which include travel bans, remote office
activities, country lockdown, and most importantly, social distancing. However,
these measures face challenges in Bangladesh, a lower-middle-income economy
with one of the world's densest populations. Social distancing is difficult in many
areas of the country, and with the minimal resources the country has, it would be
extremely challenging to implement the mitigation measures. Mobile sanitization
facilities and temporary quarantine sites and healthcare facilities could help
mitigate the impact of the pandemic at a local level. A prompt, supportive, and
empathic collaboration between the Government, citizens, and health experts,
along with international assistance, can enable the country to minimize the impact
of the pandemic.

Five weeks after the detection of the first COVID-19 case in Bangladesh, the
IEDCR had only tested 11,223 people, constituting approximately 68 tests per
million populations.

COVID-19 is new and different in important ways, but we are home to premiere
public health experts and institutions. We have one of the world’s best networks of
community health workers, a rich history of public-private partnerships in
emergencies, and communities with incredible levels of resilience.

So, I am trying to solve to delivery corona reports with Kerberos symmetric

encryption in ICT. It is first symmetric key based corona reports delivery project. I
believe that project will helpful for people who want to know corona report
Review of my project
This section presents the review of my project. The three parts of my project are
described in following subsections:

1. Registration Process:
Registrations of each of the Hospital, Doctor and Corona patient are
explained in following subsections:

i. Hospital Registration Process:

All hospitals are registered by World Health Organization (WHO)
with some parameters.
 Country code And Name
 Hospital Code And Name
 Address of hospital with GPS Tracking.

ii. Doctors Registration Process:

All doctors are registered by country based Health Ministry with
some parameters.
 Country code And Name
 Doctors NID (National Identity Card), automatically fill-up
personal information from NID.
 Doctor’s fingerprints (Match from NID).
 Hospital code And Name where doctors responsible.
 Doctors username And password
iii. Corona Patients Registration Process:
All corona patients are registered by country based hospitals with
some parameters.
 Country code And Name
 Corona patients NID (National Identity Card), automatically
fill-up personal information from NID.
 Corona patient’s fingerprints (Match from NID).
 Hospital code And Name where corona patients are served.
 Corona patients username And password

2. Login Process And Key Generation:

Figure: Login Process and Key Generation.

3. Authentication Process:
A basic third-party authentication scheme provides using Kerberos protocol
version 4,

 Authentication Server (AS):

a. Users initially negotiate with AS to identify self
b. AS provides a non-corruptible authentication credential (ticket
granting ticket TGT)
 Ticket Granting Server (TGS):
c. Users subsequently request access to other services from TGS on
basis of users TGT
 Complex protocol using DES:

The whole protocol is complex and difficult to study at first. We would look at
several dialogues and add additional complexities step-by-step.
This authentication protocol is Kerberos protocol version 4,

(Cryptography and Network Security - Behroz A. Forouzan),(Network Security- Willium

Figure: Corona Reports Exchange using Kerberos protocol version 4.

(Cryptography and Network Security - Behroz A. Forouzan),(Network Security- Willium

Cryptanalysis of my project

Two additional problems remain:

 Lifetime associated with the ticket-granting ticket:

 If this lifetime is very short (minutes) then the user will be repeatedly asked
for password.
 If this lifetime is long (hours) then an opponent has a greater opportunity for
replay. Opponent will wait until user disconnect, forge its address and send
the message of step (3).
 Similarly, if an opponent captures the service-granting ticket and uses it
before it expires, the opponent has access to the corresponding service.
 A person using a ticket must be the same to whom the ticket was issued
(authentication requirement).

 The second problem is that servers have to authenticate

themselves to users.

 Without this requirement an intruder can act as a false server and will
capture information coming from users and deny the true service to
 The solution to the first problem is that the AS will provide both the client
and the TGS with a secret piece (session key) of information in a secure
 The client can prove its identity to the TGS by revealing the secret piece in a
secure way.
 The solution to the second problem (mutual) authentication is that the server
will increase the timestamp by one (as we use to do in challenge response
(Network Security- Willium Stalling).
Security Analysis

Mutual Authentication:
Mutual authentication, a connection can occur only when the client trusts the
server's digital certificate and the server trusts the client's certificate. The exchange
of certificates is carried out by means of the Transport Layer Security (TLS)
protocol. If the client's key-store contains more than one certificate, the certificate
with the latest timestamp is used to authenticate the client to the server. This
process reduces the risk that an unsuspecting network user will inadvertently reveal
security information to a malicious.


Figure: Man- in-the-middle-attack

Cost Analysis:
Government intervention comes at a cost C(q(t))C(q(t)) in the form of damage to
the economy. This cost is independent of the number of people currently infected
and is the result of society-wide measures to control the disease. It is in addition to
the various costs arising directly from infection. The function C(.)C(.) is assumed
to be twice differentiable and such that. (A cost–benefit analysis of the COVID-19
disease,2020 - Robert Rowthorn, Jan Maciejowski).

C(qmax) = Cmax<∞C′(q) ≥ 0,
C′′(q)> 0 for q∈[0,qmax]
where qmax<1qmax<1 is an upper limit beyond which it is not feasible to
increase qq⁠. Thus, C(q)C(q) is strictly convex over the relevant range.
C(q)=Cmax(qqmax)1+ϕC(q)=Cmax(qqmax)1+ϕ for various values of ϕ>0ϕ>0⁠.
When qq is close to zero, the marginal cost of intervention is low but rises steeply
at higher values of qq⁠. These are realistic assumptions.
Corona report’s Graph in Bangladesh

In this term paper, i have illustrated that the Corona Reports Delivery with
Kerberos Symmetric Key Encryption to control authentication of corona databases.
The key takeaways include the following:

 I should collect corona database and properly uses in my project.

 To ensure anomaly detection of my project.
 To reduce Cost of my project and increase benefits.
 Projects fail for many reasons. It is management’s responsibility to
determine whether the inherent risks in the project can be accepted and the
project can be launched, or whether the project be delayed.
 Besides, I think that Kerberos is strong authentication protocol, so anyone
neither can nor attack my project, because it is difficult.

Future Plan: To make a IoT based corona Test Device which upload corona test
report dynamically in cloud corona databases. It will be useful for helping doctor
in future.

1. Cryptography and Network Security - Behroz A. Forouzan

2. Network Security- Willium Stalling.
3. A cost–benefit analysis of the COVID-19 disease,2020 - Robert Rowthorn, Jan
4. ITSSAKA-MS: An Improved Three-Factor Symmetric-Key Based Secure AKA Scheme
for Multi-Server Environments,2020 - ZEESHAN ALI, SAJID HUSSAIN

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