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_ FIAT-SIG Schienenfahreeuge AG CS (CH-8212 Nouhausen a/Rhf Technical Specification ona No.17.532 Partdocument 100 Version 00” Po rubber metal component anaacen, (traction rod bush) a General Requirements roe wna rrssan000 art Rep Paps: 7 Nene Eo 1.1 DEFINITION... 112 AREAOF VALIDITY 1.3 ADDITIONALLY-VALID DOCUMENTS... 2 PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATION AND DESIGN REGULATIONS.. 2.1 SeRviec Ure. a 22 FUNCTIONAL REOUIREMENTS..... 233 Destax conmiONs. 2.4 IDENTIFICATION. 2.5 Disrosal. S QUALITY ASSURANCE, TESTING AND ACCEPTANCE... 3.1 FUNCTIONAL TRIAL. 322 TesnNcor mie nner. 3.3 PRODUCTION TESTING 3.4 Propucr avr 3.5 APPROVAL PROCEDURE: 3.6 QuaLiry CERTIFICATES. 4 ORGANISATIONAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE ARRANGEMENTS 4.1 CHANGES. 4.2. MAINTENANCE REGULATIONS. 4.3 CONSERVATION / STORAGE REGULATIONS.. CHANGE INDEX... 2 2 ved 2 2 2 3 snd 4 ved 5 3 6 6 6 7 1 7 mT vagueness ot tsanwatuny ervors, the temas of ‘Author Project Engineer Q Approval L Dat ge PGE | tae Date 26.02 5€ Sane § Pie” fc] Seats P Tennis [Z| Sane ‘Sieature:M, Kippel ak “erp: Lafeoraget 0 Ves Thr losiment perforation soe cect fr which FIAT -SIGSchennfirige AG, Neuhacen am Rhein al the omer ih. ‘eit thesis orn posession of hi document rns waar th it apy or make pie ote ay part heey Infrmatoncnaned wih in ory ebjers apace nor wo ak we fay meas pect es wi he min auherson of FIAT SIG Sehenentahreuge AU, Neuen am Rei of lowing a rien agent Wi iS compar) (5 saat Technical Specification No. 17.532 Part document 100 Version 00 “traction rod bush" Page 2/7, 1 General 1.1 Definition 12 13 2 22 Coordinate system: X= direction of travel; Y = lateral direction; Z = vertical direction Area of validity ‘This technical specification defines the general requirements on the rubber bearing for the axle guide bearing for FIAT-SIG bug. Additionally-valid documents Binding Technical specification 17.617 Part-document 100 Recommended - Performance Specification and Design Regulations Service life ‘The rubber bearing must be designed for a service life of 10 years. The distance travelled by the bogies per year is approx. 200,000 ~ 300,000 km. Funetional requirements ‘The rubber bearing lay Ure task uf Wanrsitting the Liaking and acceleration forces of the bogie in the X direction between the bogie pin and the frame, In doing this, the stiffness of the rubber bearing has a decisive influence on the travelling comfort. Moreover, the rubber bearing has to compensate the relative movement in the Z and Y directions (vertical and transverse suspension) between the bogie pin and the frame. Failure of this function can lead to derailment. Technical Specification No. 17.532 Part document 100 Version 00 “traction rod bush” Page 3/7 2.3, Design conditions Installation situation (principle sketch) ye ‘center pivot frame rubber bush traction center Y-direction ASC sting Technical Specification No. 17.532 Part document 100 Version 00 “traction rod bush" Page 4/7 24 25 Installation position ‘© The centre axle of the rubber bush can be aligned in the ¥ or Z direction, + The outer ring ofthe rubber bush must be designed so that pressing in and out is possible. ‘© No locking piston will he installed. The bush must not move within the longitudinal guide under any of the loads which may occur. +The rubber bush must be supplied as a completely manufactured element, and must be capable of being further processing The rubber bush must be designed so that no contamination or liquids can build up within it, which could freeze in certain weathers, and thereby impair the suspension characteristic of the bush © The rubber-metal transition must be laid out so that, even under load (effect of stati! dyn forces and/ or moments), the separation ofthe rubber from the metal is prevented, in particular hen cleaning agents (see tech. specification 17.617/000) have an influence atthe same time. ‘© Ifthe installation requires special measures (tools, regulations, etc), these must be spevifed by the manufacturer! supplier. ‘¢Iticafhig importance that the part has a low net-weight. ‘© Itisof big importance that the design takes reveling into account Identification ‘The nubher hearing has to he marked with the date of manufacture (year / month) and the FLA-SIG. ‘number (without Index of Changes), This identification can be imprinted inside the rubber- or iuside the metalcomponents. The form and location of the identification has to be shown on the corresponding drawings The specification of the date of manufacture is used for the unique waccability of those manufacturing parameters relevant to quality back to the raw materials (starting materials of the vuleanising compound) Disposal ‘The material selection of the rubber bushes must be made in such a way that the later can be re- cycled atthe end of its service life, or be able to be disposed of without the use of special measures. If materials are used which requice a special disposal process, FIAT-SIG must he informed in \riting ofthese materials and their proportion by weight. ‘sc ittatge Technical Specification No. 17.532 Part document 100 “traction rod bush” BA 32 33 Quality Assurance, Testing and Acceptance Fun al (rial Before starting the series production, the manufacturer must supply proof that the rubber bearing, fulfils the requirements of the application. This proof is to be based on the manufacturer's test planning. ‘The following points, + the stiftnesses (measured quasi-statically) + the resistance against cleaning agents the suitability for the maximum excursions + the suitability for the maximum forces 1 if specifically required (eg. in a supplementary tech. spec.) proof of suitability by means of a fatigue test must be verified and/or ensured, ‘Testing of the first article ‘The following points must be demonstrated for the first component manufactured under production conditions: «Stiffness progressions up to and including the loading case at the operational timit (will be Uefined for each case in the supplementary Technical Specification "Special Requirements” ‘The stffnesses (measured quasi-statically) + If specifically required (e.., in a supplementary tech. spec.), the frequency dependence of the stiffnesses If specifically required (¢g., in a supplementary tech. spec.), the resistance against the cleaning agents listed on the Technical Specification 17.617, Sub-document 000. Produc ,n testing It is the responsiblity of the supplier to test the relevant parameters at suitable intervals. It must be ‘ensured that the components manufactured under production conditions correspond to those fv Ue fist article acceptance, The number of components to be tested must be selected by the supplier, in order that a meaningful statistic can be created. In special cases, FIAT-SIG reserves the right t0 determine the test intervals and the parameters itself. The manufacturer must carry vut tests according to the Test Plan throughout the entire manufacturing process. ‘The overall quality and test plan for this component must be submitted to FIAT - SIG. aes Technical Specification No. 17.532 Part document 100 Version 00 traction rod bush” Page 6/7 3.4 Product audit 35 36 In the course of the Product Audit, the manufacturer must demonstrate that the production parts are ‘manufactured in a secure manufacturing process. Compliance with the Q characteristics (from the Test Planning) must also he proven. If changes relevant to quality take place in the manufacturing process, the location of production, or to the paut itself (see P, 4.1), FIAT - SIG cant again carry out a product audit, FIAT - SIG reserves the right, once the dates have been agreed, to carry out audits of the ‘manufacture and the final inspection, Approval procedure In the case of a first article manufacture, the following procedure applies: 8) Approval for hydraulic pulsation and/or fatigue testing by FIAT - SIG b) Approval of the technical documentation provided by the supplier (drawings, parts lists, etc.) by FIAT- SIG ©) Approval for manufacture of production tools by FIAT - SIG 4) Approval of the first article by FIAT - SIG Quality certificates Al quality certificates must be kept for the period of the complete service life of the bearing, but for at least ten years fram delivery. FIAT-SIG has the right to inspect these certificates on request. Tests: All tests carried out must be confirmed by a "Manufacturer's Test Certificate to DIN 55 350-18-4.2.1", and the latter must be delivered with the goods. Stiffness progressions: The progression of the stifnesses must be indicated on the corresponding v maximum permissible manufacturing tolerances for the stiffness must also be listed. ‘pasa Technical Specification No. 17.532 Part document 100 Version 00 “traction rod bush” Page 7/7 4a 42 43 Organisational and Administrative Arrangements Changes All component changes which are relevant to quality, such as: Deviations of shape, appearance or character Drawing changes ‘Changes to manufacturing of the processes (Change of the production location ‘must be reported in writing to FIAT-SIG in time, and require written confirmation from FIAT-SIG. Maintenance regulations Damage indicators (fractures, settling, separations etc), as well as those corresponding damage tolerances which could lead to a failure of the rubber bush, are to be specified by the manufucturer and be supplied to FIAT-SIG. Conservation / Storage regulations ‘The manufacturer must take suitable measures to effectively protect the components from corrosion during transportation and for a 6-month storage period. This protection must be easily removable before installation Change Index Version Date Content of the changes Author 00 06.02.98 = sp

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