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the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

the law of typography

Important Concepts and Themes:

1. Four noble truths

2. Elements of the Eightfold Path
3. Sila, Samadhi, Panna
4. Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha
5. Three Marks of existence: Anicca, Dukkha, Anatta
6. Four aggregates of the mind: Vinnana, Sanna, Vedana, Sankhara
7. Importance of Vedana(Sensations) and Samapajanna (Constant understanding of Impermanence)
8. Law of dependent origination (Paticcasamuppada)
9. Five hindrances
10. Factors of enlightenment
11. Stages of Enlightenment
12. Nibbana
13. Levels of Jhanas
14. Samatha-yana and Vipassana-yana
15. 16 Stages of Insight- “Vishuddhimaga” (Path of Purification)
16. Paramis
17. Stages of Enlightenment- Sotapanna, Sakdagami, Anagami, Arahant
18. Fourfold Satipatthana- Kayanupassana, Vedananupassana, Cittanupassana, Dhammanupassana
19. Buddhasasana- 1st and 2nd
20. Different types of Buddhas/Arahants
21. Patipatti, Pariyatti, Pativedhan

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