Reed Lesson 6 Unit 1 Module 4: Christ'S Faithful

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Christ’s faithful refers to anyone who belongs to Ecclesial ministry or the ministry of the ordained
the Church by virtue of his baptism. This person has a collegial character. Jesus Christ called and chose
constitutes the People of God, he belongs to the Body the twelve apostles and sent them together. He
of Christ- the Church (CCC 871). assigned Peter to lead them (Mt 16:18-20). The
apostles took their authority to lead from within the
The Church is united in its mission but diverse
group and were in fraternal union with each other led by
in its ministries. The diversity in ministries led to the
Jesus Christ and then by Peter acting on Christ’s
classification of the faithful into: the Hierarchy, and the
behalf. Peter became the first Pope and the apostles
Laity and the Consecrated. The Hierarchy is composed
became the first set of bishops. This set-up developed
of those who receive the Holy Orders. They refer to the
into the fraternal union of the bishops headed by the
apostles and their successors- the priests and bishops
pope. This is called an Episcopal College or the College
who have been ordained in apostolic succession. The
of Bishops. In like manner, the priests in the diocese are
Laity refers to any baptized who has not received the
in fraternal union with each other headed by the bishop.
Holy Orders. The Consecrated comes from the groups
This is called Sacerdotal College or Presbyterium.
of the hierarchy and the laity. They live in the form of
communities to witness the values of the Gospel.
A) Receiving a Mandate - Holy Orders 1) Christ’s faithful refers to anyone who belongs to
the Church by virtue of his baptism.
The word order (Latin: ordo) in Roman antiquity
2) The Church is united in its mission but diverse
designated an established civil body, especially a
in its ministries. The diversity in ministries led to
governing body (CCC 1537).
the classification of the faithful into: the
Integration into one of these bodies in the Hierarchy, and the Laity and the Consecrated.
Church was accomplished through a rite called 3) The baptized became a member of the
ordination (Latin: ordinatio), a sacramental act which hierarchy through the sacrament of Holy
consecrates a man into the order of bishops, Orders. The Holy Orders is a sacrament of
presbyters, or deacons (CCC 1538). The Holy Orders is apostolic ministry. It includes three degrees:
a sacrament through which the mission entrusted by episcopate, presbyterate and diaconate.
Christ to his apostles continues to be exercised in the 4) Holy Orders is a life of service. Those who
Church until the end of time (CCC 1536). Thus, it is a received the sacrament of Holy Orders are
sacrament of apostolic ministry. It includes three called to lead by serving the Church.
degrees: episcopate, presbyterate and diaconate. 5) Those who received the sacrament of Holy
Orders such as the priests are called to be in
fraternal union with each other through the
B) A Service leadership of their bishops or anyone acting
their behalf. This is called Presbyterium. The
Phil 2:7-8; 1 Cor. 9:19 bishops are also in fraternal union with each
Essentially linked to the sacramental nature of other headed by the pope. This is called
Holy Orders is its character as service. Christ took the College of Bishops.
condition of a slave to serve the will of the Father.
Ministers referring to those who received Holy Orders
are truly slaves of Christ, they act in his person who LESSON 2: THE HIERARCHY
freely took the form of a slave for us. The word and The hierarchy is composed of the apostles and
grace of ministers are not their own but are given to their successors (CCC 873).The successors are
them by Christ. For the sake of others, they must freely classified through the sacrament of Holy Orders that
become the salves of all (CCC 876). Christ us our they have received as follows: (1) Episcopacy or the
model of servant leadership. In like manner, ministers function of the bishop, (2) Papacy or the function of the
must express their leadership through service. pope; and (3) Presbyterate or the function of the priest.


A) EPISCOPACY diocese or prelature assigned to him (Lk

22:26-27). The bishop holds the highest
1. The Emergence and Development of
legislative, executive and judiciary authority
in his diocese. This power is proper,
The first major hierarchical office of the
ordinary, and immediate (CCC 894-895).
Catholic Church is Episcopacy. The episcopacy
The individual bishop is the visible source
refers to the function of the bishops. The
and foundation of unity in his own particular
bishops are the successors of the apostles
Church (CCC 886).
(CCC 861). The apostles before their death
entrusted the mission they received from Christ
- The bishop is a good shepherd (CCC 896):
to their immediate collaborators who shall
He is compassionate to those who are
succeed the ministry. The apostles ensured
ignorant and erring; He never refuses to
further that their successors would likewise
listen to his subjects whose welfare he
entrust the ministry to designated men before
promotes as of his very own children.
they die. This is called apostolic succession.
The rite of succession is known as the
episcopal ordination. Today, the bishops are
chosen from the priests.
The second major hierarchical office of the
The Pastoral Letters documented a Catholic Church is the Papacy (Office of the Pope). The
practice of handing down of authority: “Leaders Pope, Bishop of Rome and Peter's successor, "is the
of the Church received their commission from perpetual and visible source and foundation of the unity
the apostles through imposition of hands” (1Tim both of the bishops and of the whole company of the
4:14; 2Tim 1:6). Because of this, we can see faithful (CCC 882).
the idea of Apostolic Succession which puts in
place the doctrine of the continuity of the
leadership of the Apostles to their successors 1. The Appointment of Peter:
through the laying of hands. The laying of - The authority of Peter was clearly
hands is a means of the leader to hand in the emphasized in the NT, i.e., Peter
mandate or appointment or commission his possessed a permanent place among
successor to a function of office. the 12 apostles. Jesus changed the
name of Simon to Peter. Based on the
Jewish tradition, a change of a name
2. The ministries (or office) of the episcopacy signifies a certain role. Simon whom
a. Teaching ministry: Jesus called with a new name “Peter”
- The aim of the teaching ministry is for the was to be the rock foundation of the
people of God to abide in truth that Church and this was clearly explained
liberates (CCC 889). The bishops in by Jesus as he said: “You are Peter,
communion with the pope and working with and in you I will build my Church” (Mt.
the priests and guided by the magisterium 16:18-20). Jesus also gave Peter and
are tasked to preach the Gospel to all (Mk. the other apostles under his leadership
16:15). the power of binding and losing (CCC
b. Sanctifying ministry:
- The bishops and priests are stewards of 2. Papal Primacy:
grace (CCC 893). They sanctify the Church - The Roman Pontiff, by reason of his
by their prayer and work; by their ministry office as Vicar of Christ, and as pastor
of the word and the sacraments; and by of the entire Church has full, supreme,
their example (1 Pet 5:3-4) and universal authority over the whole
Church (CCC 882). This authority
c. Governing ministry: refers to the papal primacy. The papal
- The bishop under the guidance of the pope, primacy entails two (2) powers namely:
governs the local church such as the


(a) Primacy of Jurisdiction, and (b) the Pope uses his authority in these
Infallible Teaching Authority. issues, he enjoys freedom from error
and abiding fidelity to the Christian
revelation in the doctrine taught and
a. Primacy of Jurisdiction: called as EX CATHEDRA (from the
- The Bishop of Rome as successor of seat of the Pope).
Peter possesses the supreme
ecclesiastical discipline and - It is in the context of “freedom from
government, or the supreme and error”; that when the Pope defines
universal authority over all bishops and things in matters of faith and morals, it
the faithful in the Church. is to be understood as a DOGMA.
- This authority includes: (Dogma is a principle or set of
principles laid down by an authority as
i. Jurisdictional: incontrovertibly true.) This could be
Legislative, judicial, executive understood in the context of:
powers – real power not just a
possession of honor and 1. Infallibility of Christ Himself: he is
respect. the perfect revealer of the Father
who can’t be deceived and who will
ii. Episcopal: not deceive…
The authority of the Pope
covers the entire Church just 2. Infallibility of the Church: this is
as the Bishop has authority caused by the presence of Christ in
over his local Church. the church and also of the
guidance of the holy Spirit. Hence,
iii. Ordinary: the Church will not deviate from the
It does not rest in being “you”, Apostolic faith – the one being
but it belongs to the very received by the apostles from
nature of Pope. Jesus Christ.

iv. Immediate: 3. Infallibility of the Magisterium: this

The Pope can exercise his refers to the charism within the
power and authority inherently Church which is exercised in a
to his faithful in any diocese. special way by those who are
called to an apostolic ministry,
v. Full: which refers to the College of
There is an ecclesiastical Bishops, headed by the Pope. The
authority the Pope has within task of the Magisterium is to
his jurisdiction. preserve God's people from
deviations and defections and to
vi. Supreme: guarantee them the objective
No other higher authority over possibility of professing the true
the Pope in the church. faith without error CCC 889).

vii. Universal: Fr. William G. Most explains: By

It is universal in space and the Magisterium we mean the
time, an authority that comes teaching office of the Church. It
to all at all times. consists of the Pope and Bishops.
Christ promised to protect the
teaching of the Church: "He who
b. Infallible Teaching Authority: hears you, hears me; he who
- This teaching authority is related to the rejects you rejects me, he who
issues on FAITH and MORALS. When rejects me, rejects Him who sent


me" (Luke 10. 16). Now of course New Testament time did not call their
the promise of Christ cannot fail: ministers “priest”.
hence when the Church presents
some doctrine as definitive or final, b. There is a Hebrew term “presbyteroi”
it comes under this protection, it (which is translated to English as “priest”).
cannot be in error; in other words, it The presbyteroi refers to an “elder” of the
is infallible. This is true even if the community. During the period of the early
Church does not use the solemn Christian community, the elders functioned
ceremony of definition. The day to as a council to lead the synagogue.
day teaching of the Church
throughout the world, when the
Bishops are in union with each 2. Biblical Roots of Christian Priesthood:
other and with the Pope, and a. The Priesthood of the Old Testament (OT):
present something as definitive, - In the OT, a priest was called as
this is infallible. (Vatican II, Lumen “levite”. Hence, we can call their
gentium # 25). It was precisely by priesthood as LEVITICAL
the use of that authority that PRIESTHOOD”. A better way of
Vatican I was able to define that understanding of this kind of
the Pope alone, when speaking as priesthood could be explained in
such and making things definitive, Dt. 33: 8-10. The text cites three
is also infallible. Of course this (3) functions of a levite as follows:
infallibility covers also teaching on
what morality requires, for that is i. discerner of God’s will
needed for salvation. (counselor): The levite
gives counsel to and for
4. Infallibility of the Pope: the same the community.
charism in the Church exercised in
a special way by the head of the ii. teacher of the Law: The
college of the bishops, or even levite communicates or
without the college (CCC 891). The inculcates to the people a
infallibility applies only to the certain way of life.
pronouncements concerning faith
and morals. iii. cultic offerer of sacrifice:
The principal role of the
levite was to lead the
C) PRESBYTERATE cultic offering in the
Priest refers to anyone who has received the
sacrament of sacerdotal ordination. Once ordained, the
- During the early beginning of
person becomes a co-worker of the bishop for the
Christianity (30 AD – 70 AD), the
proper fulfillment of the apostolic mission that had been
early Christian believers not see
entrusted by Christ (CCC 1562).
their community as a separate
religion, but as a “Renewing
Judaism”.( Judaism is a religion of
1. Preliminary Remarks the Kingdom of Judah which
a. During the New Testament period, the term considers Yahweh as God.) The
“priest” was applied to Jewish authorities. early Christian believers
Among them are the chief priests and the understood their faith in relation to
high priest in the Sanhedrin. This the OT covenant. Their prayers
priesthood is not classified as religious were presided by the OT priests
functions but rather as political positions. (levites). They did not need a new
This does not relate to the priesthood of priesthood to preside over the
Christ. The believers of Yahweh during the breaking of the bread because


there were levites who presided A priest presides over the

over those prayers. Eucharist. This speaks of
the priest being a
- However, the Temple (of Judaism) proclaimer of the Paschal
was destroyed in 70AD. The Mystery of Jesus.
Christian believers understood it as
God’s final rejection of Israel
including its religion Judaism. 3. The Three (3) Priesthoods:
Hence, the Christian believers a. The Priesthood of Jesus Christ
began to see the “New Israel” - This is a unique priesthood of the
which refers to the Christian divine son as the sole mediator
religion and the Church as we have between God and man through His
now. death on the cross. No one else
can share this priesthood.
b. New Testament (NT) Antecedents to the
Christian Priesthood b. The Common Priesthood
- With the inception of the “New - This is the priesthood which Jesus
Israel” (Christianity), was the need Christ shared to all believers
of a new priesthood who would through baptism. Through baptism,
uphold the leadership of its founder the Christian faithful become
Jesus Christ and lead the sharers in Christ’s priestly,
celebration of its highest prayer- prophetic, and kingly office in their
the Holy Eucharist. The Holy own manner (CCC 871).
Eucharist was totally different from
the cultic offering of sacrifice in the c. The Ministerial Priesthood (CCC 1551)
Temple of the Religion of Judaism. - This is the priesthood that Jesus
shared to his apostles. This
- In order for us to understand priesthood can be succeeded upon
Christian Priesthood, we should by anyone who have been called
consider its different ministries as and chosen through the imposition
follows: of hands. The imposition of hands
is currently done through the
i. Disciple: sacrament of Holy Orders or
A priest is one who is Sacerdotal ordination. This is a
called and chosen to follow priesthood for altar and sacrifice
the Lord. This speaks of a and for Christian service otherwise
lifestyle of the priest. known as the presbyterate.

ii. Apostle: D) DIACONATE

A priest the one who is Acts 6: 1-7
sent or commissioned….
This speaks of the priest’s Diaconate is a ministry of service. It is located
ministry or apostolate. at the lower level of the hierarchy. A person becomes a
deacon through the rite of the Sacrament of Diaconate
iii. Presbyter-bishop: Ordination. The highlight of the rite of ordination is the
A priest is in-charge of act of the bishop to lay his hand on the candidate. The
administration; guardian of sacrament of Holy Orders marks the candidate with an
the Apostolic Doctrine. imprint ("character") which cannot be removed and
This speaks of the priest’s which configures him to Christ, who made himself the
pastoral administration. "deacon" or servant of all (Mk 10:45; Lk 22:27).
The deacon assists the bishop and priests in
iv. Presider over the the celebration of the divine mysteries, above all the
Eucharist: Eucharist, in the distribution of Holy Communion, in


assisting at and blessing marriages, in the proclamation Peter's successor, as its head." As such, this college
of the Gospel and preaching, in presiding over funerals, has "supreme and full authority over the universal
and in dedicating themselves to the various ministries of Church; but this power cannot be exercised without the
charity. concurrence of the Roman Pontiff." (CCC 883)
"This college, in so far as it is composed of
many members, is the expression of the variety and
universality of the People of God; and of the unity of the
flock of Christ, in so far as it is assembled under one
head" (CCC 885).
1. The first major hierarchical office of the Catholic
Church is Episcopacy. The Episcopacy refers
the function of a bishop. The bishops are the
successors of the apostles. The rite of
succession is known as the episcopal When Christ instituted the Twelve, "he
ordination. Today, the bishops are chosen from constituted [them] in the form of a college or permanent
the priests. assembly, at the head of which he placed Peter, chosen
from among them." Just as "by the Lord's institution, St.
2. The bishop has threefold ministries such as Peter and the rest of the apostles constitute a single
teaching (to preach the Gospel), sanctifying (to apostolic college, so in like fashion the Roman Pontiff,
become stewards of grace), and governing (to Peter's successor, and the bishops, the successors of
rule the diocese assigned to him). the apostles, are related with and united to one
another." (CCC 880)
3. The second major hierarchical office of the
Catholic Church is the Papacy. The pope is the
successor of Peter and the bishop of Rome. C) UNITY IN THE DIOCESE AND THE
4. The pope has the full, supreme and universal
authority over the whole Church. This authority "The individual bishops are the visible source
is expressed in terms of the primacy of and foundation of unity in their own particular Churches.
jurisdiction and infallible teaching authority. As such, they exercise their pastoral office over the
portion of the People of God assigned to them, assisted
5. The priest refers to anyone who has received by priests and deacons” (CCC 886). The priests and
sacerdotal ordination. The priest assists the deacons in the diocese united with their bishop forms a
bishop deliver his apostolic ministries. sacerdotal college or a presbyterium.
CCC 886: “However, as a member of the
6. The deacon refers to anyone who has received college of bishops, each bishop shares in the concern
the diaconate ordination. Diaconate is a for all the dioceses. The bishops exercise this care first
ministry of service. The deacon assists the by ruling well their own diocese as portions of the
priest deliver his ministries. universal Church, and so contributing to the welfare of
the universal Church, which, from another point of view,
7. There are three kinds of ordinations in the is a corporate body of Churches. They extend it
Church: episcopacy, presbyterate and especially to the poor, to those persecuted for the faith,
diaconate. as well as to missionaries who are working throughout
the world.”
CCC 887: Neighboring particular Churches who
LESSON 3 share the same culture form ecclesiastical provinces or
A) FOUNDATION OF UNITY larger groupings called patriarchates or regions. The
bishops of these groupings can meet in synods or
The College of Bishops is an assembly of provincial councils. In a like fashion, the episcopal
bishops from all over the universal Church called by the conferences at the present time are in a position to
Pope. "The college or body of bishops has no authority contribute in many and fruitful ways to the concrete
unless united with the pope or the Roman Pontiff, realization of the collegiate spirit.


1. The College of Bishops is the gathering of
bishops throughout the world because they are
called by the pope. The bishops, when
gathered as a college has "supreme and full
authority over the universal Church.

2. The Sacerdotal College refers to the priests

and deacons in the diocese united with their

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