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The Church possesses four essential features

as follows: The bonds of unity that sustains the oneness of
the Church are the following (CCC 815):
Unit 1: The Church is One;
Unit 2: The Church is Holy; 1. The profession of one faith received from the
Unit 3: The Church is Catholic; Apostles (The Nicene Creed);
Unit 4: The Church is Apostolic.
2. The common celebration of divine worship,
These four features, inseparably linked with especially of the sacraments;
each other, indicate essential characteristics of the
Church and her mission. It is Christ who, through 3. The apostolic succession through the sacrament of
the Holy Spirit, makes his Church one, holy, Holy Orders (Matt. 16:18).
catholic, and apostolic, and it is he who calls her to
realize each of these qualities (CCC 811). Jesus Christ received his mandate from the
Father which he then shared to his apostles through the
leadership of Peter. Peter and the apostles shared this
A. The Oneness of the Church mandate to their successors through the sacrament of
Holy Orders. This is called apostolic succession. The
What makes the Church one? apostolic succession maintains the fraternal concord of
God's family.
1) The Triune God:
C. Diversity within the Unity
- The Church is one because of her source
which is the Triune God (CCC 813). The Diversity means differences in various ways.
highest exemplar and source of this The people of God is diverse and yet one (Eph 4:2-6).
mystery is the unity in the Trinity of Persons The following are the marks of unity in diversity of the
of one God: the Father and the Son in the Church (CCC 814):
Holy Spirit.
1. Within the unity of the People of God,
- The Triune God is bound together by love there is a multiplicity of people’s and
that is inclusive rather than exclusive. This culture which enhances the meaning of
a kind of love that cannot be kept by the togetherness.
persons of the Holy Trinity within
themselves but it is meant to be shared. 2. Among the Church's members, there
The Church is the concrete expression of are different gifts, offices, conditions,
the sharing of this love. and ways of life which help provide for
each other’s needs.
2) Jesus Christ:
3. The universal Church is composed of
- The Church is one because of her founder particular Churches that retain their
Jesus Christ: the Word made flesh, the own traditions which enrich the variety
prince of peace who reconciled all men to of faith expressions.
God by the cross and restored the unity of
all as one people and one body. (Lk. 22:34 D. “Subsist in” (From Peter to the last Pope)
Forgiveness on the Cross)
Jesus founded the Church. He commissioned
3) The Holy Spirit: Peter and the other apostles to extend and rule it. The
Church of Christ subsists today in the Catholic Church
- The Church is one because of her soul- the which is governed by the successor of Peter (the pope)
Holy Spirit who is dwelling in those who and by the bishops in communion with the pope (CCC
believe and pervading and ruling over the 816). Peter became the first pope. When the pope dies
entire Church; bringing about that or retires, bishops of the Catholic Church who have
wonderful communion of the faithful and been elevated to the rank of Cardinals would gather
joins them together so intimately in Christ from all over the world and elect from among them the
who is the principle of unity. next pope.
B. Three bonds of Unity Summary


the English Orthodox Church who

1) The oneness of the Church is brought about by swears loyalty to the king or queen of
the unity of the persons in the triune God. The England rather than to the pope. The
Triune God is bound together by love that is Western Church or the Roman Church
inclusive rather than exclusive. The Church is split further into: (1) The Protestant
the concrete inclusion of this love. Church which declared separation
from the Latin/Roman Church and
2) The Church is one because all her members refused to recognize the authority of
have been reconciled by Jesus Christ to one the Pope; and (2) The Roman
another and to God. Catholic Church which recognizes the
Pope as her highest leader.
3) The Church is one because she has only one
soul the Holy Spirit which is the principle of 2. The sins that destroys unity
Amidst the quest for unity, the Church
4) The oneness of the Church is bonded by the recognizes the divisions as sinful acts. It humbly
profession of one faith, the celebration of divine accepts that everyone share part of the blame. The
worship, and the apostolic succession in the break-up from communion with the Church are
leadership. classified as follows: Heresy; Apostasy; and Schism
(CCC 817) and Idolatry.
5) Amidst the Church’s unity, the Church is also
a) Heresy is the obstinate denial or doubt
diverse in terms of culture and tradition,
by baptized of a truth which must be
giftedness, ways of living. All these, when
delivered by divine and Catholic faith.
harnessed positively makes the Church
enriching. Faith is expressed uniquely but
b) Apostasy, the total repudiation of the
genuinely and lively.
Christian faith; and

A) Wounds of Unity c) Schism is the withdrawal of submission

to the Supreme Pontiff (pope) or from
1. Rifts and dissensions communion with the members of the
Church (CIC can. 751; CCC817).
Rifts and serious dissensions happened and
separated particular churches from full communion with d) Idolatry happens when the believer
the Catholic Church (CCC 817). The following are the considers secular resources like
divisions in the Church: money, gun, power and the like as
a) Some members of the Christian faith
separated into non-Christian faith. “Where there are sins,
there are also divisions,
b) Within the Christian Church, there was schisms, heresies, and
a split into: (1) The Western Church disputes (Gal 5:20). Where
(also known as the Latin Church or there is virtue, however,
the Roman Church), and (2) The there also are harmony and
Eastern Church (also known as the unity, from which arise the
Orthodox Church). one heart and one soul of
all believers” (CCC 817).
c) The Eastern Church split further into
two groups: (1) One group continues
to recognize the authority of the pope B) Vestiges of Truth and Holiness outside the
as its highest leader. This is Church
composed of the following Churches
as follows: Chaldean, Syrian, 1. No one can charge with the sin of the
Maronite, Coptic, Armenian, and separation those who at present are born into
Byzantine. (2) Another group refuses these communities [that resulted from
to consider the pope as its highest such separation] and in them are brought up in
leader. The famous example of this is the faith of Christ; The Catholic Church


accepts them with respect and affection as (a) share together the common
brothers/sisters (CCC 818). elements of their faith through
prayer in common, fraternal
2. The Church recognizes that there are many knowledge of each other, and
elements of sanctification and of truth that are lifestyle; and
found outside the visible confines of the
Catholic Church such as: (b) respect each other’s
a) the written Word of God;
b) the life of grace; 3) Kinds of Dialogue
c) faith, hope, and charity (also CCC
819); i) Ecumenism
d) the gifts of the Holy Spirit such as truth
and goodness. Ecumenism is the dialogue of faith among
different Churches within the Christian religion. The
3. Amidst our differences, Pope Paul VI reminds dialogue is done in view ofrestoring unity of the
us of the following (Nostra Aetate #1): Christian Churches. Ecumenical efforts include fair and
respectful dialogue, praying together and working
a) There is only one community of all together on projects for the common good (UR 4; CCC
peoples, one their origin and one 820 – 822).
in their final goal which is union
with the one God; Unfortunately, ecumenism in the Philippines
requires a great deal of pastoral discernment, due to the
b) This one God has only one saving virulent attacks and aggressive proselytizing of many
design extended to all men. non-Catholic fundamentalist groups (cf. PCP II 218 -28;
NCDP 233).
C) Recovering Our Lost Unity ii) Interreligious dialogue

1) What are the ways to recover unity? Interreligious dialogue is the dialogue of faith of
the Christian religion with the non-Christians.
The desire to recover the unity of all Christians
is a gift of Christ and a call of the Holy Spirit (CCC 820). All nations form but one community (CCC 842).
Certain things are required in order to respond The Church aims to reunite all his children scattered
adequately to this call: and led astray by sin (CCC 845). Through the
instrumentality of the Church, the humanity may
a) Permanent renewal. rediscover its unity and salvation.
- The Church is called to renew
herself permanently from the Summary
iniquities that caused the split and 1) Rifts and dissensions disrupted the oneness in
to be faithful to her vocation to the Church. Some members moved out from
search for unity. the faith. The Church split into the East and
West. The East split further into two groups with
b) Personal conversion. one group continuing to recognize the
- The faithful try to live holier lives leadership of the Pope. The West split further
according to the Gospel. The into the Roman Catholic Church and protestant.
infidelity of the faithful to the
Church causes division. 2) Rifts and dissensions are caused by the sins of
heresy, apostasy, schism and idolatry.
c) Dialogue of faith.
3) The Church does not claim monopoly of the
1) Goal: means to salvation. There are vestiges of truth
- The goal of the dialogue of faith is and holiness outside the Church which are
to restore unity. means of sanctification. Amidst this we must be
reminded that there is only one God with one
2) Procedure: saving design extended to everyone.
- People of different religions


4) There are means within the Church to recover

the lost unity. Everyone is called to renew
himself from sinfulness that destroys oneness. A) Universal Call to Holiness
The Church must be open to dialogue with
other faith groups by sharing the common The Church as people of God, unlike her
elements of the faith and respecting the founder is sinful. The faithful are called to holiness
differences. (1Thess 4:3). They are called by the Lord through their
own ways to live perfectly in as much as the Father is
perfect (CCC 825).
A) The Church as Christ’s Bride
B) Holy yet Gathering up Sinners
Christ loved the Church as his Bride. Christ
gave up himself up for the Church so as to sanctify her. The Church is Holy. Jesus Christ put up the
Christ joined the Church to himself as his body and Church to gather the sinners and make them holy. The
endowed the Church with the gift of the Holy Spirit for way to holiness is penance and self-renewal. Through
the glory of God. In as much as Christ is hailed as holy, the Church, sinners are guided to do penance and self-
the Church is called to be unfailingly holy. renewal regularly for sanctification (LG 8).

B) The Church as sanctifying C) Canonizing Saints

The Church, united with Christ, is sanctified by The Church canonizes the faithful who have
him (LG 39). Through Christ and with Christ, the Church practiced heroic virtues and lived in fidelity to God’s
becomes sanctifying. All the activities of the Church are grace as saints. The saints have always been the
directed to the sanctification of men the glorification of source and origin of renewal of faith in the most difficult
God. By the grace of God, we acquire holiness through moments in the Church's history. The saints are our
the Church (CCC 824). model and intercessors.

C) Charity, the Soul of Holiness Summary

The highest expression of love is charity. The 1) Everyone in the Church is called to rise up from
true measure of charity is the act of giving which has their sinfulness. Through their own charisms,
hurt the giver because he has given essentially part of they are called to live perfectly in as much as
his being. The charitable act of giving necessarily the Father is perfect.
diminishes the being of the giver, as it essentially 2) The Church gathers sinners and leads them to
enriches the being of the recipient. holiness. The Church does this by providing
avenues for penance and self-renewal. The
The way to holiness is charity (CCC 286). Church provides models and intercessors by
Charity governs, shapes, and perfects all the means of canonizing the faithful who practiced heroic
sanctification. Jesus Christ is the perfect model of virtues and lived in fidelity to God’s grace.
charity when he gave his life for us. We are called to be

Summary Unit 3 The Church is Catholic

1) Christ considered the Church as his bride. He Lesson 1 Meaning of Catholicity

gave himself up for her. Christ is holy, he
A. Catholic as “Universal”
sanctified the Church. The Church being a
community of sinners is also called to holiness. Catholic means “universal” i.e., according to the
She becomes an alter Christ who provides
totality or in keeping with the whole.
sanctification to her members.
Church is catholic because she has been sent
2) The way to holiness is to live charitably. We
out by Christ on a mission to the whole of the human
become charitable when we commit our lives
for the welfare of the other. Christ is the perfect race. (Acts 2:1-12)
model of charity when he gave his life for us.


B. Roman Catholic Church Nevertheless, although imperfect, the

communion of the Catholic Church with the Orthodox
The Roman Catholic Church refers to the Churches is so profound that its lacks a little to attain
Universal Church headed by the pope. the fullness of a common celebration of the Holy
It is composed of the faithful who profess the Eucharist with the Roman Catholic Church (CCC838).
Catholic faith in its entirety and have preserved unity or
communion with the pope being the successor of Peter.
B. Church and the Non-Christians
The term “Roman” is inspired by the Roman
Primacy. 1. The Relationship of the Church with the Jewish
The Roman Primacy: The Roman Church The Church considers its relationship
otherwise known as the Church of Rome is recognized with the Jewish people, who has responded to
as the first organized Church founded by the two great God’s revelation in the Old Covenant; who has
apostles Peter and Paul. received the sonship of Yahweh and his
promises; from whose lineage belong the
patriarchy of the of the Son of God (CCC 839).
C. Particular and Universal Church
2. The Relationship of the Church with the
The phrase "particular church," is also known Muslims:
as diocese. The Church considers her relationship
with the Muslims. The plan of salvation also
The diocese is composed of parishes. It is headed by a
includes those who acknowledge the Creator,
bishop who has been ordained in apostolic succession.
in the first place amongst whom are the
The diocese is also known as the local church, Muslims. The Muslims professes to hold the
and the bishop is known as the local ordinary. faith of Abraham, and together with us they
adore the one, merciful God, mankind's judge
The “Universal Church” is composed of on the last day (CCC 841).
dioceses or local churches which are in communion
with the pope as their head.

The parish refers to a community of the 3. The Relationship of the Church with other
Christian faithful in communion of faith and sacraments religions:
with their parish priest who has been ordained in The Church recognizes in other
apostolic succession and who is in communion with the religions the search for all goodness and truth
local ordinary. as indicators of their search for God (CCC 843).
Truth and goodness are indicators of the
presence of God. God is absolute truth and
absolute goodness.
Lesson 2: Universal Call to Belong to the Catholic
4. The Relationship of the Church with those who
A. The Catholic Church and the Orthodox do not yet accept the Gospel:
Churches The missionary task of the Church
implies the conduct of respectful dialogue with
Before the split, the faithful who came to belong
those who do not yet accept the Gospel (CCC
to this church were in full communion with the Roman
856). Despite their unbelief, there may be
Catholic Church and their priests have been ordained in
elements of truth, grace and goodness in them
apostolic succession.
which reveals the secret presence of God.
While the baptism of the Orthodox Church is
recognized by the Roman Catholic Church, doctrinal
differences noticed among the two religions.


C. “Outside the Church there is no Salvation” (“Extra

Ecclesiam Nulla Salus”)
B. Missionary Motivation
The Church teaches that salvation comes from
Christ the head through the Church. 1 Tim 2:4

Outside the Church are those who know the 4 who wants all people to be saved and to come to a
Catholic Church but would refuse either to enter it or knowledge of the truth.
remain in it.

Among them are the heretics, the schismatics, The cause and the end of the Church
the apostates, and the idolatrous. missionary motivation is Truth.
This affirmation is not aimed at those who, CCC851: God wills the salvation of everyone
through no fault of their own, do not know Christ and his through the knowledge of the truth.
Church. The Church then, has the obligation and the
sacred right to evangelize everyone. Salvation is found in the truth. Those who obey
the prompting of the Spirit of truth are already on the
Amidst this standpoint, the Church expresses way of salvation.
humane considerations to the Jewish people, the
Muslims, the believers of other religions, and even to
those who do not yet accept the Gospel.
C. Missionary Paths

The mission takes the way of poverty and

Lesson 3: Mission and Catholicity obedience, of service and self-sacrifice even to death.

A. Missionary Mandate The sector of the society who is most deprived

of the truth is the poor. Christ made himself known first
Mt 28:19-20; Mt 16:15 and foremost to the poor (Lk 2:8-20).
19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, The mission begins with the proclamation of the
baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son Gospel to peoples and groups who do not yet believe in
and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey Christ, continues with the establishment of Christian
everything I have commanded you. And surely I am communities, and leads to the foundation of local
with you always, to the very end of the age.” churches.

This involves the process of inculturation. To

“But what about you?” he asked. “Who do you say I those who have accepted the faith, the Gospel is to take
am?” flesh in each people’s culture. The believer expresses
the faith in the context on his culture.
16 Simon Peter answered, “You are the Messiah, the
Son of the living God.” The mission is towards Christian unity among
the baptized. It also involves respectful dialogue with
those who do not yet accept the Gospel.

A requirement to the Church’s catholicity is

mission. The Church by virtue of her mission strives to
spread the love of the Triune God to everyone. UNIT 4 THE CHURCH IS APOSTOLIC

The Church is sent to witness the Gospel to the Lesson: 1 The Apostles’ Mission
whole universe. By witnessing the Gospel, the Church A. Apostolic in Three Ways
becomes the universal sacrament of salvation (CCC
849). 1. The Church was and remains built on the
foundation of the Apostles (Eph. 2:20; Rev


21:14), the witnesses chosen and sent on The bishops taken the place of the apostles as
mission by Christ himself (Mt 28:16-20; Acts pastors whoever listens to them listens to Christ and
1:8; 1 Cor 9:1; 15:7-8; Gal 1:1); whoever despises them despises Christ and him who
sent Christ (LG 20 #2
2. With the help of the Spirit dwelling within, the
Church keeps and hands on the teaching (Acts
2:42), the "good deposit," the salutary words
she has heard from the apostles (2 Tim 1:13-
14); B. Bishops – Successors of the Apostles

3. The Church continues to be taught, sanctified, The apostles accordingly designated men of
and guided by the apostles until Christ's return, integrity, gave then the function as sacred order of
through their successors in pastoral office: the bishops and then made the ruling that likewise on their
college of bishops, "assisted by priests, in union death other proven men should take over their ministry
with the successor of Peter, the Church's (LG 20; Acts 20:28).
supreme pastor.
C Mission to Baptize and Evangelize
C. The Apostolate
Mt. 10:5-12
The whole Church is apostolic (CCC 863):
The Church earned her apostolic image
because her leadership is anchored on the mission of 1. She remains, through the successors of St.
the apostles. Jesus commissioned the twelve being Peter and the other apostles, in communion of
emissaries to continue his mission (CCC 858). faith and life with her origin;

1. Jesus sent the apostles to preach in his behalf. 2. She is "sent out" into the whole world.
(mk. 3:13-14; jn 20:21; jn 13:20; jn 17:18)
3. All members of the Church share in this
2. The apostles' ministry is the continuation of mission, though various ways:
Jesus’s mission. (mt. 10:40; lk. 10:16)

3. The ministry of the apostles is founded on

a) The hierarchy- according to their functions and
Jesus’s mission. (jn 5:19-,30; jn 15:5)

As "the Son can do nothing of his own accord," b) The laity- according to their involvement in the
but receives everything from the Father who sent him, temporal affairs.
so those whom Jesus sends can do nothing apart from
him from whom they received both the mandate for their
mission and the power to carry it out. The temporal affairs refer to the social, cultural,
economic and political realities which the faithful find
themselves in contact with.
Lesson 2 Apostolic Succession

A. The Duty to Pass on the Office

The divine mission entrusted by Jesus to the

apostles "will continue to the end of time, since the
Gospel they handed on is the lasting source of all life for
the Church.

Therefore, the apostles took care to appoint

successors (LG 20; Mt 28:19-20).

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