At Long Last Italy Moves To Comply With

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OKLAHOMA – The leadership in the

Oklahoma State House of Representatives

At Long Last, Italy Moves to Comply With
announced on May 24 that S.B. 1619,
which would bar transgender students
European Human Rights Imperative to
from using school restrooms consistent Recognize Same-Sex Partners
with their gender identity, was being

shelved for the current legislative session, s the last and 27th European couples were already permitted to
according to a press release issued by country to legislate on same- marry, the 2007 Italian bill contained
Freedom Oklahoma, an LGBT-rights sex couples, on May 20, 2016, a very minimal regime that was
political group. Italy has eventually passed the Act on the alleged result of a compromise
Same-Sex Civil Unions and De Facto with the powerful Roman Catholic
Partnerships (Law No. 71/2016, Official component of the governing coalition.
OREGON – On May 5, the Oregon
Journal No. 118 of May 21, 2016). Given Such a component, however, was able
Department of Education issued
guidelines providing that transgender that the only legally recognized union to target the bill anyway because of
students in public schools in the state so far was the nuclear family based on its recognition, although negligible, of
should be able to use whatever names, different-sex marriage, Italian scholars gay and lesbian couples. After putting
bathrooms, and pronouns they want, unanimously marked this Act as “a strong pressure over the national press
according to an Associated Press report legal revolution in Italian law.” and lobbying conservative politicians to
of May 6. “A student who says she is The very first draft on the matter delay and interfere with the bill’s path
a girl and wishes to be regarded that dates back to 1983, when some women towards a proper discussion, the Catholic
way throughout the school day should affiliated to the then-Communist Party activists, many of whom were present
be respected and treated like any other introduced a bill on cohabiting couples in the government itself, scheduled a
girl,” says the guidelines document. “So regardless of their sex. While several “Family Day” in May, 2007, gathering
too with a student who says he is a boy.” other bills have been filed throughout 300,000 people in Rome specifically
The guidelines were issued after Dallas the decades by all parties, including protesting against the legal recognition
School District Superintendent reached coalitions traditionally hostile to of homosexual couples. The Catholic
out to Governor Kate Brown for help in LGBT rights, none of them had been Church not only embraced the protest,
response to a controversy in the District extensively discussed in any legislative but also officially expressed harsh
involving a high school principal’s
chamber or commission. criticism towards the government for
decision to let a transgender boy use
Perhaps the most significant its move in favor of same-sex couples,
the boys’ locker room, inciting protests
antecedent occurred in 2007, when even if the bill covered also straight
from parents and students. Other states
that have issued similar guidelines a bill drafted and approved by the couples. As a result, after losing most of
include Connecticut, Massachusetts, government, at the time supported by its Catholic component the government
and New York. a center-left coalition led by Prime had to relinquish any support for the
Minister Romano Prodi, would have bill so that the Justice Commission of
recognized for all couples a few rights the Chamber of Deputies could quickly
PENNSYLVANIA – Philadelphia Mayor such as registration, inheritance (but bury it under its already overloaded
Jim Kenney should be added to the list of only after 9 years of cohabitation), and dockets. A few months later, the issue
mayors who have curtailed travel by city health and social security services (but was politically deployed once again to
employees to states that officially restrict under further regulations to be passed). drain the remaining support for Prodi’s
the restroom access rights of transgender Registration, however, was supposed to government, which ultimately lost a
people. Daily Pennsylvanian, June 2. take place not through a ceremony in confidence vote in the Senate in January
front of a government official, as usually 2008, paving the way to the victory of
happens in the event of a civil marriage, the center-right and the subsequent
TENNESSEE – A transgender girl in but simply with the filing by the partners freezing of the matter for the following
the Summer County school system of two separate statements declaring the five-year term.
had been using the girls’ bathroom
beginning of the cohabitation. The idea In 2010, however, the general issue
without incident until January, when
of unilateral instead of joint declarations of LGBT rights gained new momentum.
school officials told her she would be
reflects the fear of the ritual getting too On April 15, 2010, the Constitutional
disciplined if she continued to do so.
The ACLU of Tennessee asked the U.S. close to a civil marriage. Court rendered a judgment in favor
Department of Education to intervene. Moreover, compared to other nations of same-sex unions establishing that,
The school district insisted that it was such as France or Germany, where laws even if they were not entitled to marry
complying with federal law by providing recognizing and protecting same-sex under the Constitution, same-sex
“alternative, private, unisex restrooms couples are in force, respectively, since partners had a right “to freely live their
and changing facilities.” AP National 1999 and 2001, and as Spain, Belgium condition as a couple” and to obtain
News, May 19. or the Netherlands, where same-sex due recognition from the Parliament.

226 LGBT Law Notes June 2016

In the court’s language, marriage was Through all these years, the filibustering by religiously oriented
not precluded among the envisageable Parliament ignored every court call, oppositions in the Justice Commission,
statutory solutions, but the court was with the number of filed bills multiplying where all bills were stalled. Bill S.
clear in affirming that the law had to from both coalitions. Some bills were 2081 contained two parts. The first
cover “rights and duties of the union” discussed, but with no concrete results, one created a civil union for same-sex
in a possibly all-comprehensive fashion. in the Justice Commission of the Senate. couples only; the second addressed
The court also reserved to intervene in And yet, on July 21, 2015, the European simple partners regardless of their sex,
the event of an unequal treatment of Court of Human Rights released a entitling them to a few rights (especially
same-sex unions compared to married ruling against Italy in Oliari et al., in guardianship and tort law). For civil
couples. stating that the absence of regulation unions, the law provided the same rights
Two years later, the Supreme for same-sex couples infringed the currently granted to married couples
Court of Cassation (Corte Suprema petitioners’ right to respect of their (reciprocal support, inheritance,
di Cassazione) stated that same- private and family life under Article 8 alimony, health services etc.), and
sex couples were entitled to legal of the European Convention on Human even additional ones (such as the
recognition from the Parliament but, Rights (ECtHR, Case of Oliari v. Italy, common family name and an expedited
in the silence of the latter, they could App. No. 18766/11 and 36030/11, see procedure for partnership termination),
access the courts to claim specific European Court of Human Rights Rules including stepparent adoption (but not
rights of equal treatment compared to European Convention for Protection of joint adoption). Its main model was
married couples (No. 4184 of March 15, Human Rights Requires Italy to Enact the Lebenspartnerschaft (Life Civil
2012, Garullo & Ottocento v. Comune Either Civil Union or Marriage Law for Union law) enacted in Germany in
di Latina et al., on which see the note, Same-Sex Couples, 2015 L.G.L.N. 347). 2001, combined with the reference
Italy’s High Court Rules on Recognition
Claim by Same-Sex Couple Married in
the Netherlands, 2012 L.G.L.N. 108). In
so stating, the Supreme Court used the
jurisprudence of the European Court The court was clear in requiring Italy to enact
of Human Rights which acknowledged not a weak statute such as the one proposed in
same-sex couples’ “right to respect for
private and family life” (ECtHR, Case 2007, but a proper statute that grants gay and
of Schalk & Kopf v. Austria, June 24,
2010, App. No. 30141/04, part. para.
lesbian people the “opportunity to enter into a
94). Several courts used a combination civil union or registered partnership.”
of the rulings of both the Constitutional
and the Supreme Court to recognize
individual rights, for example under
refugee, immigration, and parental Moreover, in its judgment the court to marriage law that is typical of the
relationship law. urged the Council of Europe to monitor Scandinavian domestic partnership
In the latter field, in particular, Italy as to the enactment of proper model (now replaced with marriage
several courts throughout the country legislation to remedy the existing breach everywhere in that region).
established the petitioners’ right of her international obligations. Finally, Opposition, however, grew stronger.
to adopt the same-sex partner’s the court was clear in requiring Italy to Another “Family Day” was immediately
biological child (see for instance the enact not a weak statute such as the one organized in Rome but failed to attract
note An Italian Tribunal Established proposed in 2007, but a proper statute the same people as in 2007, mainly
Second-Parent Adoption in Same-Sex that grants gay and lesbian people the for the lack of official support by the
Family, 2014 L.G.L.N. 425). Although “opportunity to enter into a civil union Catholic Church (probably because the
Italian law does not recognize step- or registered partnership” (ibid., par. organizers had attracted some neofascist
parent adoptions, it provides for the 164). elements inside their ranks or because
possibility of “adoption in particular On October 21, 2015, the ruling the Church understood that such
circumstances”, which courts have became final and in view of this event protests have finally become obsolete
made available both to same-sex and a few days earlier the Democratic Party and irritating to Italian society). On the
opposite-sex couples. The judicial (Partito Democratico), the majority other hand, in more than one hundred
recognition of same-sex families was party of Prime Minister Matteo cities on January 23, 2016, LGBTI
perhaps the most powerful argument in Renzi’s center-left coalition, had a bill associations and activists were able
the public debate in favor of a law on directly sponsored in the Senate (No. to gather almost one million citizens
same-sex couples that included families S. 2081). The direct presentation aimed protesting against the government
with children. at circumventing the ostracism and and the Parliament for their continued

June 2016 LGBT Law Notes 227

reticence in legislating on LGBT rights. family name and the expedited
Gay and lesbian families with children procedure for partnership termination

LeGaL Members enjoy current issues from the comfort

had a prominent role in this protest and remained untouched.
Are you reading this in the stacks of your law library?
for the first time they were interviewed The bill was approved with 171-71
by the press and appeared on the media. votes in the Senate on February 25,
Under pressure the government finally 2016, and 372-51 in the Chamber on
pushed the bill to be discussed and May 11, 2016. It reflects the typical
Wouldn’t you rather be reading it at your desk?

approved quickly. structure of a governmental confidence

The bill’s passing, however, required proposal, i.e. one section only with
the sponsors to get the votes of the 69 paragraphs deprived of any title or
main opposition party, the Movimento reference. While regulating both same-
of their browsers. Join today at!

5 Stelle, which initially declared itself sex registered partnerships and simple
available to vote for the entire text. Yet, partnerships (both of same and opposite
in a subsequent moment it retracted sex), the Act will have a major impact
its position, in turn constraining the on the lives of thousands of gay and
Democratic Party to seek the help of its lesbian couples, but will be useless for
governmental allies, especially the New couples with children, who will have to
Center-Right (Nuovo Centro Destra), an continue to resort to courts in order to
appendix of Silvio Berlusconi’s former access stepparent adoption as before the
rightist coalition that had governed in Act. This explains the disappointment
the previous term. As a result, when of the major LGBT associations and
the negotiations with Movimento 5 activists who refused to celebrate the
Stelle ultimately failed, the government new statute, even if today registered
announced a motion of confidence in same-sex couples have almost the same
the Senate in mid-February 2016. The rights, if not more, as married couples.
use of a confidence motion is frequent The delay with which Italy
in Italy and indeed has become ordinary approved the law also explains this
in the case of financial and budgetary disappointment. With Italy’s major
bills. In this instance, it was justified geopolitical and cultural neighbors
by the need not only to comply with such as Spain and France having
the Oliari ruling, but also to bypass the adopted laws on same-sex marriage
obstructionism of the opposition, which (respectively in 2005 and 2013),
had filed more than 1,400 amendments. discussing a bill on civil partnership in
Resorting to the confidence vote 2016 may have sounded totally out of
meant that the process was inevitably time to activists and also to politically-
accelerated but that, at the same time, engaged LGBT people. However, the
the conservatives of the New Center- stability of the new law must still face
Right could have a word on the bill’s the future challenges of supranational
final text. Their main concern was to law and, above all, of European Union
cancel any possibility of recognition law, in particular the one of married
of same-sex parents and to get the same-sex couples moving from their
substantial regime the further possible countries to Italy (and the opposite):
from marriage. As a result, stepparent for them, being simply downgraded to
adoption disappeared from the bill, an Italian domestic partnership would
a list of rights replaced the general seem at odds with their status under
reference to marriage and a final clause their national laws. What is certain
was added establishing that referring is that, upon these premises, the new
to provisions on marriage was possible law will not empty the courtroom, but
only with the aim of reinforcing the rather the contrary: further litigation
listed rights but not to expand them. In will follow very soon. – Matteo M.
spite of these amendments, the bill still Winkler
granted same-sex registered couples
almost the same regime as married Matteo M. Winkler is an Assistant Pro-
couples and the advantages, ensured to fessor in the Tax & Law Department at
registered unions only, of the common HEC Paris.

228 LGBT Law Notes June 2016

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