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PICP™ Level 1 Workbook

Performing the Primary Lifts

© Copyright 1982-2016, Poliquin Group

© Copyright 1982-2016, Poliquin Group. All rights reserved.

Notice: Before beginning any diet or exercise program, consult with your physician to ensure
that you are in proper health. No liability is assumed for any of this information being used.

© Copyright 1982-2016, Poliquin Group. All rights reserved.

Performing the Exercises
Primary Lifts

Bi-acromial Bench Press (100%)

Bobsleigh, Hockey, Judo, Short-Track Speed Skating

This exercise is performed on a flat bench and requires a standard barbell.

To perform the Bi-acromial Bench Press:

1. The feet must be directly under the knees.
2. To set the grip width, have your athlete/client extend their arms and point their
index finger to the ceiling so that the index finger is inline with the acromium. The
distance between the two fingers is the desired width.
3. Hips and upper back must remain in contact with the bench at all times.
4. Bring the bar down so it touches the chest on every rep.
5. The lift should immediately be disqualified if:
a. The bar is pressed unevenly
b. The hips come off the bench
c. The feet move
d. The bar is bounced off the chest
e. Range of motion is incomplete

Bi-acromial Incline Bench Press (91%)

Football, Combative Sports, Baseball, Shot put

This exercises is performed on a incline bench and uses a barbell.

To perform the Bi-acromial Incline Bench Press:

1. The feet must be directly under the knees.
2. The seat of the bench should be perpendicular to the angle of the back pad so the hips
don’t move and the lower back is firmly supported.
3. The bench is inclined at 45 degrees.
4. To set the grip width, have your athlete/client extend their arms and point their index
finger to the ceiling so that the index finger is inline with the acromium. The distance
between the two fingers is the desired width.
5. Hips and upper back must remain in contact with the bench at all times.
6. Bring the bar down so it touches the chest.
7. The lift should be immediately disqualified if:
a. The bar is pressed unevenly
b. The hips comes off the bench
c. The feet move
d. The bar is bounced off the chest
e. Range of motion is incomplete

© Copyright 1982-2016, Poliquin Group. All rights reserved.

Dips (117%)
MMA, Gymnasts

Dips are a bodyweight exercise. It is best to use a belt that has a loading pin attached to a
carabiner. Alternatively a dumbbell can be tied to the belt’s chain. This exercise should only
be used with individuals with healthy shoulders.

This exercises uses dipping bars. V-shape dipping bars are recommended.

To perform Dips:
1. The athlete/client begins with the arms fully extended and the feet are off the dip
machine supports.
2. Lower the body until the biceps cover the forearm
3. The athlete/client extends the elbow until 99% arm extension.
4. The lift should immediately be disqualified if:
a. Range of motion is incomplete
b. The upper body twists
c. Use a leg kick for momentum
d. Head is down on the concentric contraction

Press Behind Neck (66%)

Strongman Competitions, Olympic Lifting, Gymnastics, Highland Games

This exercises is performed seated in a Power Rack and requires a standard barbell. This
exercise should only be used with individuals with healthy shoulders.

To perform the Press Behind the Neck:

1. The athlete/client un-racks the bar as they would when squatting.
2. The grip is as narrow as the athlete/client can achieve with their elbows straight below
the bar.
3. The bar is placed on the meat of the upper traps.
4. The bar is pressed overhead to 99% of elbow extension.
5. The lift should be immediately disqualified if:
a. The bar stops moving for more than 2-3 seconds
b. The athlete/client cannot maintain a neutral spine position
c. Range of motion is incomplete

© Copyright 1982-2016, Poliquin Group. All rights reserved.

Supinated Chin-up (87%)
Swimming, Sprinting, Rowing, Combative Sports

The Supinated Chin-up is a bodyweight exercise. It is best to use a belt that has a loading pin
attached to a carabineer. Alternatively a dumbbell can be tied to the belt’s chain.

This exercises uses a Power Rack or Cross-over Station.

To perform the Supinated Chin-up:

1. The athlete/client begins with the arms fully extended and the feet are off the
2. In the top position, the chin must clear the bar and the biceps should be in contact
with the forearms
3. The lift should immediately be disqualified if:
a. The chin does not clear the bar
b. Range of motion is incomplete
c. Excessive swinging movement

Seated Scott EZ-bar Curl (46%)

Grappling Sports, Football (Running Backs)

This exercises is performed on a Scott Bench and uses an EZ-bar. The Scott Bench is another
name for the Preacher Curl.

To perform the Seated Scott EZ-bar Curl:

1. The grip is slightly narrower than bi-acromial width.
2. The lift begins with the arms fully extended. The bottom third of the triceps and top of
the forearms should be touching the bench.
3. The athlete/client looks straight ahead.
4. Lift the weight up. At the top the biceps should be touching the forearms.
5. The lift should be immediately disqualified if:
a. The athlete/client comes off the bench
b. Range of motion is incomplete
c. The bar is lifted unevenly

© Copyright 1982-2016, Poliquin Group. All rights reserved.

Standing Reverse Curl (35%)
Grappling Sports, Football (Running Backs)

This exercises is performed standing up against a wall and uses an EZ-bar and Swiss Ball.

To perform the Standing Reverse Curl:

1. The grip is mid-pronated and your feet are slightly forward.
2. The Swiss Ball should be placed between the shoulder blades.
3. The athlete/client looks straight ahead.
4. During the lift, the upper arm must remain perpendicular to the floor.
5. The lift should be immediately disqualified if:
a. The Swiss Ball drops away from the wall
b. The bar stops moving
c. The bar is lifted unevenly
d. Range of motion is incomplete
e. The elbows come forward

© Copyright 1982-2016, Poliquin Group. All rights reserved.

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