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The Anti-Violence against Women &  Filipino women were not allowed to

Children Act share their ideas nor participate in

(R.A No. 9262) the decision-making process.

Pre-colonial Period  Women stayed as inferior to men and

Philippines early history way back 30,000 years were discriminated against not only
ago. by men, but the society (i.e. family,
Church, community, etc.)
The pre-colonial society offered women the
greatest opportunities in relation to their  Aside from the discrimination, some
social positions. Filipinas were violated by parish
 Filipino women were allowed to priests as many young women were
hold high positions in their often raped or sexually abused.
communities (as healers and
priestesses) American rule (1898-1946)
 it was also common for women to  Even though women were allowed to
take leadership roles in the vote, the society still preferred male
barangays and to fight as warriors. candidates and did not allow women
 During the pre-colonial period, one to run for public office.
of the first things that a man learned
was that he had to respect women.  Filipino parents were also led to
 At this particular point in history, believe that sending their daughters
disrespecting women was to secondary and tertiary levels of
unthinkable. If a man was caught education was a waste
disrespecting women, he was labeled
negatively by the rest of society.  This was because the Filipino
woman during the American
Colonial Period occupation was largely dependent on
her husband.

 Her status in life was solely reflected

by the image of the man that she
would wed.[8] While women were
given the right to education, women
were still seen as inferior to men.

Japanese occupation (1942-1945)

 Filipino women were greatly abused
and violated. At this particular time
in history, Filipino women were
threatened and forced to labor as
Filipino women of the lower class (during "comfort women."
the Spanish occupation) ready for Church.
Spanish occupation (1565-1898)  Upon their arrival in the country, the
Japanese built "houses of relaxation"
 During the Spanish occupation or comfort stations where Korean,
Filipino women experienced all Filipino, and Chinese women were
kinds of exploitation. brought and forced into service.

 In general, women were unable to  Thousands of Filipino women were

execute their rights and were taken from their homes and forced to
restricted by certain norms and provide the Imperial Japanese
expectations in society. Army all kinds of sexual services.
Because most of the men were at
war, the women were left practically

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defenseless in their own homes and State also recognizes the need to protect the
without a choice but to submit their Includes the following:
bodies to the Japanese. family and its members particularly women
and children, from violence and threats to
Post-colonial Period their personal safety and security.
 While it was not as rampant as in the
previous years, violence against The law punishes act or series of acts
women still happened during the committed by any persons against a
post-colonial period as women in the woman who is:
Philippines were often sexually
abused, harassed, and objectified by 1. His wife
the rest of society. 2. Former wife
3. Woman with whom the person has or
Statistics had a sexual or dating relationship
4. With whom he has a common child
The National Demographic and Health 5. Against her child whether legitimate
Survey (NDHS), which is conducted by the or illegitimate, within or without the
Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) every family abode
five years, provide a picture of the alarming
incidence of VAWC in the Philippines. Kinds of Violence

In a survey conducted in 2017 shows that Physical Violence

out of the 11,558 ever-married Filipino Refers to act which includes bodily or
women aged 15 to 49 surveyed, one in 4 or physical harm.
26% has experienced physical, sexual, or
emotional violence committed by their Physical spousal violence: push you, shake
husband or partner. you, or throw something at you; slap you;
twist your arm or pull your hair; punch you
 It can be more since not all was with his fist or with something that could
reported in the government office. hurt you; kick you, drag you, or beat you up;
try to choke you or burn you on purpose; or
2017 threaten or attack you with a knife, gun, or
any other weapon. NDHS 2017
Help seeking: Only one out of three (34%)
women who have ever experienced physical Trends: Women’s experience of physical
or sexual violence has sought help. violence has decreased slightly over time,
from 20% in 2008 and 2013 to 17% in 2017.
The Philippines passed Republic Act (RA) Similarly, women’s experience of physical
Number 9262, the Anti-Violence against violence in the 12 months preceding the
Women and Their Children Act of 2004, to survey has declined slightly, from 7% in
address the issue of violence against women. 2008 to 5% in 2017.
Under this act, violence against women and
children is classified as a public crime. Older women age 40-49 are more likely
 all forms of abuse and violence (18%) to have experienced physical violence
within the family and intimate since age 15 than younger women age 15-19
relationships are penalized. (13%)
 The act also allows women and their
children to secure a Barangay Sexual Violence
Protection Order and/or Temporary An act which is sexual in nature, committed
or Permanent Protection Order from against a woman or her child.
the courts
1. Rape
Declaration of Policy 2. Sexual harassment
It is hereby declared that the State values the 3. Acts of lasciviousness
dignity of women and children and 4. Treating a woman or her child as a
guarantees full respect for human rights. The sex object

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5. Making demeaning and sexually
suggested remarks 1. Withdrawal of financial support or
6. Physically attacking the sexual parts preventing the victim from engaging
of the victim’s body in any legitimate profession,
7. Forcing her to watch obscene occupation, business or activity.
publications and indecent shows
8. Forcing the woman or her child to do Exception: in cases where in the
indecent acts and/or make films other spouse/partner objects on valid,
thereof serious and moral grounds as defined
9. Forcing the wife and mistress/lover in Article 73 of the Family Code;
to live in the conjugal home or sleep
together in the same room with the 2. Deprivation or threat of deprivation
abuser of financial resources and the right to
10. Acts causing or attempting to cause the use and enjoyment of the
the victim to engage in any sexual conjugal, community or property
activity by force, threat of force, owned in common;
physical or other harm or threat of
physical or other harm or coercion 3. Destroying household property;
11. Prostituting the woman or child
4. Controlling the victims' own money
Sexual spousal violence: physically force or properties or solely controlling the
you to have sexual intercourse with him conjugal money or properties.
even when you did not want to, physically
force you to perform any other sexual acts
you did not want to, or force you with 2. Case: Dolina vs. Vallecer
threats or in any other way to perform sexual
acts you did not want to
Who are protected?
Five percent of women age 15-49 have ever 1. The offended party is a woman
experienced sexual violence and/or her child or children;
2. The woman is either the wife or
Trends: Women’s experience of sexual former wife of the offender, or is a
violence declined from 8% in 2008 to 5% in woman with whom the offender has
2017. or had a sexual or dating
relationship, or is a woman with
Psychological violence whom such offender has a common
Refers to acts or omissions causing or likely child. As for the woman's child or
to cause mental or emotional suffering of the children, they may be legitimate or
victim such as but not limited to illegitimate, or living within or
intimidation, harassment, stalking, damage without the family abode
to property, public ridicule or humiliation,
repeated verbal abuse and mental infidelity. Children
Refers to those below eighteen (18) years of
Emotional spousal violence: say or do age or older but are incapable of taking care
something to humiliate you in front of of themselves as defined under Republic Act
others; threaten to hurt or harm you or No. 7610. As used in this Act, it includes the
someone close to you; insult you or make biological children of the victim and other
you feel bad about yourself; children under her care.

Who are liable?

1. Case: Dimamling vs. People
3. Case: Sonido vs. Ilocso

Economic abuse
Refers to acts that make or attempt to make
a woman financially dependent which 4. Case: Del Socorro vs. Van Wilsem
includes, but is not limited to the following:

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Acts falling under Sections 5(a) to 5(f) shall
Dating Relationship vs. Sexual prescribe in twenty (20) years. Acts falling
Relationship under Sections 5(g) to 5(I) shall prescribe in
ten (10) years.
Violence against women and their children
refers to any act or a series of acts Protection orders
committed by any person against a woman Barangay Protection order
who is his wife, former wife, or against a Barangay Protection Orders (BPOs) refer to
woman with whom the person has or had a the protection order issued by the Punong
sexual or dating relationship, or with whom Barangay ordering the perpetrator to desist
he has a common child, or against her child from committing acts under Section 5 (a)
whether legitimate or illegitimate, within or and (b) of this Act.
without the family abode, which result in or
is likely to result in physical, sexual, (a) Causing physical harm to the woman or
psychological harm or suffering, or her child;
economic abuse including threats of such
acts, battery, assault, coercion, harassment (b) Threatening to cause the woman or her
or arbitrary deprivation of liberty. child physical harm;

Dating relationship Shall be effective for fifteen (15) days shall

Refers to a situation wherein the parties live personally serve a copy of the same on the
as husband and wife without the benefit of respondent,
marriage or are romantically involved over
time and on a continuing basis during the Temporary Protection Orders
course of the relationship. Refers to the protection order issued by the
court on the date of filing of the application
Sexual relations after ex parte determination that such order
Refers to a single sexual act which may or should be issued. A court may grant in a
may not result in the bearing of a common TPO any, some or all of the reliefs
child. mentioned in this Act and shall be effective
for thirty (30) days. The court shall schedule
a hearing on the issuance of a PPO prior to
5. Case: Ang vs. CA or on the date of the expiration of the TPO.

7. Case: Go Tan vs. Tan

6. Case: Davalos vs. RTC

Prohibited acts, penalties and prescriptive 8. Case: Republic vs. Yahon


Prohibited Acts
A Punong Barangay, Barangay Kagawad or Permanent Protection Orders
the court hearing an application for a Refers to protection order issued by the
protection order shall not order, direct, force court after notice and hearing.
or in any way unduly influence he applicant
for a protection order to compromise or Respondents non-appearance despite proper
abandon any of the reliefs sought in the notice, or his lack of a lawyer, or the non-
application for protection under this Act. availability of his lawyer shall not be a
ground for rescheduling or postponing the
Penalty hearing on the merits of the issuance of a
Failure to comply with this Section shall PPO. A PPO shall be effective until revoked
render the official or judge administratively by a court upon application of the person in
liable. whose favor the order was issued. The court
shall ensure immediate personal service of
Prescriptive Period the PPO on respondent.

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The court shall not deny the issuance of Applications for BPOs shall follow the rules
protection order on the basis of the lapse of on venue under Section 409 of the Local
time between the act of violence and the Government Code of 1991 and its
filing of the application. implementing rules and regulations. An
application for a TPO or PPO may be filed
Regardless of the conviction or acquittal of in the regional trial court, metropolitan trial
the respondent, the Court must determine court, municipal trial court, municipal
whether or not the PPO shall become final. circuit trial court with territorial jurisdiction
Even in a dismissal, a PPO shall be granted over the place of residence of the petitioner:
as long as there is no clear showing that the Provided, however, That if a family court
act from which the order might arise did not exists in the place of residence of the
exist. petitioner, the application shall be filed with
that court.
Who may apply?
A petition for protection order may be filed How to Apply for a Protection Order. –
by any of the following: The application for a protection order must
be in writing, signed and verified under oath
(a) The offended party; by the applicant.

(b) Parents or guardians of the

offended party; 10. Brown-Araneta vs. Araneta

(c) Ascendants, descendants or

collateral relatives within the fourth
civil degree of consanguinity or Constitutionality of R.A No. 9262

(d) Officers or social workers of the 11. Tua v. Mangorabang

DSWD or social workers of local
government units (LGUs);

(e) Police officers, preferably those 12. Garcia vs. Drilon

in charge of women and children's
Custody of children
(f) Punong Barangay or Barangay The woman victim of violence shall be
Kagawad; entitled to the custody and support of her
child/children. Children below seven (7)
(g) Lawyer, counselor, therapist or years old older but with mental or physical
healthcare provider of the petitioner; disabilities shall automatically be given to
the mother, with right to support, unless the
(h) At least two (2) concerned court finds compelling reasons to order
responsible citizens of the city or otherwise.
municipality where the violence
against women and their children A victim who is suffering from battered
occurred and who has personal woman syndrome shall not be disqualified
knowledge of the offense committed. from having custody of her children. In no
case shall custody of minor children be
given to the perpetrator of a woman who is
9. Case: Oca vs. Arcaya-Chua suffering from Battered woman syndrome.

13. BBB vs. AAA

Where and when to file application for
protection order

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Rights of Victims 2. She has an inability to place the
In addition to their rights under existing responsibility for the violence
laws, victims of violence against women and elsewhere.
their children shall have the following 3. She fears for her and/or her
rights: children’s life.
4. She has an irrational belief that the
(a) to be treated with respect and abuser is omnipresent and
dignity; omniscient.
(b) to avail of legal assistance form Refers to any act of inflicting physical harm
the PAO of the Department of upon the woman or her child resulting to
Justice (DOJ) or any public legal physical and psychological or emotional
assistance office; distress.

(c) To be entitled to support services Tension building phase

form the DSWD and LGUs' Minor battering, it could be verbal or slight
physical abuse or another form of hostile
(d) To be entitled to all legal behavior. The woman tries to pacify the
remedies and support as provided for batterer through a show kind of kind,
under the Family Code; and nurturing behavior; or by simply staying out
of his way.
(e) To be informed of their rights and
the services available to them Her passive behavior legitimizes his belief
including their right to apply for a that he has the right to abuse her in the first
protection order. place.

Acute battering incident

14. Benancillo vs. Amila Characterized by brutality, destructiveness
and, sometimes death.

Tranquil, loving or non-violent phase

15. People vs. Cabalquinto  The batterer may show a tender and
nurturing behavior towards his
partner knowing that he has been
Battered Woman Syndrome viciously cruel and tries to make up
This refers to a scientifically defined pattern for it, begging for her forgiveness
of psychological and behavioral symptoms and promising never to beat her
found in women living in battering again.
relationships as a result of cumulative abuse.
 The battered woman also tries to
Battered woman convince herself that the battery will
 In the case of People vs. Genosa never happen again; that her partner
(G.R. No. 135981, January 15, 2004) will change for the better; and that
BWS is defined as a woman who is this good gentle and caring man is
repeatedly subjected to any forceful the real person whom she loves.
physical or psychological behavior
by a man in order to coerce her to do  A battered woman usually believes
something he wants her to do that she is the sole anchor of the
without concern for her rights. emotional stability of the batterer.

 Battered woman include wives or  The final acute battering episode

woman in any form of intimate preceding the killing of the batterer
relationship with men. must have produce in the mind of the
battered woman’s mind an actual
Some characteristics of battered woman fear of imminent harm from her
1. The woman believes that the batterer and an honest belief that she
violence was her fault.
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needed to use force in order to save II and Barangay Antipuluan. She added that
her life. only a few of these cases are being heard in
 At the time of the killing, the batterer “The number one problem here is, kapag
must have posed probable grave once na pinatawag na sila sa baranggay,
harm to the battered woman, based masi-settle din agad. Magkakaroon din ng
on history of violence perpetrated by settlement yung mag-asawa, pero sigurado
former against the latter. mauulit lang uli ‘yung abuse tapos babalik
sila dito. Ang number one reason nila, dahil
Identifying a battered woman syempre daw sa mga anak nila,” added
In order to be classified as a battered Valdeztamon.
woman, the couple must go through the The ordinance hopes to eradicate the number
battering cycle at least twice. Any woman of VAWC cases being filed in the
may find herself in an abusive relationship municipality and to provide support
with a man once. If it occurs for a second services, legal counseling, rehabilitation
time and she remains in the situation, she is programs, and the elimination of any forms
defined as a battered woman. of discrimination on children and women

Battered woman syndrome as a defense What can we do:

Victim-survivors who are found by the Woman
courts to be suffering from battered woman 1. Know your rights and available
syndrome do not incur any criminal and courses of actions in case these rights
civil liability notwithstanding the absence of are violated.
any of the elements for justifying 2. Report to the authorities in case your
circumstances of self-defense under the rights are violated.
Revised Penal Code. (Sec. 25) 3. Encourage others to fight for their
What defense/s is not allowed to be raised
under this law? Government agency
 Disseminate information to let
Being under the influence of alcohol, any people know that you provide the
illicit drug, or any other mind-altering services they need.
substance shall not be a defense. (Sec. 27) Barangay
 Ensure that your Barangay VAW
Updates in Palawan Desk is functional. You can use the
The Narra municipal council has passed an Barangay VAW Desk Handbook
ordinance providing for the establishment of developed by PCW and DILG with
Violence Against Women and Children partner agencies to guide you on
(VAWC) desks in all the town’s barangays. what to do.
The measure passed last May 29, 2017 also
aims to provide funds for implementation.
Narra DSWD records in 2016 showed some nst_women_in_the_Philippines
93 cases of abuses on women and children,
in addition to 33 recorded VAWC cases
during the first half of this year. demographic-and-health-survey-ndhs
Irene Valdeztamon, Social Welfare Head of
DSWD Narra, told Palawan News that most
of the VAWC cases were physical abuse by
the male spouse.
“Mostly kasi ang abuse na nafa-file ay
always physical abuse between sa mag-
asawa. Lalo na kapag nakainom yung mister
ng victim. May konti silang pagtatalunan
tapos hanggang umabot sa physical abuse,”
Valdeztamon said.
She added that most of the cases were
reported from Barangay Poblacion, Panacan

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