TomDaNinja's Solo Strat List

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TomDaNinja’s Solo Strategy List 

tomdaherobrine (TomDaNinja#0730) - Strategy + Document Creator
ThatNashi (Nashi#3592) - Strategy Contributor
SneakyWolfy9 (Sneaky#0404) - Strategy Contributor
Jellix02 (Jellix#4532) - Some inspiration

Hello there! This is a list of all of my solo strategies for Tower Defense Simulator. 
This page is being updated often, either by edits, revamps, or completely new 
To navigate this page quickly, use the Document Outline on the left, which has each 
strategy. To show it, click on the left. 
If you need help, feel free to dm me. My tag is TomDaNinja#0730 and I’m usually 
available from 2 PM EST on weekdays. 
(Note: These strategies were NOT made by a speedrunner, just by a dude who makes 
consistent strategies) 

Update Log: 

Dates:  Updates: 

3/8/20  Document + John Solo created. 

3/9/20 to  Various miscellaneous changes were added 

3/31/20  to the John Solo. 

4/16/20  Swarmer Solo Document deleted and moved 

to this document. 

5/27/20  Farmless Pursuit Solo added. 

5/28/20  Various miscellaneous changes were added 

to Farmless Pursuit Solo and Document. Old 
strats updated. Outlawless Solo Added 
7/28/20  John Strategy removed due to being 

7/29/20  Optimization on current strategies for 

Toyboard started 

Farmless Pursuit Solo 

The Tower Deck: 

Towers:  Outlaw Golden Commander Pursuit Mortar


Things to note: 
● This Strategy requires Level 100+ to be used. 
● This Strategy can work with a regular Cowboy, but you will tank more health. 
● You must chain Commanders. This means to use another Commander’s Call of 
Arms Ability when another ends. 
● Do not sell Mortars once all of the Fallen Heroes, Templars, and Fallen
Guardians die. These enemies are damaged by Splash, so this will be useful.
● Because Gold Cowboy’s cash rate is RNG, the strat may not work as efficiently
sometimes. However, you could also make more cash than I did, letting you do
some steps quicker.

The Strategy:

Wave  What to do in said wave. 


0-6  Place 2 Gold Cowboys 

7-9  Place 5 Mortars

10-15  Place 7 more Gold Cowboys, then upgrade them all to Level 1 

15-18  One by one, upgrade as many Cowboys as you can to Level 3. 

18  Get a Level 3 Commander. Use Call of Arms efficiently. 

19-25  Get all Golden Cowboys to Level 4. 

26-30  Get 2 more Level 3 Commanders and start getting 10 Level 2 Outlaws 

30-33  Start maxing Mortars. 

33-36  One by one, get Max Pursuits. Once you reach max Troops, sell a Cowboy and 
buy a max Pursuit one by one. 
36-40  Max one Commander and start maxing Outlaws. Once you max all Outlaws, max
the Cowboys and Commanders.

WAVE  Not much to do here, aside from keeping a constant chain. Keep your Mortars 
40  the entire wave, as Fallen King can be hurt by them. 

Placement Map, Solo Video, and Best Time:

Gold - Golden Cowboys 

Blue - Commanders 
Purple - Pursuits 
Pink - Outlaws 
Green - Mortars 
Solo Video: 
Not here yet, coming soon. 
Record Time: 23:44 

Outlawless Solo 

The Tower Deck:

Towers:  Mortar  Pursuit  Commander  Turret/Rocke Gold Cowboy 

● Keep Mortar (and Rocketeer if you use it) the entire game. This is because they can hurt
the Fallen King.
● Make sure to place Pursuit in a way to cover as much of the path as possible. This will
limit the amount of times you have to sell and replace it.

Strategy won’t be revealed. 

The reason I won’t be revealing much on Outlawless Solo is because I still want it to be a 
challenge. Because of this, I will not release my strategy for it. 
However, I will release my video for it. 
Solo Video: 

The Low Level Solo 

The Tower Deck: 

Towers:  Swarmer  Outlaw  John  Commander  Farm 


● This Strategy requires a lot of micromanaging Swarmer. If you can, a macro is 
● Unless you're at a lower level, I would not recommend this strat. This strategy is mainly 
for people below Level 75 and cannot solo. 

The Strategy:

Wave  What to do in said wave: 


0-5  Place 10 Level 0 Farms 

5  Place a Level 0 Swarmer (Placement A) 

6-7  Upgrade Swarmer to Level 4 

8-11  Upgrade 2 Farms to Level 3 

12-15  Place 4 Level 1 Outlaws 

16-17  Upgrade 2 more Farms to Level 3 then place another Level 4 Swarmer at 
Placement A 

18-19  Max both Swarmers 

20  Upgrade 1 Outlaw to Level 2 then upgrade 2 more Farms to Level 3 

21-23  Upgrade the rest of the Farms to Level 3, then upgrade 3 Outlaws to Level 2. 
Then, place 2 Level 2 Outlaws 

24-25  Place 2 Level 2 Outlaws 

26-29  Place 9 Max Swarmers at Placement B, then get 3 Level 3 Commanders by the 
Outlaws (Sell the Swarmers at Placement A, and make sure to chain Commander 

30  Replace one of the sold Swarmers at Placement B 

30-31  Sell 3 Farms and get 3 Max Johns by the Outlaws (Make sure to chain Ability like 
you would with Commander) 

32-39  Sell the Farms and replace them with Swarmers at Placement B. Then, max all 
Commanders and Outlaws. 

40  Spam Swarmer Ability and chain John and Commander. Sell and replace 
Swarmers once they are out of the Fallen King’s range. 
Placement Map, Solo Recording, and Best Time

Blue: Outlaws 
Red: Commanders and Johns 
Yellow: Swarmer Placement A 
Gold: Swarmer Placement B 
Farms: Place anywhere. 
Solo Recording:
Fastest Recorded Time: 
25:18 Fastest Time

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