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FAQs for CM/TSC Focal Points

About tranches

When will we get our tranches?

1 tranche >> after PA agreement is done


2 tranche >> after DPC band is completed


3 tranche >> after the house is complete (includes toilets) and the necessary procedure

of Drawing has been done.

Homeowner calls the NRA engineers after the relevant construction stage----- NRA
engineer does the inspection takes the file to ward office----- file then goes to the NRA-
DLPIU office--- file then goes to GMALI—Gmali then issues a notice to bank to provide
the tranche if everything is ok.

So regarding when will he be able to receive money you can contact (NRA engineers,
Ward office, NRA DLPIU office, Gmali (toll free number: 010560527), Bank)
Also you can visit this site: and type the PA number in the
search bar will provide you with tranche details of the beneficiary.

Can you tell NRA people that I have not received my tranche while those who
have not complied with the standards have already received theirs? Why?

Yes, we are in touch with NRA people, we can share your problem and consult with
them. Reconstruction is not about just getting tranche money but about having an
earthquake resilient house so if you have met all the standards and your house is
compliant you will surely get your tranche money; you need not compare with others.

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FAQs for CM/TSC Focal Points


Will I get the tranche under vulnerable beneficiaries?

GMALI have made a list of beneficiaries who are eligible to receive the top up. Follow up
with ward or GMALI (toll free number: 010560527) to check if you are enlisted. Only the
ones who are enlisted and have not yet received their third tranche can get the
vulnerable tranche money.

Is there any kind of support provided for single women?

The government have passed a notion that single women if within the vulnerable group
listed by GMALI will receive an extra top-up of 50k money. Follow up with ward or GMALI
(toll free number: 010560527) to check if you are enlisted.

Is there any kind of support provided for people with disability?

The government have passed a notion that people with disability if within the vulnerable
group listed by GMALI will receive an extra top-up of 50k money. Follow up with ward or
GMALI (toll free number: 010560527) to check if you are enlisted.

Will your project provide extra top up of 50,000 rupees said to be provided for
the vulnerable?

No, our project doesn’t provide such top-ups. Our project only deals with socio-technical
facilitation to the beneficiaries for reconstruction.

Soft loan

What kind of facility is available for poor beneficiaries unable to reconstruct?

Information about soft loan.
For the poor people who are still unable to start their work, GoN has provisioned for soft
loan up to 3 Lakh in 5% interest. You can pay back in 5 years. From STFC you can get free
socio-technical facilitation, free building drawings.

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FAQs for CM/TSC Focal Points


Is there any support for landless beneficiary? What support if any?

Yes, GMALI provides 2 lakhs support to the landless beneficiaries, however the support is
not in the form of cash but upon the agreement within both parties of buyer and seller,
GMALI will pay for the land. For landless beneficiaries he/she needs to register their name
in community self-reliance center (CSRC). When CSRC approves the case, it is forwarded
to GMALI for the procurement of land.


Why has my name not appeared in the list after grievance?

You have applied under grievances but that does not guarantee that you will be enrolled
in reconstruction, there are some criteria you have to meet for your eligibility. You need
to discuss it with the ward office and NRA office or Gmali (toll free number: 010560527)
for more details.


When will I get my drawing?

First, you should come to our office with photocopies of relevant documents (PA
agreement, Citizenship card, Trace Map and blueprint, Land Ownership papers, tax
clearance receipt).
Then our TSC agent will register your request in the office.
Then within a day or two any one of the engineers from TSC will come to verify the house
and make rough plans of the house with dimensions and also take photos of the house.
Then the drawing request is sent to BUILDCHANGE and they will prepare your drawing
within the week.
The TSC agent will make the site plan of your house and print all the drawings and
complete the procedure of office work for drawings and he/she will call you to inform you
to receive the drawing.
You will receive the drawing within 1-2 weeks of registration if all the documents are
submitted on time.

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FAQs for CM/TSC Focal Points

What documents are needed for getting drawing?

Document needed to get the drawing includes photocopies of (PA agreement card,
Citizenship card, blue print and trace map, Land Ownership papers, tax clearance receipt).

How to register a drawing in municipality if the PA is in son’s name and land in

mother’s name?

He will need an addition document of consent from his mother who owns the land along
with the photocopies of (PA agreement card, Citizenship card, blue print and trace map,
Land Ownership papers, tax clearance receipt) while visiting the municipality office.

Can we get the bank loan using the drawing provided by you?

Yes, you can get a bank loan using the drawings provided by us. After getting the drawing
from us you need to take that drawing to the municipality office and get it approved.
Then you can apply for a loan using our drawing.

What does the blue print mean and where can I get hold of it?

A Blueprint is a maps of land that the beneficiary own. You can get the information about
the size of land, whose land lies adjoining to his/her land, plot number. You can get the
trace map and blueprint from department of survey (Napi bibhag).


What is the deadline for tranches and reconstruction?

Deadlines for tranche and reconstruction keeps on changing so if you know the actual
date please inform that otherwise get the information from GMALI (toll free number:
010560527), ward office, NRA engineers.

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FAQs for CM/TSC Focal Points


Can you talk to some people and get our names listed?

No, we cannot list your name by talking with anyone, but we can liaise with you and ward
to know the reason why your case was rejected.

Will we receive OJT training again?

No, there is no plan for anymore OJT.

You keep coming to our house always. It’s been 5-6 times? Are you coming
Under our project scope we facilitate you in various sectors like inspection of your house
under various construction stages, provide you with reconstruction related news and
training, collect information for making building drawings and any other request related
to reconstruction. We are trying to make your reconstruction work and receiving tranche
go smoothly, so we may visit you again.

His relative has lost his Red Card; will it affect the tranche to be received?

Under our project scope we facilitate you in various sectors like inspection of your house
under various construction stages, provide you with reconstruction related news and
training, collect information for making building drawings and any other request related to
reconstruction. We are trying to make your reconstruction work and receiving tranche go
smoothly, so we may visit you again. Yes, you need to have red card with you to receive the
tranche money. Usually ward offices has a copy of the red card he/she can get it from the
ward office and also request the ward office to issue a new copy of the red card.

What happens to those beneficiaries who applied to convert their PA from RTB
(retrofitting beneficiary) to RCB (reconstruction beneficiary)?
The Engineer appointed by NRA for this particular task will visit his house once again to do
a damage assessment survey, if his house meets the requirements then the conversion is
done from retrofitting to reconstruction.

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FAQs for CM/TSC Focal Points

Query about completion certificate distribution.

After the construction of the house is complete and the beneficiary has received the third
tranche, the NRA engineers revisit the house. If the beneficiary has started living in it and
has met every requirement set out by NRA (toilets, kitchen, doors and windows properly
installed) then a completion form is filled by the NRA engineer. Upon verification of this
document the beneficiary receives a certificate of completion


I could not complete my form for next tranche because of lockdown. Will they
accept it in later date?
Yes, they will accept as the delay was due to covid-19 crisis. Although please inform the
ward and the local NRA engineer. It will help them to plan the inspection visit
immediately after the lockdown.

Can we apply for PA if we want to reconstruct now after lockdown?

The official deadline for the PA agreement has ended. But depending upon your cases,
you can liaise with your ward office and if it is possible they will help you in PA
agreement. Please contact GMALI (toll free number: 010560527), ward office, NRA
engineers for further information.

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