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Table of Contests Weekly Analysis May 4 2017


1 Global Issues 27 Weekly Current Affairs MCQs 45 Solved MCQs of CSS Compulsory
1 French Elections Papers 2016
3 Iran’s Elections 28 Transcripts ofTalk Shows 46 PMS General Knowledge Paper
5 The Role of Leadership in Foreign 28 World Righ Now With Hala Gorani 2015
Policy: A Case Study of Russia under (CNN) Solved AD (Investigation) FIA Paper
Vladimir Putin 34 Fareed Zakaria GPS (CNN) 2015

8 Pakistan’s Domestic Issues 37 Research Articles for CSS 51 Urdu Reports & Transcripts of
8 Energy Crisis Essay Topics Programs
12 How Pakistan’s Panama Paper 37 Freedom of Expression and its 52 Jirga by Saleem Safi
Probe Unfolded Limitations 55 Aaj Shahzaib Khanzada ke Saath
41 Restrictions on Freedom of
21 Pakistan’s External Affairs Expression
21 SCO and Regional Security
23 Daesh in South Asia 45 Solved Pas Papers

Current issue of the Weekly Analysis deals with those global, regional and domestic affairs which are increasingly affecting the globe
militarily, politically, and economically.-As previous edition of this magazine has thoroughly explained Syria’s Crises, North Korea’s Problem,
Populism and Indo-Pak Water Disputes along with other regional and domestic problems such as South China Sea Dispute, FATA’s
Mainstreaming and Nuclear Arm Race in South Asia etc in such a manner that even a person with no background of national and international
affairs can easily comprehend the nature of those issues.

Last week remained mostly clouded by news about first phase of French elections, Iran’s upcoming elections, Russian Foreign Policy
and deadly attack of Afghan Taliban on Aghan Army, Shaheen Army Corps in Balkh province, leaving hundreds of soldiers dead. Secondly, on
regional level, shadow of Daesh on South Asia, SCO’s implications on regional security apparatus has hotly been debated. Further, one can see
that domestically, debate on Pakistan’s energy crises and formation of JIT (Joint Investigation Team) to probe trails of corruption and money
laundering case against Pakistan’s PM Nawaz Sharif remained more prevalent. The Weekly Analysis, in this edition, will help its readers to
critically analyze these problems from different perspectives—national and international.

Similarly, weekly current affairs MCQs, transcripts of week’s best talk shows, research articles for CSS essay on freedom of expression
and solved past papers conducted by FPSC and PPSC are also part of current Weekly Analysis so that readers and candidates of competitive
exams may enrich their knowledge in order to succeed in their lives.

Mian Waqas Haider

0345-4740019 Editorial Board
Haseeb Hassan, Dawood Gill, Aqsa Batool, Amir Saleem, Farina,
Kamishka Iftikhar, Kinza Qaisar, Maliha Fayyaz, Momel Khan,
Laiba Haq, Rizwan Haider, Faiza Azhar, & Naima Batool.

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Global Issues Weekly Analysis May 44thth 2017


Global Issues
French Elections
Introduction to France's political structure Sénat
The upper chamber of parliament is the Sénat or Senate. Senators are
chosen by "grands électeurs", notably by mayors and other locally
The President elected representatives. They are elected for six years and half of seats
The head of state and head of the executive, the President is elected come up for election every three years. There are currently 348 senators.
by universal suffrage for a five-year term (le quinquennat). The Right-wing currently has a majority.
Since 2008, the maximum number of presidential terms is limited to New bills (projets de loi), proposed by government, and new private
two. members bills (propositions de loi)
The President, who is also supreme must be approved by both chambers,
commander of the military, determines before becoming law. However, by
policy with the aid of his Council of virtue of Article 49.3 of the French
Ministers (Conseil des ministres). The constitution, a government can override
residence of the President of the French parliamentary opposition and pass a law
Republic is the Elysée Palace in Paris. without a parliamentary vote - a
The prime minister relatively rare occurrence.
The President appoints a prime What about local government?
minister who forms a government. The  Despite efforts to
residence of the French prime minister "decentralise" France, it remains one of
is at Matignon House (l'Hôtel the most centralised developed
Matignon) in Paris. countries in the world.
Theoretically, ministers are chosen by  Its multi-layered
the PM; in practice unless the President administrative units with a local
and the PM are from different sides of
the political spectrum (a system known government - colloquially dubbed
as la cohabitation), they work together mille-feuille after the many-layered
to form a government. The President puff pastry - consist of:
must approve the appointment of  Around 36,000 communes
government ministers. headed by a municipal council and a
The Conseil des Ministres mayor, grouped in 96 départements,
The cabinet, le Conseil des ministres, headed by a conseil général (general
meets on a weekly basis, and is council) and its president, grouped in
presided over by the President - usually
at the Elysée. Typically consisting of 13 régions (recently reduced from 22),
around 15-16 individuals, the Conseil is headed by a regional council and its
headed by the prime minister but president. (Source :
chaired by the President. The total size  French presidential election:
of the ministerial team is typically 30-40. Polls and odds tracker
The members of the Conseil are called ministers, while the junior  Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen have both progressed
ministers are known as Secretaries of State - the reverse of the
from the first round in the race for the French presidency.
nomenclature in the British political system.
Ministers determine policy and put new legislation before parliament  The two candidates will face off in the second round on May 7,
in the form of bills (projets de loi); within the framework of existing where Macron is widely tipped to become the president of
law, they apply policy through decrees (décrets). France. According to recent polling by Elabe, he would take 65
The Assemblée Nationale per cent of the vote in a second-round run-off against Le Pen.
The French parliament is made up of two houses or chambers. The  It is expected that Macron - a centrist - should be able to attract
lower and principal house of parliament is the Assemblée nationale, a wider spectrum of second-round voters than Le Pen, pulling
or national assembly. Members of Parliament, called députés, are
in left-leaning voters from Hamon and Mélenchon as well as
elected by universal suffrage, in general elections (élections
législatives) that take place every five years - just weeks after the those leaning to the right that voted Fillon in the first round.
presidential election. There are currently 577 députés.  What will happen in the second round?
Parliamentary elections involve two rounds; a candidate can be  A word of caution: just because a candidate won the first
elected on the first round by obtaining an absolute majority of votes round, it doesn't mean that they're going to win the presidency.
cast. Failing that, the second round pits any candidate whose score  Candidates are pitted against each other twice in the election,
amounts to at least 12.5 per cent of registered voters. The Socialists
with the first round of the vote taking place on April 23.
currently have a majority in the National Assembly.

Global Issues Weekly Analysis May 4th 2017

 The top two candidates will face off in a second run-off on
May 7.  Abandon the euro (and return to the franc), renegotiate France's
 Of the nine elections since the first direct presidential EU membership, then hold a referendum
election in the Fifth Republic in 1965, three have seen the
winner of the first round lose out in the second. This led to
the elections of Valéry Giscard d'Estaing in 1974, François
Mitterrand in 1981 and Jacques Chirac in 1995.
 What are the odds for the French presidential race?
 Macron is still the favourite to become president, with the
last average of the polls before the election showing him
considerably ahead of Le Pen.
 For those who have lost faith in political polling, asking
people who are prepared to put their money where their
mouth is the best way to predict elections.
 After Brexit, the election of Donald Trump and the 2015
General Election, many now believe that political betting
markets can better predict elections, relying on the wisdom
of a crowd of punters to sort and weigh all the probabilities.
 According to Coral, the odds for the next French President
 Emmanual Macron, Independent: 1/6
 Marine Le Pen, Front National: 7/2
 What happened in the first round of the French presidential
 Marine Le Pen achieved her highest vote shares in the
North East of France when she failed to make the second
round in 2012.  "Automatic" expulsion of illegal immigrants and cut legal
 It was no different this time around with there being a clear immigration to 10,000 per year
East-West divide in the way that the country voted on  "Extremist" mosques closed and priority to French nationals in
Sunday. social housing
 Le Pen attracted her highest vote share in the department of  Lower retirement age to 60 and 35-hour week assured
Aisne, to the North East of Paris. More than one in three  Ban wearing of "ostentatious" religious symbols such as
votes went to the Front National leader in Aisne - double Muslim headscarves and veils in public
the number that went to Macron.  Impose a 35% tax on goods from firms that relocate out of
 However, support for Le Pen within Paris was conspicuous France
by its absence. Fewer than one in 20 voters cast their Emannuel Macron’s manifesto
ballots for the far-right leader. This is a lower proportion  Unify France's complex pension system, made up of 35
than who did so in 2012. different public schemes
 Three days on from a terror attack in the capital that  Cut 120,000 public-sector jobs and bring down the budget
claimed the life of a police officer, it makes Paris one of deficit
just four areas of the country where Front National support  Slash corporation tax from 33% to 25% and let companies
fell compared to 2012. renegotiate 35-hour week
 Macron scooped up 34.8 per cent of the vote in Paris, his  Send more teachers to deprived areas, ban mobile phone use in
strongest area of support. schools for under-15sStrengthen EU ties, and tighten
 What are the manifestos of two leading candidates? integration between eurozone countries
 Marine Le-Pen’s Manifesto:  €50bn (£43bn; $53bn) public investment plan to cover job-
 training and shift to renewable energy.

Global Issues Weekly Analysis May 4th

th 2017

Here’s our look at the main candidates to watch.

Iran’s elections Hassan Rouhani

Hassan Rouhani is among six candidates cleared to run. A mid-ranking
Shi’ite Muslim cleric, he came to power with a landslide victory in 2013
Introduction to Political System of Iran
– promising to end Iran’s international isolation and to create a freer
The political system of Iran is quite a complex one and combines
elements of a modern Islamic ideology with democracy. The entire
He has championed a nuclear deal that ended a stand-off with the West –
system functions under a Supreme Leader who is appointed by the
and led to many sanctions being lifted in return for Tehran curbing its
Assembly of Experts and is the chief of state while the President is
nuclear programme.
Head of Government.
But hardline rivals say he’s failed to revive the economy.
Here is an overview of the structure of the political system of Iran.
Ebrahim Raisi
Supreme Leader
Another key election candidate is Ebrahim Raisi. A close ally of
The Supreme Leader holds the highest position in the political power
Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, he’s viewed as the main
structure of Iran who is in charge of defining and supervising the
hardline candidate challenging Rouhani.
general policies of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Presently the
He has been a senior official for decades in the judiciary, which enforces
Supreme Leader is Ayatollah Ali Khamenei whose major
clerical control of the country.
responsibilities include-
Law professor Raisi has been critical of Rouhani’s economic record and
Appointment of the head of the judiciary
portrays himself as a champion of the poor.
Appointment of the clergy members on the Council of Guardians
He was appointed last year as the custodian of an organisation in charge
Appointment of the commanders of all the armed forces
of a multi-billion-euro religious foundation.
Appointment of the Friday prayer leaders and the head of radio and
Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf
Another one to watch is former police chief Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf.
The Supreme Leader is also responsible for confirming the
President's election.
The Executive
According to the Constitution of Iran, the President is the Head of
the Government who hold the powers of the Executive after the
Supreme Leader. The President is elected for a term of 4 years by
universal suffrage. The responsibilities of the President includes:
Implementation of the Constitution and for the exercise of executive
powers, except matter relating to Supreme Leader.
The President appoints and supervises the Council of Ministers
Coordinates government decisions, and selects government policies
to be placed before the legislature
The executive branch also includes a cabinet comprising of a council
of ministers selected by the President with the approval of the
The Executive branch of the Government of Iran also comprises of
three oversight bodies namely - Assembly of Experts Expediency
Council or the Council for the Discernment of Expediency Council Viewed as a pragmatic conservative, he’s been the mayor of Tehran
of Guardians since 2005.
The Legislature The present legislative branch of Iran comprises of He has also criticised Rouhani’s economic policy – and has promised to
the unicameral Islamic Consultative Assembly. Prior to the Islamic more than double Iran’s income and tackle unemployment by creating
Revolution, the legislature was bicameral, but the new constitution five million jobs.
removed the upper house. Members of the legislative branch are Eshaq Jahangiri
elected for a 4 year term by popular vote. Eshaq Jahangiri is Iran’s first vice president.
Judiciary The head of the Judiciary is appointed by the Supreme The moderate says he decided to run in the election to “stand by
Leader and in turn the judicial head appoints the head of the Rouhani and complement him.” There had been concerns that the
Supreme Court and the chief public prosecutor. The Supreme Court incumbent might be disqualified.
and the High Council of the Judiciary comprises of a single head Jahangiri is expected to drop out to avoid a split in the moderate camp’s
with overlapping responsibilities. Jointly both supervise the votes.
enforcement of all laws and are responsible for establishing judicial Other election facts
and legal policies. The other types of Courts include a special The vote happens on 19 May
clerical court, a revolutionary court, and a special administrative If no candidate wins at least 50 percent, plus one vote of all ballots cast,
court. It is to be noted that the judiciary of Iran have never been there will be a run-off between the top two candidates on the first Friday
independent of political influence of the country. Another function of after the election results. (source :
the judiciary includes nominating the six members of the Council of Issues that will appeal to voters
Guardians. (source: World Political Systems)  The adage, "It's the economy, stupid", applies as much in Iran
Key Candidates to watch in 2017 presidential Polls as it does anywhere else.
With less than one month to go until its presidential election, Iran is
 Iranians do not look too kindly on candidates who are not seen
gearing up for a political showdown.
to have helped improve living standards, no matter how good
Incumbent pragmatist Hassan Rouhani is seeking a second term
they manage to strike the right chord on other issues.
against hardline rivals and is seen as having a big chance.
The economy and security are among the most important issues
for Iranian voters
Iran’s Supreme Leader holds ultimate authority, but the vote will  The state of the economy matters at least as much as political
influence the image and policies of the Islamic Republic. freedoms and human rights, which the progressive middle class

Global Issues Weekly Analysis May 4th 2017

cherishes, or faith and family values, which rural Using this framework, we can categorise the main presidential
conservative voters feel strongly about. candidates in three categories: some are close to the clerical network
 Corruption comes in as the second most important issue, (Howzeh), while others are close to the bureaucracy or military. For
which many may argue is closely linked with economic example, Hassan Rouhani represents the clergy-technocrat alliance;
mismanagement. Raisi, the clergy-military/security alliance; and Ghalibaf - the
 The nuclear deal is also important to Iranians but only as security/military-technocrats alliance.
long as they feel like it is necessary for the betterment of Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei, is also closer to the alliance
their lives. of the clergy and the military (IRGC). This explains his appointment of
 However, whether the economic benefits of sanctions relief Raisi as the custodian of the Imam Reza shrine, the wealthiest
- the lynchpin of the deal for Iran - have filtered down yet conglomerate foundation in Mashhad. Raisi also has a good relationship
to ordinary people's lives is debatable. with the IRGC and the Basij militia, as well as the Iranian judiciary.
 It is a debate that Mr Rouhani needs to win if he wants to These three axes - the clergy-military, the clergy-technocrat, and the
technocrat-military - have different political, social, cultural and even
stay on for a second term.
economic orientations. As a result, the victory of one of these candidates
in the May presidential election will decide which group holds the most
Iran Election: It is not about moderates or hardliners:
power in shaping Iran's domestic and foreign policies. Not only that, this
The upcoming presidential election in May 2017 will determine not
most powerful axis will affect the future of the Islamic Republic by
only Iran's policies in the short term but also the future direction of
influencing future elections and, most importantly, the appointment of
the Islamic Republic. Based on the result of this election, Iran can
the next supreme leader.
move towards either a more theocratic, militaristic regime or a more
democratic, electoral one. Second most powerful figure
While Iran's presidents lack the ultimate power to design Iran's security
Many of Iran's observers have analysed elections through the binary
and foreign policies, which falls under the domain of Iran's supreme
lens of moderates v hardliners. From this viewpoint, the primary
leader, the president is still the second most powerful figure in Iran's
candidates who can pass the filter of the Guardian Council, a
conservative institution responsible for endorsing the final candidate political structure.
list, belong to two groups: hardliners and moderates. The re-election of President Rouhani would lead to continued
Right now, three main candidates are running: incumbent President normalisation and rationalisation of the regime and a strengthening of
Hojatoleslam Hassan Rouhani from the moderate wing; and the technocrats. Meanwhile, the victory of Raisi might instead
Hojatoleslam Ebrahim Raisi and Mohammad Ghalibaf, both strengthen the axis of radical clergy and the Revolutionary Guard and
hardliners. lead to the radicalisation of the administration and narrowing down of
Raisi is the national prosecutor-general and the custodian of the the political space. Similarly, Ghalibaf's victory would strengthen the
Imam Reza shrine in Mashhad, while Ghalibaf is the former security/military-technocrat alliance and probably increase the
commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and involvement of the IRGC in politics.
Iran's national police, and current Mayor of Tehran.
However, the binary of moderates and hardliners is no longer a The election is significant in determining short-term policies, but it also
useful paradigm with which to understand Iranian politics. It cannot has a substantial impact on the selection of the next supreme leader.
explain the difference among hardliner candidates; nor can it predict Although the president is not directly involved in the selection process,
Iran's political future. the president still plays an important role. The Iranian constitution states
To better understand Iran's politics, it helps to examine which power that, in the event of the death of the Supreme Leader, the president is
bloc each candidate belonged to before running for office: the clergy, one of three key figures in a council that will take over the duties of the
the technocrats, or the military/security forces. supreme leader until the Assembly of Experts, a body of 88 jurists,
Three blocks that shaped Iran appoints a new one.
Since 1979, these three blocs and the interactions between them have
shaped Iranian policy. Three forms of alliances have arisen from the The other two members of this council are the head of the judicial power
interactions between these groups: the clergy-military, the clergy- and a jurist from the Guardian Council. Because there are no constraints
technocrats and the military-technocrats. on the length of the appointment process, the temporary ruling council
In the 1980s, the clergy-military alliance was the dominant axis, and could be in power for a long time.
the clergy had the upper hand therein. In the 1990s, power shifted in
favour of the technocrats and against the Revolutionary Guard. Among the presidential candidates, both Rouhani and Raisi are members
During the Hashemi Rafsanjani period (1989–1997), the clergy- of the Assembly of Experts. As a result, they have more power in the
technocrats alliance was dominant, and the clerics had more weight. selection of the next supreme leader when the time comes. Because
However, during Khatami's presidency (1997-2005), this alliance Ayatollah Khamenei is 77 and has been reported not to be in good
changed to a technocrat-clergy alliance in which the bureaucrats had health, there is a possibility that the next supreme leader will be elected
the upper hand. within the next four years.
The power shifted again under Ahmadinejad as the IRGC-
bureaucrats alliance became the most influential group and political
base of his hardliner administration (2005-2012). Currently, under The leaders who are affiliated with the clergy-military alliance can move
Rouhani's presidency, technocrats have returned to power and are Iran in a different direction, possibly towards a more militaristic regime,
responsible for shaping government policy, while the IRGC has than leaders who are closer to the clergy-technocrats axis. For this
become marginalised, at least in the administration. reason, it seems that this is the most important election in the history of
the Islamic Republic so far. (Source:

Global Issues Weekly Analysis May 4th 2017

The Role of Leadership in Foreign Policy: A Case Study of

Russia under Vladimir Putin
By Dr Nazir Hussain and Fatima Shakoor

prove influential if they have a conducive and suitable domestic base at

Abstract home. In order to understand Putin’s influence in international politics, it
International Relations has been preoccupied with the paradigmatic is important to first establish him as the major driver of Russia’s foreign
clashes between different theorists who rarely accommodate the role policy. Doing so requires studying the domestic context and the
of beliefs, personalities, emotions, perceptions and decision-making procedures of foreign policymaking in Russia.
processes of individual political leaders. Yet the history of Policy Landscape
international politics includes many leaders who have left a The decision-making domain is the most important aspect of
profound mark on its course, and many explanations of historically policymaking and is characterized by the identity of those who are
consequential events point towards the significant role of individual responsible for carrying it out. In Russia, this obviously includes
political leaders. The focus of this study is to understand the President Putin, but also other figures, namely Prime Minister
influence of leaders in foreign policy decision-making and the
subsequent impact of the choices that they make at the international Dmitry Medvedev, Chief of Staff of the Presidential Administration
level. Towards this end, this article takes the case of Russian Sergei Ivanov, CEO of the Russian state oil giant Rosneft Igor Sechin,
President Vladimir Putin and tries to assess the extent to which and Secretary of the Security Council of Russia Nikolai Patrushev. 17
Russian foreign policy is a product of his inspiration and studies the Putin is at the epicentre of this decision-making hierarchy and is
impact of his policies internationally. considered to be the supreme decision-making authority. Other members
Introduction have limited influence as they are in a subordinate position to Putin and
For the most part, the theoretical history of International Relations also because they all are entrusted with narrower domains and agendas.
was dominated by the research programmes that were largely seen to Steven Myers in his study on Putin related an occasion after the
be system, state and society centered. Even the constructivist project, September 11 attacks, where Ivanovo’s pinion was overruled by him
with its inclusionary nature and flexibility, failed to take the when he (Putin) stormed into the Defence Ministry and ordered the
emotional and cognitive aspects of individual human agency into Russian commanders to work with the Americans.18 Despite the
account. It is only recently that these aspects have gained credence. Defence Minister’s disapproval and inhibitions regarding American
An important reason behind this acceptance is the prevailing operations in Central Asia, he obliged quietly and dropped his public
uncertainty in the post-Cold War era. Falling influence of systemic opposition to American operations in Central Asia.
constraints such as the notion of balance of power has given Political Culture
individual leaders more maneuvering space and authority in the Political culture is a loose concept that constitutes a number of things. It
course of their state’s external actions and agendas. comprises the institutional habits of a political set-up, describes its
This exercise of individual power and authority in international commitment to certain principles and is usually associated with one or
affairs is most potently visible in Russia with Vladimir Putin at the the other regime type. A centralized and authoritative government
helm of its affairs. The newfound focus and professionalism in characterized by personalized decision-making usually gives rise to
Russian foreign policy as well as Russia’s reassertion as a great aggressive foreign policies. The domestic style of maintaining control
power under Putin has spurred interest in understanding the leader more often than not translates in their international conduct and results
from all quarters. It is a widely held belief that Putin is the face of in them focusing more on projecting military capabilities and a strong
Russia’s foreign policy and everything stems from him. He is power image and status. Though debatable, the political culture of
considered Russia’s supreme leader with a high popularity rating that Russia is seen to be one that favours strong, autocratic rule. Russia’s
persists even in his third term as the President of Russia. It has, history is marked by strong political figures at the helm of affairs.
therefore, become important to study the individual behind Putin in Autocratic style of government remained the constant feature of Russian
order to better understand the underpinnings of his policy choices governments starting from the ironclad hold of Tsars till the Politburo-
and to formulate predictions about his future decisions. centered Communist rule. Russia’s transition to democracy is a
Domestic Context of Putin’s Foreign Policy relatively recent phenomenon and is still in the process of evolving into
It is a widely held belief that political leaders enjoying a strong a government that is both modern and democratic. In the current
authority base domestically have a freer hand in international affairs scenario, even if various interest groups and political elite at the national
as well. In other words, the idea is that strong, centrist and autocratic level disagree with Russia’s policies, especially in the foreign policy
political cultures usually give birth to populous leaders. This in no domain, the final say rests with the Executive - Putin. He has created
way implies that democracies do not generate popular leaders. It only something that his advisers call, managed democracy‟ that only provides
shows that democratic leaders are unable to exert individual power a semblance of popular will but where opposition parties are neutered
as freely as the leaders of authoritative governments because their and Russians lost the ability to vote in direct elections. The legacy of the
political cultures give primacy to institutions and not individuals. Tsarist and Communist rulers lingers in the political culture of present-
This, in turn, impacts their capacity to unilaterally influence state day Russia in the words of Putin who once told a group of foreign
actions. Hence based on the above arguments, it can be said that journalists:
leaders can only come out strongly in the international domain and

Global Issues Weekly Analysis May 4th 2017

agenda means that there are many issues which, even if he felt so
,The Russian people are backward...they cannot adapt to democracy disposed, he could not possibly hope to cover alone. Putin is the ultimate
as they have done in your countries. They need time., controller, he determines the country’s strategic direction, and involves
Political and Institutional Context On coming to power, Putin had to himself selectively in the management of high-profile issues.34 He
grapple with an agitated public dissatisfied with the instability and exerts influence on individual policies. In fact, there are certain policy
impoverishment of the Yeltsin24 years. The public desire for order areas that he prioritizes and keeps a close eye on such as Ukraine,
and stability within government was at its peak. Putin, on coming to Eurasian integration, Russia’s energy ties and handling of international
the fore, was viewed as a new actor with few bad legacies to his crises such as the Syrian conflict. Areas such as relationships with the
name. He seized on the popular desire for order and, legality‟ which US, Europe, and China hold significant interest for Putin.
helped him in securing wider legitimacy and popularity amongst But like any good senior manager, he delegates. While keeping key
Russia’s masses. Putin aptly demonstrated that a central or statist policy issue decision-making cards close to his chest, he assigns lesser
control could yield dividends for diverse groups. Putin banked on important issues and every day administration to others. Hence, it can be
this need for stability and consolidated his own power in an concluded that the Putin’s systemic influence on Russia’s foreign policy
astounding way: is not contestable. He is the face of Russia’s foreign policy. The
,In his first two terms, from 2000 to 2008, he brought down the important thing to understand is the nature and character of this
oligarchs, thereby regaining total control of the news media and influence; to understand the roots where his foreign policy is emanating
orchestrating the breakup of Yukos, the giant oil company (and from; and to understand the influences that have shaped his foreign
jailing its chief executive, Mikhail Khodorkovsky), which returned policy choices.
two important power sources to the state. His loyal friends now run Nature of Putin’s Influence
most of Russia’s important industries., In order to understand the effect of Putin’s worldview on his policies, it
His personal animosity towards the financial-industrial interest is first important to identify what it is. Towards this end, the Operational
groups further helped him in securing trust and support of the public Code Scheme is utilized. His public statements are taken from various
that equally detested the group. This wide and popular support base sources, such as, his public speeches, interviews and articles. For the
gave him more maneuvering space in domestic affairs and once his sake of this article, two variables from the Operational Code Framework
legitimacy was strengthened at home, it paved the way for freer are traced in all the 25 public statements with respect to five actors.
control in the international domain. By restoring discipline in
Russia’s foreign policymaking process, Putin strengthened his own
say in external matters. Hence, existence of a stable political context
has provided Putin with significant safety margin if and when things
go wrong in Russia’s external relations. Just as critically, it provides
the regime with the political space and latitude to pursue long term
strategic policies.
Use of Media
The Russian government believes it has the right to protect its
citizens across the world and its media trajectories work towards
promulgating this idea. Putin has intensively worked to improve the
media and communications field that presents a favorable view of his
country in the eyes of the domestic as well as international audience.
With regards to the domestic audience, Putin is largely seen to be
promulgating a particular view of the West that is confrontational in
nature. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) expansion
eastwards, the dual and hypocritical role‟ of the West are recurrent Discussed below are the findings of this exercise:
themes in his public statements. United States of America
Putin’s, information campaign‟ steers public opinion about external Out of the 16 times that United States was mentioned in the speeches, 12
issues in his favour. Lack of knowledge on part of the public makes times the US was referred as having a hostile posture against Russia and
it almost impossible for them to challenge him in his foreign policy the world in general. There were only four instances where he deemed
decisions. the US actions as cooperative and conciliatory. So if the balance of verbs
Putin: The Face of Russia’s Foreign Policy indicating hostility and friendliness of the US are calculated, it is seen
Russia’s current foreign policy is widely associated with the that, for the larger part, Putin’s political universe with respect to the
personality of Putin. Whatever the formal institutions of Russia’s United States is hostile. He largely believes that the US posture towards
national security and diplomatic decision-making machinery, Putin’s Russia is marked with distrust, non-cooperation and arrogance. As for
word has been decisive on all issues that interest him. Time and the second variable, image of self, for all the 16 times that he talked
again, he has undertaken dramatic moves, never hesitating to go about US, he declares himself and Russia as cooperative and
against deeply entrenched institutional interests. 29 For example, he conciliatory. Putin portrays Russia as the friendlier of the two actors in
supported America in their War against Terrorism by letting her US-Russia relations and acts in a hostile or unfriendly manner only
establish bases in post-Soviet Central Asia, despite differences and when provoked or in retaliation. That is what Putin’s own references to
opposition from Russia’s national security elites. US-Russia issues revealed during this study.
His words, tone, actions, demeanour and postures are as much It is equally important to substantiate these statistical figures by a
scrutinised as the actual content of his policies. He exudes an air of thematic discussion. More than once, he has talked about US hegemonic
importance that has uplifted Russia’s game in the international ambitions and disregard for international law and the UN Charter. On
domain. Policies during his time have strongly brought Russia back one occasion, he is quoted as saying that: ,We all know that after the end
into great power politics. Putin’s actions in Crimea and Georgia, of the Cold War, the world was left with one centre of dominance, and
regaining influence in the neighbourhood, revising major agreements those who found themselves at the top of the pyramid were tempted to
of the 1990s with the West, Russia’s role in the Syrian crises, steady think that since they are so powerful and exceptional, they know best
expansion of ties with China, have all brought Russia back in the what needs to be done and thus, they don’t need to reckon with the UN,
Great Game. which, instead of rubberstamping decisions they need, often stands in
Like any world leader, Putin absorbs information and takes advice their way.,
from a range of sources33, and the expanse of his foreign policy

Global Issues Weekly Analysis May 4th 2017

He explains US antagonism by mentioning, in almost all instances the pre-and postSyrian crisis. Turkey is viewed as cooperative and
where he was asked about confrontation with the US, its ambitions to friendly before both countries‟ involvements in the Syrian crisis. In his
develop Anti-Ballistic Missile System (ABMS) and their decision to words:
abandon the ABM treaty. On many instances, he lashed back at the ,Due to the common efforts we took in recent years, our relations have
inquirer for suggesting Russia as the aggressor: been developing constructively on the basis of mutual confidence, good
,Now, US bases are scattered around the globe – and you’re telling neighbourliness, equality and mutual respect of interests. Due to such
me Russia is behaving aggressively? Do you have any common intensive multidimensional ties, Turkish–Russian relations remain
sense at all? What are US armed forces doing in Europe, also with stable, not depending on the current situation and maintaining
tactical nuclear weapons? What are they doing there?, continuity.,
Ukraine However, deeper involvement of the two in the Syrian war culminated
Out of the 15 times that he mentioned Ukraine, in 12 instances he in the downing of a Russian plane on November 24, 2015 by Turkey that
views the Ukrainian authorities and their aiders as hostile and non- became the game changer in their relations. Putin viewed this Turkish
cooperative and only twice does he talk about them being act as not only, unfriendly but a hostile act.
cooperative. This clearly shows that his political universe regarding The image of self with respect to Turkey is also divided along these two
Ukraine is hostile. As for the image of self, he views Russia’s lines. Out of nine times, six times he declares his own position as
position to be conciliatory on 13 occasions and only declares Russian cooperative and three times he openly shows his hostility towards
stance as hostile twice. In totality, once again his self-image and that Turkey. All six times he refers to Russia’s conciliatory position towards
of the Federation comes out as more cooperative than hostile. Turkey before the plane incident. Open hostility was exhibited after the
With regards to Ukraine, he largely sees his government’s actions as incident took place by publicly giving out statements that condemned
reactionary and as responses made in self-defense. On most the act in harsh words. Putin responded by calling Turkey’s actions a,
occasions, he is seen as declaring the annexation of Crimea, the will stab in [Russia’s] back, ‟and blamed the country for enabling ISIS’s,
of the people. He adheres that the entire process of the referendum barbarous, heinous ways‟ by allowing it to sell oil on Turkish territory.
was peaceful and in line with international law - the right of self- Most ominously, he threatened, serious consequences‟ for relations
determination prevailed. On only two occasions is he seen as losing between Russia and Turkey, a NATO ally. Russia also displayed its
his calm and declaring it to be a reactionary hostile action on hostility by levying economic sanctions on Turkey. 42 He was
Russia’s part to protect its wider interests threatened by foreign repeatedly seen as saying that Russia would do everything and anything
hands in Ukraine? For most part, he aims his displeasure at, foreign in its power to defend itself and also supported the sanctions as a
hands‟ instigating Kiev authorities. He usually addresses the people befitting response to Turkish hostility.
of Ukraine as brothers of Russia who are tricked and fooled by their If all the five actors are taken in totality, it is seen that beneath Putin’s
leaders and those who are instigating them. policies and actions towards them lie a worldview that is dominated by
NATO In all six times Putin mentions NATO in his speeches, he nationalistic values. He has an image of Russia wherein the country has
views its actions towards Russia as antagonistic and hostile. In the the same pomp and power as an epicenter of the global political arena
same breath, he displays Russia as the protagonist. NATO’s like it did during the Soviet era. In his words, anyone who does not
expansion towards the East and its inclusion of Eastern European regret the collapse of the Soviet Union has no heart and anyone who
states is portrayed as the biggest sin committed by NATO and is the wants to see it in its former shape has no brain.‟ when it comes to Russia
major reason why Putin views it as hostile. In his view, Sooner or and its interests, he is seen to be uncompromising. George W. Bush Jr.
later, this logic of confrontation was bound to spark off a major said during the Slovenia Summit in 2001: ,I was able to get a sense of
geopolitical crisis.‟ He asserts that the end of the Cold War brought his soul: a man deeply committed to his country and the best interests of
arrogance in the West: his country.,
,They decided they were the winners, they were an empire, while all This is in line with his view that Russia is a great power and must not be
the others were their vassals, and they needed to put the squeeze on disrespected, ignored or taken for granted. Implicit in his words is the
them. This is the problem. They never stopped building walls, idea that Russia should not bow down on its values and principle stances
despite all our attempts at working together without any dividing and should not be subjected to bullying or threats. Putin’s sense of
lines in Europe and the world at large., nationalism and patriotism is explained by Steven Myers, which he
Germany explains in the impact which the fall of Soviet Union had on Putin, who
Out of the four times Germany was mentioned in his speech, all four at that time was a KGB agent stationed in East Germany helplessly
times he views German actions towards Russia as cooperative. With witnessing the fall of the Berlin Wall. 46 According to Myers, the
all his disagreements with NATO and EU, Putin is seen to place experience of this watershed moment and blow to the integrity of the
Germany in the friendly domain. In all instances, he characterizes state remained wedged in his mind and shaped his policies and decisions
Germany as a state which has disagreements with Russia but is after becoming the President of Russia. It convinced him that Russians
sincerely willing to work towards removing the contentions that exist needed a strong leader, such as Ivan the Terrible or Stalin, rather than
between both states, whether those are with reference to Ukraine or Mikhail Gorbachev.
with reference to economic relations. He specifically views German The strong adherence to nationalist tendencies is witnessed in his stance
Chancellor Angela Merkel in favourable light and views her as a on the Ukraine crisis. In the analysis of the authors, Putin considers it his
beacon of hope for good German-Russian relations. During one duty to protect and defend Russia’s counterparts in Ukraine, especially
instance, he is quoted as saying: in Crimea. He considers them and their contributions as a symbol of
,I am certain that she is a very sincere person. There is a framework Russia’s heritage and legacy. He is seen to exhibit a certain sense of
within which she has to work but I have no doubt that she is sincere pride in the culture, arts, history and heritage and also shows great pride
in her efforts to find solutions, including to the situation in southeast in being the President of Russia. Especially, with regards to United
Ukraine., States, where Russian pride is seen to be most threatened, he takes up a
As for the image of self, he paints Russia’s efforts with regards to competitive stance. He advocates cooperation with the United States in
Germany as cooperative. He is repeatedly seen as welcoming all fields but is not willing to act on their terms or in their image.48
cooperation on issues of mutual economic concern as well as finding Putin is aiming for a place for Russia where it is in a position to seek out
solutions to the Ukrainian crisis. relations with other countries on the basis of equal footing keeping in
Turkey mind national interests. Given changing global power dynamics, he does
Out of the nine times that Putin mentions Turkey, four times he not see his country as the sole super power of the world, but wants other
declares Turkish actions as hostile and five times as cooperative. His countries to not undermine its interests and is especially unwilling to
view regarding Turkey’s position on Russia is massively affected by take dictation from the United States.

Pakistan’s Domestic Affairs Weekly Analysis May 4th 2017

Similarly, his policy towards Turkey also exhibits this very same offers unflagging support to the US in the War against Terrorism and at
view. He levied sanctions on Turkey and bore the brunt of breaking another point he blatantly adopts an antagonistic stance in his policy in
off mutually beneficial relations just to prove to the world that Crimea, Georgia and bilateral issues. This demonstrates that Putin does
Russia must not be taken lightly. Similarly, he is willing to accept not hold an inherent bias against the US or any other state for that
economic sanctions that were levied on Russia after its actions in matter. For him, ensuring the Federation’s national interests and
Ukraine. These sanctions have crippled Russia’s economy, but Putin integrity is the primary objective when dealing with other states - the
is unbending in his stance because doing so gives Russia an image of actor is irrelevant. In Myers view, Putin is a man swinging from crisis to
a power that is not willing to tolerate meddling in its sphere of crisis with one goal - projecting strength and raising Russia’s game and
influence as well as sending a message that it does not bow down to stature in the world.
patronization. Conclusion
He is seen to hold a relatively softer image of European countries, Russia’s policies under Putin have been driven in a nationalistic
especially the Germans. Although the confrontation in Ukraine direction which has made him take certain policy actions (e.g. levying
directly impacts Russia’s relations with the EU, he is still seen to be sanctions on Turkey in 2015, bearing the brunt of sanctions by the West
more flexible towards them. As analyzed by the authors, implicit in after the annexation of Crimea in 2014) that may not make sense to a
his statements regarding Germany and EU is the idea that they are pragmatic realist 51, but can be understood by those who share his sense
being played up by the United States and if it is not for the US led of nationalism. Despite adverse repercussions of his policies on the
NATO expansions in the East, relations with western European strategic relationship Russia has had with Turkey and Ukraine, he still
states could get better. He finds the US to be the bone of contention enjoys popular rating at home. 52 Internationally, his policies have
in the larger European unity. successfully reasserted Russia as a great power and have helped push the
Therefore, to conclude Putin’s overall worldview, it can be said that world towards multipolarity. In line with his nationalistic ideology, he
it generally holds a conciliatory view of Russia‟ actions in the post- has been successful in carving out a relatively deserving place of Russia
Soviet era but deems them to be largely compromising its integrity in the world community that has not compromised the Federation’s
and stature in the world. He wants Russia to be compliant of integrity or interests.
international rules and laws working towards a more peaceful, stable The Russian President’s impact on the international front is most evident
and just world. He is willing to work with both friends and foes but in his policies in Ukraine and Syria. In the latter, he became the game
not at the expense of Russia’s interests. As to his view of other changer by filling the vacuum left open by the US that shouted to the
states, he largely asserts that they invoke Russia into taking a world that Russia is no longer a regional power. The September 2015
confrontational stance. He is wary of the United States when it military intervention by Russia on behalf of the Assad regime has made
challenges Russia’s power but is seen to welcome its partnership in it a central military actor in Syria’s war. America is only acting through
eradicating terrorism and world threats. That is the reason he is seen a coalition and not getting involved unilaterally. This gives Russia a
as willing to work with them in instances like Syria but is seen to be freer hand in the Syrian crisis and how it is shaped. In the former case,
challenging them when it comes to bilateral exchanges and issues Putin successfully sent a message to the world that Russia is a force to
like the NATO expansion and the ABM treaty. The contradictions in be reckoned with and does not bend to bullying
his policy towards the US are seen where at one point in time he
. Putin’s policy in Crimea marks the beginning of a multipolar world.
54 Forbes nominated him as the world’s most powerful leader55 and
can easily serve as an apt example of a leader who has effectively
impacted and shaped international politics.

Pakistan’s Domestic Affairs

Energy Crises
existing hydro resources has distorted the hydro-thermal ratio in the
Although the government is attempting to add capacity to the grid in power generation mix and resulted in a significant increase in energy
order to remedy the persistent power shortage, these measures will cost.
take time to come into effect. In the absence of cutting edge technology and transmission network
The China Pakistan Economic Corridor is another way Pakistan challenges, the indigenisation cost of solar and wind-based power is
could turn towards cleaner forms of energy, as China is a world untenable.
leader in total wind and solar installed renewable energy, at about Pakistan has also been looking forward to electricity imports from
140,000MW. central Asia to mitigate pressing power shortages.
Will energy shortage be overcome? Central Asia-South Asia Electricity Transmission and Trade Project
Due to energy shortage, industrial and commercial entities have (CASA) through which Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan will supply 1,300MW
installed back-up diesel generators, while households use battery- of electricity to Pakistan during the summer season, was formally
powered Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS) apparatus, often at launched last May. The fragile security situation in Afghanistan has
significantly higher costs. already led to upward cost revisions in the project which will ultimately
Small and medium-sized industrial and commercial enterprises and have an impact on the final tariff.
households which cannot afford these high-cost alternatives have However, Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif’s plans — to add to the national
frequently been at the rough end of the stick. grid and overcome the acute electricity shortage by 2018 — have been
Despite hydropower being the cheapest source of electricity for boosted by the large funding received under the China-Pakistan
Pakistan, the prohibitively high capital costs to supplement the Economic Corridor framework.

Pakistan’s Domestic Affairs Weekly Analysis May 4th 2017

The project has essentially provided coal-based (especially Thar The energy sector will continue to be a major focus in the lead-up to the
coal) energy financing which Pakistan was seeking to replace costlier 2018 elections since resolving this crisis figured prominently in PML-
generation. Reportedly, 19 energy projects valuing $34bn have been N’s manifesto.
identified as ‘early harvest’, prioritised by the CPEC Joint Due to almost 5pc greater electricity generation by independent power
Cooperation Committee. producers (IPPs), the average duration of load-shedding in urban areas
Primarily coal-based power projects, with a cumulative capacity of has currently been reduced to 2-5 hours per day, as compared to the 6-10
about 5,000MW, would be operational during 2018. The government hours when PML-N assumed control.
expects that this generation, added to the output from some other However, chunks of rural areas continue to remain off-grid and those
non-CPEC projects, will all but overcome the envisaged 8,000MW that are connected suffer through prolonged power outages.
demand-supply gap. The government is still looking for quick fixes to the mega crisis. Since
There are apprehensions that major power projects may not come on taking office, the government has repeatedly stated its intent to
stream as per announced schedule due to a variety of factors overcome load shedding in time for the next poll, likely in May 2018.
including technical, physical, and financial limitations. However, the PM’s regular stock taking of the progress notwithstanding,
There are also questions about how well the weak and unreliable the inadequate and obsolete T&D network and partial progress in
Transmission and Distribution (T&D) system will cope with this addressing the deep structural issues casts a shadow over the viability of
new influx of energy and whether there is enough infrastructural the timeline.
support to transmit it across the country.
Currently the system is barely able to cope with the existing power There is growing anxiousness among PML-N leaders about the extent to
generated. Transmission lines, cables and transformation copper which the government will be able to tackle load shedding before they
parts are dilapidated due to inadequate upgrading, repair and hit the road for the general election campaign.
maintenance; while most transformers are over-loaded with little or The government is low on credibility as regards its pronouncements
about solving energy constraints. Only one-fourth of the Public Sector
Development Program (PSDP) budget for water and power projects has
been released in the first eight months of the ongoing fiscal year.
The Thar coalfields were declared a ‘game changer’ last April with the
potential to generate 100,000MW of electricity. The same is true for the
liquefied natural gas (LNG) agreement with Qatar. The outcomes that
have followed have been decidedly modest and show the sheer opacity
under which the entire power sector operates.
Even information on the basic nature and intensity of the energy crisis as
shared by concerned authorities is often inconsistent. Transparency is
needed in every area of the sector so that a reliable picture can be built
of its state of affairs.
According to a Nationwide Public Opinion Poll, conducted last August
by the Pakistan Institute of Legislative Development and Transparency
(PILDAT) on assessing citizens’ views on ‘quality of governance’ in
Pakistan, only 38pc of the respondents expressed satisfaction with the
performance of the federal government to improve the electricity
situation. A much higher proportion (58pc) believes that the present
government is unlikely to solve the energy crisis.
Solar, nuclear, hydel? Pakistan's best power solution is...?
To know our ‘best bet’ for power generation we can try and compare the
various energy source types on four key dimensions:

no maintenance by the cash-strapped government-owned

To improve system resilience, under the CPEC, an 878 kilometre
long 4,000MW transmission line is to be constructed for power
dispersal from south Pakistan to Lahore and Faisalabad in the North.
This key link in the transmission infrastructure is expected to be in
place by end-2018 at the earliest.
Power sector analysts, however, believe that the timelines of power
generation and transmission have not been coordinated effectively.
No new infrastructure initiative is planned to transmit power to
energy-starved Balochistan which currently does not have the
capacity to absorb energy beyond 500MW.
Also the government´s desperation to end power shortages has led to
investors being offered far too generous tariffs, saddling consumers
with some of the most expensive electricity in the region.
While new generation projects can help alleviate the physical
shortfall once completed, they have been negotiated without being
subjected to competition to provide electricity at an optimum cost.
The government has in fact offered up to 34.5pc annual return on
equity contributions under the CPEC and loans have been obtained at
6pc interest rate, excluding insurance cost.

Pakistan’s Domestic
External Affairs
Affairs Weekly Analysis May 4th 2017
 Capital cost (the cost to build) Leaving aside the safety and geo-political issues inherent with nuclear
 Time to build (opportunity cost of ‘no power’) plants, the cost (both in terms of capital cost and tariff) remains on the
 Capacity factor (dependency or reliability) higher side. The biggest benefit of such plants comes in the form of high
 Levellised tariff (the cost to consumer) availability/capacity factor (around 90pc) which makes them quite
Admittedly, there are other factors, both positive and negative, that reliable in terms of regular supply.
accompany these projects such as environmental impact (‘dirty’ coal Coal
vs ‘green’ solar), displacement issues of local communities, safety Coal remains the largest and the cheapest source of energy in the world
concerns (nuclear plants) etc. that can have serious long-term today. US generated 39pc of its electricity through coal in 2014. Its
economic implications. contribution to the country’s total power generation is 74pc in China
However, in the absence of any reliable method to quantify, these (2014) and 66pc in India (2014). And while environmental
largely remain limited to opinions. considerations are forcing the developed world to move away from coal,
Hydel it is expected to remain a dominant energy source for the foreseeable
Hydel power plants can be divided into two types based on their future.
nature: run-of-the-river type and reservoir type. The latter, as the The contribution of coal in Pakistan’s energy mix is close to zero.
name suggests, involves building a water storage dam, which helps This situation, for a country, that has one of the largest, albeit low
in regulating the flow of water. quality, reserves of coal remains counter-intuitive. There is little to
Besides power generation, these dams are also frequently used for suggest that this aversion to coal was driven by carbon emissions, rather
irrigation and flood-control purposes. These are mega structures and had more to do with government policies which chose to rely on furnace
require large amounts of money and time to build compared to run- oil and gas-based power generation.
of-the-river hydel projects. Presently, a number of coal-based power plants, based on local and
The 969MW Neelum Jhelum project, which is currently under- imported coal, are under various stages of development in the country.
construction, is an example of a run-of-the-river hydel plant. Having A 1,320MW plant is being built (due for COD in December 2017) in
gone through significant delays and substantial cost revisions Sahiwal that will employ imported coal for power generation. Given the
(typical for almost all public-funded large-scale projects), it is different technology and fuel types, their costs can vary. The Sahiwal
expected to get operational in early 2017. By that time, the project plant will take about $1.81bn over 36 months to set up and will have a
would have consumed $4.1bn in cost ($4.23mn/MW) and about levellised tariff of 8.36 cents. It will operate with a capacity factor of
eight years in construction. The plant will have an annual capacity 85pc.
factor of 61pc and a tariff of around 11 cents/unit (estimated). RLNG
Solar At the current international oil and gas prices, gas/LNG fueled plants
Zoenergy, a Chinese company, is setting up a 900MWp solar plant at offer the cheapest source of electricity among all thermal fuels.
Quaid-i-Azam Solar Park (QASP). By the time it completes The recently inaugurated 1320MW RLNG-fueled combined-cycle plant
(expected end of 2016), the QASP, with a combined capacity of at Jhang carries the smallest capex ticket $0.5mn/MW (total cost of
1000MWp, will become the largest solar power plant in the world. $539mn), making it the cheapest among all power projects. Moreover, it
The total project cost is expected to be $1.5bn ($1.73mn/MW) and will not only take less time to setup, it offers an extremely cost-effective
comes with a tariff of 14.15 cents. tariff of 7.5 cents (estimated at current LNG prices).
At a capacity factor of 17.5pc, the total plant setup time will be Meanwhile, being a thermal plant means it comes with high capacity
staggered over 18 months, making it the quickest among all power factors.
Wind And the winner is...
AEDB estimates a wind energy potential of 60,000MW electricity By now it should be evident that there is no ‘best’ source of energy.
from the Gharo-Keti Bandar wind corridor. A number of 50MW Hydel is cheap but takes way too long to setup. Solar/wind gets ramped
wind farms are under-construction and are expected to commence up quickly but remains intermittent. Thermal (coal/gas) is cheaper but
commercial operations in 2016 and 2017. causes import dependence and remains exposed to international supply
An advantage of wind power over solar is the former’s high capacity shocks. Nuclear is expensive but doesn’t have intermittence issues.
factor of 35pc (almost twice that of solar). In terms of similarities, So then what’s the solution?
just like solar, wind power projects come with large price tags. Answer: A balanced mix. We need all of them.
The under-construction 99MW United Energy wind farm at Jhimpir No single source can be relied upon to take care of all our energy needs.
has a total project cost of $261.5mn ($2.64mn/MW) and a Hydel energy remains a sustainable long-term solution. Yet in that 7-10
construction period of 18 months (due June 2016). Operating at a year window of construction time, we need cheap thermals to provide us
capacity factor of 35pc, it will sell electricity to the grid at a reliability, solar/wind energy to shield us from exposure to imported
levellised tariff of 13.52 cents/unit. fuels and safe nuclear to generate cheap electricity.
Nuclear It is imperative for our policy makers and energy managers to have a
Nuclear energy remains one of the cheapest (and most controversial) clear understanding of these inherent energy source characteristics so
sources of energy. Incidents like Fokoshima and Chernobyl are that their decisions balance the often conflicting needs of generating
destined to remain grim reminders of the inherent danger nuclear cheaper, quicker and reliable/regular electricity for the national grid.
energy can possess. Two 1100MW (2 x 1100) nuclear power plants, So next time when there comes a situation, and there come many, when
KANUPP-2 and KANNUP-3, based on Chinese technology, are sun over Bahawalpur gets a cloud cover, the wind speed at Gharo
being set up in Karachi. /Jhimpir goes down and water flow at Neelum river gets hindered, tell
The KANUPP-2 project, due for completion in early 2019, is your “green energy buffs” to expect a system-wide black out. ( Source :
estimated to have a capital cost of staggering $4.7bn ($4.3mn/MW). Dawn news)
At a capacity factor of 90pc, the project's levellised cost of energy
will be in around 9.59 cents per unit.

Pakistan’s Domestic Affairs Weekly Analysis May 4th 2017

How Pakistan's Panama Papers probe unfolded

Plot twists, accusations and 25,000 pages of evidence — a snapshot of the case that resulted in the formation of a JIT

Pakistan’s Domestic Affairs Weekly Analysis May 4th 2017

April 3, 2016 took over the foundry in Lahore, and hence our assets were lost in mere
Panama Papers leaked; Sharif family under spotlight moments," Mr Sharif confesses.
"My family was not involved in politics till much later, as such, even
The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) before I got into politics, we were an established industrial family," he
makes 11.5 million secret documents available to the public for the explained.
very first time. The documents, coming from Panamanian law firm The prime minister goes on to speak about how his father established an
Mossack Fonseca, contain confidential attorney-client information industrial plant in Makkah, following the military coup in 1999. The
for more than 214,488 offshore
Eight off-shore companies
were reported to have links with the
family of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif
and his brother, Chief Minister of
Punjab, Shahbaz Sharif.
According to documents available on
the ICIJ website, the prime minister's
children Maryam, Hassan and Hussain
“were owners or had the right to
authorise transactions for several
The leaks breathe a new life into
allegations of corruption that the
Sharif family has long been haunted
At the forefront of the battle is
Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf, lead by its
chairman Imran Khan.

April 4, 2016
'The leaks are God sent' says Imran
PTI Chairman Imran Khan and his
party aides consolidate their position
on corruption allegations against the
prime minister, demanding immediate
action by the government to respond to
the allegations.
This marks the beginning of what will
be nearly a year long effort to resolve
the Panama Papers case, also dubbed
'Panamgate' in the local media.
Later that afternoon, Maryam Nawaz tweets what appears to be a plant, he says, was "later sold, and my sons invested the funds into their
statement from the Sharif family spokesman. They are calling the businesses."
revelations made under the Panama Papers leaks, a "distortion of Denying the legitimacy of allegations targeting his family and himself,
information". the prime minister assures the country he is open to legal scrutiny.
The statement goes on to clarify that "Maryam Nawaz is not a
beneficiary or owner of any of the companies" named in the leaked
documents. April 10, 2016
April 5, 2016 Khan wants CJP to head commission
Under-pressure Sharif announces probe Khan wants the government to promptly form an inquiry commission
Realising that silence may deepen the crisis, Sharif takes to the led by the serving Chief Justice of Pakistan, Anwar Zaheer Jamali. To
Pakistan Television (PTV) headquarters to address the nation and the contrary, the government is keen on having ex-Supreme Court
clear the air. The prime minister begins his speech with a subtle judges populate the bench.
acknowledgment of the fact that he is using state apparatus to
address a personal matter.
Visibly perturbed, Sharif April 13, 2016
says he is open to the Five ex-SC judges refuse to lead inquiry
formation of a judicial Still in its infancy, 'panamagate' begins to ingress into the judicial
commission to probe his sphere, albeit turbulently. Interior Minister Chaudhry Nisar Ali
family's alleged finances in Khan reveals that the ex-Supreme Court judges contacted by the
offshore tax-havens. government to head the inquiry commission have turned down the offer.
He explains how his family Nisar regrets: “All of these judges after taking the time to think over the
business was ruined by the matter refused to lead the commission without giving any reasons."
party of the Bhuttos from
the 70s to the 90 and then
was slowly built up again.
"On Jan 2, 1972, Bhutto

Pakistan’s Domestic Affairs Weekly Analysis May 4th 2017

April 14, 2016 Sharif appears visibly piqued and spares no one while targeting his
Frail, Sharif in London for check-up political opponents; the ‘hostile’ media, the regime of Gen Pervez
Musharraf and his allies. He reserves the bulk of his criticism for Imran
Nawaz Sharif's mother wishes him before he departs for London — Khan.
Despite mounting criticism from local press and political parties,
Sharif takes off for London citing a medical check up as the reason April 25, 2016
for this five-day tour. Opposition rejects govt ToRs
A PML-N source reveals: “The prime minister was looking quite Rejecting the inquiry commission proposed by the government, leaders
weak when he visited the Planning and Development Ministry a few from the PTI, PPP, MQM, PML-Q demand the ToRs of any such
days ago and the disclosures of his sons’ involvement in offshore commission be drafted in consultation with the opposition.
business definitely had its political and health costs.”
The office bearer adds that apparently due to a mistake by surgeons
during a previous medical procedure in London, Mr Sharif had bled
May 1, 2016
profusely. He recovered, but not completely, and was advised to take
Bilawal asks Sharif to step down
breaks from his engagements for further treatment.
— Feica/Dawn
Coming out strongly against the government, PPP chairperson Bilawal
April 16, 2016 Bhutto-Zardari calls on Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif to step down, until
PML-N proposes ToRs an inquiry into the money laundering allegations levelled at his family
A government team headed by Finance Minister Ishaq Dar finalises are completed.
the terms of reference (ToRs) for the proposed inquiry commission “As long as the investigations into the Panama leaks are ongoing, you
being formed to investigate the Panama Papers leaks. should resign. You can resume [office] when you are absolved of the
The ToRs are meant to define a scope within which the investigation charges,” he said, reminding Mr Sharif of advice he had imparted for the
would take place. Understandably, this is going to be a matter of former prime minister Yousuf Raza Gilani when the latter was facing
contention. multiple charges in court.
Mainly the government's ToRs looked at empowering the proposed
judicial commission to look into the following points:
 To examine information relating to involvement of Pakistani May 3, 2016
citizens, persons of Pakistan origin and legal entities in off-
shore companies in Panama or in any other country. Opposition presents ToRs
 Involvement of former and present holders of public office in After a joint meeting between opposition parties, a set of ToRs have
writing off their own bank loans or those of their immediate been presented to the government and the media. The ToRs emphasise
family members through political influence. on initiating the inquiry into off-shore holdings, starting with the Sharif
 Transfer from Pakistan of funds which have originated from family.
corruption, commissions or kickbacks, and to determine Among other points, the ToRs enlist the following:
whether, in any case referred to above, any law for the time  Whether a respondent, by concealing the ownership and source of
being in force in Pakistan has been infringed. income through which the properties were purchased has
Maryam Nawaz expresses annoyance on PML-N's response not committed corrupt and illegal practices under the elections/tax
being "robust" enough. The meeting also reportedly resolved that: “If laws.
at all the commission is formed it will be the one headed by a retired  A special law titled “Panama Papers (inquiry and Trial) Act
judge of the Supreme Court as announced by the prime minister in 2016” should be passed to facilitate the investigation into the
his address to the nation.” assets, both foreign and domestic, of the prime minister. The law
Despite having been rejected by five ex-SC judges, the Muslim shall be formed with the consensus of the opposition parties.
League leadership is still adamant to see a retired judge of the
 A special commission should be formed, headed by Chief Justice
Supreme Court heading the commission. Rumour has it; retired
and comprising two other SC judges nominated by him.
judge Sarmad Jalal Osmany has accepted the responsibility to lead
the probe.  The procedure of the inquiry shall be fully inquisitorial in
The opposition parties, however, are still unclear on how best to go character The commission should complete its inquiry in relation
about the probe. to the prime minister and his family in three months.

April 19, 2016

Sharif returns to Pakistan
Amidst political turbulence, Sharif returns to Pakistan, eyeing a
difficult job ahead of him.

April 22, 2016

'Will resign if proven guilty,' Sharif in second state address
In yet another address to the nation, Sharif announces that his
government has decided to formally ask then Chief Justice of
Pakistan to set up a judicial commission for investigations into
Panama Papers leak.
"I challenge all those who allege tax fraud to come forward and
present evidence. If charges are proved against me, I will resign
immediately," vowed Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif.

Pakistan’s Domestic Affairs Weekly Analysis May 4th 2017

“We have rejected the prime minister’s speech and the chief justice has
already rejected the ToRs prepared by the government. So we will see
May 5, 2016 where do we go from here,” he adds.
Govt rejects opposition's ToRs
Rejecting the opposition’s draft of the ToRs for a judicial probe,
the government indicated it was willing to sit with the opposition and
to come up with ToRs that were focused on eliminating corruption
and did not target the prime minister personally.
“The opposition wants the prime minister in the dock, without
touching other politicians whose children also run offshore
companies,” said Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan, alleging that the
opposition was not serious about holding an inquiry and only wanted
to achieve their political goals by simply levelling allegations.

May 10, 2016

Raheel Sharif urges PM to resolve the Panama issue
Gen Sharif, according to a well-placed government
source, conveyed a pointed message to the prime minister in a one-
on-one meeting.
The army chief’s view was that the protracted controversy over
Panama Papers investigation was affecting governance and national
security and, therefore, the issue needed to be urgently brought to a
close. May 18, 2016
Consensus to form ToR committee
After much back and forth, the federal government and opposition have
May 13, 2016 agreed to form a 12-member committee in order to draft joint ToRs for
Supreme Court rejects inquiry commission an inquiry commission, which would probe the Panama Papers.
The Panamagate controversy takes a new turn as the Supreme Court After a meeting with opposition members, information minister Pervaiz
returns the federal government’s request to appoint an inquiry Rasheed said that government and opposition will name six legislators
commission to investigate the leaked document's connection with the each to form the parliamentary committee.
Sharif family.
“Formation of commission of inquiry under the Pakistan
Commission of Inquiry Act 1956 (Act VI of 1956), looking to its May 22, 2016
limited scope, will result in the constitution of a toothless Nawaz flies to London for heart surgery
commission, which will serve no useful purpose, except giving bad Maryam Nawaz says cardiologists and surgeons carried out tests,
name to it,” says a communication sent to the law secretary by following which they decided to go for an open heart surgery. The
Supreme Court registrar Arbab Mohammad Arif. surgery will be performed on May 31, and opposition party leaders –
The letter also observes that the ToRs of the proposed commission Imran Khan
are so “wide and open” that “it may take years” for the commission and Bilawal
to conclude proceedings. Bhutto –
tweet their
best wishes to
May 16, 2016 Sharif. Indian
Sharif explains himself in landmark speech Prime
The prime minister suggests the formation of a joint committee to Minister
draft the ToRs, which will establish the judicial commission he Narendra
referred to in his first state address on the Panama Papers allegations. Modi also
tweets good
In this speech, Sharif attempts to explain the ownership of his luck to
London Park Lane flats. Astonishingly, there is no mention of Qatari Sharif.
Prince Jassim. Maryam dubs
The money used to purchase flats in London, he says, was linked to the
properties the Sharif family sold off in Pakistan decades ago. surgery succe
'Prime minister lied on the floor,' Shah accuses Sharif ssful and
After the session, PTI says Sharif has mislead the assembly. “The thanks
prime minister lied on the floor of the house,” says PTI leader Shah everyone for
Mahmood Qureshi. their prayers
and good
positions on the issue of offshore companies but are also accusing each
other of toughening their stance.
June 4, 2016 The opposition insists on starting the Panamagate probe from Sharif and
The ToR stalemate his three children, whereas the government side wants to enact a law that
The 12-member bipartisan parliamentary committee seems to have would extend the scope of investigations but would not make any
hit a dead end as both sides are not only refusing to budge from their reference to the premier.

Pakistan’s Domestic Affairs Weekly Analysis May 4th 2017

July 20, 2016
'No more negotiations,' says opposition
The opposition has decided not to negotiate anymore with the
government over the ToR issue.
PTI had invited opposition parties to plot their future course of action
after the government refused to accept their ToRs for a Panama specific
Rather than adopting a hard-hitting stance against the government,
opposition parties agreed to use their presence in the national and
provincial assemblies to remind Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif of his
promise to hold a free and fair investigation into the Panamagate

August 3, 2016
Imran lashes out

Mr Khan regrets that four months had passed since the Panamagate
Opposition parties later in the month say they will take to the streets made headlines, but not a single institution had moved or served notice
if the government doesn’t review its position on the ToRs. on those whose names had appeared in the Panama Papers for allegedly
committing money laundering and tax evasion.
In the run-up to the ‘movement for accountability’, PTI starts building
June 24, 2016 pressure on the state institutions he believes are responsible for election
PTI files petition with ECP against Sharif rigging and rampant corruption in the country.
PTI files a reference with the Election Commission of Pakistan
(ECP) seeking disqualification of Sharif for allegedly concealing his
assets. August 24, 2016
Three days later, PPP also petitions the ECP to disqualify the prime JI files 'frivolous' Panama petition in SC
minister and his family members. “The prime minister is not sadiq JI chief presents a copy of their petition to the media — Dawn
and ameen anymore and, therefore, is not eligible to hold a seat in Jamaat-i-Islami (JI) Emir Sirajul Haq filed his party’s long-awaited
the National Assembly,” says the petition, which also contains petition on the Panama Papers leaks in the Supreme Court.
charges of money laundering, tax evasion and concealment of assets. The petition doesn’t name Nawaz Sharif directly. PTI is expected to file
a similar petition next week.
Four days later, the apex court returns the petition, terming it ‘frivolous’.
July 9, 2016 “This petition prima facie appears to be a frivolous petition within the
48 days later, Nawaz returns to Pakistan contemplation of Order XVII Rule 5 of the Supreme Court Rules 1980,”
Sharif returns home from London, kicking off discussions among says an order issued by the registrar office.
analysts about what he should now do to secure his future as the
chief executive of the country.
August 29, 2016
Nawaz Sharif is received at the airport. — Screen grab DawnNews Seeking PM’s disqualification, PTI files petition with SC
Upon his arrival in Lahore, the prime minister appears relaxed and
lighter in weight than when he had left a month and a half ago.
The prime minister’s arrival also fuels discussions such as the one
during which Mr Sharif had repeatedly been told about the need for
having some formal deputies in place, minding the party and the
government on his behalf, should the need arise.

July 12, 2016

PM advised to get tough with PTI

— Zahoor/Dawn
As he returns to work and is updated on the economic, security and
political situation, Sharif is also determined to devise a plan to
counter the PTI chief’s ‘propaganda’.
Khan had recently declared that he was now ready “to play the final
round of matches” against the ruling party. Article 62, 63 of the constitution demand that parliamentarians be
At the meetings in Raiwind, the prime minister is quoted as asking 'truthful' and 'honest'. — Zahoor/Dawn
his advisers to prepare the ground for “multiple strategies” against
opposition parties. The PTI files a petition with the Supreme Court seeking disqualification
A PML-N politician from Lahore remarks that “the prime minister’s of prime minister Sharif from his office as well as the National
body language is that of a leader determined to stand firm against his Assembly.
opponents. He is in no mood to show leniency,” he says. The petition was filed by PTI’s counsel Naeem Bukhari on behalf of
party chairman Imran Khan. It has been filed against 10 respondents,
which include Nawaz Sharif, his daughter, sons and government

Pakistan’s Domestic Affairs Weekly Analysis May 4th 2017

Bukhari told reporters that their petition is based on the prime

October 7, 2016
Khan’s next plan: Islamabad lockdown

— Sabir Nazar/Herald.
PTI chairman Imran Khan calls on party workers to lay siege to
Islamabad on Oct 30, telling them to paralyse the capital until Sharif

minister’s May 16 speech delivered on the floor of the National

"A statement delivered on the floor of an assembly possesses

resigns or presents himself for accountability.

October 10, 2016

Imran asks court for early hearing
In a bid to increase pressure on the government, the PTI has asked the
Supreme Court to hold an early hearing of its petition seeking to
disqualify Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, his son-in-law retired Capt
Mohammad Safdar and Finance Minister Ishaq Dar for their alleged
involvement in the Panamagate scandal.

prestige," he said, adding that were a lot of contradictions between

the facts and the claims made by Nawaz.

September 25, 2016

Imran urges followers to put up 'country's biggest ever
Khan appeals to people to fully participate in his party’s September
30 march to Raiwind in order to put pressure on state institutions
which, according to him, are not working judiciously on the Panama
Papers issue.

September 30, 2016

PTI protests outside Sharif residence, demands Nawaz's

PTI supporters sit on the road to listen to Imran Khan's speech at

Raiwind — White Star
Doubling the political pressure on Nawaz Sharif, the PTI leadership
decides to invite its workers to stage a sit-in outside the residence of
Nawaz Sharif.
On their call, several thousand supporters of the PTI from different
parts of the country reach Raiwind Road to participate in the
“accountability movement” seen by many as a “do-or-die” act of
Imran Khan.

Pakistan’s Domestic Affairs Weekly Analysis May 4th 2017

October 20, 2016 Khan rails against Sharif; government stands its ground.
SC accepts petitions
The Supreme Court of Pakistan started accepting petitions filed by
Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaaf, Jamhoori Watan Party, Jamaat-i-Islami November 1, 2016
and others to begin the proceedings. "I welcome the judicial
proceedings in connection with Panama Papers," said Prime Minister First hearing: SC asks for ToRs, PTI calls off lockdown
Nawaz Sharif in reply. It was win-win for all sides when the SC asked the government and the
In a statement issued after consultation with his legal team, he said, protesting PTI to present their respective ToRs, in case the court decided
"The court of public opinion has been making decisions, it would be to constitute an inquiry commission on Panamagate.
better to wait for the judiciary's decision."
The order allowed Imran Khan to save face and call off his plan to lock
down the capital, while Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif accepted the
October 28, 2016 formation of a judicial commission to investigate the Panama Papers
SC forms a larger bench to formally initiate proceedings scam, which has
been a bone of
between the two
parties since the
scandal broke in
April 2016.
The apex court
had, on May 13,
declined to
accept the
government’s plea to appoint a commission of inquiry to probe the
Panamagate scandal.

November 2, 2016
PTI holds 'thanksgiving' rally

The SC has formed a larger five-bench to hear petitions regarding

Panama. Earlier, a three member bench accepted petitions filed by
PTI and Sheikh Rashid, asking for the Prime Minister's

October 31, 2016

Imran's lockdown threat inches closer to reality
Khan calls on supporters to gather in capital, but the numbers aren’t
impressive. The government places shipping containers to block off
routes from Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa into Islamabad.
November 7, 2016
Sharif children submit replies to SC

A caricature of Hussain Nawaz — Sabir Nazar/Herald.

The Sharif children's counsel, Salman Aslam Butt, informed the bench
that Hassan Nawaz has been running a business lawfully for the last 22
years and Hussain for 16 years.
He added that Maryam Nawaz is not dependent on the prime minister.
Denying allegations levelled in the petitions, Maryam said she is not the
beneficiary owner of off shore companies, Nielsen and Nescoll, but only
a trustee.

November 14, 2016

'Good for selling Pakoras': PTI submits evidence
The PTI and the AML chief are two of the four parties who have
submitted their documents. Analysing the evidence will be a five-judge
Supreme Court bench, headed by Chief Justice Anwar Zaheer Jamali.
The court is currently considering whether or not to appoint a judicial
commission to probe the Panamagate scandal.
The big question: how did Nawaz Sharif's children pay for their London

Pakistan’s Domestic Affairs Weekly Analysis May 4th 2017

The Supreme Court questioned the quality of the evidence presented Flipping through lawyers; PM's children change counsel again
by PTI and deplored that their 680-page submission had almost Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and his children submitted documents in
nothing to do with the Sharif family’s London properties. the Supreme Court notifying a change of counsel in the Panamagate
Pointing at PTI’s counsel Hamid Khan, Justice Sheikh Azmat Saeed case.
observed that it seemed as if the petitioners were trying to bury the According to the documents, Advocate Makhdoom Ali Khan will now
truth under their evidence that consisted mostly of newspaper represent Nawaz Sharif in court instead of Salman Aslam Butt.
clippings, which were only good for selling pakoras the day after Hassan and Hussain Nawaz will be represented by Salman Akram Raja,
publication. while Maryam Nawaz will be represented by Shahid Hamid.
Prince Jassim of Qatar presents a
different story January 4, 2017
New bench resumes hearing
Prince Jassim — Reuters The hearing of the Panamagate case resumed on Thursday where the
Like a rabbit out of a hat, PML-N five member bench, headed by Justice Asif Saeed Khosa, was appraised
counsel Mohammad Akram Sheikh about details of the offices held by Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif during
pulls out a document dated Nov 5, his political career.
2016 — marked private, confidential Naeem Bukhari, who represents PTI’s chief Imran Khan sought court’s
and not to be disclosed to any party, permission to refer to a number of interviews of the Prime Minister, his
except for the benefit of the courts of spouse and children at different point of time to highlight that every one
Pakistan — on the letterhead of of them took a divergent stand about the ownership of the London
Hamad Bin Jassim Bin Jaber Al properties.
Thani, who ruled Qatar from 2007 to Bukhari cited an April 10, 2000, interview of Begum Kalsoom Nawaz
2013. by Rory McCarthy of The Guardian in which she conceded that London
The letter states that Hamad’s father flats were bought because her son was studying.
— Jassim bin Jabr Al Thani — had At this, Justice Saeed again cautioned the counsel that he was entering
“longstanding business relations into a dangerous territory, adding that if "we start hanging people on
with Mian Mohammad Sharif” — television interviews or news paper clippings then your client will not
Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif’s father — “which were coordinated survive either."
through my eldest brother”.
In the year 1980, “Mian Sharif expressed his desire to invest a January 6, 2017
certain amount of money in the real estate business of Al Thani Burden of proof becomes a sticking point
family in Qatar,” the document says.
The Supreme Court is not pleased to hear yet another explanation for Members of the Supreme Court bench hearing the Panamagate case
how the Sharif family paid for its London properties, observing that expressed divergent opinions over which side shouldered the burden of
both sides were doing their best to ensure that the court would proof.
eventually have to form a commission to decide the Panamagate While Justice Asif Saeed Khosa — who heads the five-judge bench —
case. placed the burden of proof on Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif’s family,
“This document has completely changed the public stand of the Justice Azmat and Justice Ejaz, differed.
prime minister,” Justice Asif Saeed Khosa observed after the Sharif
children’s newly-engaged counsel, Mohammad Akram Sheikh,
presented before the court an attested letter from a former Qatari January 12, 2017
prime minister. 'Two different money trails' puzzle the bench
The prime minister's counsel is quizzed about a money trail for the
London flats and is asked to prove there were no inconsistencies in the
prime minister's speech in the National Assembly last year.
November 30, 2016 "There are two different money trails before us. How did the money go
'Shahbaz forged signatures' from Jeddah and then to London? And how did the money go from
PTI's lead counsel in the Panamagate case Naeem Bukhari, before Dubai to London and then Qatar?" the judge asked.
the Supreme Court, alleged that Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz
Sharif had forged his cousin Tariq Shafi's signatures on documents.
Addressing a five-judge bench, Bukhari said, "I dont want to say that January 13, 2017
Shahbaz Sharif forged Tariq Shafi's signature but there is a Sharif family's flats purchased in 1990s, BBC report reveals
difference in the signatures on the affidavit and the contract." Properties owned by the Sharif family in London’s upscale Park Lane
During the hearing, the judges also discussed the evidence presented neighbourhood were purchased in the 1990s and there has been no
by Bukhari gathered from news sources. change of ownership since then, BBC Urdu has reported.
The court observed, "If we make a judgement on the basis of news According to official documents available with BBC Urdu, the four flats
sources, then the PTI should also be worried." were purchased in the name of the Nielsen and Nescoll companies.
According to the documents, an official record of companies doing
December 9, 2016 business in the United Kingdom reveals that when Hassan Nawaz
CJ Jamali's retirement halts proceedings established Flagship Investment Ltd in 2001, the address he provided at
Proceedings in the case have ended today as Chief Justice Zaheer the time of registration of the company was that of his Park Lane
Jamali is scheduled to retire. The Supreme Court said that arguments apartment.
from both sides would commence afresh when hearings resume in Hussain had said: "The Park Lane apartments in London are ours, two
January. offshore companies, Nielsen and Nescoll, own these flats and I am the
A five-judge larger bench headed by Justice Asif Saeed Khosa has beneficial owner of these companies, working under a trust held by my
been constituted by the Supreme Court to resume hearing of the sister Maryam Nawaz Sharif."
Panama Papers case from January 4, 2017.

December 31, 2016


Pakistan’s Domestic Affairs Weekly Analysis May 4th 2017

January 17, 2017
Maryam submits reply

A caricature of Maryam Nawaz — Sabir Nazar/Herald.

The prime minister's daughter Maryam Nawaz Sharif submitted her
reply to the court.
In her reply, she maintained that she was not her father's dependent
after her marriage in 1992 to Captain Safdar, and that she lived with
her husband after her wedding.

January 23, 2017

12German daily tweets trouble for Maryam

January 27, 2017

SC orders NAB to submit Hudaibiya reference record on Dar's
As part of the Pnamagate case hearing, Finance Minister Ishaq Dar's
lawyer Shahid Hamid addressed allegations against his client pertaining
to the Hudaibiya Paper Mills default reference investigated by NAB.
Hamid read from Dar's confessional statement in court: "After the
military coup, I was first kept under house arrest then was offered a
position in that government in exchange for cooperation. I was made to
sign a pre-written statement and then was arrested again."
"The army kept me captive till 2001, after which I told Rauf Klasra
everything in a detailed interview and denied the statement that I was
made to sign at the time," he finished.

January 31, 2017

Supreme Court concerned over NAB, Qatari letters
As the Pamanagate case hearing resumed, NAB Prosecutor General
German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung on Monday tweeted Waqas Qadeer Dar was called once again to the stand and questioned
documents to 'help' Pakistanis form their own opinion on the role of why the ruling in the Hudaibiya Paper Mills case was not appealed.
Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif's daughter in Panamagate. During the hearing, the five-judge bench also questioned the absence of
“For those in Pakistan who doubt the role of the prime minister’s any mention of the Qatari investments in Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif's
daughter Mariam Safdar in Panama Papers – some of the documents. speech in the National Assembly and in Tariq Shafi's affidavit presented
Judge yourself,” Süddeutsche Zeitung tweeted, along with to the apex court.
attachments purporting to show her involvement with Minerva "We were told that all evidence had been made available, and that
Financial Services. Maryam Safdar is her legal name after marriage. perhaps it was we who were unable to see it in its entirety," Justice Asif
Saeed Khosa said in stern admonishment to Akram.

January 26, 2017

Second letter from Qatari royal February 15, 2017
A second letter is floated by Hussain Nawaz's counsel, 'clarifying' The Panama 'onion': PTI presents 'new evidence'
Sharif’s investment in Gulf Steel Mills. The letter is accompanied by The bench had postponed day-to-day proceedings after Justice Saeed
transaction details and auditor's reports regarding the Gulf Steel had to be rushed to the Rawalpindi Institute of Cardiology following
Mills in Dubai and the Azizia Steel Mills in Jeddah. chest pains on Jan 31.
“We are submitting three more documents — one from PTI chairman
"The investment was made by way of provision of cash which was Imran Khan that authenticates all previous documents presented by the
common practice in the Gulf region at the time of the investment. It party, the expert opinion of UK-based lawyers and a document that
was also, given the longstanding relationship between my father and proves that Maryam Nawaz is the owner of UK-based firms Minerva,
Mr Sharif, a customary way for them to do business between Nielson and Nescoll,” PTI spokesman Fawad Chaudhry told a press
themselves," the letter states. conference.
"At the end of 2005, after receiving all accruals and other “Where is the actual document to show that Hussain Nawaz, the elder
distributions made over the term of the investment, it was agreed that son of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, is the owner of the four London
an amount of approx $8,000,000 was due to Mr Sharif. The amount flats?” asked Justice Sheikh Azmat Saeed, a member of the five-judge
due to him was settled in 2006," the letter explains, "by way of the Supreme Court bench who rejoined proceedings after recovering from a
delivery to Mr Hussain Nawaz Sharif's representative of bearer cardiac ailment.
shares of Nescoll Ltd and Nielsen Enterprises Ltd, which had been
kept during that time in Qatar." — Zahoor/Dawn

Pakistan’s Domestic Affairs Weekly Analysis May 4th 2017

Denying allegations levelled in the petitions, Maryam said she is not certificates of the four London flats remained in the custody of Maryam
the beneficiary owner of off shore companies, Nielsen and Nescoll, Nawaz — the prime minister’s daughter — between February and July
but only a trustee.
The prime minister's counsel argued that the petitioners had failed to
link Nawaz Sharif to any wrongdoing, nor found any culpability.
They positioned themselves arguing that since no serious charge has
yet been established against the prime minister except general
allegations, there is no possibility of holding his children accountable
for the allegations levelled by petitioners.
Justice Ejaz Afzal Khan regretted that the court was getting bogged
down, describing the case as an onion, that yielded a new surprise

Salman Akram Raja told the court that a trust deed was executed
between Maryam and Hussain Nawaz in February 2006, following
which she acted as a trustee for her brother.
The confession could prove to be a major blow to the Sharif's case.

February 18, 2017

Consider Qatari letters void: Imran asks SC
every day.
Imran Khan has submitted an affidavit to the SC, asking it to ignore the
“Every day, new documents and new queries are coming up. How
two Qatari letters produced by the Sharif family as evidence of their
shall we sum it all up?” the judge observed.
stance in the case.
In the 24-page affidavit, the PTI leader termed the letters a wonderful
example of reverse reconstruction, clearly concocted to cater to the
February 16, 2017 issues before the apex court. The letters, he argued, were simply
Surprise: Maryam trustee of London flats for six months, admits ‘unbelievable’ and an alleged puerile attempt by a rich Qatari to come to
Maryam's lawyer the aid of a rich Pakistani.
The lawyer for Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif’s sons sprang a new
surprise before the Supreme Court by claiming that the bearer share
February 20, 2017 Addressing the AG, Justice Saeed said: "You should argue as the
Record of Hudaibiya, Raiwind references submitted to SC attorney general. Don't become a party [to the case]."
Today, NAB furnished the Supreme Court with records of two
corruption references filed against Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and
other members of his family over a decade ago. February 23, 2017
One deals with the Hudaibiya Paper Mills scam, while the other Panamagate hearings conclude; judgement awaited
related to the illegal construction of the Sharif family’s Raiwind After both the defence and prosecution completed their arguments, the
Estate. SC said it would reserve its verdict on the Panamagate case and issue a
detailed judgement.
"It seems 'justice' is whatever serves [each party's] interests," Justice
February 22, 2017 Asif Saeed Khosa remarked as the arguments wound up.
'If a story has been made up, you should stick to it' "If a judgement is not in someone's interest, they [will] say the judiciary
The Attorney General of Pakistan (AG) told the bench that the case is corrupt, or that maybe the judges aren't fit to handle such cases," he
record in the Hudaibiya reference had been examined and that the commented, adding; "And if a judgement benefits their own stand [on
company had obtained loans through foreign currency accounts. the issue], they will say there can be no better judge."
At this, Justice Saeed expressed the bench's frustration by saying that "We will decide this case only by the law; such that people will say, 20
the lawyers were issuing different statements each time, which was years down the line, that this judgement was made by the book,"
confusing the bench. concluded Justice Asif Saeed Khosa.

"The court was told that investments had been made in the Qatari
[royal family's] businesses. There was no mention of foreign Additional reporting by Nasir Iqbal, Irfan Raza, Tariq Naqash, Amir
currency accounts in the repayment of loans." Wasim, Naveed Siddiqui and Haseeb Bhatti.
Header illustration by Fahad Naveed.

Pakistan’s External Affairs Weekly Analysis May 4th 2017

Pakistan’s External Affairs

In the prevalent era of globalization, a number of regional  The SCO’s basic bureaucratic structure consists of two standing
organizations have emerged on world stage. These organizations bodies: the Secretariat based in Beijing and overseen by a Secretary
have become multifunctional pursuing security and economic goals. General who serves a three-year term, and the Regional Anti-Terror
States through these regional platforms are trying to address the Structure (RATS), based in Tashkent.In SCO, mechanisms are in
transnational threats/challenges. Shanghai Cooperation Organization place for convening meetings of Chief Executives/Prime Ministers
(SCO) is an emerging regional grouping consisting of China, Russia of member states, Speakers of Parliament, Ministers of Foreign
and four Central Asian Republics (CARs). The organization was Affairs, Defence, Economy and Education.Heads of Law
officially established in 2001 with an objective to cooperate in Enforcement Agencies and Prosecutor Generals are also involved at
regional security and anti-terrorism. However, over the years, SCO appropriate decision-making levels.
has expanded its scope for cooperation. The leading countries of the  SCO Member States. SCO has six member states – China, Russia,
organization China and Russia have been pursuing economic Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.Lately,
cooperation. SCO has opened itself to the outside world, through Pakistan and India (acceding states) have signed the memorandum
arrangements/mechanisms and by awarding observer/dialogue of obligations for SCO membership.The four observer states in
partner status to interact with other countries/regions. India and SCO are Afghanistan, Belarus, Iran and Mongolia, and the six
dialogue partners include Armenia, Azerbaijan, Cambodia,
Nepal, Sri Lanka and
 SCO’s agenda revolves around enhancing regional
security and improving stability for maintaining peace.
Article 1 of the Charter states that SCO seeks to “strengthen
mutual trust, friendship and good neighborliness between the
member states and to consolidate multidisciplinary
cooperation in the maintenance and strengthening of peace,
security and stability in the region”.
 SCO has signed MoUs with Commonwealth of
Independent States (CIS), Eurasian Economic Community
(EEC), Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO),
Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), Economic
Cooperation Organization (ECO) and the United Nations
Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
(UNESCAP).SCO also participates in the sessions of the UN
General Assembly as an observer.Through these regional and
international platforms, SCO exchanges views on
international security and stability, terrorism and trans‐border
Pakistan have been accepted as de-facto SCO members. SCO AND REGIONAL SECURITY
SALIENT POINTS  According to SCO Charter, its member‐states should not have an
The salient aspects are as under:- active military conflict, and work towards stabilizing the border
regions, while building military trust for maintaining peace and
SCO: A BRIEF OVERVIEW stability.[16] Under the Shanghai Five arrangement, the border
 The origin of SCO is rooted in the resolution process of border dispute between China, Russia and three CARs (Kazakhstan,
dispute between USSR and China. The dispute became Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan) was resolved and troops were reduced
multilateral when the former Soviet Central Asian Republics along the borders. From conflict avoidance standpoint, it can be
(CARs) gained independence. To find a solution to the border inferred that SCO including its predecessor ‘Shanghai Five’ both
disputes, the heads of state of China, Russia, Kazakhstan, managed to reduce the possibility of conflicts among the member
Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan met in Shanghai.The main focus of states.
the first “Shanghai Summit” was to discuss confidence-building  In August 2007, SCO members signed a ‘Treaty on long-term good
measures in the border regions. The “Shanghai Five” concluded neighbourliness, friendship and cooperation’, at the Bishkek
a “Treaty on Deepening Military Trust in Border Regions-26 Summit.
April 1996”.Sequel to this, a “Treaty on Reduction of Military  Joint Military Exercises. SCO member states hold joint military
Forces in Border Regions” was signed in Moscow in 1997.The exercises. In 2005, Russia and China held war games called ‘Peace
Shanghai Five talks brought stability to the region. It was agreed Mission 2005’. Subsequently, ‘Peace Mission 2007’and ‘Peace
not to employ force against each other (or conduct military Mission 2010’ were held in Russia and Kazakhstan respectively.
exercises directed against each other). Military personnel from China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan
 “Shanghai Five” Transformation into SCO. In 2000, China and Tajikistan participated.Military cooperation under SCO has
suggested to institutionalize the Shanghai Five arrangement for caused concern among US/Western officials. However, SCO
enhancing multilateral cooperation. All the member states leaders have argued that the “increased threats of terrorism,
agreed and with the inclusion of Uzbekistan (2001),[5] the extremism and separatism” make it necessary to have a “full-scale
Shanghai Five officially became the Shanghai Cooperation involvement of armed forces”.
Organization (SCO). In June 2002, SCO’s Charter was signed. EFFORTS TO CURTAIL TERRORISM

Pakistan’s External Affairs Weekly Analysis May 4th 2017

 The East Turkistan Islamic Movement (ETIM) elements active for an anti-terrorism plan, to limit ingress of Daish in Afghanistan
in Xinjiang province of Chinaand the terrorist outfit – Islamic and the region at large.The summit noted that drug money was a
Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU)operating in Central Asia major source of funding for terrorist groups.
heightened security threats in the region. The SCO member SCO has concerns regarding the presence of extra-regional
states have resolved to jointly fight terrorism through the forces in the region. In the aftermath of 9/11, US/coalition troops were
organization’s platform, rather than with the help of extra deployed in Afghanistan. US had acquired air bases from Kyrgyzstan
regional forces. China was the prime mover of this initiative. and Uzbekistan. In 2005, SCO issued a joint communiqué (Astana
 SCO has established Regional Anti‐Terrorism Structure-RATS; Declaration) in which both the Central Asian states were compelled to
the functions of this body are to coordinate the efforts of SCO get the bases vacated.This statement created an impression that SCO was
member states in combating terrorism, separatism and an anti-Western coalition aimed at countering the US military footprints
extremism.SCO member states have also adopted “Shanghai in Central Asia.The US request for observer status was refused because
Convention on Combating Terrorism, Separatism and of its being an extra-regional power.
Extremism”. Establishment of SCO-Afghan Contact Group. SCO supports a
 In April 2006, SCO announced plans to fight cross‐border drug peaceful/stable Afghanistan through cooperative counter-terrorism
crimes under the counter‐terrorism rubric, a step towards efforts and combating narcotics trade.In November 2005 the SCO-
security cooperation.In October 2007, the SCO Afghanistan Contact Group was established in Beijing.SCO has hosted
 signed an agreement with the CSTO, in the Tajik capital conferences on Afghanistan. The first conference on Afghanistan was
Dushanbe, to broaden cooperation on issues such as security, held in 2009, in which EU and NATO were also invited.In Ufa Summit,
crime and drug trafficking. the agenda item on regional security included Afghanistan.
 At the 15th SCO Summit, “Ufa Declaration – July 2015” called Discouraging Arms Race. SCO has addressed the issue of arms

Pakistan’s External Affairs Weekly Analysis May 4th 2017

race vis-à-vis regional security.In June 2012, the SCO members disregard to the legitimate interests of other countries will cause harm to
pointed out that “the strengthening of missile defence by a country or international security and global strategic stability.”
a group of countries in a unilateral and unrestrained manner in
former President Musharraf “Pakistan provides the natural link
NDIA AND PAKISTAN SCO MEMBERSHIP between the SCO states to connect the Eurasian heartland with the
New Delhi can address mutual concerns and move forward Arabian Sea and South Asia.” The Russian Federation, China and
in removing the bottlenecks that hinders bilateral talks. CARs could establish a link with Gwadar via the north-south
In the SCO framework, Pakistan can expand its defence trade/energy corridor. Once the CPEC starts functioning, it will
and security relations with Russia, which have remained cold due to connect China, Pakistan, Central Asia, Caucasus and Russia. The
India-Russia strategic relations and Russia’s perceived role of regional re-connectivity through economic integration and
Pakistan in the Afghan war. interdependencies will also offer possibilities of peaceful conflict
SCO and Regional Prosperity resolution which is the need of this part of the world.
 SCO is best described by Chinese scholars as ‘a cart with MAJOR CONCLUSIONS
two wheels’, referring to the equal degree of importance  SCO is an emerging international organization having wide domain
attached to security and economic cooperation. The two of political, economic, and security cooperation amongst its
main founding members, China and Russia are economic member countries. Russia views Central Asia squarely within its
strength of the organization. China’s economic growth sphere of influence and tilts more towards security aspects of the
makes it a world economic power whereas Russia has SCO, while the Chinese desire economic inroads and the influence
started a march towards redefining its status in the world that it brings.
politics. The resource rich Central Asian member states –  The maturing of SCO with expanding scope and popularity would
Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan hold discourage involvement of extra regional countries in the region.
approximately 40 percent of the world oil and natural gas Acceptance of Pakistan and India as full members has expanded its
resources. The cumulative GDP of all member states zone of influence south towards warm waters of Indian Ocean.
including Pakistan and India is about US $ 15.323 trillion.  SCO will have four nuclear weapons states (Russia, China, Pakistan
 China has been pursuing establishment of a joint financial and India) and three of the world’s major emerging economies in its
institution under SCO framework. China advocates that SCO folds. Both SCO heavyweights – China and Russia and the leading
member states must have their own financial bank, to speed up actors of South Asia – India and Pakistan through the SCO platform
infrastructure development projects. In 2003, a special can discuss the pressing issues of stabilizing Afghanistan and
programme for cooperation in energy, information, terrorism.
telecommunications, environmental protection and  Presence of India and Pakistan in the SCO, dealing with regional
comprehensive utilization of natural resources was launched by security and peace means that the old rivalries and conflicts have to
SCO. The cooperation in trade and investment facilitation was give way to new convergences and constructive cooperation
with an emphasis on building infrastructure such as roads and between regional countries. SCO has experience in resolution of
railways and harmonizing customs and tariffs. boundary disputes, and India and Pakistan, as members of SCO, can
 The 15th Summit at Ufa laid special emphasis on commitment utilize this framework for settling their issues such as Sir Creek,
towards deepening economic cooperation. The “SCO Siachen and Kashmir.
Development Strategy 2025” approved in the summit called for  Pakistan can seek assistance from the expertise of the RATS, run by
cooperation in trade, ensuring regional stability and prompt SCO. Likewise, Pakistan’s security agencies can initiate
responses to conflicts and crises. institutional dialogue with this centre for coordinating their efforts
 Cultural cooperation is also promoted within the SCO and pursuing a joint strategy to eliminate this menace from the
framework. A joint statement for continued cultural cooperation region.
was signed in Beijing in April 2002. (By Amna Ejaz Rafi—Published in Islamabad Policy Research
 The expansion of SCO, in particular the inclusion of India and Institute)
Pakistan is likely to strength regional connectivity. As stated by

Daesh in South Asia

Maryam Nazir

Abstract Born from an especially brutal Al-Qaeda faction, the Daesh, also
Daesh has emerged out of the instability and chaos of the Middle known as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), has grown from
East and aims to expand its influence across the world as stated in its relative obscurity in recent years to overshadow its extremist
motto of „remaining and expanding.‟ The objective of this paper is patrons. Daesh follows the ideology of Salafi Jihadism, and has
to point out that Daesh ingress in South Asia must be seen as a threat been terrorising people in large swaths of Iraq and Syria, with deep
to the entire region and not as a problem of individual states. It tries ingress to the Middle East, North Africa, Europe, South and East Asia to
to assess in broad strokes the vulnerability of South Asian countries establish its government. It has drawn inspiration from the ancient
in conjunction with their historical background and current Caliphate and has divided the territory it occupies (and even others that
circumstances to analyse possible implications of the group’s it does not control, but aims to occupy), into various provinces called
presence. While Daesh may try to exploit the fault lines of religious wilayat in order to validate itself as a state. The rise of this self-
militancy and sectarianism in South Asia, factors such as intact proclaimed „state‟ has signaled the start of a new era of terrorism. In
sovereignty and integrity of states along with stronger militaries order to ensure its growth and survival, the Daesh strategy relies on a
could help contain this phenomenon. Meanwhile, it is the group’s number of components which include a centralised military strategy, the
technological hold and effective use of social media which highlights use of ideology and the media as tools to control populations, recruit
the need of collective regional cooperation for devising fighters, and raise funds alongside the control and development of its
counterstrategies against this phenomenon. territories.
Introduction As of June 2016, Daesh continues to occupy the areas of Northern and
Western Iraq and Northern and Eastern Syria simultaneously. However,

Pakistan’s External Affairs Weekly Analysis May 4th 2017

due to the offensive strategies of the United States and its coalition targeting the Shi’ite community in Afghanistan as it did in Iraq and
forces, it has lost territories in Northeast Syria and suffered a series Syria.
of losses in Tikrit, Baiji, Sinjar, Ramadi, Hit, Haditha, Rutbah and It is believed that Daesh in Afghanistan has the support of the East
Fallujah in Iraq. The U.S. and coalition forces are trying to weaken Turkestan Islamic Movement (ETIM), Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan
the group’s hold on its remaining core areas of control in Iraq and (IMU), and fractured and disenfranchised Taliban and ethnic groups.
Syria. Moreover, there is a special focus on preventing new infusions
of support from affiliates and foreign fighters to avert Daesh-backed Despite falling state apparatus, Daesh could face three-
and inspired terrorist attacks in other regions. pronged challenges here.
The first challenge is the U.S.-led coalition forces as they have been
Daesh, after Al-Qaeda, is considered to be a perfect case study of hitting Daesh hideouts and sanctuaries in Iraq and Syria and have vowed
transnational terrorism which „through its perpetrators, victims, or to replicate the same offensive strategy in Afghanistan. The second
audience, has implications for two or more countries. If an incident challenge is the Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF). Though, there
starts in one country but terminates in another (e.g. 9/11 and 3/11), is much to be done regarding the capacity building of these forces,
then the incident is a transnational terrorist event, as is the case for however, they have been conducting joint raids with U.S. forces to
the hijacking of a plane in country A that is diverted to country B.‟ thwart Daesh presence in Afghanistan.
However, no distinction between „transnational‟ and „international‟ The third and most potent challenge to Daesh is the Afghan Taliban who
terrorism has ever been made as both terms refer to groups that use claim complete ownership over the country and would not allow Daesh
foreign bases, inspiration and support for operational purposes. ambitions to replace them. The Afghan Taliban want to abort Daesh
Due to the transnational nature of Daesh, there is a spillover effect (Khurasan) in its formative stage.
across the globe, especially in the regions nearer to the Middle East. Furthermore. a U.S.-led mission in Afghanistan is continuously carrying
The concept of „spillover terrorism‟ becomes transnational when, out airstrikes against Daesh. Also, the local village leaders have raised
for example, political grievances in the Middle East motivate militias with support from the Afghan government to hold these
terrorists to stage attacks in European cities and other regions. In the reclaimed villages, guarding against the possible return of Daesh
specific case of Daesh, it has been observed that across the globe fighters.
attacks such as those in Paris, Belgium, Brussels, and Turkey had
actually been planned in some other country. It is believed that Daesh lacks the patronage and image that is needed to
Daesh in South Asia gain a strong foothold in Afghanistan. Their limited presence has more
There are three different scenarios under which Daesh can emerge as to do with issues of not being able to penetrate the grassroot level than
a potent force in South Asia. There are a few jihadist groups in South the global politics of harbouring continuous conflict and chaos such as
Asia that are fractured, with rebel factions inside and which are in in Iraq and Syria.
complete misalignment with Al-Qaeda. There exists a possibility that
these splinter groups can gravitate towards Daesh for rebranding Pakistan
themselves, and for financial and technical assistance. While these
groups are similar to Daesh given their use of technology and their Due to ongoing counterterrorism operations, terrorist sanctuaries and
barbaric acts, these partnerships, if they occur could be considered their command and control systems have been demolished in Pakistan.
marriages of convenience with the sole purpose of serving each However, the rapprochement of Daesh can provide fractured and
other’s interests. disenfranchised militants and groups, an opportunity to enter its fold for
South Asian militant groups in general have openly rejected the the purpose of rebranding.
Daesh influence (such as Al-Qaeda and the Afghan Taliban), few The walk-chalking and graffiti that appeared in the areas of Khyber
have readily reacted by joining the Daesh bandwagon (such as Pakhtunkhwa and Karachi was immediately dealt with and the
Jandullah, Ahrar-ul-Hind and Shahidullah Group) or they are fence- perpetrators arrested.
sitting (such as Hizb-e-Islami Gulbadeen and Jamaat-ul-Ahrar).
There are certain factors that have enabled the growth and appeal of The civil and military leadership is confident that state’s security
Daesh in different regions across the world which include the apparatus is fully capable of dealing with the global threat of Daesh.
following pre-existing conditions i.e. weak state security forces; the Daesh and its subsequent growth in Pakistan could have been a
availability of arms; limited international counterterrorism and question mark if the government had not initiated a full scale
intelligence cooperation; presence of armed groups and individuals antiterrorism campaign across the country. In this regard, Pakistan has
to whom the specific ideology of Daesh appealed or for whom adopted a two-pronged strategy i.e. military operations in the tribal
affiliation with Daesh offers potential material advantages; areas, alongside small scale intelligence based operations (IBOs) in
persistence of conflicts based on ethnic, sectarian, and/or political urban areas. These IBOs and combing operations have been designed
disputes and recruitment of foreign fighters and travel networks keeping in view the spillover effect of the military operation in North
related to such conflicts. Waziristan. This strategy, particularly aims to target the sleeper and
Afghanistan facilitation cells of terrorists in urban areas. This strategy across the
Afghanistan is a war-torn country with a fragile economy, weak country proves the seriousness of Pakistan’s security forces to eliminate
security forces, greater ethnic divide and an active insurgency. Under internal militancy.
these circumstances, Afghanistan can provide Daesh the space for The ongoing operations in Pakistan are aimed at squashing any and
physical growth and on-ground bases as it has large swaths of every threat of militancy. Given this, the limited Daesh „leadership‟ in
lawless, ungoverned, undeveloped and remote areas. There is an Pakistan will be unable to extract the same levels of control its Middle
active presence of Daesh in the south which could be devastating for Eastern counterpart has been able to in the short- to medium-term.
a country already in chaos. The Daesh (Khurasan) is perceived to be However, Daesh’s symbolic capital does have the potential to galvanise
concentrated in Zabul, Faryab, Helmand, Ghazni, Kunduz and and change militant dynamics in South Asia.
Nangarhar provinces, trying to extend its holds beyond remote India and Bangladesh
locations such as Jalalabad, Kunar and Nuristan. There have been India is home to multiple religious and cultural ethnicities. According to
reports of militants recruiting, settling, and carrying out attacks under the census of 2011, India has a population of 1210.2 million which
the Daesh banner in nearly 70 per cent of the Afghan provinces. constitutes 80.5 per cent Hindus, 13.4 per cent Muslims, 2.3 per cent
Christians, 1.9 per cent Sikhs and 1.8 per cent other religions. Amid
In January 2016, Daesh was suspected of attacks on the Pakistani such diversity, there have been issues of communal violence, use of
and Indian consulates in Afghanistan. Furthermore, Daesh has been force and hate speech against minorities. Such issues have been a cause

Pakistan’s External Affairs Weekly Analysis May 4th 2017

of disturbance between the state and minorities in certain parts of radicalisation and recruitment by groups like Al-Qaeda and Daesh. In
India. The greater ethnic/communal divide and presence of extremist October 2013, 50-100 people, out of the total population of 300,000
Hindu factions are elements that could become fertile ground for the reportedly fled to Middle Eastern countries, specifically Iraq and
growth of Daesh in India. Syria to join Daesh. These mostly included students, convicted or
accused criminals and religious fighters who had been gravitating
Multiple cases of missing youths have been registered and their towards the Daesh agenda. Means of recruitment and radicalisation is
disappearance has been linked with Daesh. Many officials have mostly being done online, this has become especially serious since
refused to comment on the number of Indian youth who have been Maldivians are well-versed in English language and almost 43 per cent
radicalised or influenced by Daesh, but according to one estimate, of the population has access to the internet.
the figure is in the range of 7000-8000. It has been reported that Abu
Salman al-Hindi, a Daesh commander of Indian stock, along with the As Sri Lanka attempts to recover from the effects of the Liberation
militant group known as the Indian Mujahideen (IM), has already Tigers of Tamil Elam (LTTE), the remnants of the group and militant
trained more than 12 groups to join Daesh. Meanwhile, the latter has Islamist networks portend new challenges to the security of the country.
released an e-book titled Black Flags from the ISIS explaining its According to the U.S. Department of State, „LTTE’s financial network
ambitions to target India. The book of support continued to operate throughout 2014.‟ While still healing
also talks about Prime Minister Narendra Modi, citing the Dadri from its civil war, the ingress of Daesh in Sri Lanka is making recovery
lynching and issue of beef ban in India. worse. It has been reported that in 2016 alone, 36 Sri Lankans (along
with their families) left for Syria to join Daesh. The first Sri Lankan,
known as Abhu Shuraih Sailani who joined Daesh, was reportedly killed
In the particular case of Bangladesh, its unstable economy, law and in an air strike in July 2016 in Syria. The Sri Lankan Prime Minister
order situation and fragile civil-military relations are worrisome Ranil Wickremesinghe ordered a probe to investigate whether Sailani
signs. Daesh footprints in Bangladesh have surfaced in a completely was alone in his voyage to join the group in Syria.
different manner here, with increased militancy, new trends are
emerging. Though, there is no marked presence of Daesh in Nepal and Bhutan
until now, the threat cannot be undermined. The Maoist insurgency in
Moreover, the use of homegrown violent groups by political parties Nepal has left deep scars, and while the country is now trying to get
has proven detrimental to the state security architecture. Under these back on its feet under democratic rule and a new Constitution, its
circumstances, Daesh infiltration into the extremist folds of poverty levels remain the highest at 25. 2 per cent after Bangladesh
Bangladesh cannot be ruled out. (31.5 per cent). This may lead the young above 15 years of age who are
unemployed (20 per cent) towards finding quick and illegal sources of
Bangladesh has experienced various alleged Daesh inspired attacks money. In October 2015, the Central Investigation Bureau (CIB) of
in 2015 and 2016, including the killing of an Italian aid worker and Nepal uncovered a criminal ring trafficking young girls to Daesh.
Japanese agriculturist in Dhaka, alongside targeted killings of Shi’ite
Muslims. Moreover, the targeted murders of secular bloggers in the In late July 2016, there were unconfirmed reports that Daesh had
country over the recent past have come with an accompanying threatened to blow up the Koshi Barrage which put the government and
Daesh badge. Among many, blogger Avijit Roy was allegedly security agencies in both Nepal and India on high alert. This warning
murdered by an Islamist group named Ansarullah Bangla Team, came soon after the terror attack in a restaurant popular with foreigners
with the purpose to avenge the war waged by the United States in the diplomatic zone of Dhaka which claimed the lives of 20 hostages.
against Daesh. These bloggers have also been targeted for their vocal Though the government of Bangladesh denied Daesh involvement, the
criticism against extremist and fundamentalist Islam and support for group claimed responsibility for it.
secularism. Such prospective views are seen as ideological clashes
with Daesh. Is South Asia Really Vulnerable to the Threat of Daesh?

It is also suspected that a group named, Jamaat-ul-Mujahidin Daesh has grown up in regions where authoritarian states failed to
Bangladesh (JMB) is aligning itself with Daesh and is involved in govern such as the Middle East and North Africa. In the specific case of
recruiting educated English-speaking tech savvy youth in Iraq and Syria, Daesh was able to grab territory, wealth, arms and
Bangladesh for the terrorist outfit. Abu Ibrahim Al Hanif, declared equipment by taking control of resources such as oil and natural gas,
the, Amir of Khialfah’s soldiers in Bengal, in an interview, detailed financial institutions and distribution systems like banks and even
the vision of the terror merchants for the subcontinent, particularly disbanded respective armies, when their rulers were trapped in state-
for the eastern frontier. He also spoke against the political system, building initiatives (Iraq) or dealing with the chaos induced by the Arab
came down hard on even the Islamist political parties like Jamaat-e- Spring (Syria).
Islami, and warned of large-scale violence against the Hindus. It
appears that Daesh aims to use Bangladesh as a jihadi base to plan In South Asia, the situation is different as states are sovereign with their
attacks in India. Daesh’s vision highlights their strategy of territorial integrity intact. With the presence of strong institutional
geographical expansion, but undoubtedly more powerful are its structures and military might, Daesh could face serious obstacles in
efforts to influence generations of vulnerable people. Bangladesh, South Asia. The politico-economic structure in this region is also
being a close neighbour of India, with increasing sectarian clashes is different from that of the Middle Eastern and North African region,
vulnerable to the threat of Daesh. thereby reducing the chances of a definitive Daesh infiltration.

Maldives, Sri Lanka, Nepal and Bhutan However, under specific scenarios, states such as Afghanistan and
Bangladesh have the least resilience to the threat of Daesh. Afghanistan
The smaller states of South Asia are much more vulnerable to the is currently unstable and has serious security issues. Daesh emergence in
threat of Daesh because these states have either experienced issues such a volatile security environment is a matter of concern which needs
of militancy in the past or their current circumstances are causing an immediate response. The number of Daesh fighters in Afghanistan
internal instability. Maldives is a country known for its tourism. reportedly runs into thousands. Though, the Afghan Taliban would be a
However, social problems, militancy and radical preaching are tough competitor for Daesh, but its support from elements such as ETIM
prompting Islamism. Moreover, the presence of Maldivian fighters and IMU must not be underestimated. Russia, China, Iran and Central
in Daesh cadres has exposed the country to challenges such as

Pakistan’s External Affairs Weekly Analysis May 4th 2017

Asian Republics (CARs), being immediate neighbours have genuine in the region could fan more extremist ideologies. Daesh is more like a
concerns regarding the possible spillover effects of Daesh activities. corporate terrorist organisation, with wealth and technical assistance
which it can offer to militant groups in South Asia who are in need of
Similarly, Bangladesh is vulnerable to the threat of Daesh because of „rebranding‟. Newer narratives and deeper penetration of the Salafi
heightened political and religious grievances, resulting in the jihadist ideology will not bode well for South Asia.
fragmentation of society. The Government of Bangladesh has been  Cyber radicalisation: Cyber space in South Asia is largely
oppressing political and religious freedoms. A policy of vengeance is unregulated with a damaging impact on its users, particularly the
being practiced by Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’s government youth which constitute the largest proportion of South Asian states.
against Jamaat-i-Islami leadership. Such religious fragmentation The region has
could lend favourable support to Daesh, giving them an opportunity
to use Bangladesh as a runway to launch militant activities. 480 million internet users, out of the total 3.4 billion, which is the
Similarly, the killings of sectarian activists by groups aligned with second highest number of users worldwide. Daesh has expertise in
Daesh should force the state’s security apparatus to take strong radicalising masses through online means. Given the large numbers
action. Under the umbrella of the South Asian Association for of internet users concentrated in South and East Asia, the threat of
Regional Cooperation (SAARC), member states should outline radicalisation amplifies. Daesh can accumulate maximum support
strategies for their respective countries to fight this menace. through online means from areas where it has been denied physical
space. Besides, through easy internet access, Daesh is able to
In the case of Pakistan and India, there exist fault lines which could upload its e-books, magazines and videos, containing its ideological
be exploited through subversive plots, but this would not be enough literature and account of activities to influence the masses.
for Daesh to gain physical control. The extensive unregulated cyber
space for radicalisation, however, must not be ignored. Daesh,  Difficulties in law enforcement and security
through social media has the power to lure in support without maintenance:
making any physical appearance.  The fragile security situation in South Asia vis-à-vis
emergence of Daesh
Given a checkered history of mistrust, South Asian states have been
hesitant in sharing clear details of Daesh ingress in their respective could intensify the issues of law enforcement and
territories due to the stigma associated with militancy and extremist counterterrorism. Though some states like Pakistan (under
ideologies. However, if states really aim to shield themselves against Operation Zarb-e-Azb) and Sri Lanka (against the LTTE)
this have been successful in largely eradicating terrorists from
organisation, there is a need to have a realistic look at its spread and difficult areas, the online existence of Daesh could disrupt
its recruitment patterns to devise counter strategies. While Daesh the maintenance of peace. Monitoring and surveillance
may not be able to annex South Asia into its „Caliphate in the mechanisms must be introduced to curb extremist
foreseeable future, however, if new agents remain successful, they ideologies in the region.
will be able to rally support and further deteriorate the fragile
security of the region. Conclusion

Possible Implications Daesh is a brutal force implementing a manipulated version of

Polarised and complicated militancy: It is believed that with Shariah which is completely inconsistent with the teachings of
prospective entry of Daesh into the region, South Asian states Islam. It has become a global threat and South Asia cannot
could face episodes of sporadic terrorism. There are fault lines pretend that it is somehow cloaked under an iron dome which
such as sectarian issues, use of political violence, state- will protect the region and its people from it. With its motto of
sponsored terrorism and territorial disputes that could be „remaining and expanding‟, growth across the globe is part of
exploited at least to create short-term conflict. While most South its grand plan.
Asian states have experienced issues of militancy in the past,
Daesh is another beast altogether which is technologically more As elaborated above, the history of militancy in South
advanced and savvy; and its particular brand of fundamentalism Asia is a crucial factor that may provide fertile ground for the
may be more appealing to the existing militant ideologies. Such growth of Daesh even if governments have been able to fight
prospects would further damage the already fragile security against insurgents successfully through military action. High
architecture of South Asia. poverty levels also make the populace vulnerable to
exploitation by belligerent agendas. In order to control and
Mutual mistrust and security apprehensions among limit Daesh globally and regionally, there is a need to target its
South Asian states: affiliate groups, severing their links with the core group in
The mutual mistrust among the South Asian states is perceived order to reduce its strength indirectly. There is a need to
to be the biggest impediment in developing a framework counter the ideology of Daesh by
ensuring security. There are various apprehensions being held initiating an interactive dialogue among Muslims and other
by one state against the other that can provide favourable space religious and ethnic communities. The religious clerics and
to extremist ideologies to grow. The fragile situation of scholars have the responsibility to address the issues of
Afghanistan, territorial disputes between India and Pakistan and radicalisation through lectures and sermons that could be used
lack of regional connectivity are the few factors burgeoning as a counternarrative to wash away the influence of extremist
tensions in the region. Moreover, these apprehensions have ideologies. A regional framework should be established to
been overshadowing the prospects associated with regional monitor Daesh facilitation networks, flow of foreign fighters,
cooperation, undermining the establishment of a multilateral finances and propagation of literature. The fighters who have
security charter which could also be helpful in clarifying the been joining Daesh are using indirect routes to reach Iraq and
misperceptions and apprehensions, thus, revitalizing trust Syria, for which South Asian states need to ensure strict border
between neighbours. surveillance and monitoring. Such a framework can be
developed by SAARC’s coalition of member countries.
 Ideological and operational transformations Moreover, such a regional framework should also focus on
among the jihadist groups: Even the tiniest presence of Daesh rehabilitation of conflict-hit areas from where such extremist

Weekly Current Affairs MCQs Weekly Analysis May 4th 2017

ideologies have been emerging. While sustainable since the group can threaten the very peace and prosperity all
development and economic growth through trade is governments and people want. The fight against terrorism
important for the region, Daesh ingress and its level of requires collective action in order to save our future
penetration must be analysed realistically on priority basis generations from facing similar circumstances.

Weekly Current Affairs MCQs

April 27 – May 4
26. After suspension of Akhtar Nawaz Ganjeera, who has become
1. Which Bollywood legend died on 27 april 2017 at age of 70 Acting DG of PSB (Pakistan Sports Board)? Khyal Zaid Gul
years? Vinod Khanna 27. Samsung, a multinational electronics company, belongs to? South
2. EOBI stands for: Employees Old age Benefits Institution Korea
3. Name Italian Chief of Army Staff who recently called on 28. Which day is celebrated on 29 April? International Dance Day
Pakistan’s Army Chief Gen. Qamar Javed Bajwa? Gen. Danilo 29. Who is current Canadian Prime Minister? Justin Trudeau
Errico 30. NAFTA stands for: North American Free Trade Agreement
4. In Islamic calendar, month of Sha’baan is numbered as? 8th (signed by U.S, Canada, & Mexico)
5. Which 4 months are considered sacred in Islamic calendar? 31. OnApril 30, PM Nawaz Sharif has removed Tariq Fatemi from his
Rajab (7th), and three consecutive months of Dhu al- post (of Special Assistant on Foreign affairs to PM), over? Dawn
Qa’dah (11th), Dhu al-Hijja (12th ), and Muharram (1st) News leaks scandal
6. On 25th April, which day is celebrated? World Malaria Day 32. APNS stands for? All Pakistan Newspaper Society
7. In list of most successful test match captain is? Graeme Smith 33. Current Ombudsman (Mohtasib) Punjab is? Najam Saeed
(South Africa—won 53, Second is Ricky Ponting (won 48) 34. Current President of ICC (International Cricket Council) is? Zaheer
8. FBR has approved a new unit against money tax fraud and Abbas
‘benami’ transactions? Anti Money Launching (AML) Unit 35. First 'Silk Road' train has come back from Britain to china after
9. Current Chairman of FBR (Federal Board of Revenue) is? Dr. covering 12000 km distance (world’s second largest route). This
M. Irshad train is named as: the East Wind train
10. Saudi Arab has hired world’s biggest PR (Public Relations) firm 36. Current chief minister of Uttar Pardesh is? Yogi Aditiya Nath
to push ‘Muslim Nato’, its name is? Edelman (its founder is 37. Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, who has come back to Afghanistan after
Tony Podesta) exile of 20 years, belongs to? Hizb-e-Islami
11. Which federal minister has resigned after accusing PM’s 38. Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, being responsible for destruction of Kabul
principal secretary of corruption? Riaz Pirzada (Inter- in early 1990s, was nicknamed as? Butcher of Kabul
provincial Coordination Minister) 39. International Workers’ Day or Labour day is celebrated on? 1st
12. Which nuclear capable missile has been test-fired by India May
recently? Agni III (Surface to surface with range 3000 km) 40. Labour day has its origin in: 8-hours movement (labour union
13. Pakistani Journalist, Hamid Mir, has announced to return movment) which advocated 8-hours for work, 8-hours for
father’s award to Bangladesh, which was given him in 2013 recreation, & 8-hours for rest
14. by BD PM Haseena Wajid, what is the name of this award? 41. After retirement of Waheed-ul-Hassan, who is currently appointed
Friend of Bangladesh Liberation War next Special Secretary for Foreign Affairs? Syed Ibrar Hussain
15. In 2016, India has increased its defence budget by? 8.5 (who’s Pakistan’s incumbent ambassador to Afghanistan)
percent 42. Who is next High Commissioner in India after Abdul Basit? Sohail
16. How many times has Pakistan won Hockey World Cup? 4 time Mahmood
While 3 times Olympics Gold Medals 43. Current Pakistani High Commissioner in India, Abdul Basit, is will
17. World’s biggest ever nuclear submarine is now ready to hit the be appointed as? Head of Foreign Service Academy (FSA)
water. Its name is? HMS Audacious 44. Pakistan’s current ambassador to South Korea, Javed Nasarullah
18. Which country’s leader has fired 10,000 civil servants over who will be Pakistan’s new ambassador to Afghanistan
are accused of having falsified academic qualification
45. Who will be Pakistan’s first non-Pushto speaking ambassador to
certificated? Tanzania’s President John Magufuli
Afghanistan? Javed Nasarrullah
19. Pope Francis met grand imam of Al-Azhar Mosque whose name
46. Capital of South Korea is? Seoul
is? Ahmed el-Tayyab
47. Pope Francis belongs to? Argentina
20. On April 28, Pakistan and china has co-developed a dual seat
48. Which Indian university has recently awarded honorary Doctorate
JF-17 Thunder fighter jet? JF-17B
to Turkish President Recep Erdogan? Jamia Millia Islamia
21. Which country is going to host 30th summit of ASEAN
49. Current Chairman of POF (Pakistan Ordnance Factories) is? Umar
(Association of Southeast Asian Nations) on 29th April?
Philippine (at its captial Manila) Farooq Durrani (Lt. Gen.)
50. First women Chief Justice of Nebal has been suspended after two
22. Current Secretary Geneal of ASEAN is? Le Luong Minh
largest coalition parties of Nepal has filed impeachment against her.
23. In 2016, India has increased its defence budget by? 8.5 percent
Her name is? Sushila Karki
24. Current Pakistani ambassador to Iran is? Asif Ali Khan
51. Which day is celebrated on 2 May? World Asthma Day
Durrani 52. Where American missile defence system, THAAD (Terminal High
25. Which country has recently banned Islamic names including Altitude Area Defence), has become operational now. Where has it
“Muhammad” for newborns? China (in Xinjiang province). been installed in South Korea? in a Golf course near Seongju

Weekly Current Affairs MCQs Weekly Analysis May 4th 2017

53. FPCCI stands for: Federation of Pakistan Chambers of 66. U.S has successfully launched another ICBM (Intercontinental
Commerce and Industry Ballistic Missile) from California coastal base. What is the name of
54. Current President of FPCCI is: Zubair F. Tufail this ICBM? Minuteman III
55. On 2nd May 2017, it has been 6 years since death of Usama bin 67. Current DG of UNESCO (United Nations Education, Scientific, and
Laden. What was the codename of operation in which American Cultural Organization) is? Irina Bokova
Navy SEALs (Sea, Air, Land team) killed Osama on 2 nd May 68. Which day has been celebrated on 3r May? World Press Freedom
2011? Neptune Spear Day 2017
56. Robert O Neil, an American Navy SEAL, who claimed to kill 69. Where did deadly Taliban attack on on April 21 destroy the lives of
Usama, has recently written a book: The Operator over 100 soldiers? Shaheen Army Corps in Balkh province
57. Current Secretary General of Amnesty International is? Salil 70. As a result of recent Taliban attack on Afghan forces, which two
Shetty (India) high profile Afghan officials have to resign? Defence Minister
58. Chief Statistician (chief census commissioner) Pakistan is? Asif (Abudllah Habibi) & Army Chief (Qadam Shah Shahim)
Bajwa 71. Acting Defence Minister of Afghanistan is? Tariq Shah Bahrami
59. Which port Iran has recently offered India to run? Chahbahar (Major Gen.)
60. Current Chief Justice of Islamabad High Court is? Anwar 72. Acting Army Chief of Afghanistan is? Gen. Sharif Yaftai
Khan Kasi 73. Minister of State for Foreign Affairs of Japan, who recently visited
61. Appointment of Acting IG Punjab has been currently challenged Pakistan, is: Nobuo Kishi
at Lahore High Court as according to constitution, “Acting” IG 74. International Firefighter Day is celebrated on: 4th May
cannot be appointed. Who is current Acting IG Punjab? Usman 75. In ICC T20 ranking list, Pakistan ranks: 3rd
Khattak 76. Governor SBP (State Bank of Pakistan) Ashraf Wathra has been
62. General elections are scheduled to be held in Pakistan? retired on 29 April, who is Acting Governor of SBP? Riaz
within the 90 days after 5 June, 2018 Riazudin (Deputy Governor)
63. Which award HEC has recently won? Global Good 77. Tipu Sultan’s 218th death anniversary has been celebrated on? 4th
Governance Award (2nd time) May (died in 1799)
64. Name of Sri Lankan army chief, who currently met Pakistan’s 78. What is the capital of Somlia where a cabinet minister of public
army chief Qamar Javed Bajwa at GHQ, is: A.W.J.C De Silva works and reconstruction has been killed mistakenly by official
65. Iranian foreign minister recently visited Pakistan. His name is? guards of Auditor General? Mogadishu
M. Jawad Zarif

Transcripts of Talk Shows

World Right Now With Wala Gorani
Topics to be covered in this talk show are: Overnight, pieces of THAAD, a U.S. designed missile defense system
Parts Of Anti-Missile System Moved To South Korean delivered to their deployment site, a golf course in a small village in the
southern part of South Korea.
Site; North Korea Carried Out Major Artillery Drill
Tuesday; Trump Calls For More Sanctions On North Their arrival comes hours after North Korea flexed its military muscle,
Korea; China And Russia Object To U.S. Missile firing off long range artillery in a massive training drill. But its ballistic
Defense System; White House Facing Questions After missile threat in arsenal that endangers the region today and could reach
beyond one day that has the U.S. quickly pushing ahead with a
Flynn Revelations; President Trump Signs New
controversial system.
Executive Orders; May Takes Last Leader's Questions
Before Vote; Critics Accuse Turkey Of Trying To China and Russia have objected to THAAD, raising concerns about
Silence Dissent. whether its radar could also be used to spy on neighboring countries. But
defense officials in South Korea say the deployment is essential part of
HALA GORANI, CNN INTERNATIONAL ANCHOR: Hello, preparation for North Korea's advanced nuclear missile threat.
everyone. I'm Hala Gorani live from CNN London. Thanks for being
with us this Wednesday. This is THE WORLD RIGHT NOW. The goal is to make THAAD operational as quickly as possible. Russia's
protesters in South Korea pushing back. We can't understand the need to
Happening right now at the White House, President Donald Trump's deploy this right now, he says.
cabinet secretaries are briefing the entire U.S. Senate on North
Korea, all 100 of them. In the village of Sonju (ph), thousands of police hold back hundreds of
demonstrators, angry that THAAD is being stalled in their backyard
Meantime, more than 11,000 kilometers away, parts of a without their consent.
controversial U.S. missile defense system are being rolled into place
in South Korea. Alexandra Field reports from Seoul. The country's former disgraced president signed off on it and since then
Park Geun-hye has been impeached, ousted from office, and jailed on
(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) corruption charges, charges she denies.

ALEXANDRA FIELD, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Candidates in the race to replace her took the debate stage Tuesday
The parts are moving at a moment when every move matters. night. The frontrunner, Democratic Party candidate, (inaudible) again

Transcripts of Talk shows (CNN) Weekly Analysis May 4th 2017

said the decision to deploy THAAD is better left to the next
president. Hours later, the parts were moving. They are meant to again to send a signal to North Korea not to conduct
any provocations that could illicit or warrant a response, but South
(END VIDEO CLIP) Koreans are very clear they do not want to see conflict.

GORANI: Well, Alexandra Field joins me now live from Seoul and Remember you have the city of Seoul with its 24 million people in the
Josh Rogin joins me from Washington. He is a CNN analyst and broader metro area just 30 miles away from the conventional weaponry
columnist for "The Washington Post." that is on the other side of the DMZ that heavily fortified border that
divides the peninsula -- Hala.
So Josh, I'm going to start with you before I get to Alexandra in
Seoul. A big meeting today at the White House. What is likely to GORANI: Right. Well, it's perfectly understandable why they wouldn't
come out of it? want a conflict being where they are, but Josh, one of the things you
wrote about today is that Donald Trump hasn't really installed officials
JOSH ROGIN, CNN POLITICAL ANALYST: It's not clear that in the State Department or in government who are Asia specialists, who
something new or revelatory will come out of it. What we know is could become advisers or certainly contribute to the discussion on the
that the administration feels it's necessary to get all the senators in North Korea threat.
the room and then later today all the Congressmen in the room and
just brief them on what they are doing to counteract the rising North ROGIN: Right. This is a problem throughout the Trump administration,
Korea threat. but it's especially acute when with it comes to those officials who are
supposed to be managing this problem not just inside the U.S.
There is a lot of confusion especially on Capitol Hill about around government but with our allies especially Japan and South Korea.
watch (inaudible) capitals around the world about what the U.S.
policy is. There seems to be a lot of emphasis on getting China to put I was in the region last week traveling with Vice President Pence and
more pressure on North Korea. what I heard from officials there was very clear. They don't know who is
in charge. They don't know which of the conflicting messages to believe
There is a vague description of pressure in terms of sanctions, even and they don't know who to call in case the crisis gets a lot worse and
sanctions on China, and then the prospect of potential military action that's a big problem.
should North Korea get too close having the capability to strike the
United States with a nuclear weapon. I mean, on the one hand, you have the vice president of the United States
saying that we're never going to negotiate with North Korea. He told me
So what senators want is they want to hear some reassurance that the that very clearly in an interview in Tokyo.
administration has a plan to, first, put pressure and then possibly
engage with the North Koreans. And then you have the secretary of state saying something different that
we're eventually going to have to negotiate with North Korea. Both of
And they also want to know exactly under what circumstances the them can't be right and the problem inside the administration is that
Trump administration might use military force against North Korea because you don't have people in place who do this kind of messaging,
and if they find that out, that will be a big step in the right direction there is a risk that signals get crossed, that people miscalculate and that
towards understanding how President Trump is thinking about this raises the risk that somebody could make a mistake that could lead to a
growing problem. conflict.

GORANI: And obviously because a lot is at stake. Alexandra, we We saw that most glaringly when the Pentagon and the White House
realize the situation is more tense. There is a massive war of words press secretary seemed to not know that the U.S. aircraft carrier "Carl
going on and we're seeing sort of military rollouts of defensive Vinson" was not headed to North Korea but actually headed in the
systems and increasing number of drills as well. But keep us honest. opposite direction.
How close are we or how much closer are we do actual conflict here?
On the one hand seems like kind of a silly mistake. On the other hand,
FIELD: OK, look, some of what you're seeing right now is it's just that kind of mistake that can have the North Koreans making
something that we see year after year at this time of year. You have decisions that we don't want them to make based on wrong information.
these annual military exercises that raise the level of heat here, that
give rise to higher tension on the peninsula, this flexing of muscle, GORANI: And lastly, Alexandra, in terms of China obviously, China,
these demonstrations of force. the go- between, wanting to calm things. This is their neighborhood.
They don't want things to get out of hand. What is their take on this
[15:05:09]You get them on both sides of the DMZ. It always now? How are they planning on responding to what is going on, this
contributes to this tense environment at this time of year. What is increased tension between the U.S. and North Korea?
different right now though is the fact that you have had this
excessive testing of ballistic missiles from North Korea, their stated FIELD: Well, look, the position from China today is actually a direct
goal to try and mount a nuclear warhead to a ballistic missile that response to the U.S. and to South Korea and that's in light of the fact that
would be capable of reaching the U.S. we have now seen these pieces of THAAD, that controversial missile
defense system being sent to the field where they will then be deployed.
And the threat it seems that they could be preparing for a sixth
nuclear test. That is the backdrop, that's the context that the U.S. is China is again directly calling on the U.S. and South Korea to stop the
reacting to when you see them moving these military assets into deployment of the THAAD system, once again site citing its own
place. security concerns. The Chinese believe that this missile defense system
could be part of an effort to contain them essentially in their own region.
These assets however are meant to be interpreted as deterrent
measures, those warships that are being sent to the waters of the But they are also saying that it is this kind of maneuvering from the U.S.
peninsula and also a powerful submarine that has docked at a and South Korea that is only stirring up the tension during these already
southern port in South Korea.

Transcripts of Talk shows (CNN) Weekly Analysis May 4th 2017

tense times on the peninsula. That's why they say that this GORANI: Phil Black is here in the studio. Well, Jeremy Corbyn
deployment should stop and should stop immediately. obviously is defending himself in parliament, but in the polls his party is
set to be pretty much trounced.
This is also in line with another proposal that we heard from Chinese
officials again reiterated just a few weeks ago when they suggested PHIL BLACK, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Yes, he was there today and
that saying that he would lead the government of the many, not the
privileged few, but the opinion polls show he won't be leading a
the U.S. and South Korea should stop conducting the annual joint government anytime soon if they are accurate, if they are to be believed
military exercises that tend to enrage Pyongyang every year. and we've learned to be a little
bit cautious about these things.
And that in exchange they suggested Pyongyang might agree to
abandon its missile program and its nuclear ambitions. That was the It shows that the Conservative Party, the Prime Minister Theresa May,
kind of compromise consistently has a lead of at least 20 points or more. That is not new; it
was undoubtedly a significant factor in the calculations she made in
that was rejected out of hand by U.S. officials who say that you deciding to call this snap election.
simply cannot equate these two things, the flouting of sanctions by
North Korea But what it shows is that they haven't really changed despite the fact she
flip-flopped on the election. Remember she said for a long time that she
and perfectly legal training drills being carried out by the U.S. and wouldn't do that. So it shows that her party is well ahead and she's well
South Korean armies. ahead by a long way as preferred prime minister, too.

At the same time, China does of course play a big role in the strategy GORANI: But as far as our international viewers are concerned in
that is tentatively being laid out by the Trump administration. You've countries outside the U.K., it's not going to change anything in terms of
heard President Donald Trump say over and over again that he is Brexit.
working closely with Chinese President Xi Jinping.
That is still going ahead. And this is the government, if polls are correct,
And that it is on the Chinese to use the leverage that they have over that the rest of Europe will be dealing with.
North Korea here in the region based primarily on the deep economic
relationship there -- Hala. BLACK: It will be, but it will be a much stronger government in a sense.
The expectation is that Prime Minister Theresa May will win many more
[15:10:02]GORANI: Right. And we'll see hopefully more about the seats. The question is really how many. How well will she do. Will she
White House's plan as this meeting unfolds. We'll hear from senators just do well in the marginal battleground constituencies or could she do
and representatives as well a little bit later. Josh Rogin in better and take away seats that have been traditionally belonged to the
Washington and Alexandra Field in Seoul, thanks very much to both Labour Party?
of you.
Could she redraw the political landscape here? But you're right, from an
We know how difficult it has been in the past to get some of this international point of view, nothing really changes. It's very likely the
done and we know how contradictory this is with some of our other world will be dealing with the same government after the election.
principles. So sort of thanks but no thank from the lawmakers who
actually have to write and pass the legislation that the White House GORANI: But what about Brexit itself? I mean, then what does that
wants. mean in terms of the negotiations with Europe?

GORANI: Here in the United Kingdom, political parties are ramping BLACK: Theresa May's big thing and whole justification for this
up their campaigns ahead of June's snap election. And earlier, the election is strengthen my hand for the coming negotiations.
two main leaders faced off across the House of Commons dispatch GORANI: But to do what? I mean, there are still many questions.
box for a final time before that vote. Perhaps for a final time ever. As
you can imagine, the exchanges were pretty fiery. BLACK: There are many, but she's still clearly dealing with it because
even tonight as we speak there is a working dinner at 10 Downing Street
(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) that the prime minister is holding with her Brexit advisors and the
president of the European Commission, they are arriving tonight, the
THERESA MAY, BRITISH PRIME MINISTER: In some lead negotiator for the E.U. That is taking place right now as we are
something over six weeks, we will be back at these dispatch boxes talking. They haven't given us any idea about what they are talking about
again. And the only question is where will we be standing, who will but it is likely --
be prime minister of this great country? And he says the choice is
clear and the choice is clear. Every vote for him is a vote for chaotic GORANI: A kiss for each cheek, that's very European.
Brexit. Every vote for me is a vote to strengthen our hand in
negotiating the best deal. BLACK: Very European. Likely they are talking talks about talks,
probably the rules and formats of the negotiations to come. What this
JEREMY CORBYN, BRITISH LABOUR PARTY LEADER: shows is that she's getting very involved in these very early stages of the
Strong leadership is about standing up for the many, not the few. But Brexit process, but also she is clearly planning ahead. She is looking and
when it comes to prime minister of the conservatives, they only look thinking and planning ahead beyond an election that she knows she is
after the riches, not the rest. They are strong against the weak and very well placed to win.
weak against the strong.
GORANI: Well, I guess it's a good sign that they are talking about future
(END VIDEO CLIP) talks even at this stage. Thanks very much, Phil Black, as always.

Critics Accuse Turkey Of Trying To Silence Dissent


Transcripts of Talk shows (CNN) Weekly Analysis May 4th 2017

Now, he won a sweeping new powers in a referendum this April and U.S. Missile Defense System; White House Facing Questions After
it's pretty clear he intends to use them. The government of Turkish Flynn Revelations; President Trump Signs New Executive Orders; May
President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is carrying out a new crackdown Takes Last Leader's Questions Before Vote; Critics Accuse Turkey Of
arresting some 1,000 people accused of belonging to a secret Trying To Silence Dissent.
network that infiltrated police. But as Ian Lee reports, critics say it is GORANI: President Donald Trump's cabinet secretaries are briefing the
just the latest example of the government trying to silence dissent. entire U.S. Senate on the North Korea at the White House right now.
While in South Korea, parts of a controversial U.S. missile defense
(BEGIN VIDEOTAPE) systems are being rolled in to place obviously angering North Korea and
IAN LEE, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): The beginning
or last gasp of a political movement? Protesters take to the streets CNN's Will Ripley has been reporting from North Korea's capital all
daily, rejecting this month's referendum which increases the powers week. He's the only Western journalist there at the moment. Will spoke
of Turkey's presidency. But defying authorities comes at a cost. to a North Korean veteran who was quick to dismiss any kind of threat
from America.
We met Abdul Rakman (ph) (inaudible) last week and he vowed to
fight the results. We later found out the police detained him. He has (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)
since been released, but his lawyer says he was arrested for inciting
approaching U.S. warships conjure memories for this North Korean
CAN ATALY, LAWYER: For walking people against the results of veteran. Senior Lieutenant Colonel Un Yong Il speaks to me in front of
the referendum is not a crime. This is about freedom of speech. the USS Pueblo, a U.S. Navy spy ship North Korea captured in 1968.

[15:25:12]LEE: Turkish authorities continue a crackdown on SR. LT. COL. UN YOUNG IL, NORTH KOREAN VETERAN: The
oppositions rounding up tens of thousands of people since last July's Pueblo reminds me of another boat traveling very near the Korean
coup attempt. waters, the Carl Vinson aircraft carrier. We are not afraid. Just like we
captured the Pueblo, we can sink that aircraft carrier.
ATALY: The coup d'etat a reason to eliminate all the opposition.
LEE: The government insists it's to protect Turkey's democracy, but
rights groups call it silencing political dissent. Protestors feel the GORANI: All right, tough talk from North Korea. Let's get some
referendum which President Recep Tayyip Erdogan won by a razor perspective, though, from a former high-level diplomat who advised
thin margin was stolen. The European monitors say it wasn't neither President Bill Clinton on North Korea. Philip Yun is now the executive
free nor fair. director of the Ploughshares Fund.

(on camera): There is a cloud of controversy surrounding this Thanks for joining us, Mr. Yun. First of all, let's put things in
referendum with allegations including 2.5 million suspicious votes, perspective here. Are we or are we not close to some sort of open
nearly a thousand ballot boxes only had yes votes, and more than conflict?
2,000 ballot boxes had more votes than registered voters.
(voice-over): Independent election monitors say these could be would say not, but I am worried. Let me tell you what I'm not worried
indicators of election fraud. about. I'm not worried about a preemptive strike by North Korea on
South Korea or the United States. That's because the threats works on
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: All of these issues create doubts within Korean Peninsula. North Korea knows that if it does something like that,
people's minds. We made a survey with our volunteers, they were it would cease to exist.
very doubtful about how the process worked out in accordance with I'm not as worried again about a U.S. preemptive strike on North Korea
the legal framework on. because that would put Seoul in danger, a city of 3 million people, cause
tens of thousands of casualties. And the South Koreans don't want
LEE: Erdogan dismisses the accusations saying the election is the anything like that.
will of the people. So much at stake in a referendum that is poised to
reshape Turkey. Ian Lee, CNN, Istanbul. What I am worried about is miscalculation. I'm worried you've got about
1.5 million soldiers running around in the middle of these military
(END VIDEOTAPE) exercises that are happening. A million North Koreans, 500,000 South
Koreans, et cetera.
GORANI: Coming up next --
And what happens is there have been occasions where there have been
(VIDEO CLIP) exchange of fire across the DMZ. There's been naval clashes in the East
Sea, and there's been a missile that has gone off course. So what happens
GORANI: There may be military threats and tension all round, but if it hits the wrong thing?
dancing in the streets in North Korea's capital all part of the heavily
staged event. What is happening behind the fancy choreography? We GORANI: Yes.
speak to an expert.
YUN: And we also have the Carl Vinson. It wasn't there when it was
Plus flying under the radar for Russia to see, the U.S. sends its most supposed to be. So mistakes happen. And this could escalate into an
advanced jets to the Baltics. Our exclusive report ahead on the accident of some kind before particularly making it worse.
GORANI: I was going to say it's mistakes. It's miscommunications. It's
North Korea Carried Out Major Artillery Drill Tuesday; Trump Calls misunderstandings potentially, as well. How is a Donald Trump
For More Sanctions On North Korea; China And Russia Object To presidency changing things with North Korea, do you think?

Transcripts of Talk shows (CNN) Weekly Analysis May 4th 2017

35, in the skies over Eastern Europe right where confrontations with
YUN: Well, I think it's made it much more volatile. We said from Russia frequently happen. CNN was given exclusive access to the U.S.
very early on, after the second test in 2016, that these military stealth combat jet's first ever forward deployment, training with allied air
exercises between South Korea and the United States are going to be forces, essential experience for the crews, a pilot tells me.
much more robust.
Now, we have Donald Trump. So you have Kim Jong-un, relatively continuing to forward deploy and bolster our NATO allies. And so it's
experienced, unpredictable, aggressive. And you have Donald Trump just all about inter-cooperation and just bolstering the NATO alliance.
who, many argue, is very much the same way. And when you put
those two together in a heightened state of rhetoric and countries PLEITGEN (voice-over): We rode along on a tanker plane refueling the
threatening each other in a way that hasn't happened in quite some F-35 as they transited to Estonia, a country right on the border with
time, that's a really bad mix. Russia and worried about Moscow's aggressive posture in recent years.

And as I said, it's not going to happen for sure. But if something is PLEITGEN (on camera): With the deployment of the F-35, the U.S. is
going to happen, it's going to happen during this period of time. We sending a very clear message both to Russia but also to its partner
got to guard against that. nations that it's willing to put its newest and most advance asset into this
area to make sure that its allies are safe.
GORANI: And what are all these drills and tests in North Korea
telling you about their real capability? PLEITGEN (voice-over): Russia's Air Force is increasingly flying
planes like the nuclear capable TU-95 bomber around this area. NATO
YUN: Well, right now, I think what they're doing are a couple of jets often scrambling to intercept them. President Trump has only
things. One, internally, they're try doing these tests because it helps recently stopped calling the NATO alliance obsolete. Now, the F-35
the regime solidify their hold over leadership. I also think, externally, deployment, another welcome sign of American commitment, Estonia's
it's messaging to United States and others that they are not going to Defense Minister tells me.
be intimidated.
And the third is that there is a military capability. They are trying, MARGUS TSAHKNA, MINISTER OF DEFENCE, ESTONIA: This is
eventually, to try to have a small nuclear arsenal that is capable of very important, to send this message that this is the border of NATO.
hitting the United States. They have the capability in terms of This is the eastern border of our allies. We are ready to protect them.
missiles to hit South Korea and Japan.
PLEITGEN (voice-over): As part of this deployment, the F-35 crews get
But let me be clear, they have not been able to make, at this point, a to know this contested air space and practice cooperation with other
nuclear tipped missile that could hit the United States at this point in NATO air forces. As tensions with Moscow show no sign of easing, this
time. plane could become a staple of NATO's eastern fringe.

GORANI: So, Philip, you've advised presidents on North Korea. (END VIDEOTAPE)
What in your opinion would de-escalate all this? Because it's getting
more and more tense. GORANI: Fred Pleitgen joins me now. So I wonder why is this training
important? Is it more than symbolic?
YUN: Well, I would say, cut the rhetoric. And I would say that the
tweets that Donald Trump has been tweeting out have not been very PLEITGEN: It's definitely more than symbolic for these nations
helpful. I would also say that you start to think about how you get an involved there. I mean, for them it's very important for the U.S. to sort of
off-ramp, and the off-ramp would be to slowly quietly start to have assure that they're still out there, to also show that it's committed to its
some kind of discussions or dialogue -- I'm not talking about allies as well.
necessarily negotiations - - and then go from there.
And then for the jet itself actually, believe it or not, it's quite important
But the key right now is I would not send more carriers. I would cut as well. Obviously not for the plane itself, it can fly anywhere, but for
the tweets. And then let these military exercises complete the pilot, for instance, to get to know the air traffic controllers there, the
themselves, and then have the possibility of having a discussion at systems, the way they work there. Because, obviously, in the end for
some point later on. them, it's not just about getting up and getting airborne, they need to be
able to operate effectively in an area where they might need to react to
GORANI: A discussion with North Korea directly? Russian planes, for instance, flying in there quickly are.

YUN: I think a discussion with the North Koreans directly and a GORANI: But what about Russians? Obviously, they're not happy about
dialogue. And it's not necessarily negotiations without pre- this. They don't like this type of thing on their doorstep because --
PLEITGEN: No, they certainly don't. And you know, the Russians have
GORANI: All right, Philip Yun. Thanks very much. Look forward to been reacting not specifically to these events, but to other maneuvers
talking to you again very soon on this story. that have been going on.

Now, the Baltic States are growing increasingly nervous about They are accusing NATO of poisoning the atmosphere there at the
Russia's moves in the region. Now, the U.S. is sending its most border, of militarizing the border region. Of course, NATO says the
advanced fighter jets to train with NATO allies in Eastern Europe. same thing about the Russians putting troops in that region. So, right
Frederik Pleitgen has this exclusive report. now, it really seems as though sides are accusing each other of
provoking or sort of upping the ante with these new moves. Very
(BEGIN VIDEOTAPE) difficult to see how you can de-escalate that very quickly.

FREDERIK PLEITGEN, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL GORANI: But after Crimea, the Baltic States are petrified, aren't they?
CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): America's newest weapon, the F-

Transcripts of Talk shows (CNN) Weekly Analysis May 4th 2017

PLEITGEN: Oh, yes. Absolutely yes.
BRIAN TODD, CNN ANCHOR (voice-over): New details of how
GORANI: Yes. Vladimir Putin's elite hackers may have gone after the campaign of the
man who could be a close American ally, French presidential candidate
PLEITGEN: The Baltic States are absolutely petrified and they Emmanuel Macron.
certainly really enjoy moves like this. When I was talking to not just
the Estonian Defense Minister, but also some other troops there with Researches with the cybersecurity firm, Trend Micro, tell CNN the
some other officials, and they want to see a commitment not just hackers they exposed likely had to be working at least to pursue the
from the U.S. but, of course, from other nations as well. goals of the Russian president.

And it's interesting. The base that we were at is actually the one RIK FERGUSON, CYBERSECURITY EXPERT: The interests and
where NATO flies air policing missions out of. So you had German aims of the group align very closely with the interests and aims of the
jet fighters there, some other jet fighters as well. And that's Russian state, and taken as a whole, really don't align that closely with
something in this that's very, very important to them, to show that anybody else.
TODD (voice-over): Trend Micro says it can't definitively linked the
GORANI: I'm sure they appreciate that presence. Thanks very much, cyberattacks against Macron's campaign to Putin. But the firms say the
Fred Pleitgen, for that exclusive report. hackers who targeted Macron's campaign, a group they call "Pawn
Storm," had the same fingerprints as hackers nicknamed "Fancy Bear."
To the French campaign. One factory in the north of France became That's the group which U.S. intelligence officials say targeted the
the scene of a political election campaign earlier. Emmanuel Macron Democratic Party and is believed to be commanded by the GRU,
was across town meeting union representatives, I should say, when Russia's military intelligence agency.
Marine Le Pen appeared at the factory, which is at risk of closure.
Awkward. FERGUSON: Whether they're called "Fancy Bear," whether they're
called "Pawn Storm," we're talking about the same, organized group and
Here's what she said to people protesting outside. the attacks bear all the same hallmarks.

(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) TODD (voice-over): Officials from Macron's campaign tell CNN the
hackers tried to trick staffers with fake e-mails and other familiar
MARINE LE PEN, PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE, FRANCE attacks. It wasn't just phishing and attacking the website, right?
(through translator): Emmanuel Macron is coming here, and he didn't
plan on meeting the employees or come into the picket line but was BENJAMIN HADDAD, SPOKESPERSON FOR EMMANUEL
going under protection to some room in the Chamber of Commerce MACRON: No, absolutely. Russia clearly wanted to go after Emmanuel
to meet two or three handpicked people. Macron to support the other candidates who are in favor of a stronger
relation with Russia, who are pro-Putin, fascinated with Putin. So, you
I thought it was evidence of such disdain for what the Whirlpool know, we see fake news being disseminated on social media by Artsy
employees are going through that I decided to leave my campaign and Sputnik, which are Russian-owned outlets.
meeting and come and see you.
TODD (voice-over): But Macron campaign officials tell us no sensitive
(END VIDEO CLIP) data was stolen from them. Analysts say Putin wants to work against
Macron to tilt the election towards his favorite candidate, the far-right
GORANI: Well, Macron then made an appearance at the factory, but populist Marine Le Pen, who wants to bring France out of NATO and
he got a very different reception. You can hear it there. He was the E.U.
booed and jeered as protesters burned tires behind him. He said if Le
Pen was elected, the factory, that factory, he said, would close. Now key questions about Putin's real involvement with his hacking
teams. Is he directing the hackers' moves? Experts say likely not, but the
(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) President is not out of the loop either.

FRANCE (through translator): if Ms. Le Pen were elected, and I policy intervention, either a cyberattack into a foreign election or a
would like everyone who lives and works in this region to know it, if military expedition into a neighboring country would happen without
Ms. Le Pen were elected, this business would close, and I could cite Putin's knowledge, permission, and say-so.
skins dozens of others. That's what makes me different, the approach
and the substance. (END VIDEOTAPE)

(END VIDEO CLIP) TODD: Vladimir Putin denies trying to disrupt the French election and
his aides say that it's nonsense that Kremlin-backed hackers targeted the
GORANI: Well, Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen, this Macron campaign. But analysts at Trend Micro tell us, there are
campaign certainly heating up. The second round on May 7th. Now, indications they've gotten that those same hackers went after other
there are new details suggesting hackers possibly linked to Russian entities that work against the Kremlin's interests, entities like NATO and
President Vladimir Putin are actually targeting Emmanuel Macron. a think tank associated with Chancellor Angela Merkel's campaign in
Cyber experts say the tactics are similar to those that Russia Germany.
allegedly used in the American presidential election. CNN's Brian
Todd has that story. Brian Todd, CNN, Washington.



Transcripts of Talk shows (CNN) Weekly Analysis May 4th 2017


Topics to be covered in this talk shows are: Saving health care, don't want to be denied such care because they're sick at the
preexisting conditions and yet expect that costs should plummet. They
Afghanistan; The Next 265 Days of the Trump want government out of their lives but revolt at the prospect of any slight
Presidency; China Launches Homemade Aircraft cuts to its largest programs, Medicare, Social Security, or the removal of
Carrier. tax benefits for health care and home mortgages.

FAREED ZAKARIA, CNN GPS HOST: This is GPS, the Global This condition has been building for years. In a 1995 book, Michael
Public Square. Welcome to all of you in the United States and Kinsly explained what he saw as the roots of the then raging populist
around the world. I'm Fareed Zakaria. Today on the show, Susan anger at Washington that Newt Gingrich had exploited with his contract
Rice, President Obama's National Security Adviser on how the with America. He wrote, "[American voters] make flagrantly
Trump team is managing world affairs. North Korea, Russia, and incompatible demands - cut my taxes, preserve my benefits, balance the
more, and she'll answer the White House's extraordinary accusations budget -- then explode in self-righteous outrage when the politicians fail
against her. Also, the U.S. sets off what some call a trade war with to deliver."
He titled the book Big Babies in honor of the American people and he
DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: opened it by quoting Alexis de Tocqueville. "The French under the old
Canada has been very rough on the United States. monarchy held it for a maxim that the king could do no wrong and if he
did do wrong the blame was imputed to his advisers... The Americans
ZAKARIA: And the president fondest pulling out of NAFTA (North entertain the same opinion with respect to the majority." Let's hope that
America Free Trade Agreement) and then decides to stay in. I'll try the greatest education of the Trump Presidency will be that Americans
to make sense of it all with Canada's foreign minister Chrystia come to realize that Washington is dysfunctional not because of the
Freeland. And forget the first hundred days. How about the next venality of the politicians alone but rather because of the desires of the
265? To me the president's first year is the most important milestone. people they represent.
A great group of scholars join me to discuss what we've seen and
what we can expect. But first here is my take. There are so many For more, go to and read my Washington Post column
unusual, unprecedented aspects of Donald Trump's first hundred this week. And let's get started. Let's get right into my conversation with
days in office that it's hard to know where to begin. Susan Rice. She was of course President Obama's Ambassador to the
United Nations before becoming his National Security Adviser. Susan
By his own yardstick of what he would do on day one, the number of Rice, welcome back to the show.
promises unfulfilled is staggering. But more striking than the policies
unfulfilled are those that have been reversed entirely. Never in the SUSAN RICE, 24TH UNITED STATES NATIONAL SECURITY
annals of the presidency have there been so many flip- flops so fast ADVISOR: It's good to be with you, Fareed. Thank you.
with so little explanation. Trump announced his many reversals
cavalierly as if he surely could not have been expected to know the ZAKARIA: So let me ask you first, Donald Trump now says he thinks
facts about them six months ago when he was running for president. there is a chance of a major, major military conflict with North Korea.
Do you think this is a bluff, or is he signaling that the United States
As he said in late February nobody knew health care could be so could actually go to war?
complicated. I suspect that the next education will be in tax policy.
Trump's proposals outlined this week are breathtakingly RICE: Well, what I hope he is doing, Fareed, and it's hard to know
irresponsible. They would add trillions of dollars to the debt and are exactly what he is doing, I hope he is just giving an assessment of the
not even designed for maximum stimulus impact. Abolishing the fact that that remains a risk, albeit hopefully not a high risk of direct
estate tax, for example, which is paid by 0.002 percent of Americans conflict. He did say in the same statement that he very much hopes for a
each year, would not cause a rush to the stores, but it would cost the diplomatic solution. North Korea is obviously one of the very toughest
federal government $20 billion a year in lost revenues. and most pressing problems we face, and we've seen a lot of bellicose
rhetoric out of the administration, but after a considered policy review, it
The larger education of Donald Trump and education one would seems that their policy course that they've chosen is much the same as it
hope of his supporters is that government actually isn't easy. The has been for several years.
appeal of Trump for so many was that he was an outsider, a
businessman who would bring his commercial skills and We need to maintain the economic pressure and the sanctions on North
management acumen to the White House and get things done. Korea and ratchet that the sanctions regime up to the greatest extent
Washington's corrupt politicians and feckless bureaucrats would see possible, which is what Secretary Tillerson I think was trying to convey
how a successful man from the real world cuts through the fog. in the Security Council on Friday. We need to enlist the Chinese to the
greatest extent possible to exercise their leverage and influence. That's
Instead we have watched the sheer incompetence of Trump's first something we've been working on for many years, and it's something
100 days. Executive orders that can't get through courts, bills that that President Trump has, I think, correctly emphasized as an
collapse in congress, agencies that remain understaffed, ceaseless appropriate course.
infighting within the White House and the constant flip-flops. It
turns out that running a family-owned real estate franchising We need to reassure and secure our allies, particularly South Korea and
operation is not really the same as presiding over the executive Japan, who feel most directly threatened by North Korea. And they are -
branch of the United States Government. It turns out that government - I'm concerned frankly that we're hearing very mixed messages. On the
is hard and complicated. one hand, a message that South Korea's security is something that we
will stand up to defend, and on the other hand, the president in the same
While there's plenty of corruption in Washington, the real reason so interview that you quoted from, said that we must renegotiate the Free
little gets done these days is that the American people have wildly Trade Agreement with Korea and that the South Koreans must pay for
contradictory desires. For example, they want unlimited amounts of

Transcripts of Talk shows (CNN) Weekly Analysis May 4th 2017

the missile defense, the THAAD system, that we are installing, manipulating the U.S. election in 2016, why did they do it, and with
which was not the deal. whom did they do it. And was there any suggestion of or evidence of
coordination or collusion.
The deal was they would provide the land and the installation and we
would provide the system and its operations. So this has created, This has to be dealt with responsibly, thoroughly and on a bipartisan
along with the miscue on the aircraft carrier, a great deal of unease in basis as a threat to our very institutions and democracy. And to the
South Korea at a time when we ought to be providing reassurance. extent that we are not united and approaching this in a bipartisan
fashion, we are enabling our adversaries like Russia to exploit our
ZAKARIA: One of the elements of fallout from Russia's attempt to divisions, and it's very, very dangerous.
influence the American election was that there was -- there was
certain amount of intelligence work being done on Russia, our ZAKARIA: Let me ask you a general question about Trump foreign
intelligence agencies were listening to what Russian government policy so far. How would you characterize it?
officials or Russian intelligence officials were saying. Donald Trump
has accused you of trying to unmask the Americans on the other end RICE: Well, I think obviously, Fareed, it's only been just about a
of those conversations in an attempt to implicate the Trump hundred days, so it's early days, but I would say that in many respects it's
campaign or people associated with Trump in some kind of collusion been unsteady and rocky. And by that I would point particularly to the
with Russia. What is your reaction to that? It's an extraordinary fact that a number of our closest friends and allies are feeling uncertain,
charge by the President of the United States. off balance, unclear as to where we stand and what we mean. The United
States, Fareed, is supposed to be the grownup at the dinner table.
RICE: Well, Fareed, it's absolutely false. I've addressed this
previously. I think now we've had subsequently members of congress We're not supposed to be the crazy aunt in the attic that nobody knows
on the intelligence committees on both sides of the aisle take a look what is going to do next. That may -- that unpredictability may be useful
at the information that apparently was the basis for Chairman Nunes' to somebody like Kim Jong-un in North Korea. It's not the way the
concern and say publicly that they didn't see anything that was United States is supposed to act, and I think our allies have been off
unusual or untoward. I did my job which was to protect the balance and uncertain in a way that doesn't serve our interests. We've
American people and I did it faithfully and to the best of my ability. also had very mixed signals sent. The words coming out of the
And never did I do anything that was untoward with respect to the administration, even on the same day by multiple officials on
intelligence I received. consequential issues, like our position on Syria, for example, are often at
odds, and I think it leaves the world uncertain as to what we mean.
ZAKARIA: One more question about this. The administration now
says that it is the Obama Administration's fault that Michael Flynn And then finally, I'd point to the fact that very unfortunately, many of
got through unvetted or not vetted enough, that it was on your watch the most important jobs in our national security apparatus remain
that he was -- he retained his top secret security clearance despite the unfilled and not even just unfilled but no people selected to serve in
fact that he received money from the Russians. What are you saying? those roles, whether in the State Department or the Defense Department
and many other places. And that means that we are dealing with a
RICE: Fareed, I'm smiling because that's rich. Let me explain how complex and complicated world with less than all of our cylinders firing.
the process works. First of all, a former military officer such as And that's unfortunate and it needs, too, to be rectified.
General Flynn who wants to retain his security clearance would go
through a process with his home agency, in this case, the Defense So I think there are many aspects of what has transpired that we need to
Intelligence Agency, to have his clearance reviewed and renewed. do better on. I hope we will do better on. I think some of the shifts in
That happens at, you know, a very routine level, never at a political policy, as I suggested earlier, have moved us in a better direction. Now
level. we are recognizing and supporting our NATO allies as critical, not
obsolete. We haven't upended our very complex and important
But that's a very separate thing, the renewal of a clearance from the relationship with China by embracing Taiwan and jettisoning the one
vetting that goes into the appointment of any senior White House China policy. We are -- we are seeing some writing of some important
official or any senior administration official. The Trump policy courses, but in a very rocky and unsteady and I think unstable
Administration, like, it's -- every previous administration, had an way.
expectation and an obligation to vet, to their satisfaction, those
individuals that the president was appointing to high positions, which ZAKARIA: Susan rice, always a pleasure to have you on.
is a separate and much more elaborate process than a security
clearance. It gets into the financial information. It gets into your RICE: It's good to be with you again. Thanks so much.
relationships and contacts. It gets into your behavior. It's a -- it's a --
it's a much deeper vet than what is done solely for the purpose of a ZAKARIA: Next on GPS, the Trump Administration was accused this
security clearance. week of trying to start a trade war with Canada, of all countries. I will
talk to Canada's Foreign Minister soon.
ZAKARIA: But do -- you do see the point of what they're doing,
which is every time there is some accusation, there is a counter It was a rather extraordinary week in North American relations. It all
accusation which in a sense throws up a lot of smoke and seems to started on Monday when the Trump Administration slapped its first
be effective. tariffs on imports from another nation, Canada. Commerce Secretary
Wilbur Ross accused Canada of bad acts and said, "It's been a bad week
RICE: I noticed that. for U.S.-Canada trade relations," but helpfully offered that he wouldn't
regard the Canada situation as being anything like the war with ISIS.
ZAKARIA: Did you bring -- Oh, good.

RICE: Yes. Fareed, yes. Much of this seems to be an effort to Then on Wednesday morning sources told CNN that the White House
distract and deflect from perhaps their own short comings or from was considering withdrawing from NAFTA. But Thursday morning,
the larger issue that I think all Americans are very concerned about Trump tweeted, "I received calls from the President of Mexico and the
which is what did Russia do in its process of intervening and Prime Minister of Canada asking to renegotiate NAFTA rather than

Transcripts of Talk shows (CNN) Weekly Analysis May 4th 2017

terminate." He said he had agreed, but if a fair deal wasn't reached, was glad to see the president saying that he believes we can get a great
he would pull out. What's at stake and what's going on? Oh, just $1.2 deal. I believe that too. And we're ready to start talking.
trillion in trade. Joining me now is Canada's Foreign Minister and in
her prior life as a journalist, a frequent GPS guest, Chrystia Freeland,
welcome back to the show, madam foreign minister. ZAKARIA: Now for our What in the World segment. On Friday, April
21st, Taliban insurgence dressed as Afghan soldiers, maneuvered their
CHRYSTIA FREELAND, CANADA'S MINISTER OF FOREIGN way into a military base near Mazar-i-Sharif and killed as many as 140
AFFAIRS: Great to be with you, Fareed. It's a real pleasure. unarmed Afghan soldiers who had been praying at a mosque. A few
weeks earlier on February 9th, the top U.S. Commander in Afghanistan,
ZAKARIA: So first, were you given any advanced notice of the General John W. Nicholson, told congress that the U.S. needs a few
decision to slap those tariffs on Canada? FREELAND: Yes, thousand more troops in Afghanistan. That's on top of the 8,400
absolutely, we were. It's important, Fareed, on the soft wood lumber American troops that are already there.
dispute to get this in historical perspective and in perspective in
terms of the overall trading relationship. Soft wood lumber is Haven't we heard this before? Send more troops, drop bigger bombs? Is
something that Canada and the United States have been talking about that the answer? According to several studies, as of 2016 the United
since the 1880s, so this is not a new discussion between Canada and States has spent almost $800 billion in Afghanistan. And more than
the United States. It's very familiar. It's also -- soft wood lumber is 2,200 Americans have lost their lives fighting on Afghan soil. And yet,
just 2 percent of Canada's overall exports to the United States. there doesn't seem to be much to show for all that. According to the U.S.
Inspector General, the Afghan government has been steadily losing
Now, in this particular issue, I have to respectfully say we think the ground to the Taliban since 2015. By November of last year, the
administration is completely wrong. We think those duties are government control just 57 percent of Afghanistan while the Taliban
punitive and unfair. In all of the previous disputes, Canada has won control or contested 43 percent of the country.
at every single international tribunal. We've won at the WTO. We've
won at NAFTA. And with hat's even more important, Fareed, and Afghanistan, nicknamed "the graveyard of empires," has often bedeviled
here I'm going to quote the Wall Street Journal known as I think a foreign military interventions. Alexander the Great was nearly killed
conservative publication quite friendly to the Trump Administration, there. The British were defeated and exiled almost 100 years ago and the
they called this tariffs on Canadian lumber a housing tax in an Soviets saw many thousands of their troops killed by the Mujahideen
editorial this week and they warned this these tariffs were going to before they too withdrew in defeat in 1989.
hurt the very middle class voters that supported this administration.
In 2014 President Obama declared that the combat mission in
I couldn't agree more, and so I really hope that we can come to a Afghanistan would come to a "responsible end." American forces
quick and amicable resolution on this. You guys need our lumber to returned home with just a token force remaining behind. But since then,
build your houses, and we want to keep selling it to you. a revitalized Taliban and Al Qaida have found safe havens in
neighboring Pakistan, where they've launched military and insurgency
ZAKARIA: All right. Now on that phone call between Justin operations against the Afghan government, which is largely seen as
Trudeau and Donald Trump, what did Prime Minister Trudeau say to corrupt and mired in tribal conflicts.
Donald Trump to convince him not to pull out of NAFTA?
The noted regional expert Barnett Rubin writes in a recent essay that the
FREELAND: Well, the prime minister and the president have a United States now faces three choices.
really strong, mutually respectful relationship. I was there at our
bilateral meeting in the White House on -- in February, and I have to American forces can leave Afghanistan entirely. In all likelihood, the
say the two really got along. I think what the prime minister said is, Afghan government would quickly collapse and the Taliban would once
you know, he really pointed out the extent to which the Canada- U.S. again seize power.
economic relationship is one of the best economic relationships in
the world. It's a real win-win relationship. Or the United States can maintain an open-ended military commitment
in Afghanistan. That seems to be what we're creeping toward now, with
What many Americans don't always fully appreciate is Canada is the American troops engaged in a prolonged, unwinnable stalemate with the
single biggest customer of the United States. You know, Fareed, you Taliban.
devote a lot of time on your show to China, quite rightly, but the
United States sells almost twice as much to Canada as it to -- as it But a third choice would have the Trump administration focus not on
does to China and what I think the prime minister is he really pointed sending in more troops and dropping huge bombs but rather on bringing
out to the president, we have a great relationship, let's not let a peace to Afghanistan through diplomacy with its neighbors. These
couple of irritants get in the way. regional players, China, Russia, India, Pakistan and even Iran, are all
developing strong economic and political ties with each other. Each has
And what he also said which has been the position of our reasons to see Afghanistan stabilize and prosper. In this scenario, the
government from day one is we are ready to sit down at the NAFTA United States supports the democratically
negotiating table any time. We -- by our count, we've made nearly a
dozen modifications to NAFTA since it first came into force, and we elected government of President Ashraf Ghani, allowing him to
absolutely agree this agreement could be modernized and made negotiate from a position of strength with his neighbors and with the
better, more appropriate for the 21st century, so let's roll up our Taliban, which does find support from the Pashtun majority of the
sleeves and do it. country.

The holdup actually right now is in the United States because the The secretary of defense, James Mattis, once remarked that, if funding
TPA process means we need to take -- you need -- the Americans for diplomacy was cut, "then I'll have to buy more ammunition."
need to take a little bit of time before they join us at the table. But
we're ready to go. And I do want to say to the president and to the The truth is all the bullets in the world won't solve the problem in
U.S. Administration, we're really glad you made the right decision. I Afghanistan, but some creative diplomacy just might.

Research Articles for CSS Essay Topics Weekly Analysis May 4th
Thanks to all of you for being part of my program this week. I will
see you next week.

Research Articles for CSS Essay Topics

 I. Freedom of Expression & Its Limitations

Presentation of the Problem regime. Some of these justifications are utilitarian; others are not some
focus on the individual and his happiness. Others focus on the
“I disapprove of what you say, but I'll defend to the death your right to community and the defense of its values. Essentially, the justifications
say it.” said Voltaire, John Stuart Mill, in his essay, On Liberty, added: revolve mound three arguments.
“If all mankind minus one were of one opinion, mankind would be no The first argument bases itself on the desire to reveal the truth
more justified in silencing that one person than he, if he had the power, Freedom of expression must be ensured to enable different outlooks
would be justified in silencing mankind." These and other thinkers, as and ideas to compete with one another. From such competition and not
well as many democratic countries who were influenced by them, from the official dictate of a single "truth" shall truth arise, as truth
including Israel established freedom of expression as a preeminent will ultimately be victorious in the struggle of ideas. When all is
“supra-right." Justice Shimon Agranat regarded freedom of expression disclosed and all is revealed, truth will win out over falsity. The light
as the "heart and soul" of democracy and said that it holds 'a place of of day is the best purifier, and the light of the lamp is the best
honor in the palace of the fundamental rights of man: What is this policeman. The test of truth is not in governmental power
right, and what makes it central to our Iives? Most importantly what accompanying it, but rather in its internal power to persuade.
limitations on this right are justified and proper in a democratic The way to confront falsity is not in silencing it, but in publicizing it
society? and educating the public. Falsity is defeated by revealing it, not by
What is Freedom of Expression? suppressing it The remedy is not restricting expression, but
Freedom of expression is type of right to liberty. It is the freedom of a augmenting it. To this end it is crucial to guarantee freedom of
person to make his opinion heard and to hear the opinion of his fellow expression, for without expression there is no persuasion, and without
man without being obligated to do so. To realize this liberty, the law persuasion there is no confrontation, and without confrontation there is
provides those who hold it with additional rights derived from it. a danger that the truth will not come to light.
Among these are the right to receive information and the right to The second argument is routed in the need to facilitate personal
respond to information. From these follow the tight to know the self-realization. Only by guaranteeing freedom of expression is it
contents of coalition agreements. The right to demonstrate and the possible to bring about such self-realization. Without allowing the
right of assembly are derived from freedom of expression. The right to freedom to hear and to make oneself heard, to write and to read, to
read and write books and newspapers, as well as to see and write plays express oneself or to be silent. the human personality is crippled, as its
and films, are also included in it. So is the right riot to make something spiritual and intellectual development is based on the ability to
heard, that is, the right to be silent. Indeed, freedom of expression is formulate a view of the world freely. Freedom of expression is a
not a single, monolithic right. It is a constellation of rights. At the crucial component of such self-realization It is a need not only of the
center of this constellation is the freedom to make oneself heard and to speaker but of the listener as well. This argument relates freedom of
hear; surrounding it are other rights that aim to realize and protect this expression to human dignity and other liberties such as freedom of
freedom. Freedom of expression and the rights derived from it form a conscience and religion. But it also sets freedom of expression apart.
comprehensive and intricate system of interlocking arrangements that By his nature, man realizes himself by expressing himself.
sustain one another and, when put in practice, consolidate the tradition The third argument roots freedom of expression in democratic rule.
of freedom of expression in the legal system. Freedom of expression is a vital precondition for the existence and
The Justifications Underlying Freedom of Expression development of a democratic regime. It ensures the public exchange of
What is the rationale and underlying explanation for freedom of opinions and thus enables the populace to form positions regarding
expression? It seems that freedom of expression does not have a single issues on the national agenda. In this manner it is possible to mould the
justification, but many different justifications. In this lies a great government, to supervise it and to change it. If the argument regarding
blessing. Freedom of expression comprises a complex system of revealing the truth aims to disclose the truth, the argument regarding
intertwined liberties and rights. This complex system cannot be democracy aims to involve the whole public in this truth, so that it can
covered by a single explanation. Various arguments reflecting its direct the future of society. The free exchange of information, opinions
different aspects are necessary to justify freedom of expression. Only and views aimed at mutual persuasion is a vital condition for the
in this way can the full scope of this freedom be expressed. The existence of democratic rule. Only in this manner is it possible to
vindication of freedom of expression is complex and many-layered guarantee that each individual in society will receive the information
indeed. There is the freedom of the individual to realize himself. to he needs in order to make decisions on matters of government and the
form a worldview and an opinion by giving flight to his spirit, creative regime. This free flow of opinions enables orderly change in
and receptive, which breaks out of the heart's confines, spreads its government. Without freedom of expression, democracy loses its
wings and sets thoughts free. It is the freedom of the individual and the spirit. Justice Landau rightly stated.
community to illuminate the truth through free and unending struggle A government that assumes the authority to determine what is good for
between truth and falsity. It is the freedom of society's members to the citizen to know will ultimately determine what is good for the
exchange opinions and views in a spirit of tolerance, without fear, with citizen to think, and there is no greater contradiction than this of a true
respect for the autonomy of every individual, and to persuade one democracy, which cannot be -guided- from above.
another in order to strengthen, secure and develop the democratic

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But over and above this, freedom of expression contributes to social Freedom of expression thus extends to both conventional and
stability. Freedom of expression allows social tension to be expressed anomalous opinions to views that people like to hear and to those that
verbally, not physically. Social passions are vented peacefully, through are infuriating and deviant. Freedom of expression is not only the
words, not violently. Society, which is sometimes complacent and freedom to express things calmly and pleasantly. It is also the freedom
does not foresee evil, prepares itself for what may come by the right to to raise a shrill outcry. It is the freedom to express an opinion in a
free expression, for it is aware of the dangers that free expression manner that is, in the words of Justice Brennan of the United States
beings out into the open. Supreme Court, "uninhibited, robust and wide-open." Even expression
The argument about democracy illuminates the connection between having "an indecent spread of erotica, politics and aberrations of all
freedom of expression and social tolerance. Democratic rule is based sorts" falls into the framework of free expression. Speech that involves
upon tolerance. This means tolerance of the acts and opinions of injury to religious feelings or contains abominations is also covered by
others. It is also tolerance of intolerance. In a pluralistic society like freedom of expression.
ours, tolerance is the force that unites us and makes communal life Is speech of a racist character covered by the principle of free
possible. Freedom of expression increases tolerance and strengthens expression? May it not be said that the racist content of the speech
democracy. removes it from the domain of free expression? One might argue,
The relationship between democratic risk and freedom of expression is along this line, that while freedom of expression is defined by the
two-sided. Addressing this issue, Justice Meir Shamgar has said: desire to reveal the troth, racism is founded upon a lie, and can
Freedom of expression is a primary consequence of democracy and contribute nothing to the clarification of the truth. If so, then we
one of its central characteristics. Even so, the very insanitation of neither need nor support the self-fulfillment of the false prophet. The
democracy is conditional from time to rime upon freedom of democratic argument, too, can be used to support the removal of racist
expression actually existing, and from this standpoint democracy is a speech from the realm of free expression, as racist speech harms the
consequence of granting liberties and protecting them. In the final democratic order.
analysis, true democracy and freedom of expression are one. In my opinion, these considerations are nor dispositive, and reflect an
Freedom of expression breathes life into democratic sale. Similarly, incomplete understanding of the justification for freedom of
democracy lends vitality to freedom of expression. There is an expression. Racism is indeed founded upon a lie, but this truth will
inseparable connection, then, between freedom of expression and come to light only through the free contest of ideas and opinions. By
democracy. confronting the falsity of racism in the open realm of opinions and
The Scope of Free Expression and its Protection ideas, racism will be exposed in all its ugliness, and human equality
I have desk with the justifications for freedom of explosion. Against and dignity will be augmented and strengthened. It is not the truth of
this background, the following two questions arise: First, what is the racism that justifies the freedom to express it; rather, it is the free
scope of freedom of expression? That is, what is the range of matters it contest of opinions and views to expose the lie that justifies this
encompasses, and which matters are perceived as outside of it? This freedom. The weakness of racism is its inherent falsity, which is laid
question aims at delimiting the range of matters covered by the bare precisely in the free competition of opinions and ideas. Even the
principle of free expression. It grapples with the question: What is self-realization argument supports this approach, for to realise
"expression" in the context of this fundamental value? For example, ourselves we must listen to, learn from and be aware of racist opinions
does freedom of expression extend to racist expression? Or, rather, as well. Only in this manner will we know how to fight them. This
does the racist content of a speech remove it from the ambit of free outcome is also supported by the democratic argument. By exchanging
expression? opinions and views, the public will be able to take • stand on the racist
The second question is, what is the scope of protection that the law point of view and bring about its elimination or curtailment through
gives to those expressions included in freedom of expression? This political struggle based on tolerance that is characteristic of a
question aims at determining whether the protection given to speech is democratic society. Democracy will emerge strengthened from this
absolute or relative, and if it is relative, what its standards are. struggle against racism.
The first query is internal in that it examines the internal nature of Does freedom of expression also extend to defamatory speech? In my
freedom of expression and the range of matters included in it. The opinion, the answer to this question is also in the affirmative.
second query is external, as it looks at the relation between freedom of Defamatory speech is also covered by the principle of free expression.
expression and other freedoms, and at the degree of protection that the Defamatory speech expresses the self-realization of the publisher and
law gives to freedom of expression. For example, freedom of his readers. The truth is that which arises from the free exchange of
expression encompasses defamatory statements, but the law protects opinions and views and not from the suppression (self-imposed or
such speech only if it is made in good faith. external) of this or that speech. The free exchange of opinions alone
I shall begin with the question of the scope of free expression, and makes the existence and consolidation of democratic rule possible.
will move on afterwards to the degree of protection that this freedom Thus, the underlying reasons for freedom of expression justify, in my
enjoys. opinion, an expansive approach to its scope of application. From this it
The Scope of Freedom of Expression does not follow that all speech that is covered by the principle of
The principle of freedom of expression extends to all forms of freedom of expression is defended to its full extent in a democratic
expression. It includes all known forms of expression: books, films society. I have already noted that the internal scope of freedom of
and performances; written and oral expression, whatever the medium; speech is distinguished from the external protection given to it. The
and expression by actions as well as by words. A procession, a silent cars of defamatory speech is a good example of this distinction
vigil, burning a flag and erecting a sculpture all fall within the realm of between the scope of free expression and the degree of protection it is
expression to which the principle of free expression applies. accorded. While defamatory speech falls within the realm of free
Does the principle of free expression apply to the contents of all expression, other values must also be taken into account, such as an
expression? My answer to this question is in the affirmative. Freedom individual's reputation. Thus, there is no justification for total
of expression extends to all expression, whether the content is protection of defamatory publication, and certainly not for a
political, literary, commercial or otherwise. Justice Ammo dealt with defamatory publication that is untrue. Protection of publication is the
this question in the Kol Ha-AM case, stating: result of a balance between the value of free expression and those of
“Here, for the purpose of this examination of truth, the principled the personal reputation and individual dignity. It follows that examining
right to het expression serves as a means and an instrument, inasmuch the scope of free expression is only one side of the coin. The other side
as only by the clarification of "all' views and the free exchange of "all" involves examining the protection that ought to be given to freedom of
opinions is that 'truth" likely to become apparent.” expression, and the cases in which speech that comes under the
principle of free expression ought not be protected. That is. we must

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examine the limitations that ought to be imposed on freedom of The points of equipoise vary according TO the substance and character
expression. of the conflicting values.
The Protection of Freedom of Expression A helpful distinction, in this context, is that between two types of
Freedom of expression is a central value for the individual and for restrictions on freedom of expression. The first type involves
society. But it is not the only value, nor the most important. There are limitations on freedom of expression necessitated by the form of
other central and important values, such as human life and dignity. communication, without any connection to its content. Every legal
Shall we allow for any freedom of expression that harms life and system seeks to create a balance between the manner in which free
dignity? Moreover, organized society, and the state, exist for the sake expression is actualized (regardless of the content of the expression
of realizing human rights and promoting national objective. Ensuring itself) and other values that are impaired as a result of the realization
the existence, wholeness, security and peace of the state necessitates of free expression. An example of this type of restriction may be found
restrictions on freedom of expression. Shall we allow freedom for all in the laws limiting the freedom to demonstrate on account of
expression that harms the States most closely guarded secrets, or that impairment of freedom of movement. These limitations are not
may lead to a perversion of justice, or to riots? directed at the content of the message that the demonstration seeks to
The accepted approach in all legal systems is that freedom of express, but rather at the manner in which the message is voiced. The
expression is not absolute. It is only a relative freedom. We distinguish manner may impair freedom of movement, and therefore the two must
between freedom and licentiousness. For example, the rights of be balanced.
assembly and procession ate not unlimited. They are relative, not The second type of limitation on freedom of expression is rooted in the
absolute liberties. My right to hold an assembly or • procession does content of the expression itself. In this class of cases, the content of the
not mean that I may alight onto my neighbor's property without his expression leads to consequences that could harm democratic society.
consent, or that I am entitled to cause violence and a breach of public The legal system strikes a balance between the value of freedom of
order. As with other liberties, here coo one must balance the desire of expression and the values impaired by free expression Examples of
the individual, or individuals, to express their views by way of this type of limitation may be found in defamation law, criminal law
assembly and procession, against the desire of the individual to regarding abominable material and the sub judicial rule.
safeguard his peace and property and the public's desire to protect Censorship, too, is included in this type of prohibition, as the purpose
public order and security. Without order there is no liberty. Freedom of censorship it to defend the public from the harmful content of the
of assembly does not mean the breakdown of public order; freedom of expression itself. Limitations on racist expression are also included in
procession dues not mean the freedom to run riot. Every democratic this type of restriction, as it is nor the form of the expression but its
society has the right not to protect freedom of expression to the full content that harms other interests and values worthy of protection.
extent. Every enlightened regime has a duty to limit certain forms of Sometimes both types of restrictions may be found in a given situation
self-expression. Voltaire's dictum, "I disapprove of what you say, but When demonstrators seek to march in the main street of a city, and the
Ell defend to the death your right to say it? is not precise. I am not message they seek to deliver is racist, the need may well arise to
obligated to defend with my life your right to utter words that will lead restrict freedom of expression both because of disturbance to
to my death. Democracy is not obligated to commit suicide in order to movement fa restriction unconnected to content) and disturbance to
prove its vitality. public order (which is related to content). We will deal briefly with
Balancing each of these two types of limitations.
Thus, the central problem confronting us is this: Under which Communicative Restrictions Unrelated to Content
circumstances, and by what standards, is it permissible in • society that Restrictions in this type of case are not directed against the content of
respects human rights and establishes freedom of expression as a the expression, but rather against the manner in which it is expressed.
central and pre-eminent right, to limit freedom of expression? There is Demonstrators who use loudspeakers and distribute flyers may disturb
no general answer to this question. It all depends on the values, their neighbors work or rest, or may sully the environment, regardless
interests and principles with which freedom of expression conflicts. of the message they seek to publicize. While a society that gives
Thus, there are situations in which freedom of expression is out limited priority to freedom of expression most allow expression even in
at all, and is implemented to its full extent This is when there are no circumstances that cause a disturbance and infringe upon other values,
values or interests that justify restricting freedom of expression. When still, freedom of expression is not the only value, and it must be
values and principles justifying a limitation upon free expression do balanced against other values worthy of protection. Society is not
exist, a conflict is created that makes it necessary to straw a balance organized on an all-or-nothing principle, but on give and take and on
with regard to the restrictions upon freedom of expression and those balance between different values.
upon the other value in conflict with it. Since Justice Agranat's It seems to me that restrictions imposed on the time, place and manner
monumental judgment in the Kol Ha-Am case, we accept that the of the expression must allow sufficient breathing space for freedom of
balancing shall be principled and not ad hoc We must determine a expression, and must not substantially impair it. Thus, holding a
"rational principle: in Justice Agranat's words, that will constitute, as demonstration in the main streets of a city should be allowed, even if it
Justice Shams= put it, a "standard that carries within it a value- disturbs traffic, by setting limits on the tune and manner of the
guidelines, avoiding any "casual paternalistic standard that a person demonstration. Just as my right to demonstrate in a city street is
will not be able to appraise in advance" This standard balances the limited by the right of my fellow to free passage in that street, so the
different conflicting values according to their weight, and establishes right of my fellow to move about in a city street is limited by my right
the principled -balancing formula? to hold an assembly or procession. Reads and thoroughfares are
The expressions "balancing" and “weigh” are metaphors, of course. intended for pedestrian and vehicle traffic, but this is not their only
Underlying them is the understanding that not all principles are equally purpose. They are also intended for processions, matches, funerals and
important in the eyes of society, and that when legislative guidance is other such events. In this regard, of course, there is a distinction
lacking, the mutt must appraise the relative social importance of the between restrictions on freedom of expression in public places and
different principles just as there is no man without his shadow, there is those in private or quasi-public plates, such as shopping centers.
no principle without its weight. Establishing a balance on the basis of Content-Related Restrictions
weight means to give a social estimate of the relative importance of the Another type of restriction is that related to the content of the
different principles. It is only natural that the balance changes from expression. From the standpoint of the form of communication, this
case to case, according to the nature of the conflicting values. Thus, a type of expression does not harm other values that merit protection.
uniform standard must not be adopted; rather, varying standards However, from the standpoint of content, it harms security, public
should be adopted, according to the weight of the conflicting values. order or public sentiment, judicial integrity, human dignity or other
values that every democratic society strives to protect. What is the

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proper balance, in this case? Intrinsically, there is no single point of exchange of opinion, even if doing so may hurt the feelings of some.
balance, as the values that are in conflict with freedom of expression Indeed, the very nature of the democratic regime involves a certain
are not all alike. A conflict between the content of an expression and level of exposure to public criticism that injures the feelings of
state security and public order is not the same as a conflict between the members of the public. But severe, serious and grave injury that
content of an expression and human dignity. And neither of them are justifies restriction of free expression refers to injury that exceeds the
the same as conflict between the content of an expression and judicial limit of endurance in a democratic Society. Simply expressing an
integrity. We must fashion, then, different principled standards that opinion on a controversial public issue (historical religious, social or
take account of the diversity of values that conflict with freedom of otherwise) is permitted. However, there will be exceptional and rare
expression. instances in which the content of such expressions will constitute a
Take the case in which the conflicting interests are freedom of severe, seams and grave injury to the public's feelings. These instances
expression, on the one hand, and state security or public order, on the will shake the foundations of mutual tolerance. A Nazi procession in a
other. The point of departure is that, 10 the extent that this conflict is Jewish settlement, a racist, anti-Arab procession in an Arab settlement,
frontal and unavoidable, the values of security and public order take or a procession of pigs in a religious Jewish settlement are examples of
precedence_ The reason for this is that democracy needs to exist so crossing the threshold of tolerance in a democratic society, and justify
that it can realize itself. The democratic regime is prepared to defend prohibiting the expression because of its content.
freedom of expression so long as freedom of expression defends Even the possibility of a severe, serious and grave injury to security or
democracy. But when freedom of expression becomes an axe with public order does not justify an abridgement of free expression. There
which to injure democracy, there is no justification for democracy to must be near-certainty that injury will occur. A mete possibility, or
bare its neck to the blade. A constitution is not a blueprint for suicide, even a reasonable possibility, that the injury will be realized is
and civil rights are not a platform for national self-annihilation. A insufficient. The realization of the danger must be seen as a near-
person cannot enjoy freedom of expression if he does not enjoy the certainty. This illustrates the great weight that we give to freedom of
freedom to live in the society of his choice. The right to life in society expression. With that, there is no need to show that the realization of
precedes the right to express an opinion in it. the danger is a clear certainty, nor that it is immediate. It is enough to
The balancing formula in the conflict between state security or public show that the realization of the danger is a near-certainty.
order and freedom of expression thus presumes the realization of the This approach, arguably, involves a compromise of principles. The
value regarding state security. At the same time, because of the cynic might say that this approach defends freedom of expression only
centrality of freedom of expression, the balancing formula seeks to so long as it is not sufficiently effective. I do DX agree with this
curtail this basic value as little as possible. Only if the abridgement of criticism. As we have seen, freedom of expression is not the only value
freedom of expression is crucial in order to maintain the value of state that must be defended in a democratic society. Inevitably, a
security and public order will such curtailment be permitted. compromise is necessary to balance various interests. Compromise is
In this context, the Israel Supreme Court has addressed two principal not a sign of weakness. It is a vital condition for tolerance and
questions. First, what is the degree of injury to state security or public collective life. A democratic society founded on pluralism and
order that may justify abridging freedom of expression? Second, what tolerance must base itself upon compromise and not on obstinacy.
is the degree of probability that the injury to state security or public Conclusion
order will occur if freedom of expression is not restricted? Freedom of expression is a complex value. We cannot do without it,
The answer given by the Supreme Court to these two questions is this: but we cannot manage with this value alone. It raises difficult
Freedom of expression gives way to state security and public order problems for every democratic society. Ought we to defend racist
only if the injury to state security and public order is severe, serious speech, and if so, to what extent? Is a democratic society obliged to
and grave, and only if there is a proximate certainty that the realization allow anti-Semitic or pornographic speech? I have dealt with these
of free expression will bring about this injury. Thus, the Minister of problems from a number of perspectives.
Interior may prohibit the appearance of a newspaper on account of Is the Israeli solution, as reflected in legislation and in judicial
something published in it that is likely to harm public order only if this decisions, satisfactory? There are many aspects that I have not touched
harm is serious, and only if it is nearly certain Similarly, the Chief upon. Is the freedom of expression of an individual who wants to voice
Military Censor may prevent publication of news ankle only if it is his opinion on a street corner similar to the freedom of expression of a
proximately certain that publication of the article will lead to grave mass-circulation newspaper or a television station? Does freedom of
injury to state security. The Censor of Films and Plays used to be expression not call for certain obligations, in particular fairness,
entitled to rescind a permit for screening a film or staging a play only competence and professional ethics? Does freedom of expression not
if it was almost certain to cause serious and severe injury to public impose a duty upon a newspaper editor to publish opinions with which
order. The Police Commissioner may prevent granting a permit for a he disagrees and which may even hurt the newspaper's circulation?
demonstration for fear of injury to the demonstrators due to the The enlightened public is likely to disagree on these and other
message of their demonstration, only if it u proximately certain that questions. Answering them imposes a special responsibility upon the
serious injury to public order will occur. In all these OM, alternative courts. This responsibility is twofold: first, the responsibility to arrive
means that may prevent the near certainty of serious danger without at solutions that will be consistent with what Justice Menahem Ekm
impairing freedom of expression must be examined. Thus, if a hostile has called the "over-sour of the legal system, that is, the fundamental
crowd threatens the demonstrators, the first step must be to disperse values and ankles of faith of our law; and second, the responsibility of
the crowd, not to prevent the demonstration. Prohibiting the consistent application of fundamental understandings, without which
demonstration must be done as a last resort, not as a first step. everything that is ordained at the normative level will be lost in the
Moreover, whenever possible, it is preferable to examine the legality real world. The court must examine not only the law but also the deed;
of the expression after it mats rather than before it occurs. Examination nor merely the rhetoric but also the practice. "The principles that the
before the occurrence tends to freeze expression; examination after the court has stressed in the past," Justice Gabriel Bach has remarked,
occurrence tends merely to cool it clown. Cooling is preferable to "must not serve solely as an ideological banner for the outside world;
freezing. they must also guide us in our day-to-day decisions in practice."
Injury to public sentiment may also constitute a severe, serious and Would that we will meet this weighty responsibility? (Source: jstor)
grave injury. A society based on social pluralism must allow the

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II. Restrictions on Freedom of Expression

Introduction precise; vague or unclear provisions will not suffice. To meet the
The freedom of expression, universally acknowledged as both a second requirement, only two narrowly specified “aims” will be
fundamental and foundational human right, is not only the cornerstone considered, namely those — and only those — outlined in Article
of democracy, but indispensable to a thriving civil society. Indeed, the 19(3): “national security or public order,” or “public health or morals.”
freedom of expression is considered the “foundational human right of This limited list of aims is designed to ensure that laws or regulations
the greatest importance.” interfering with the freedom of expression be kept to a minimum, and
The right to freedom of expression is protected by a multitude of passed for only certain narrowly tailored, justifiable reasons.
regional and international treaties, charters, and frameworks. Even when justified by one of the two permissible ‘aims’ stated above,
According to Article 19(2) of the International Covenant on Civil and such laws/regulations must be accompanied by adequate safeguards to
Political Rights (ICCPR), a formally binding legal treaty ratified by ensure against interpretive abuse or disproportionate application,
165 nations that echoes in key respects the Universal Declaration of including the opportunity to challenge and remedy any unjustified
Human Rights (UDHR): restrictions. Finally, the third requirement for “necessity” requires that
“Everyone shall have the right to freedom of expression; this right there be a “pressing” or “substantial” need for the restriction, that the
shall include the freedom to seek, receive and impart information and restriction be “rationally connected” to a legitimate interest at stake,
ideas of all kinds, regardless of frontiers, either orally, in writing or in and that it be the “least intrusive measure” available. The necessity
print, in the form of art, or through any other media of his choice.” prong has proven particularly difficult for states to satisfy; in the vast
The freedom of expression is characterized by six key features: majority of cases where international courts have invalidated a
• It applies to “everyone” equally without distinction of any kind restriction on the right to freedom of expression, it has been on this
whatsoever; distinctions based on “race, colour, sex, language, basis.
religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, It is important to note that in many instances restrictions on the right to
birth or other status” are entirely irrelevant to its application.6 freedom of expression are compatible with international and national,
• Its geographical scope is unlimited; it applies “regardless of including constitutional, laws. Laws prohibiting contempt of court,
frontiers.” voter intimidation, and child pornography, for example, are widely
• Its substantive scope, while not unlimited, is broad; it encompasses recognized as permissible restrictions on free expression. Just as a
“information and ideas of all kinds.”7 thriving civil society depends on an active, expressive citizenry, so too
• It includes the rights to both “receive and impart information and does it depend on certain legal protections ensuring that expressive
ideas”; the rights of both listeners and speakers, and observers and activity not harm others.
demonstrators are equally protected. Restrictions on the Right to Freedom of Expression
• It imposes a positive obligation on signatories to the ICCPR; states Examples of states imposing restrictions on the right to freedom of
are obligated to “take the necessary steps” to ensure its protection, expression in violation of international law have been growing in
including adopting “laws or other measures as may be necessary” and recent years. This issue of Global Trends will examine existing laws
providing “an effective remedy” to those whose freedom of expression that appear to unlawfully restrict the freedom of expression. These
has been violated. laws fall into six categories, which include: •
• The manner in which expressions are disseminated is unlimited; it  Laws criminalizing national betrayal
protects the right to impart one’s ideas using “any” form of “media of  Laws preventing extremism and terrorism
his choice.” The freedom of expression, while expansive, is not  Laws regulating the media
absolute and can, in certain narrow circumstances, be restricted.
 Laws governing information and communications
According to Article 19(3) of the ICCPR:
technology (ICT), including the Internet
[The freedom of expression] carries with it special duties and
 Laws prohibiting defamation and libel
responsibilities. It may therefore be subject to certain restrictions, but
these shall only be such as are provided by law and are necessary:  Laws restricting specific categories of content
(a) For respect of the rights or reputation of others; After a brief introduction of each category, a series of illustrative
examples will be offered, highlighting the ways in which freedom of
(b) For the protection of national security or of public order (ordre
expression has been legislatively narrowed in recent years.
public), or of public health or morals. Laws Criminalizing National Betrayal
As interpreted, any limitation on the right to freedom of expression In recent years, regimes have used laws criminalizing sedition,
must meet a strict threepart test: espionage, treason, and similar acts, to effectively silence criticism
“It must be provided by law, which is clear and accessible to against the state, often targeting journalists, activists, bloggers, and
everyone; • It must pursue one of the specific purposes set protesters. These types of laws tend to be vulnerable to governmental
out in Article 19(3) of the ICCPR; and • It must be necessary abuse absent clear legal protections ensuring the right to peacefully
demonstrate and vocalize one’s dissent against government policies
and the least restrictive means required to achieve its and actors. •
purported aim.” Burma/Myanmar: In 2014, five journalists were arrested and charged
The state actor or entity imposing a limitation on free expression bears with violating the country’s State Secrets Act of 1923, among other
the burden of satisfying each of the three requirements. To satisfy the laws, for publishing a story on a suspected chemical weapons factory.
first requirement, the law or regulation, which should be formally All copies of the article were confiscated and the five were not
adopted by law-making authorities, must be sufficiently clear and

Research Articles for CSS Essay Topics Weekly Analysis May 4th
released pending trial, which is ongoing. If convicted, the journalists counterterrorism legislation is especially vulnerable to governmental
face up to fourteen years in prison. • overreach. In the absence of strict legal safeguards and clear guidelines
Egypt: In 2014, military authorities used an espionage law, and other within the law, such laws can be, and have been, exploited by state
similar laws, to arrest, charge and prosecute critics of the military. One authorities to silence legitimate dissent.
such critic was internationally respected and renowned scholar Emad
Shahin, who was charged with conspiring with foreign organizations • Egypt: In 2014, three Al Jazeera English journalists were
to harm Egyptian national interests after openly criticizing the sentenced to between seven and ten years each for aiding a “terrorist
military’s ouster of President Morsi.18 Another was Amr Hamzawy, a organization,” referring to the banned Muslim Brotherhood, and
prominent Egyptian political scientist and former lawmaker, who was endangering Egyptian national security. The prosecution accused the
charged with insulting the judiciary for questioning a ruling against a three of producing false news reports, which helped the Brotherhood
group of Western nonprofit organizations. And a third was Egyptian to spread “lies”
filmmaker Hossam al-Meneai, who was also arrested and charged with harmful to national security. At least seventeen other journalists and
spreading “false names and endangering the stability of the nation” opposition figures face similar charges related to the same case. Two
after being caught with footage that was considered sympathetic to the other co-defendants in the case, a Dutch woman and two British
Muslim Brotherhood. • citizens, were sentenced to ten years in absentia on the same charge of
Malaysia: In the summer of 2014 there was a marked increase in the aiding a “terrorist group.” Media organizations around the world took
number of sedition charges filed, despite promises made by the Prime part in a global day of protest commemorating the three Al Jazeera
Minister in 2012 to repeal the Sedition Act. Adopted by the British journalists’ 100 day in prison while awaiting trial. In addition, five
colonial government in 1948, the Sedition Act criminalizes “seditious different television channels were shut down, one affiliated with the
tendencies” that cause “hatred or contempt, or excite disaffection” Muslim Brotherhood and the others
against the government or its ruler, as well as “seditious” speech affiliated with Salafist groups, for either being a “terrorist
questioning the special privileges of the Malay people. Sedition is held movement,” aiding a terrorist movement, or sympathizing with
to a strict liability standard, making the speaker’s intentions irrelevant terrorist movements.41 According to one often cited estimate, more
to any defense, and those convicted face up to three years in prison and than 41,000 were arrested in the period between the July 3, 2013
up to $1,500 in fines. This law has been used in recent times to charge coup overthrowing President Morsi and May 15, 2014, with nearly
a high-profile professor and commentator, among others, with sedition 36,500 of those detained during political events, and 3,048 arrested
for making critical comments about government acts. The professor for being members of the Muslim Brotherhood, which was declared a
was charged based on a quote from an online article describing the
terrorist organization following Morsi’s ouster. Another 1,714 were
collapse of an opposition state government in 2009 as “legally wrong”
detained or indicted during this same period specifically for terrorism
and resulting from a “secret meeting.”
and terrorism-related offenses.
• Russia: In 2013, in response to mass opposition protests in India: The Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Amendment Act 2008,
2010-2011, the Criminal Code was amended to expand the definitions passed shortly after the November 26 Mumbai attacks that led to the
of treason and espionage, which now include “providing financial, death or injury of almost 500 individuals, has been used by the
technical, advisory or other assistance to a foreign state or government, in conjunction with India’s other counterterrorism and
international organization… directed at harming Russia’s security.” sedition laws, to target political opponents, tribal groups, and religious
The expanded law also considers ‘treason’ to include passing and ethnic minorities. Among those targeted include members of Kabir
information on to foreign and international organizations if the Kala Manch, a cultural group of singers, poets, performers, and artists,
organization plans to use it to harm Russia’s national security interests. accused of promoting Maoism and of being members of a “terrorist
Under the law, a person convicted of ‘high treason’ faces up to twenty organization.”
years imprisonment. Human rights activists around the world decried
these changes to the United Kingdom: A 2006 counterterrorism law criminalizes any
public statements that encourage acts of terrorism, including
law as “directly threaten[ing to] the exercise of protected fundamental statements that glorify specific terrorist acts, even if the individual or
rights” and as so “vague as to enable the government to brand a critic group making the statement did not actually intend to encourage
as a traitor.” Those closely monitoring events in Russia have noted that terrorism. The law also broadly defines terrorism to include action
the new law “is clearly having a chilling taken to advance any ‘political, religious, racial or ideological’ cause
designed to influence the government of any country or international
effect on freedom of expression and the right to freedom of organization or to intimate any member of the public anywhere in the
association.” For example, human rights observers noted that in the world. In 2009, the British police were accused of misusing this and
lead-up to the Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics, much of the Russian news other counterterrorism related laws in an effort to quash otherwise
media failed to report on sensitive issues, such as the exploitation of peaceful protests. A one-year inquiry was launched, resulting in a 70-
migrant workers or environmental destruction, creating an page report produced by the joint committee on human rights detailing
“information evidence of abuse of police powers under the Terrorism Act.
vacuum.”26 Fearful of the series of restrictive laws, including the Laws Regulating the Media
treason law, adopted following Putin’s return to power in May 2012,
members of the media chose to instead present a sanitized, non- An independent and uncensored press, which is critical to informing
threatening version of events. public opinion, is considered a cornerstone of democratic society and
essential to ensuring the freedom of
Laws Preventing Extremism & Terrorism expression. Governments around the globe have attempted to control
the media and its ability to influence public opinion using a variety of
Because of the heightened danger and fear associated with acts of laws. By adopting legislation creating regulatory boards, oversight
terrorism, counterterrorism legislation often allows state authorities to commissions, journalistic codes of conduct, and other means of media
bypass typically required legal procedures, suspend otherwise control, governments have used and manipulated existing laws to
guaranteed individual rights, and in general, to act with reduced weaken the media’s watchdog capabilities.
judicial oversight. On grounds of necessity and efficiency, and in the
name of national security, state officials are often given wide • Burma/Myanmar: In 2014, Parliament approved the
discretion to fight terrorism using any means available. As a result, Printers and Publishers Registration Bill, which grants the ministry the

Research Articles for CSS Essay Topics Weekly Analysis May 4th
power to unilaterally withhold or revoke publishing licenses and • Russia: In 2014, a law took effect granting the government
contains vague language banning reports that “incite unrest,” “insult broad powers to blacklist and block websites containing “extremist”
religion,” and “violate the Constitution.” Fines for violations range content, calling for mass riots or participation in unsanctioned public
from $100-$500. gatherings, or publishing content otherwise harmful to public health,
morals or safety. This law has been used to shut down various
• Thailand: Following the declaration of martial law by the websites and blogs viewed as threatening, particularly those related to
Thai army on May 19, 2014, government orders suspended normal rising tensions in Ukraine, including platforms used by key opposition
programming on radio, cable TV and satellite stations and the military leaders.
ensured that only re-runs of military-approved programs were
broadcast. At the same time, TV programs were prohibited from • Brazil: In 2013, a Brazilian Court issued an order against a
presenting the opinions of viewers through call-ins or text messages. protester banning him from demonstrating within a block of the
Moreover, foreign reporters, including those from CNN, Fox, CCTV, construction site of a new property development, and from posting
CNBC, and Bloomberg, were asked to stop their reporting. CNN references to the developer on his Facebook page. The community
resumed its regular reporting on May 25, but under an agreement with activist was accused of engaging in activity “slanderous and offensive
the military not to interview any academics for their opinions or to against a private initiative,” and threatened with a $5,000 fine for each
present any information that could create disunity in Thailand. infraction if he continued his
China: In order to publish content of any kind and in any medium, physical and online protests. The order was later upheld by the Court
individuals are required to first obtain a license, permit, or other of Justice in the State of São Paulo.
official authorization. Regulations
adopted in 2001 give the government direct control over the amount, • Singapore: In 2013, onerous new Internet regulations were
structure, distribution, and coordination of all publishing in the announced, requiring sites “that report regularly on issues relating to
country. For example, anyone wishing to transmit news and to engage Singapore and have significant reach” among local readers to apply for
in other news publishing activities must first obtain the permission of individual licenses, which are subject to annual review and renewal, to
the press and publication administration agency. Another regulation post a hefty “performance bond” of nearly $40,000, and to remove any
allows non-news “units” to promulgate official government news at objectionable content within 24 hours upon receiving a government
the federal or local level, but prohibits them from posting news from order. These new regulations add to existing regulations that impose
their own or other non-governmental sources. More recently, a July strict limits on material deemed objectionable on grounds of morality,
2014 directive requires mainland journalists to sign a secrecy security, public interest, and social harmony.
agreement with their employers before obtaining a press pass; the • Iran: Following the contested 2009 presidential elections
agreement prohibits journalists from releasing information from that inspired wide-scale demonstrations and were partially organized
interviews, press conferences or other events without first obtaining through social media sites, the Iranian government heavily censored
their employers’ consent. the Internet, allowing only certain sites and certain information to be
viewed. Among the sites blocked were Facebook, Twitter and
• Cuba: Considered to have among the most restrictive laws YouTube, which have continued to be blocked sporadically. Many
on free speech and press freedom in the Americas, the Cuban Iranians complain that key sites allowing communication with
constitution allows “free speech” only if “in keeping with the individuals outside the country, such as Gmail and Skype, are often
objectives of a socialist society.” It also requires that “the press, radio, blocked as well. Iran now has its own national Internet network, which
television, cinema, and other mass media never be private property,” many have dubbed the “halal Internet,” a highly censored, higher
but instead only “social property” owned and operated exclusively by speed government-run Internet that monitors the web activity of all
the state. users and makes it increasingly burdensome to use the regular Internet.
Laws Governing ICT, Including the Internet • India: In 2008, the Information Technology Amendment Act
(an amended version of the Information Technology Act of 2000) was
The Internet and new information communication technologies (ICTs), hurriedly passed after the November Mumbai attacks. The Act
which are now an integral part of everyday life for many individuals imposes an up to three-year prison term for posting “offensive
worldwide, have massively expanded the ways in which people impart messages” online, including messages that are “grossly offensive,”
and receive information, and the channels through which expression have a “menacing character,” or cause “annoyance or inconvenience,”
and the receipt of information can occur. Despite the fact that the UN among other such reasons. The Act requires Internet intermediaries,
Human Rights Committee has specifically stated that the right to which include social networking sites, not to host, display, upload,
freedom of expression includes all forms of electronic and Internet- modify, publish, transmit, update or share any information that is
based modes of expression, restrictions on ICTs, including the harmful, objectionable, affects minors, or is unlawful in any way.
Internet, are on the rise, particularly legal restrictions that attempt to
closely control the flow of information online. Laws Prohibiting Defamation and Libel
• Turkey: In 2014, Turkish officials blocked access to Twitter
and YouTube after a series of leaks on social media sites helped to fuel Defamation and libel laws are designed to protect the public reputation
a corruption scandal implicating Prime of individuals by sanctioning the dissemination of false statements of
Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and top officials in his government. fact damaging to an individual’s reputation. Defamation and libel laws
Coming on the eve of local elections, the Turkish government claimed are a widely accepted exception to the right to freedom of expression
that both Internet sites were threats to Turkish national security, so long as they are limited to restricting a narrow category of speech
relying on controversial new amendments to Turkey’s Internet law that and do not impose criminal sanctions or disproportionate civil
took effect in 2014. The amendments expand the government’s penalties. In many parts of the world, however, defamation and libel
censorship powers by enabling authorities, without court order, to laws are used to prevent open public debate and legitimate criticism of
block access to websites based on the subjective allegation that a official wrongdoing. Indeed, according to a recent report, “criminal
posting violates an individual’s private life. Prime Minster Erdogan, libel is among the top three laws used to imprison journalists,” and not
who had repeatedly threatened to block popular Internet sites in the only in countries with poor human rights records and weak rule of law,
wake of the 2013-14 Gezi Park protests, is on record as referring to but in at least forty-seven state signatories to the European Convention
social media as “the worst menace to society.” on Human Rights.
• Kyrgyz Republic: In 2014, a new “False Accusation Law”
was passed, making intentional defamation a criminal offense

Research Articles for CSS Essay Topics Weekly Analysis May 4th
punishable by up to three years in prison. According to human rights illegal to equate heterosexual and homosexual relationships, to
activists, the prohibition against publishing “false information” distribute material on homosexual rights, and to promote “non-
contained in the law lends itself to abuse and arbitrary enforcement. traditional relations.” It introduces hefty fines for individuals and
This marked a backwards step for the Republic, as libel/defamation media groups found guilty of violating the
was decriminalized in 2011. law, and authorizes special fines and deportation orders for foreigners.
On the same day this law was passed, the Duma passed a separate law
• Pakistan: In 2014, Pakistan’s most viewed TV channel, Geo criminalizing “public actions expressing clear disrespect for society
News, was shut down by the government’s media regulatory authority and committed with the goal of offending religious feelings of the
(PEMRA) after being accused of “false” and “scandalous” reporting, faithful,” punishable with jail terms of up to three years and hefty
and specifically, defaming the Inter-Services Intelligence agency by fines. This law, which was passed in response to the band Pussy Riot’s
accusing its chief of attacking a leading journalist in 2014. It was public performances, also criminalizes public desecration of religious
suspended for 15 days and fined over $100,000. objects or books. Members of Pussy Riot were convicted of
“hooliganism motivated by religious hatred” and sentenced to two
• Sri Lanka: By May 2014, the state-run Telecommunications years in prison after a peaceful, yet provocative, political performance
Regulatory Commission blocked two news websites in a Moscow church.
( and, which • Malaysia: Part IV of the Printing Presses and Publications
brought the total number of blocked websites to eight; each was Act 1984 discusses the “control of undesirable publications,” and
known for being critical of the government. In 2012, police similarly authorizes the government to prohibit the printing, importation,
raided and closed two news websites, including production, or publishing of any material that is “in any manner, and arrested nine people including eight prejudicial to or likely to be prejudicial to public order, morality,
journalists on charges of defaming the President and reporting news in security,” is likely to “alarm public opinion,” or likely “to be contrary
an “incorrect and vulgar manner.” They were later released but their to the law or is otherwise prejudicial to or is likely to be prejudicial to”
computers were confiscated. public or national interest. This law was amended in 2012, repealing a
provision that required all publishers and printing firms to obtain an
Laws Restricting Specific Content annual operating permit, but retaining most of the other restrictive
Governments have enacted legislation banning, and in some instances measures, including the home minister’s authority to suspend or
criminalizing, entire categories of speech. These laws typically involve revoke publishing licenses. In 2013, the Home Affairs Ministry
overly broad bans on alarming or prejudicial statements, such as words suspended a weekly magazine, The Heat, for allegedly violating the
that incite violence or considered ‘hate speech.’ In other cases, these terms of its publishing license, and seized copies of two different
proscriptions restrict the content of expression related to certain topics opposition party newspapers for breach of permit conditions.
such as homosexuality, which has been the source of increased • Conclusion
legislative attention in recent years in various parts of the world. As can be seen from the lengthy list of examples cited above, which
Without safeguards in place, such laws violate the right to freedom of includes only a small sample of the universe of examples available, the
expression, which, according to the Human Rights Committee, law has been used in numerous ways to restrict the freedom of
protects not only valuable speech, but “deeply offensive” speech as expression around the world. These restrictions cross all cultural,
well. religious, political, and national boundaries, appearing in every
• Nigeria: The Same Sex Marriage Prohibition Act, signed geographical region and invoked by every type of regime. From the
into law in 2014, not only criminalizes acts of intimacy with members United Kingdom to Burma, from democracies to traditionally
of the same sex, but also the witnessing, aiding, or showing (whether authoritarian states, almost all nations and almost every type of civil
directly or indirectly) of same sex “amorous relationship[s].” society actor has experienced or witnessed the tide of restrictions
Moreover, anyone who “supports the registration, operation and aimed at narrowing the freedom of expression seen in recent years.
sustenance of gay clubs, societies, organizations, processions or • A number of creative and modern initiatives designed to
meetings” is subject to ten years imprisonment. strengthen the right to free expression have been launched in recent
years. The Freedom of the Press Foundation uses crowd-sourcing to
• Pakistan: In recent years, Pakistan has witnessed a splurge fund journalistic organizations focused specifically on pushing for
in charges, convictions and death sentences for violations of their transparency and accountability in places where freedom of expression
colonial-era blasphemy laws, which impose “mandatory death” for is most restricted. The Index on Censorship offers annual “Freedom of
anyone convicted of defiling, whether directly or indirectly, the name Expression Awards” to those voted as the world’s most remarkable
of the Prophet Muhammad. A life sentence is imposed for those fighters for free expression. The Committee to Protect Journalists has
convicted of willfully desecrating the Quran. In 2014, death sentences launched the “Critics are not Criminals” campaign to push for the
were given to a Christian woman accused of insulting the Prophet and decriminalization of defamation around the world. The Witness project
an allegedly mentally unstable man for supports and trains activists around the globe to use cell phone videos
writing offensive statements about Islam on walls. Also in 2014, sixty- to expose human rights abuses, including restrictions on free
eight lawyers were charged with blasphemy for protesting police expression; and the MacArthur Foundation recently distributed nearly
brutality, during which the lawyers were accused of defiling the name ten million dollars in grants for innovative projects seeking to defend
of one of the Prophet’s companions. If convicted, the men face up to free expression. These initiatives and many others provide hope for a
three years in prison. future where the inviolability of the right to freedom of expression is
• Russia: In 2013, the Russian State Duma, in a vote of 436 to respected by all and reflected in all national legislation. (Source: ICNL
0 with one abstention, approved a bill banning all “propaganda of non- Organization).
traditional sexual relationships” among minors. The bill makes it

Solved Past
Papersfor CSS Essay Topics Weekly Analysis May 4th 2017
Weekly Analysis May 4th

Solved Past Papers

Solved MCQs of CSS Compulsory Papers 2016
MCQs of CSS Current Affairs Paper 2016 was: giving up separate electorate demand
13. Why Simon commission failed: it was led by foreigners
1. Umm ul Masakeen is the title of? Hazrat Zainab 14. Who helped Liaqat Ali khan to make objectives
2. Longest Surah of Quran? Al-Baqrah resolution:Maulana Shabbir Ahmad Usmani
3. Jewish tribe expelled from madina after Badr? Banu 15. Why is Tarbelas storage capacity lessening? Sediment
Qaynuqa deposition
4. Longest Ayat of holy quran is in which Surah? Surah
16. Which charismatic Bengali leader was PM of Pak?
5. Book ISLAMI NIZAM written by: Sayyid At ull h
Ḥusainī 17. Which infamous law was passed by Lord Dalhousie?
6. Sassanid family ruled by? Iran Doctrine of lapse
7. RAOON means? Pious 18. Who was Pakistan's first law Minister and interim head of
8. No of people in 2nd Hijrah to Habsha? 101 the constituent assembly? Jogindar Nath Mandal
9. Marhab was killed by? Hazrat Ali 19. Pirpur report: Investigation into congress ministry
10. Queen Saba was the ruler of? Yamen 20. 1970 election held under: LFO (Legal Framework Order.
11. Inventor of Dark room Ibn al haytham
12. Battle of khandak was fought when? 5 AH MCQs of CSS Current Affairs Paper 2016
13. Who is called the son of 2 zabihah? Muhammad 1. Order of rising sun is highest award of which country?
(PBUH) Japan
14. Youm ul Furqan was which ghazwa? Badr 2. Old name of Sri Lanka? ceylon
3. When is Nelson Mandela day? July 18
15. Invention of Umar Khayam? Calendar
4. Obama is US president? 44th
16. Sahah-e-satta is? Hadith
5. Largest arm importer of 2014? Saudia arabia
17. Faith of reincarnation is found in? Hinduism 7. First secretary general of UN was? Trygve lei
18. Secondary Source of Islamic law is? Ijma 8. Headquarter of Freedom House NGO is in? Washington d.c
19. Journey of Miraj happened in? 10 9. Headquarter of ICJ is in? hague
20. The word "BAHEEJ" means? Beautiful 10. Pakistan sent its first satellite with the collaboration of
china in 1990 was? Al-badr
MCQs of CSS Pakistan Affairs Paper 2016 11. Reconstruction of religious thoughts in Islam book by:
1. Mughal ruler contemporary to Queen Elizabeth? Jalal- Allama Iiqbal
ud-din Akbar 12. Largest democracy is? India
2. First head master of Dar ul uloom Deoband? Maulana 13. National anthem composed by? Ahmed Ghulam Chagla
Qasim Ali Nanotvi 15. Kala Bagh dam is yet not constructed due to? Political
3. Author of Spirit of Islam: Syed Ameer Ali conflict
16. Fifth international recognized mode of payment: currency?
4. Ruling party in Punjab after 1937 elections: Unionist
Party 17. President of Asian infrastructure investment bank? Jin
5. Book "the last Mughal" written by: William Dalrymple Liqun
6. "We have learnt nothing from History" authored by: 18. India china military exercise in OCT-2015 took place at?
Asghar Ali khan (r) Air Marshal. Kumming (yunan province)
7. Foundation stone of Islamiya College Peshawar laid by: 19. Largest democracy is? India
Sir George Roos-Keppel 20. Headquarter of ICJ? Hague
8. Quaid e Azam solar park is in: Bahawalpur MCQs of CSS English Composition & Precis Paper 2016
9. Swami Dyanat Saravasti movement launched by: Arya Synonyms:
Samaj 1. Nabob : Bigiwig
10. Purpose of 21st amendment: military courts 2. Pall : Satiate
11. Book Gold and Guns published in 1945, was banned in 3. Sacrosanct: Sacred
4. Louche: Indecent
1947 in NWFP by: Khan Abdul Qayyum Khan
5. Stentorian: Loud
12. Most important offer by muslims in Dehli proposals

Solved Past Papers Weekly Analysis May 4th 2017

6. Loquacious: talkative 4. Mutational
7. Chimera: Illusion 5. Impecunious
8. Temerity: Stupid 6. Irascible : placid
9. Propinquity: nearness 7. Approbate : condemn
10. Vociferous: Strident 8. Supercilious: meek
9. Quiescent: active
Antonyms: 10. Sartorial: cheerful
1. Germane: irrelevant
2. Fatuous: sensible
3. Sapient:

PMS General Knowledge Paper 2015

1. Which US Ambassador killed with Zia: Raphael 35. Original name of Santosh Kumar: Syed Musa Raza
2. Who is the Foreign Minister of Pakistan: Nawaz Sharif 36. where is Lal Sohanra Park: Bahawalpur
3. Which Vegetable has the most Potassium: Spinach 37. bleaching powder formula? : Calcium hypochlorite
4. What is the qualification of Mahathir Mohamad: Medical 38. When ship travels from fresh water to the ocean or sea:
Doctor rises
5. From which University Sartaj Aziz Graduate: Harvard 39. 1 hectare is equal to how many acres: 2.47
6. What is the name of the Treaty for formulation of 40. Gas to liquid conversion: Condensation
European Union: Maastricht 41. Baglihar dam is constructed on river: Chenab
7. What is name of Operation for the killing of Osama bin 42. Diphtheria disease is related to: Throat
Laden: Neptune Spear 43. Epistemology deals with: Knowledge
8. What is the capital name of Kosovo: Pristina 44. Ustad Allah Baksh a famous painter: Belgium
9. Maslow theory of needs for which purpose: Motivation 45. Kamran bradari is made by kamran who is: Son of Babur,
10. Who said that Man is a Political Animal: Aristotle brother of Humayun
11. What is the name of grassland of Argentina: Pampas 46. Headquarter of African union is: Addis Abbaba
12. From Which U Thant belongs to: Burma 47. The clash of civilization is written by: Huntington
13. Who share the disputed with UK on Falkland Island: 48. Deosai national park is situated in: Gilgit Baltistan
Argentina 49. Term of 21st amendment is approved for: 2 years
14. Which district has the least population in Punjab: 50. Abdul Sattar Edhi got Lenin prize: 1988
Rajanpur 51. Previous Heart of Asia conference was held at: Beijing
15. Which UNO org has the all the member countries: 52. Son of Ranjit Singh who was crowned at the age of 5
General Assembly years: Duleep Singh
16. Which Greenhouse gas has most heat: Corbon dioxide 53. Odd one out of: RAM, ROM, Cache, HDD: ROM
17. Who is the Auditor general of Pakistan: Haq Nawaz 54. Yeast contains: Fungi
18. How many Divisions of Punjab: 9 55. When was first Nobel Prize awarded: 1901
19. When India first time test the atom bomb: 1974 56. Detroit company in USA is famous for: automobile
20. Who is the ex-foreign minister of India: Salman 57. Mustafa zaidi by profession was: Civil Servant
Khurshid 58. Gohar Ayub khan’s military rank: Captain
21. Princess Zeb un Nisa's Father: Aurangzeb 59. Indian Nuclear Test in: 1974
22. Pedagogy is the study of : teaching 60. Name of the king who came to India for first time for
23. 5 cars attached bumper to bumper, how many bumpers darbaar: George V
are connected : 8 61. HDI (Human Development Index was developed by:
24. A person standing in a queue at place six from both Mehboob ul Haq
sides, how many total persons in the queue : 11 62. Usain bolt belongs to? Jamaica
25. A couple has 7 daughters and each daughter has one 63. Fourth issue raised by Nawaz Sharif in UN assembly:
brother, how many total they are: 10 Withdrawal from Siachen
26. Maj shabbir sharif shaheed got which military award 64. When did pak and india composite talks start: 1997
other than nishan e haider: Sitar e Jurat (Originally in 1985)
27. Sharmeen obaid oscar winning documentary movie: 65. First woman president of the UN: Vijaya Lakshmi Pundit
Saving face (& A Girl in the River) 66. Pacemaker: regulates heart beat
28. Q & A Writer of slumdog millionaire: Vikas Swarup 67. Gibraltar connects: Mediterranean with Pacific
29. Most illegaly traded animal: Pangolin 68. UNESCO Headquarter: Paris
30. Drama serial "Waris" written by: Amjad Islam Amjad 69. COP 20 held in: Lima
31. Secretary General of UN in 1953-54: Dag 70. Constitution of Pakistan article 257 when the people of the
Hammarskjöld State of Jammu and Kashmir decide to accede to Pakistan, the
32. Reshma, folk singer died in: 3 November, 2013 relationship between Pakistan and the State shall be
33. Facebook started in: 2004 determined in accordance with the wishes of the people of that
34. Old name of Zimbabwe: Southern Rhodesia State.

Solved Past Papers Weekly Analysis May 4th 2017

71. What is zero-sum Game Theory: In Game theory and 86. Single computer can operate without? LAN card.
economic theory, a zero-sum game is a mathematical 87. Liquid turns to gas Process? Volatile
representation of a situation in which each participant's gain 88. Taj Mahal on which river? Yamuna
(or loss) of utility is exactly balanced by the losses (or 89. Chauburji historical place belongs to King? Aurangzeb
gains) of the utility of the other participant(s). Alamgir
72. LED: light emitting diode 90. Which country expelled PLO in 1970? Jordan
73. GT road: Grand Trunk 91. Beijing declaration 1992 for: women
74. Tower of Pisa: Italy 92. WEF idea was given by: Klaus Schwab
76. Earth rotation: 24 hours 93. What was the father's name of Madeline Albright? Joseph
77. Hingol Park: Balochistan Alport
78. Pemra chairman: Absar Alam 94. Revolution of 1958 in Iraq was led by: Gen. Abdul Kari el
79. 1st panipat battle fought between: Babur and Ibrahim Qasim
Lodhi 95. Endemic Species of Pakistan: Indus Blind Dolphin
80. Swiss women voting right: 1971 96. Painting in Italy by: Michelangelo
81. Founder of De beer (Diamond Exploration Company): 97. Rio de summit 1992 with effect from: March 1994
Cecil Rhodes 98. Convention on Wetlands in Ramsar which is a city of? Iran
82. Kingdom Saudi Arabia renamed from Najad to Saudi 99. Herbert Simon's four basic motivations for subordinates do
Arabi in: 1932 not include? Social Disapproval
83. Indian Nobel prize winner: Amartya Sen 100. “Right is a reasonable claim recognized by the society
84. Who performed role of Quaid e azam? Christopher Lee and enforced by the state”, said by? Bosanque
85. Presidency of U.N. rotate every: One month

Solved FPSC Assistant Director (Investigation)

Federal Investigation Agency Paper 2015
Find incorrect options as given below: d. No mistakes.
Q. 1 Q. 6
a. This is someone elses coat. (Put apostrophe as “else’s) a. Science and math are my two best subjects.
b. Which of these songs was recorded by Bruce Springsteen? b. We met senator Moynihan at a conference last June.
c. That book must be yours. (Write "senator” with capital “S”)
d. No mistakes. c. Did you see the movie Babe?
Q. 2 d. No mistakes.
a. Did you read that article in Newsweek? Q. 7
b. My Uncle took us to Yankee Stadium. (Write “Uncle” a. When you come to the end of Newton Road, turn left onto
with no capital letter as “uncle”.) Wilson Blvd.
c. Christina has a Persian cat named Snow ball. b. A small river runs alongside the highway.
d. No mistakes. c. We learned that cape Cod was formed 20,000 years ago.
Q. 3 (“cape” with “Cape”)
a. My favorite season is Spring. (“Spring” with small letter d. No mistakes.
as “spring”) Q. 8
b. Last Monday, Aunt Ruth took me shopping. a. The tour guide asked us if we had any questions? (Don’t
c. We elected Ben as treasurer of the freshman class. use this sign “?” in indirect speech.)
d. No mistakes. b. Lauren's father is an auto mechanic.
Q. 4. c. We asked if he could give us change for a dollar.
a. My best friend is moving to another city. d. No mistakes.
b. "What time does the movie begin?" he asked. Q. 9
c. The boys' wore identical sweaters. (Don’t use apostrophe a. "I'll come and stay with you, grandma," I said.
with “boys” here.) b. "Don't ever tell a lie, he warned. (Put inverted comma
d. No mistakes. after “lie”)
Q. 5 c. "Why won't you play with us?” he asked.
a. She asked me, to show her how to make an apple pie. d. No mistakes.
(Don’t use “to” here) Q. 10
b. He shouted from the window, but we couldn't hear him. a. I always have a hard time getting up in the morning.
c. Occasionally, someone will stop and ask for b. We took: a tent, a cooler, and a sleeping bag. (No need of
directions. colon “:” after took)

Solved Past Papers Weekly Analysis May 4th 2017

c. The fog was as thick as potato soup. Sandra Day O'Connor, the first woman to serve on the
d. No mistakes. United States Supreme Court,
Q. 11 __________strip mining is the cheapest method of 20. __________ appointed by President Ronald Reagan in
mining, it is often harmful to the 1981.
environment. a. she
a. Besides b. and
b. Unless c. but
c. Nevertheless d. was
d. Although 21. CPEC will pass through which countries: China, Pakistan
12. Yuri had a bad cold.__________, he decided not to go to 22. Which country has agreed to give gas to Pakistan:
the movie with us. Turkmenistan
a. Therefore 33. PM recently address to: UN General Assembly
b. Meanwhile 34. Yemen lies to the: South to Saudi Arabia
c. However 35. Where is Riqo Diq: Balochistan
d. Anyway 36. First battle between the Muslims & Quraish was: Badar
13.__________she waited for the bus to arrive, Julia sat on 37. Khyber battle fought between Muslims and: Jews
the bench and read her book. 38. Share of Bait ul Maal from spoils of war? 1/5
a. So that 39. Salary of a civil servant according to Hazrat Abu Bakr is:
b. While As per minimum need of an ordinary people
c. Even if 40. Primary sources of Islamic jurisprudence? 4 (Quran,
d. Besides when Hadith, Ijma, Qyas)
14. My mother likes rock music__________it is played at a 41. What is Qiyas: Analogical reasoning
low volume. 42.Mudarba is an Islamic way: An exchange of two counter-
a. because values
b. whether 43. A pin sinks in water but not a large ship: Due to bouncy
c. when force stable the ship
d. as if 44. Pakistan's number according to population among
15. Joelle's favorite beverages are herb tea and mineral Muslim countries is: 2nd
water. Chelsea, __________, drinks only 45.What is consequence of WTO's minimizing import tariffs:
milk or juice. Pakistani goods will face more competition from in
a. however international market.
b. therefore 46. Rain in winter in Pakistan are due to: Western
c. then disturbances moving in the northeasterly direction
d. too 47.Country recently stationed it jet planes in Syria is: Russia
16. __________our low interest rates, you will receive a free 48.Bilateral Agreement is: Between two or more countries
gift if you sign up now. 49.Indus river originates from: Tibat (Ladakh)
a. While 50.Boko Haram kidnaps girls from villages: Maiduguri
b. Because 51.Country east to India & has problem related to Muslims:
c. In spite of Burma
d. In addition to 52.Country with Tamil problem in 1980-1990: Sri Lanka
17. Aunt Judy said dinner would be served at 6:30, but we 53. Siberia in which continent: Asia
didn't start eating __________7:15. 54.Population of China: 1.4 billion
a. less than 55. Mechanism of thrust generated by a jet engine: Release
b. until of gases through orifice
c. about 56. We plug red wire to which terminal of a battery: Positive
d. since 57. Five rivers meet at: Mithan kot
18. My dog Charley is afraid of thunder; __________, when 58. Latest commercial plane by Boing: 787
there's a storm I cover his ears. 59. Dam under construction on Indus: Diamer Basha Dam
a. mainly 60. A swimming pool is 6 m wide, 20 m long and 2 m deep.
b. yet If 1 liter is equal to 1 KG, then water required to fill half of
c. moreover the pool is: 120,000 kg
d. consequently 61. Height of a building is 15 m and you are standing at a
19. The log cabin quilt was probably designed as a way to distance of 20 m. What is the aerial distance from the top of
give a second life to unwieldy but the building to your location: 25 m
warm fabrics salvaged __________suits and coats. 62. A park's diameter is 400m while its perimeter is 10 times.
a. from How much you walk to complete 10 rounds: about 12 Km
b. in 63. Pick the odd out 6, 12,18,26,30,36: 26
c. with 64. Series 1, 4,9,16,?,36 answer : 25
d. at 66. Cell in solar panel produces energy due to: Sun rays into

Solved Past Papers Weekly Analysis May 4th 2017

electricity by exciting Inspector authorized by the ……………. in this behalf may
67. Electrons in silicon cells uses: the photons of light from arrest without warrant any person who has committed:
the sun Director General
68. An iron rod placed in a strong magnetic field for some 92. Any property which is the subject-matter of the
time would convert into? Temporary magnet investigation is likely to be removed, transferred or
69. An electric train is travelling 40km/h towards east, what otherwise disposed of before an order of the appropriate
would be the direction of its smoke: Electric driven train authority for its seizure is obtained, such member may, by
produces no smoke order in writing, direct the owner or any person who is, for
70. The temperature of steam used in steam engine after the time being, possession thereof: not to remove, transfer or
creating energy: Decreases otherwise dispose of such property
71. Water in Tarbela Dam runs from turbines to: Turbine run 93. Any contravention of an order made under sub-section
generator (5) shall be punishable with rigorous imprisonment for a
72. Radio waves travel ___________ than sound waves: term which may be: extending to one year, or with fine, or
Faster with both.
73. Sound travels fastest in: dense medium 94. Notwithstanding anything contained in any order law for
74. Pakistan's stand on inclusion of India in UNSC: Opposed the time being in force the [Assistant Directors (Legal) and
it the Deputy Directors (Law)] of the Agency shall be deemed
75. Rays emit from nuclear bomb: Gamma to be Public Prosecutors and shall be competent to institute
76. Nuclear explosion due to: Chain reaction and conduct
77. Ijtihad means to: Exert for finding solution 95. The Director-General may by order in writing, direct that
78. Sinkiang province belongs to: China all or any of his powers under this Act or the rules shall,
79. 4 boys ran 60km each in 6 hours, distance covered by 1 subject to such conditions, if any, as may be specified in the
boy in 1 hour: 10 km order: be exercisable also by any member of the Agency so
81. A scale has 90cm and 100cm long arms, if we place specified
100kg on 90cm what weight should we need to put at 100cm 96. No suit, prosecution or other legal proceeding shall lie
arm to balance the scale: 90 kg against the Federal Government, any member of the Agency
82. After nuclear explosion: Radiations causes most damage or any other person exercising any power or performing any
83. If you are 5th from the either end of a queue, how many function under this Act or the rules for any thing which: is in
people does it have? 9 good faith done or intended to be done under this Act or the
84. Drone attacks are against …….. of Pakistan: Sovereignty rules.
85. DG FIA can delegate his authority to: any member he 97. The terms and conditions of (service) of the Director
specified General and other members of the Agency and the
87. The Superintendence of the Agency shall vest in the qualifications for recruitment to various posts.
Federal Government: Federal Government
89. For the purpose of an inquiry or investigation under this 98. The nature and extent of the assistance with the Agency
Act, have throughout Pakistan such powers, including may provide to: Provincial investigating agencies
powers relating to search, arrest of persons and seizure of 99. Investigation Agency for inquiry into, and investigation
property, and such duties, privileges and liabilities as the of the offences specified in the Schedule, including an
officers of a Provincial Police: Provincial Police attempt or conspiracy to commit, and abetment of, any such
90. A member of the Agency not below the rank of a Sub- offence: offences specified in the Schedule
Inspector may, for the purposes of any inquiry or
investigation under this Act, exercise any of the powers of : 100. The powers and functions of the members of the
an officer-in-charge of a Police Station in any area in which Agency in relation to: the conduct of inquiries and
he is for the time being investigations
91. Any member of the Agency not below the rank of Sub-

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(Editorial Team: Weekly Analysis)

Weekly Jobs

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May 2017

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E-Mail Address:

Phone No. 051-9205075 Ext. 385, 377,236,243,241 & 298

Islamabad, Thursday the 4th May, 2017

Consolidated Advertisement No. 5/2017

Intending candidates may apply on-line upto 22nd May, 2017 for the following
vacancies. Also visit FPSC’s website for details mentioned in the General
Instructions to the candidates.

98. Case No.F.4-22/2017-R (5/2017). COST ACCOUNTANT (BS-18), PERMANENT, MINISTRY

Institute of Cost and Management Accountant. OR Chartered Accountant. OR Second Class or
Grade ‘C’ Master’s Degree in Commerce or Business Administration with Economics or Statistics
as an elective subject in the Degree Course. EXPERIENCE: Five (5) years post qualification
experience of costing system analysis, Evaluation of Cost studies and/ OR financial control. In case
of ACMA or Chartered Accountant the period of experience will be only two (2) years. AGE
LIMIT: 25-35 years plus five (5) years general relaxation in upper age limit. DOMICILE:
Sindh(Rural). (Both male and female candidates are eligible).
Closing date……………………………………………………………………….………...22.5.2017

99. Case No.F.4-25/2017-R (5/2017). DRAFTSMAN (BS-19 PLUS 25% SPECIAL PAY),
Graduate or equivalent qualification from a University recognized by HEC. EXPERIENCE: Twelve
(12) years post qualification practice as an advocate of any High Court in Pakistan/ Chief Court of
Gilgit Baltistan. AGE LIMIT: 32-40 years plus five (5) years general relaxation in upper age
limit. DOMICILE: Gilgit Baltistan. (Both male and female candidates are eligible).
Closing date……………………………………………………………………….………...22.5.2017

100. Case No.F.4-27/2017-R (5/2017). ASSISTANT DIRECTOR (LEGAL/ ENFORCEMENT)

Master’s degree in Public Administration/ Business Administration/ Political Science/ Economics
and a degree in LL.M./ L.L.B. AGE LIMIT: 21-30 years plus five (5) years general relaxation in
upper age limit. DOMICILE: Punjab. (Both male and female candidates are eligible).
Closing date……………………………………………………………………….………...22.5.2017

101. Case No.F.4-92/2017-R (5/2017). THREE STAFF WELFARE OFFICERS (BS-17),

Master’s degree in Social Work/ Anthropology/ Sociology. EXPERIENCE: Three (3) years post
qualification experience in the field of Welfare / Social Work/ Anthropology. MAXIMUM AGE: 32
years plus five (5) years general relaxation in upper age limit. DOMICILE: Punjab=Two and
Balochistan=One. (Both male and female candidates are eligible).
Closing date……………………………………………………………………….………...22.5.2017
102. Case No.F.4-93/2017-R. (5/2017). PATHOLOGIST-CUM-BACTERIOLOGIST (BS-18),
EXPERIENCE: (i) MBBS or equivalent qualifications. (ii) Post graduate higher diploma/ degree,
viz., MS/FRCS/ FCPS/ MRCP/ FFA or equivalent in the requisite Speciality and two (2) years post
qualification clinical experience OR Post graduate lower diploma in the requisite Speciality and four
(4) years post qualification clinical experience MAXIMUM AGE: 35 years plus five (5) years
general relaxation in upper age limit. DOMICILE: Punjab. (Both male and female candidates are
NOTE:- MBBS or equivalent qualification, Post graduate Higher Diploma and Post graduate
Lower Diploma must be recognised by the Pakistan Medical & Dental Council.
Closing date……………………………………………………………………….………...22.5.2017

103. Case No.F.4-94/2017-R (5/2017). TWO ASSISTANT PRIVATE SECRETARIES (BS-16),

QUALIFICATION (i) Second Class or Grade ‘C’ Bachelor’s degree from a University recognized
by HEC. (ii) Minimum shorthand speed: 100 w.p.m. and typing speed: 50 w.p.m. (iii) Must be
computer literate. AGE LIMIT: 20-28 years plus five (5) years general relaxation in upper age
limit. DOMICILE: Punjab (Women quota)=One and GBFATA=One. (Against GBFATA quota
both male and female candidates are eligible).
Closing date……………………………………………………………………….………...22.5.2017

104. Case No.F.4-95/2017-R (5/2017). ASSISTANT PROFESSOR (ISLAMIC STUDIES) (MALE),

EXPERIENCE: Ph.D. Degree in Islamic Studies with one (1) year post qualification teaching
experience at College/ University level. OR M.Phil Degree in Islamic Studies with three (3) years
post qualification teaching experience at College/ University level. OR Second Class or Grade ‘C’
Master’s Degree in Islamic Studies with five (5) years post qualification teaching experience at
College/ University level. AGE LIMIT: 25-35 years (Maximum age for the candidates holding Ph.D.
Degree shall be 38 years) plus five (5) years general relaxation in upper age limit. DOMICILE:
Closing date……………………………………………………………………….………...22.5.2017

105. Case No.F.4-96/2017-R (5/2017). CHARGE/ STAFF NURSE (FEMALE) (CIVILIAN) (BS-16),
MINIMUM QUALIFICATION: (i) Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing or equivalent qualification
recognized by the Pakistan Nursing Council. (ii) Registration with Pakistan Nursing Council OR (i)
Three years Diploma in Nursing. (ii) One year Course/ Certificate in Midwifery. (iii) Registration
with Pakistan Nursing Council. AGE LIMIT: 20-28 years plus five (5) years general relaxation in
upper age limit. DOMICILE: Balochistan.
Closing date……………………………………………………………………….………...22.5.2017

106. Case No.F.4-100/2017-R (5/2017). DEPUTY DIRECTOR (LEGAL/ ENFORCEMENT) (BS-

Master’s Degree in Public Administration/ Business Administration/ Political Science/ Economics
and a degree in LL.M./ L.L.B. EXPERIENCE: Five (5) years post qualification experience in BS-16
or above or equivalent in Legal/ Enforcement of Laws in Govt./ Semi-Govt./ Reputable
Organization. AGE LIMIT: 25-35 years plus five (5) years general relaxation in upper age limit.
DOMICILE: Punjab. (Both male and female candidates are eligible).
Closing date……………………………………………………………………….………...22.5.2017
107. Case No.F.4-105/2017-R (5/2017). NEONATOLOGIST (BS-18), TEMPORARY MAY
EXPERIENCE: (i) MBBS or equivalent qualification recognized by PMDC. (ii) Postgraduate
higher diploma in the requisite speciality with three (3) years post qualification clinical experience
in the speciality. OR Postgraduate lower diploma with five (5) years post qualification clinical
experience in the speciality. (iii) Postgraduate training in the field of Neonatology with at least one
(1) year post qualification experience in a Neonatology unit not less than 20 basinates.
MAXIMUM AGE: 35 years plus five (5) years general relaxation in upper age limit.
DOMICILE: Punjab. (Both male and female candidates are eligible).
Closing date……………………………………………………………………….………...22.5.2017

108. Case No.F.4-109/2017-R (5/2017). PSYCHOLOGIST (BS-17), PERMANENT, ARMED

MINIMUM QUALIFICATION: Master in Psychology from a University recognized by HEC.
EXPERIENCE: Two (2) years post qualification relevant experience. AGE LIMIT: 22-30 years
plus five (5) years general relaxation in upper age limit. DOMICILE: Punjab. (Both male and
female candidates are eligible).
Closing date……………………………………………………………………….………...22.5.2017

109. Case No.F.4-111/2017-R (5/2017). SENIOR PROSTHETICS & ORTHOTIST (BS-18),

OF DEFENCE. MINIMUM QUALIFICATION: B.S in Orthopedic Technology from a University
recognized by HEC. EXPERIENCE: Five (5) years post qualification experience as Prosthetics and
Orthotist in Govt. Organization. The candidate must have experience in CAD CAM technology and
pressure measurement systems. AGE LIMIT: 25-35 years plus five (5) years general relaxation in
upper age limit. DOMICILE: Punjab. (Both male and female candidates are eligible).
Closing date……………………………………………………………………….………...22.5.2017

110. Case No.F.4-113/2017-R (5/2017). THREE REHABILITATION SPECIALISTS (BS-18),

from CPSP. EXPERIENCE: Five (5) years post FCPS experience as Specialist in a Govt.
Organization. AGE LIMIT: 25-35 years plus five (5) years general relaxation in upper age limit.
DOMICILE: Punjab=Two and Sindh(Rural)= One. (Both male and female candidates are
Closing date……………………………………………………………………….………22.5.2017

111. Case No.F.4-114/2017-R (5/2017). SENIOR SPEECH THERAPIST (BS-18), PERMANENT,

MINIMUM QUALIFICATION: Master in Speech and Language therapy from a University
recognized by HEC. EXPERIENCE: Five (5) years post qualification experience in Speech
Therapy. AGE LIMIT: 25-35 years plus five (5) years general relaxation in upper age limit.
DOMICILE: Punjab. (Both male and female candidates are eligible).
Closing date……………………………………………………………………….………22.5.2017

112. Case No.F.4-116/2017-R (5/2017). SENIOR PHYSIOTHERAPIST (FEMALE) (BS-18),

OF DEFENCE. MINIMUM QUALIFICATION: Five (5) years DPT in Physiotherapy from a
University recognized by HEC. EXPERIENCE: Five (5) years post qualification experience as
Physiotherapist in Govt. Organization. AGE LIMIT: 25-35 years plus five (5) years general
relaxation in upper age limit. DOMICILE: Punjab.
Closing date…………………………………………………………………….…………22.5.2017
113. Case No.F.4-118/2017-R (5/2017). SENIOR PHYSIOTHERAPIST (MALE) (BS-18),
OF DEFENCE. MINIMUM QUALIFICATION: Five (5) years DPT in Physiotherapy from a
University recognized by HEC. EXPERIENCE: Five (5) years post qualification experience as
Physiotherapist in Govt. Organization. AGE LIMIT: 25-35 years plus five (5) years general
relaxation in upper age limit. DOMICILE: Punjab.
Closing date…………………………………………………………………….…………22.5.2017

114. Case No.F.4-122/2017-R (5/2017). FOUR PHYSIOTHERAPIST (FEMALE) (BS-17),

OF DEFENCE. MINIMUM QUALIFICATION: DPT/ BS in Physiotherapy from a University
recognized by HEC. AGE LIMIT: 22-30 years plus five (5) years general relaxation in upper age
limit. DOMICILE: Punjab=Two, Sindh (Urban)=One and Balochistan=One.
Closing date…………………………………………………………………….…………22.5.2017

115. Case No.F.4-123/2017-R (5/2017). SIX SOCIAL WELFARE OFFICERS (FEMALE) (BS-17
QUALIFICATION: Second Class or Grade ‘C’ Master’s Degree in Social Work/ Sociology.
MAXIMUM AGE: 28 years plus five (5) years general relaxation in upper age limit.
DOMICILE: Gilgit Baltistan.
Closing date…………………………………………………………………….…………22.5.2017

116. Case No.F.4-124/2017-R (5/2017). OVERSEER (BS-16 PLUS 25% SPECIAL PAY),
in Civil Associate Engineering/ B.Tech (Civil) from a recognized institute. AGE LIMIT: 20-28
years plus five (5) years general relaxation in upper age limit. DOMICILE: Gilgit Baltistan.
(Both male and female candidates are eligible).
Closing date……………………………………………………………………….………...22.5.2017

117. Case No.F.4-125/2017-R (5/2017). ASSISTANT DISTRICT ATTORNEY (BS-17),

MINIMUM QUALIFICATION/EXPERIENCE: Law Graduate with at least three (3) years post
qualification experience as an Advocate/Dealing with Legal Matters. AGE LIMIT: 22-30 years plus
five (5) years general relaxation in upper age limit. DOMICILE: Punjab. (Both male and female
candidates are eligible).
Note: Candidates who have experience as Lawyer of a Court are required to provide detailed
Cause List and a Certificate of having 3 years active practice duly verified by the Registrar High
Court/ Office of the concerned courts.
Closing date……………………………………………………………………….………22.5.2017

118. Case No.F.4-126/2017-R (5/2017). TWO SOCIAL WELFARE OFFICERS (MALE) (BS-17
QUALIFICATION: Second Class or Grade ‘C’ Master’s Degree in Social Work/ Sociology.
MAXIMUM AGE: 28 years plus five (5) years general relaxation in upper age limit.
DOMICILE: Gilgit Baltistan.
Closing date…………………………………………………………………….…………22.5.2017
119. Case No.F.4-127/2017-R (5/2017). ASSISTANT PRIVATE SECRETARY (BS-16),
DIVISION). MINIMUM QUALIFICATION: (i) Second Class or Grade ‘C’ Bachelor’s degree
from a University recognized by HEC. (ii) Minimum shorthand speed: 100 w.p.m. and typing
speed: 50 w.p.m. (iii) Must be computer literate. AGE LIMIT: 20-28 years plus five (5) years
general relaxation in upper age limit. DOMICILE:, Punjab. (Both male and female candidates
are eligible).
Closing date……………………………………………………………………….………..22.5.2017

120. Case No.F.4-128/2017-R (5/2017). CHARGE/ STAFF NURSE (BS-16), TEMPORARY,

Registered Midwife with PNC. AGE LIMIT: 20-28 years plus five (5) years general relaxation in
upper age limit. DOMICILE: Balochistan (Women quota).
Closing date……………………………………………………………………….………...22.5.2017


QUALIFICATION: (i) Second Class or Grade ‘C’ Bachelor’s degree from a University recognized
by HEC. (ii) Minimum shorthand speed: 100 w.p.m. and typing speed: 50 w.p.m. (iii) Must be
computer literate. AGE LIMIT: 20-28 years plus five (5) years general relaxation in upper age
limit. DOMICILE: Punjab= Six (Open merit=Four, Women quota=One and Minorities/Non-
Muslims quota=One), Sindh (Rural)=Three (Open merit=Two and Women quota=One),
Sindh(Urban)=Three, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (Women quota)=One, Balochistan=Two,
GBFATA=Two and AJK=One. (Both male and female candidates are eligible).
Closing date……………………………………………………………………….………...22.5.2017

122. Case No.F.4-130/2017-R (5/2017). SENIOR OFFICIAL REPORTER (URDU) (BS-18),

QUALIFICATION/EXPERIENCE: (i) Second Class or Grade ‘C’ Bachelor degree from HEC
recognized university. (ii) Urdu Shorthand Speed 140 words per minute. (iii) Urdu Typing Speed 50
words per minute. (iv) Proficiency in relevant computer softwares. (v) Five (5) years relevant post
qualification experience rendered in Public/Private Sector. MAXIMUM AGE: 30 years plus five (5)
years general relaxation in upper age limit. DOMICILE: Punjab.(Both male and female
candidates are eligible).
Closing date……………………………………………………………………….………...22.5.2017

123. Case No.F.4-131/2017-R (5/2017). FOUR MEDICAL OFFICERS (BS-17), PERMANENT,

MINIMUM QUALIFICATION: MBBS. MAXIMUM AGE: 28 years plus five (5) years general
relaxation in upper age limit. DOMICILE: Punjab=Two, Sindh (Rural) =One and Khyber
Pakhtunkhwa=One. (Both male and female candidates are eligible).
Closing date……………………………………………………………………….………...22.5.2017
124. Case No.F.4-132/2017-R (5/2017). SIXTY FIVE ASSISTANT DIRECTORS (BS-17),
DIVISION). MINIMUM QUALIFICATION: Second Class or Grade ‘C’ Master’s Degree.
EXPERIENCE: Two (2) years post qualification experience in Civil Forces/ Armed Forces
Departments. PHYSICAL STANDARD OF FITNESS: (i) Minimum Height: For male 5′-6″ or 168
cm and for female 5′-2″ or 157 cm. (ii) Minimum Weight: For male 106 LBs or 48.1 Kg and for
female 45 Kg or 99.2 Lbs. (iii) Minimum Chest Measurement: For male 32¾″ or 83 cm, Expanded
34¾″ or 88 cm. AGE LIMIT: 22-30 years plus five (5) years general relaxation in upper age
limit. DOMICILE: Merit =Four, Punjab=Thirty three (Open merit=Twenty two, Women
quota=Nine and Minorities/ Non-Muslims quota=Two), Sindh (Rural)= Seven (Open merit=Six
and Minorities/ Non-Muslims quota=One), Sindh (Urban)= Five (Open merit=Three, Women
quota=One and Minorities/ Non-Muslims quota=One), Khyber Pakhtunkhwa= Eight (Open
merit=Seven and Minorities/ Non-Muslims quota=One), Balochistan= Four (Open merit=Three
and Women quota=One), GBFATA=Two and AJK= Two (Both male and female candidates are
NOTE: The eligibility of the candidates with regard to Physical Standard of Fitness as advertised
will be determined on the basis of Medical Examination to be arranged by the ASF, Cabinet
Secretariat (Aviation Division) as and when required.
Closing date……………………………………………………………………….………...22.5.2017

125. Case No.F.4-133/2017-R (5/2017). ASSISTANT CHIEF (FUEL) (BS-18 PLUS HIGHER START
Master’s Degree or equivalent qualifications in Petroleum Geology or Geology with specialization
in Coal Resources. OR Bachelor’s Degree of Engineering or equivalent qualifications in Petroleum,
Gas Reservoir, Chemical, Energy, or Mining Engineering with specialization in Coal mining/
technology. EXPERIENCE: Three (3) years post qualification experience in exploration of fuel and
energy resources and/ or production planning and designing in this field. MAXIMUM AGE: 35
years plus five (5) years general relaxation in upper age limit. DOMICILE: Khyber
Pakhtunkhwa. (Both male and female candidates are eligible).
NOTE: - (i) Experience relaxable for Ph.D. and by two years in case of M.Phil where the minimum
qualification prescribed is Master’s Degree. (ii) Experience relaxable for Ph.D. and by two years in
case of Master’s Degree or equivalent where the minimum qualification prescribed is Bachelor’s
Degree or equivalent. (iii) Experience can be further relaxed in addition to (i) and (ii) above by one
year in the outstanding cases as determined by the FPSC.
Closing date……………………………………………………………………….………...22.5.2017

126. Case No.F.4-134/2017-R (5/2017). FIFTY NINE INSPECTORS (BS-16), PERMANENT,

(i) Minimum height: For male 5′-6″ or 168 cm and for female 5′-2″ or 157 cm. (ii) Minimum
Weight: For male 106 Lbs or 48.1 Kg and for female 45 Kg or 99.2 Lbs. (iii) Minimum Chest
Measurement: For male 32¾″ or 83 cm Expanded 34¾″ or 88 cm. AGE LIMIT: 20-28 years plus
five (5) years general relaxation in upper age limit. DOMICILE: Merit=Four Punjab=Twenty
nine (Open merit=Sixteen, Women quota=Eleven and Minorities/Non-Muslims quota=Two),
Sindh(Rural)=Seven (Open merit=Six and Minorities/Non-Muslims quota=One),
Sindh(Urban)=Four (Open merit=Two and Women quota=Two), Khyber Pakhtunkhwa=Six
(Open merit=Three, Women quota=Two and Minorities/Non-Muslims quota=One),
Balochistan=Four (Open merit=Three and Minorities/Non-Muslims quota=One) and
GBFATA=Five. (Both male and female candidates are eligible).
NOTE: The eligibility of the candidates with regard to Physical Standard of Fitness as advertised
will be determined on the basis of Medical Examination to be arranged by the ASF, Cabinet
Secretariat (Aviation Division) as and when required.
Closing date……………………………………………………………………….………...22.5.2017

127. Case No.F.4-135/2017-R (5/2017). DIRECTOR (BS-19), PERMANENT, ZOOLOGICAL

QUALIFICATION: Second Class or Grade ‘C’ Master’s degree in Zoology or equivalent from a
recognized University. EXPERIENCE: Twelve (12) years post qualification research and field
experience in Zoology or Marine Biology or Ecology or Wildlife. MAXIMUM AGE: 40 years plus
five (5) years general relaxation in upper age limit. DOMICILE: Sindh (Rural). (Both male and
female candidates are eligible).
Closing date……………………………………………………………………….………...22.5.2017


years’ post qualification teaching and administrative experience at College/ University level. OR
M.Phil Degree in English with ten (10) years’ post qualification teaching and administrative
experience at College/ University level. OR Second Class or Grade ‘C’ Master’s Degree in English
with twelve (12) years’ post qualification teaching and administrative experience at College/
University level. AGE LIMIT: 32-40 years plus five (5) years general relaxation in upper age
Closing date……………………………………………………………………….………..22.5.2017

129. Case No.F.4-137/2017-R (5/2017). ASSISTANT PRIVATE SECRETARY (BS-16),

DIVISION. MINIMUM QUALIFICATION: (i) Second Class or Grade ‘C’ Bachelor’s degree from
a University recognized by HEC. (ii) Minimum shorthand speed: 100 w.p.m and typing speed: 50
w.p.m. (iii) Must be computer literate. AGE LIMIT: 20-28 years plus five (5) years general
relaxation in upper age limit. DOMICILE: GBFATA. (Both male and female candidates are
Closing date……………………………………………………………………….………..22.5.2017

130. Case No.F.4-138/2017-R (5/2017). ASSISTANT INFORMATION OFFICER (BS-16),

MINIMUM QUALIFICATION: Bachelor’s degree from a recognized University with ability to
express well in English & Urdu. OR Degree/ Diploma in Journalism and knowledge of Foreign/
Classical language. EXPERIENCE: Three (3) years post qualification experience of practical
Journalistic work in a recognized or established news agency or daily newspaper of repute or Radio
or T.V news organization with sufficient knowledge of Current Affairs. MAXIMUM AGE: 32 years
plus five (5) years general relaxation in upper age limit. DOMICILE: Punjab. (Both male and
female candidates are eligible).
Closing date……………………………………………………………………….………..22.5.2017

131. Case No.F.4-139/2017-R (5/2017). SIX ASSISTANT PRIVATE SECRETARIES (BS-16),

WORKS. MINIMUM QUALIFICATION: (i) Second Class or Grade ‘C’ Bachelor’s degree from a
University recognized by HEC. (ii) Minimum shorthand speed: 100 w.p.m. and typing speed: 50
w.p.m. (iii) Must be computer literate. AGE LIMIT: 20-28 years plus five (5) years general
relaxation in upper age limit. DOMICILE: Sindh(Rural)= Three, Sindh(Urban)= One,
GBFATA=One and AJK=One. (Both male and female candidates are eligible).
Closing date……………………………………………………………………….…….....22.5.2017
132. Case No.F.4-140/2017-R (5/2017). TWENTY ONE ASSISTANT DIRECTORS (BS-17),
QUALIFICATION: Second Class or Grade ‘C’ Master’s degree or equivalent. AGE LIMIT: 21-30
years plus five (5) years general relaxation in upper age limit. DOMICILE: Merit= Two,
Punjab=Ten (Open merit=Nine and Women quota=One), Sindh(Rural)=Three (Open merit=Two
and Women quota=One), Sindh(Urban)=One, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa=Two, Balochistan=One,
GBFATA=One and AJK=One. (Both male and female candidates are eligible).

i) To short list the candidates at first stage MCQs Screening Test shall be held. Thereafter
English subjective test of 100 marks will be conducted for preselected candidates at the ratio
of 1:8 (eight candidates per post) with qualifying standard of 50% marks.

ii) Finally qualified preselected candidates will be called for Psychological Assessment &

Closing date……………………………………………………………………….………...22.5.2017
1. All cases will be processed as per Commission’s policy laid down in General Instructions as displayed at FPSC’s Website. Candidates are advised
to go through the General Instructions particularly para-16 of the same to update themselves before applying.
2. All applications for General Recruitment in BS-16 and above must be submitted online through FPSC’s website Detailed
General Instructions/ guidelines to apply online are available on the website. No hardcopy of online application is required from the applicants.
However, those applicants who do not have access to internet facility, are allowed to submit their applications on or before the closing date,
addressed to Secretary FPSC on plain paper giving detailed particulars in the light of prescribed conditions for the post applied for, intimating
difficulties in submission of online applications. Such applications will be accepted subject to approval of the Commission.
3. It will be mandatory for the candidates to bring original CNIC, Treasury Receipt and downloaded copy of Admission Certificate at the time of
Screening/ Written Test. (The candidates should realize that nothing except original Treasury Receipt would be admissible as a valid
document. It is reiterated that the candidates must preserve the original T.R and do not send the same to FPSC office in advance, so as to
avoid any inconvenience at the time of entry in the Examination Halls).
4. i) The Pre-selection criteria for interview will be as per policy of the Commission contained in para -16 (A,B&C) of General Instructions, the
candidates will be required to furnish attested copies of requisite documents viz: two photographs, Matric, Intermediate certificates, Bachelor,
Master, M.Phil, Ph.D Degrees, CNIC, Experience Certificate( where required) showing nature of job/ detailed job description issued by an
authorized officer of the Ministry/Division/Department concerned, Domicile Certificate, Departmental Permission Certificate (in case of
government servant) as well as Original TR (in non-test cases) etc. within 15 days of the Notice from FPSC by post, SMS and E-mail. The
candidates who fail to furnish the requisite documents within stipulated time or furnish incorrect/incomplete information their candidature
shall be liable to rejection. Therefore, they are advised to keep their documents ready for submission to FPSC by the due date. From requisition
of documents it should not be presumed that the candidate is preselected.
ii) Wherever an equivalence of the required degree is to be claimed by a candidate, an equivalence certificate issued by HEC may be
furnished to FPSC to authenticate the claim.
5. Eligibility of the candidates in all respects shall be reckoned upto the closing date.
6. The Application Fee for posts (BS-16 & 17 = Rs. 300/- ; BS 18= Rs. 750/- ; BS-19 = Rs. 1200/- ; BS-20 and above= Rs. 1500/-) may be
deposited on or before the closing date in the nearest Government treasury or in a branch of National Bank of Pakistan or in a State treasury
authorized to transact business on behalf of Government under head “C02101-ORGANS OF STATE EXAMINATION FEE REALIZED BY
FPSC”. Bank draft / Cheque/ Postal Order is not acceptable.
7. Admission Certificates for Screening (MCQ’s Test) for BS-16 & 17 posts and Written (Descriptive Test) for BS-18 & above posts, for General
Recruitment Cases will be placed on the website of FPSC i.e. on 17th July, 2017 tentatively. Candidates are advised to
frequently visit this website. They will be intimated through SMS as well. However, no information in this regard shall be sent through post.
(ii) (a) Tests for the post of Assistant Private Secretary (BS-16) and Senior Official Reporter (Urdu) (BS-18) will be held at
Islamabad, Lahore, Karachi, Peshawar and Quetta centers only, if sufficient number of candidates at each center are
(b) Candidates for the post of APS will first be called for typing test and those who qualify the Typing Test by producing required typing
speed as mentioned in the advertisement will be allowed to appear in Shorthand Test. While those who will not qualify typing Test will
be relieved without subjecting them to Shorthand test.
(c) It will be mandatory for the candidates of APS that minimum 80% of the Shorthand Test passage has been written by them in shorthand
outline. Otherwise, the candidate will be declared as fail.
8. Conduct of Test: The Screening (MCQ)/Written (Descriptive) Test for Consolidated Advt. No. 5/2017 will tentatively be held from 13.08.2017
onwards. However, in small cases such tests can be conducted even in the very next month or as early as possible so candidates are advised to
frequently visit FPSC website for the updates.
9. Change of Centre: No request for change of centre shall be entertained except only in genuine hardship cases. The candidates can apply for
change of centre with proper proof latest by 27.06.2017. Thereafter no such request shall be entertained.
10. Closing Date for submission of applications is Monday, 22nd May, 2017.



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