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Expectations ( BENLAC )


1. Munoz, Alexander F.
My expectations about this subject is that it will be a little bit different and harder,
given the fact that all the discussions and activities will be done virtually.
Everyone is in different environment and setting, but despite that, I am hoping that
the same with traditional learning, the objectives and goals of this subject would
be still achieved fully. Moreover, I am expecting that it will be also challenging
and fun since the subject is into building and enhancing literary skills, where I am
hoping to gain more learnings as well as to discover and boost new literary skills
other than reading and writing, which are essential to become a competent and
effective educator.

As an English major student, this subject provide a better learning on
understanding how literacies enhance our critical thinking skills. In this modern
world, knowing all the types of literacies allow the people to have an ability to
evaluate and analyze the messages what is being presented. As a future educator,
this subject will help us to have a better quality of teaching to all types of students.
In addition, technology plays an important role to transform teaching in a digital/
media model of connected teaching for the students to cope with the lectures and
acquire meaningful learning. Through this, it will strengthen and build up the
relationship between teachers and students. Lastly, I anticipate that this subject will
serves as a tool to guide us on how to teach with the different teaching methods
and various mode of instruction, particularly to those students with or without
special needs.

3. Tacud, Katlyn Rose I.

Eng. 2B
Literacy is a bridge from misery to hope. It is a tool for daily life in modern
society. It is a bulwark against poverty, and a building block of
development.Literacy is, finally, the road to human progress and the means
through which every man, woman and child can realize his or her full potential.”
― Kofi Annan
Same goes with my expectation in this subject which is BUILDING AND
an English major, I expect that this subject will help me to improve my
comprehension, writing skills, and in communicating effectively. I expect that even
though we are facing pandemic we will continue to stand as one, uplift each other
to learn, to grow and to be better for ourselves and for the youth that we will teach
in the future.

4. Magnawa, Ynissa R.
My expectations in this subject It will help me to improve my literacy skills as well
all about the media literacy. I can gain a lot of learnings here because I know
Professor agocoy is a competent teacher and I know that she can handle her class
very well even in this way of teaching. Building and Enhancing literacy skills is a
subject course that can help me a lot since as a future educator I should have wide
knowledge and skills regarding the literacy, I think this subject will also help us to
be a responsible user of social media or other form of media since Its include
media literacy, most especially in this time of crisis wherein media is our primary
platform of education.

5.Sister, Jamelle Marish E.

My expectations in this subject is that we need to enhance our abilities in
different literacies that we need to learn for our teaching career someday. It may
build and enhance our interpretation in different 21st century skills that we
encourter in the following days and weeks of learning and I expect more
enjoyment while studying this subject. Then I expect in these subject is more on
activities that will guide us to gain more knowledge about different literacies even
though we are in these kind of situation, we need to pursue what we need to study,
learning is much important than this pandemic.
6. Pabon Renzo 2B
My expectations about the subject of Building and Enhacing Literary Skills across
the curriculum.
-At first let me state my insight about this subject, in our virtual orientation we
have been done learning the different modes of learning that we can also
categorized as part of literacies, so that in that way i am now expecting that we are
going to learn and apply the different literary skills that will across the curriculum
that we can utilize also in a different ways. So that i think, this subject the building
and enhancing literary skills across the curriculum will really essentials for us
specially we are future teachers that umbued holistically interms of globally
changes. In addition to that we can also boast our skills and ability to the “new
normal” set up of our education system.

7. Pagunaling, Jennybeth
I'm expecting in this subject to be fun, exciting and knowledgeable for all of us. It
would help us to be more effiecient and effective educators in the future. In this
subject, we could also enhance our vocabulary, grammar, spelling and
comprehension as we learn this subject along the way. As we apply the 21st
century learning and teaching method this could be very helpful and approachable
to the students.

8. Mapa, Steven Neal R.

I expect that this subject would be one of the exciting subjects this semester
because it is about 21st century literacies which is relevant nowadays. I am looking
forward to learn different aspect of 21st century literacies because this would help
me to understand my future 21st century students and apply the best strategy for
them to learn effectively from me as their future educator. Given the various type
of literacies, I am expecting that we will be given various activities that will
sharpen our knowledge and skills in different literacies so we can apply those in
our future learners.

9. Patawaran, Ara C.
I'm expecting that this subject will be challenging same goes with the current
situation that we have right now. I am still into learning new knowledge, for me to
develop my literary skills specially with the help of this subject I can be able to
engage myself in understanding the teachings in the literary world.
I am also expecting that everyone in the class will be able to enhance their
capabilities and as well as use the knowledge acquired in learning the 21st century

10. Devina M. Pasigan

This subject building and enhancing new literacy skills across the curriculum,
will be more exciting as well as the teacher also. I am grateful to our proffesor that
she maintain her goodvibes to her students to feel us better as I already expected
despite of this adjustment. Since this is all about building and enhancing our
literacy skills, more activities must be expected in order to challenge and motivate
us. As my expectation, this subject requires us to have skills particularly in english
language. This subject will develop our capability in both writing essay or spoken
in english. Impromptu and also question and answer during online class are all I
expected to happen. Throught that, it will helps us to enhance our knowledge in
our major.

11. Quisay, Samelyn B.


SUBJECT EXPECTATION - Building and Enhancing Literacies Across the

Since online class is tough, the learning will be difficult to deal with due to some
interuptions in the surroundings and the problem in the internet connection.
However, I know that through the help of my professor and classmates I will be
able to gain knowledge and understanding. I hope that this subject course, Building
and Enhancing Literacies Across the Curriculum, will enhance my knowledge in
different literacies as well as will give me new learnings and insights. In addition,
may this subject be the foundation to improve myself holistically. Improvements
that will help me to be a better person and educator in the near future. At last, I am
expecting the unexpected. It is because some things are inevitable and the class is
full of people with full of surprises.

12. Marco Marlon G. Roque

In these times of pandemic i do expect a lot of changes in terms of learning and
gaining knowledge. We will face different method of teaching virtually at the same
time we will become an educator who expert not only to our subject profession but
also in accessing different technologies which we encounter and use every meeting
in order to survive this kind of new learning. I also expect quality education and
having most reliable and easy to access information since we all going to use
different kinds of technology. Moreover, I believed that these times of pandemic
will never serves as barriers for us in getting our dreams and will also never stop us
in gaining knowledge and learning.

13. Rovert Rye V. Robles

Our subject with Prof. Agocoy is Building and Enhancing literacy skills. I look
forward for the subject's content because as what Prof. Agocoy had mention on
our orientation, we can get use of the subject most of the time as we learn more
about literacy. I expect to subject to be useful for me especially that I personally
like literacy, but haven't really found time and courage to learn more about it. Of
course, right at the first ever class of the semester, we experienced difficulties so I
expect more of these difficulties for the next classes, but still hoping to find
permanent solutions for it. Prof. Agocoy had been our Professor before so we
know what to expect from her, she's a great teacher and instructor so I think that
will give as more ease in doing our new method of education.
14. Jenyx Rodriguez
In this subject course - Building and Enhancing Literacy Skills, I am expecting that
we can acquire skills of a 21st century learner. Given the word literacy, I thought
of knowledge that would help us in a particular area and would be beneficial for us
as future educators. I think that we will be given appropriate task or activities that
may help us enhance our skill for a particular literacy. Composing, interpreting,
analyzing, and understanding texts or media is what comes to my mind at the first
thought of the subject. Given that today, we are in this kind of system in
conducting our classes, I think that this subject will be a great help for us to
develop our abilities and widen our knowledge across these different literacies that
we are about to discuss. Also, I am looking forward to informative and enjoyable
discussion as this subject plays a significant role in our lives.

15. Evelyn V. Quarter is

In this subject, I'm expecting it extra enjoying and it will give me more knowledge
about media and technology literacy. I'm expecting to gain more proficiency and
experience in this subject. I think this subject can also give me a chance to enhance
my technical skills and help me build my learning in all literacy. I'm so glad to
have this subject because I can learn how to enhance my skills and also delighted
to share my little experience with everyone in the class.As a student of education, I
have to earn more knowledge about this subject, with the help of my professor and
classmates.I'm expecting that this subject will give me more tasks that can develop
my inner self. To have better learning we must know how to utilize technology and
to know how to use it.

16. Roma Mae T. Mangalindan

My expectations in this subject are, I will be able to learn more about literary skills
in 21st century. On top of that, I expect that this will be an eye opener to us, future
educators on how will we cope up through different literacies that 21st learners
have. In various skills, I hope that this class will build our written, reading, and
most importantly our new literacy skills to be eventually an effective educator in
the future. Lastly, I envision that everything will go as planned and no one will be
left behind in this flexible learning. I'm looking forward that everyone will be

geable enough in

this subject.

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