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From ACI Agrolink Limited

GM, ACI Agrolink Ltd Dhaka

Honorable Managing Director Sir, ACI Agrolink Limited

Your ref: Our ref: AAL/ /2020 Date: October 25, 2020
Subject: Approval of expense at factory for hospitality.

Dear Sir

Please be informed you that, ACI finance department along with Bank official will visit our
factory on October 31, 2020 for 3 days till November 02, 2020.In this regard we have following
expenditure for their hospitality.

The above expenses will be adjusted through proper bill and vouchers and would like to
request you to advice Finance Department to issue a bearer cheque in favor of Mr Ujjal Kumar
Mondol –AGM Factory. Staff ID: 20317

With kind regards,

Mr. Soyeb Mahmud

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