Experiment #1 Final - Report - CO PDF

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College of Engineering
Department of Electrical Engineering
Ayala Boulevard, Ermita, Manila,

Experiment #1

Introduction to Electrical Measurements & Resistor

Color Coding


Engr. Melanie T. Iradiel

Submitted by:
Co, Eisen Jaylord C.

Date Performed: Sept. 25, 2020 Date Submitted: Oct 1, 2020

Grade: ______________ Remarks: ____________
1. To determine the value of resistors from their color code and compare them to
ohmmeter reading.
2. To measure the resistance across each combination of two of the three terminals
of a potentiometer and observe the range of resistance change as the shaft is
varied throughout its entire range.
3. To be familiar with the connection, use and operation of the DC voltmeter and

Resistance is the measure of the opposition to the flow of charge through a
material. The unit of resistance is OHM, given by the symbol , the Greek letter omega.
For carbon resistors, the resistance values are indicated by a standard color code
adopted by manufacturers. This code involves the use of color bands on the body of the
resistor. This is used for 1/4w, 1/2w, 1w, 2w, and 3w resistors. A carbon resistor is shown
in Fig.1.1. Note the color bands. The first band tells the first significant figure. The second
tells the second significant figure. The third band is the multiplier and the fourth band is
the tolerance. The absence of a fourth band in carbon resistor means a ±20% tolerance.
In the case of resistor whose value is less than one ohm, the multiplier is silver (band or
dot), while for resistor whose value is greater than one but less than ten ohms, the
multiplier is gold. Refer to Table 1.1.


Wire wound, high wattage resistor is usually not color coded but has its value and
wattage rating printed on its body. Wire wound resistors with brown color are insulated
while those with black body color are not insulated. In writing the values of resistors, the
following designations are employed: K is a multiplier which stands for 1,000 and M
stands for 1,000,000.
In addition to fixed-value resistors, variable resistors are used extensively in
electronics. There are two types of variable resistors, the rheostat and the
potentiometer. Volume controls used in radio and the contrast and brightness controls
of television receivers are typical examples of potentiometers.
A rheostat is essentially a two-terminal device whose schematic symbol is shown
in Figure 1.2. It has a maximum value of resistance specified by the manufacturer and its
minimum value is usually equal to zero. The arrowhead in Figure 1.2 indicates a
mechanical means of adjusting the rheostat so that the resistance, measured between
points A and B can be set to any intermediate value within the range of variation.
The schematic symbol for a potentiometer is shown in Figure 1.3. This is
essentially a three-terminal device. The resistance between points A & B is fixed and point
C is the variable arm of the potentiometer. The arm is a metal contactor which moves
along the uninsulated surface of the resistance element, selecting different lengths of
resistive surface. Thus, the longer is the surface of the resistance between points A and
C, the greater is its resistance between points. Similarly, the resistance between points A
and C varies as the length of the element included between points A and C.

A potentiometer maybe used as a rheostat if the center arms and one of the end
terminals are connected into the circuit, and the other end terminal is left disconnected.
Another method of converting a potentiometer into a rheostat is to connect a piece of
hook wire between the arm and one of the end terminals, for example C connected to A.
The points B and C now serve as the terminals of a rheostat.

One of the functions of a VOM (Volt-ohmmeter-milliammeter) is to measure
resistance. Each manufacturer provides operating instructions for the use of this particular
instrument. Hence, it will be necessary to refer to the instruction manual before using any
VOM. A student should be thoroughly familiar with the operation of the ohmmeter function
before he attempts to use it in this experiment.
To measure resistance, the function switch should be set to ohms. Next, the
student should adjust to their settings the ohm zero controls of the meter. He is now ready
to measure resistance. If the meter reading is zero, the points are said to be “short-
circuited” while if the meter pointer does not move, the points are said to be “open-
Usually the ohm-scale is non-linear, that is, the arc distance between consecutive
graduations is not equal. Thus, the arc distance between 0 and 1 is much greater than
the distance between 9 and 10, through each arc represents in this case a change of 1
ohm. Note that the ohms scale becomes fairly crowded to the right of the 100 ohms
division. If a resistance greater than 100 ohms is to be measured with some degree of
accuracy, the meter range should be switched to x10, x100, x1K, or x10K depending on
the actual resistance to be measured. In the x10 range, any reading made on the basic
scale must be multiplied by 10. In the x100 range, the reading must be multiplied by 100,
and so on for the rest of the ranges.


BLACK 0 1 -
BROWN 1 10 -
RED 2 100 -
ORANGE 3 1000 -
YELLOW 4 10000 -
GREEN 5 100000 -
BLUE 6 1000000 -
VIOLET 7 10000000 -
GRAY 8 100000000 -
WHITE 9 1000000000 -
GOLD - 0.1 ±5%
SILVER - 0.01 ±10%
NO COLOR - - ±20%


Difference of potential or voltage is the work necessary to move a unit charge of
electricity from one point to the other of an electric circuit. The rate of flow of electric
charge is called current. The mechanical analogy of voltage and current in a hydraulic
system are pressure and the rate of water flow, respectively. Current will not flow if the
potential difference is not existing, as water cannot flow if there is no pressure in a
hydraulic system. Voltage and current are ordinarily measured by a voltmeter and an
ammeter, respectively.
Direct Current instruments work on the principle of motor action. When a current
carrying conductor is placed in a magnetic field, force is developed on the conductor. The
direction of force is governed by the law of electromagnetic induction. Current flow in the
moving coils through the spiral springs. The permanent magnets produce the magnetic
flux that caused force to be developed in the moving coil when it rotates. The pointer is
pivoted on jeweled bearings. The scales are calibrated to indicate voltage or current. The
zero adjusting screw adjusts the position of the pointer to exactly zero on the scale. The
antiparallax mirror enables one to read the meter accuracy. For correct reading, the
pointer and its shadow on the mirror should coincide.
Voltage is ordinarily measured by a voltmeter. In a voltmeter, a very high
resistance is connected in series with the moving coil to limit the current. Thus, when a
voltmeter is connected across the lines or devices, the current that it takes is very small
and, in most cases, negligible compared to the current in the circuit.
When measuring current in a line, an ammeter is used. The construction of the
moving coil assembly of an ammeter is similar to that of the voltmeter. Shunt resistors of
very small values are connected across the moving coil to bypass most of the current
which should otherwise flow through the coil. The resistance of an ammeter is therefore
very small. Because of this, ammeters cannot be connected across a source of voltage.
As a general rule, a voltmeter must be connected across the lines or devices, while
an ammeter must be connected in series with the load. The polarity of the meters must
be considered when taking DC measurements. A wrong polarity will move the pointer
backward and may cause the pointer to be bent. The instruments must be handled with
care since these are delicate. Rough handling may affect the accuracy of the meter. If the
quantities to be measured are not yet approximated, the meter must be set at its highest
range. The range of a voltmeter maybe extended by connecting an additional resistor in
series with the instrument. In the case of an ammeter, the range is extended by
connecting resistors across the instruments.


• 1 Analog VOM
• 5 Assorted Color-Coded Carbon Resistor (1w)
• 1 10K Potentiometer
• 1 Breadboard
• 1 Variable DC Power Supply
• Connecting Wires



1. Determine the value of each resistor from their color codes. Fill in the information
required for Table 1.2.
2. Using the VOM, zero adjust the ohmmeter and measure the resistance of each
resistor with the ohmmeter. Record the readings in Table 1.2.
3. Compute the percentage difference between the color-coded value and the
measured value and record them in Table 1.2. They should agree within the tolerance
range of the resistor.
1. Connect the circuit shown in Figure 1.4. Choose an appropriate value of resistor.
2. Adjust the DC supply voltage to 20V. Measure and record the value of voltage
and current in Table 1.4 as indicated by the voltmeter and the ammeter.
3. Repeat step 2 for the other four remaining resistors.



1 2 3 4 5 6
1 ST 4 5 9 1 1 2
2ND 7 2 7 5 0 2
3RD 10 ³ 0.1 1 8 10 10 ⁴
4TH 0.01
TOLERANCE ±5% ±10% ±20% ±2% ±5% ±5%
CODED 47000Ω 5.2 Ω 97 Ω 1.58 Ω 100 Ω 220000

RESISTANCE 47000 220000 62000 450 87000
VOLTAGE 20V 20V 20V 20V 20V
CURRENT 425.53μa 90.909μa 322.58μa 44.444mA 229.89μa

I = V/R

1. I = 20V / 47000Ω 2. I = 20V / 220000Ω

I = 4.2553×10⁻⁴ A I = 9.0909×10⁻⁵ A
I = 425.53 mA I = 90.909 μA

3. I = 20V / 62000Ω 4. I = 20V / 450Ω

I = 3.2258×10⁻⁴ A I = 0.0444 A
I = 322.58 μA I = 44.444 mA

5. I = 20V / 87000Ω
I = 2.2989×10⁻⁴
I = 229.89 μA

Resistors is important to ensure that every component receive the proper voltage
by creating a voltage drop and to protect components from voltage spikes because every
component like switches and lights needs a specific voltage. In looking for what is the
appropriate or suitable resistor for a circuit, we need to be familiar on what we call “resistor
color code” because every color has its own value, multiplier, and tolerance. Refer to
Table 1.1. As we fill up the Table 1.2, we refer to the given 6 resistors. For example, the
first resistor is Yellow-Violet-Orange-Gold. Yellow has a value of 4, Violet is 7, Orange as
a multiplier of 10 ³, and the last one is Gold which has the tolerance of ±5%. Observing
the graphical representation, we made from Multisim only the amperes are changing due
to the different resistance of every resistors, were the higher the resistance the lower
ampere it gets and the lower resistance the higher ampere. Not only we discovered the
non-proportionality of ampere and resistance, we also locate where should we put
resistors, where the positive and negative terminal of ammeter and voltmeter goes.


1. Give the color code of the following carbon resistors.
a. 0.73-ohm c. 5.6 ohms
b. 490 ohms d. 62,000 ohms

A. Violet-Orange-Silver-No Color
B. Yellow-White-Brown-No Color
C. Green-Blue-Gold-No Color
D. Blue-Red-Orange-No Color

2. An ammeter and a voltmeter of suitable ranges are to be used to measure the current
and voltage of an electric lamp. If mistakes were made and meters interchanged, what
will happen?
The ammeter will probably explode without fuses and the voltmeter will not be able
to read anything.

3. An ammeter has a resistance of 0.0075 ohm reads up to 15A. What resistance shunt
is needed to make a full-scale deflection of 150A?
V = IR V1 = V2 R1 = 0.0075Ohm I1 = 15A I2 = 150A
V = 0.0075 Ohm (15A) V = 0.1125V
R2 = V / I2 R2 = 0.1125V / (150A) R2 = 0.00075 Ohm
4. A 50mV meter has a resistance of 10 ohms. A multiplier has been inserted to produce
a voltmeter of range 5V. How can the multiplier be modified so that the new meter will
have a range of 15V?

The full-scale deflection of meter is 50mV and the meter has a resistance of 10
Ohms this means that the current required to give FSD = 50/10 = 5mA or 5 x 10⁻³

The resistance required to pass 5mA at 5V is 5/5 x10⁻³`= 1000 Ohm.

The resistance required to pass 5mA at 15V is 15/5 x 10⁻³= 3000 Ohm.

To get the meter to read 5V full-scale deflection you need a 1000 Ohm resistance
in series with the meter. To get the meter to read 15V full-scale deflection you need a
3000 Ohm Resistance.

5. How does a potentiometer differ from rheostat?

- A potentiometer is a three terminal variable resistor, but a rheostat is a two
terminal variable resistor. Another thing is rheostat can’t be used as a potentiometer, but
a potentiometer can be used a rheostat. Lastly potentiometers are often used to vary
voltages while rheostat varies current.

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