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CHAPTER 1 computer he is checking her e-mail because she waiting for I ts aaRty TUssnay MORNING AND LISA (8 SITTING AT MER ‘ay important answer ‘Yesierday, Lis did an online qui about the big cities of the USS. She got all of the answers correc. She hada chance to win first prize-a ticket to New York City Lis sees new message in her inbox and opens it san e-mail from tne website ofthe quiz! (e a eric Dear Lisa, Congratulations! You won fist prize! The ticket to Now York City is yours. You are going to leave on Friday, December 15th, end you are going to stay in New York for a week. Have a great time! Lisa cannot believe her eyes, She steams, “YES” Liss’s mother heats er shouting and comes into her room, Lis, det, are you OR?" asks Lists mum. Yes Mum, you won't believe it! won ist prize in the online giz 1 ticket to New York City!says Lis. “wil, Lis, tha’ fantastic! You must not miss this trip. I's (George and Amy again,” says Liss mum, ‘Ok tha’ ight. They came to vst us wth Aunt Elizabeth and Uncle hn many years ago” sts Lis at chance for you to visit New York, and see your cousins, Yes that’s ight S, tell me, when are you going to go?” aks List's other 'My ticket i for this Friday am going to stay in New York for a week" says Lisa fe a EB ei = eae eae. ee ra bh Lisa and George arrive at George’ route. George's parent, Aunt Elabeth and Uncle John are waiting for them, “Welcometo our home,” Aunt Elizabeth 3p ashe hugs Lisa, ‘hope you are hungry because I cooked big diner for you! They ll sit down and eat a big meal of feed chicken, mashed potatos, corn, and sla, “Wow this foo is great! Thanks Aust Hlizabeth! But Ihave q question - where's Amy?” ass Lisa, “Oh, Amy isin college, honey." Uncle John answers, “she's staying on the university campus, But don't worry, shel vst hhomebefore you leave. Well tll wht do you think ofthe Big Apple so far Liss does not understand, “The big what?” she asks George laughs. "The Big Apple isanother name for New Yor, he explain [isa laughs 00. "Ise. she says"Oh it many people! And he bung. the ‘much! Don't wory, Lisa.” George say, “Iam going to show you around. Tcan be your private tour guile” George says with a Iaugh. Great, Ge “Well Lis." her aunt say,” You muatget some rest, Tomornow is your fra ig day in New York! AC nigh, Lisa as a strange dream, she dreams ofa very big opple! 90 big There areso sorta Twant osc 0 harks!" Lis, CHAPTER 3 isa" Aunt Blzabth says “Come and haye kes vith syrup and bacon ard fast because yu havea busy day te bike rental shop. They get their bikes and begin thee journey Its so beaut here, George,” Lisa says “You can't ee any Ding at al jas ces and grass Yup, well. New Yorkers come hereto relax and gt away fom the ity Many tourists come too, Infact, Central Parks the park With the mest vistors in the United States” The ide past beaut gardens andabiglake. Many people ate >and see snake, penguins and even sca opand-eat some inch, How about ivhungry!” sys Liss, ne buys two ot dogs and two sodas, They stom a bench und enjoy their inch Then, they get hack on thee bikes, ere isa note inthe basket of Liberty” Lisa reads the not, CHAPTER 4 I and leave the hous ea. They tke the subway toe South Fey stop There, they buy tickets and take a ery boat to the Statue of ber, “Oh, George! I'm 0 ected,” Lis says. “Tm g ing ose the statue of Liberty and find out who wrote me the note! "Well, ne hing sor sure you ae going 1 see the Statue of Liberty” saps George They are on Lierty Idan and se the Statue of Liberty in ter "Wow! says Lisa. "I's hg! up. Its 150 fet high! Franc Statue gftin 188, Itcame across the ocean in 350 pices and they put i together hee Tenis very excited, She is taking pictures all the time and ets about the mtery person and the note George we must akea picture of us with the State! Goong asks a gilwith a pink hat and sunglasses to take thei picture. She takes the picture, and George shanks her Then, he ives Lisa her camera. Hey George! Look at thi Ther ia sticker on my camera It says, ‘VISIT THE MEP sys Lis Hmmm hats interesting” says George asthe il inthe pink hat I'm sure! We must ind et” Wel she gone now, Lisa, We mised er gues we ave ro {0 tothe Met” says George. “She maybe there "Whats the Met” Lis ass The Metropolitan Museum oft Itisome ofthe mst famous museums in the word!” Ge the United States the expis. “Wel then, come ont Let’ go” Lisa sys CHAPTER 5 [pie 2 ei “Amur Toot koe Te mare hag Wh dor nt barefeet po ae item Gory na oe tert eee Wore George, she looks so el and beatiful” Lis says se tvches the statue Ficuseme, ris” aysa man tat looksike apoiceman, Wwe dont touch, Lookat the sign 1h. Himsoey" Lisa saysbat does finish hersntene, he och te it inthe pink hat, She leaving the roo Gorge? she sy. “Come on, Is the mystery gil ‘Gime on! | think she wert this way!” Lisa ays Th wl the Cyptian gallery. The room & fll of people Tipp nto «sles room. Mons Garg! We are in an Egyptian empl” ays Lis up This my favourite pace inthe museum. Hs 4 al CHAPTER 6 MPs re ot pe Sie bug ‘ Tete ca very fog que in font - | ‘fie building. real temple fom Fgypt called the Temple of Den. Is 2000 ears” ara George Tisasees pink hat onthe flor. “Look George! The git’ hat,” says Li Let me se," says George. “Haba. it says “I LOVE NEW YORK" on it Oh, and look! Theresa note in i.” George reads the not gs sys Usa, | | The queue is very tong! | Wel tis the Empire Sate ae | Huidingsoncof the met ames salen Aldingsin New York milion ples it eer es i Wor that ia lot of people Hk famous?” aks Lise. i. sasbulin 1951 and Hh eis he tallest biting in the World for forty years. There are 103 floors! says George. Po we are ging tothe 105d asks Lis No, we ate gong to the sth Moe. There are telescopes there, thie Ys can seal of New York Don't worn, Lis. We wll have better lsk tomorrow” sa ae ks. 4 a a ieee é Phat sounds seat want 0 George. “Conion now; theresa lot more to sehere, Lets goand sve lnk atthe rest ofthe museum et Lets look for ae Sie ci ap Voie ts” ys Gone Cool, Lis, lok!” says George. “ree tickets to the Empice State Balding “Idon't urderstand,” ays Lisa, "Who is she? Why ise doing George an Lis arrive at the front hie tickets and take the 1 to these beautifull 1 can ork Ci T can seth Siatue of Literty and Cental Pack ‘George locks through the telecope Yes you are right, The _ {isa this is otr next cue! We mas tothe Lon Kings CHAPTER7 jeorgeass Lisa. “How did that happen? You dda’ buy the mystery person bought them for us" says George 1s AND GEOKGE TAKE THE SURWAY AND GOTO THE The two cousins are very excited They go into the theatre and roadway theatre with the big yellow Lion King sgn om it Fin their sats. Liss is looking around forthe est the icket ofc heli go out and the music starts. The har ie want to buy two tickets to the next show of The fume, ad the show begins. Lion King,” he says hiss amazing The lights, the music. the costumes “Can T please have your name?” the lay ithe tcket office util I think (ike it more than the film! Lisa ays sks Sure” responds George, “I's George Fone.” lit is one ofthe best musicals It fst came out on sical aeard. Now, let’ Hl George, you already have two tickets for the show. It Ihovayin 1998, and it wor the Best n hall an howe says the lady and she gives Desir ad enjoy the show", George whispes back. Alter the show, Georg an Lisa walk toward the ex Wel Lisa what did you think?” ‘Oh it was amazing! But we didn't sce a minute! George there” Lisa shouts "1 se gi in a pink hat! She stalking to the woman inthe ticket office! Come on! Lt go George and Lis run to the ticket office, but the gi not there “Excuse me, Mis,” sys George. “There was gil ina pink bat minut ago... Where did she go?" not sue sr, but she let a package for your frend, You're st you, dear” the lady sa, that's mel” shouts Ls. She takes the package, open it and ees mini Christmas tee. sys Rockefeller Center oni. ‘Geoege!” sys Lisa. “Another ele! Come on, we have more — | ——THETION KING sewausronu rene | AD a 105 CHAPTER 8 rey List. not very good at ice-skating, but you ean help ‘OK? George sy with laugh. {iss and George gt thei ce skates and st down to put them George! Ther is something in my ice-shat!” says Lis. And she pls ou two tickets “Look, Georg, ticket “Wow! These are tickets to the NBA game tomorrow! Do you think someone forgot them?” George as Silly no one us tikes in ceskates” laughs Lisa. “Can't you see? Is our mystery person She iss clever! Oh, when are we {olng to mest he?" "Don't wory, Lisa, well meet hee. She can’t say a mystery forever, Now, come on, les ie-kate and go home, We have & busy day tomorrow. NBA here we come! onto th stadium and find ther sea sais hid CHAPTER 10 “iw Cina Da elo yao” ‘tnd 000 hn peel ere no” George guy ati Tete abysmal Tea oped jc dp is bac Casey lino ng ee “Hh Ween sou et oa Arye They lst don nde dius Chins ot Aer in

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