Story of Mobile Testing

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A native app is a Smartphone app that is

Native app developed specifically for one particular


These are websites tailored for use on a

How to test different network Mobile App Types Mobile Web App
mobile device.
speeds- Network Throttel
This kind of app has compatibility over
Hybrid app different platforms and also has access of
use over the phone's hardware
This accounts to the initial stage of testing,
Cross Mobile Test Platforms Installation Testing which is user friendly and consumes less
time during the application installation.
After the installation, it is very much
Functional Testing important to know whether the application
is functioning properly or not.
Availability of various devices
It is necessary to know about the
Availability of different OS platforms and Performance Testing performance and load that an application
versions can take while performing.

Test against battery draining As it is a mobile application, it is very

important to know the consumption of
Power Consumption Testing
Generation of high heat when using the mobile battery while the application is
mobile application running.
Different Types of Testing
Application not responding to different It is necessary to see that there are no
network bandwidth levels Interrupt Testing interruptions in the way while the
application is running.
Different view port sizes
Last but not the least is the usability testing
Interrupt Testing Usability Testing wherein the application must satisfy all the
Mobile App Testing user requirements.
Performance testing of Web Services APIs Challenges
used by the mobile applications Story Of Mobile Compatibility testing
This is done to test the compatibility of the
app over different operating system
Unnecessary usage of network traffic Testing versions.

Need to test all the exceptional scenarios This test is done to test the efficacy of
backup and recovery planning capabilities
Can the application handle when user is Operational testing of the web app in the event of data loss due
offline to interruptions incurred on account of
battery or device shutdown.
Is our application secure

Error free and high quality mobile
applications for the end users.
Ease to the programmers as testing allows
fixing errors in the first place itself.
Less time is consumed thereafter, as testing
Identify the tests that need to be automated is done effectively previously.

Research and analyze the automation tools How to select the best Mobile Issues pertaining to variations in OS,
that meet your automation needs Resolution are found
App Automation Tool
Do a pilot for two best tools as per your
requirements and budget.

Desired Platform Support: Android or iOS Appium
License Cost if applicable
The cost involved in training employees on
tool Factors should you consider Katalon Studio
while selecting a Mobile
The effort involved in training employees Mobile Test Automation Tools Ranorex
on tool automation tool
Hardware/Software requirements of the tool
Support and Update policy of the mobile
tool vendor. WebDriverIO

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