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Key terms

An opening occurs whenever a character does not have an active punish and hits another
character with an attack that deals damage and puts them into hitstun. Once a character gets an
opening, they are considered to be "punishing".

When a character is punishing, they have earned an opening and continue punishing until the
character they are punishing escapes the punish. To escape, the character must land, be
actionable, and not get hit for 45 frames, or three quarters of a second. If they are hit again before
all of these things happen, the punish continues.

How many kills each character got.

Damage Done
How much damage each character dealt in the entire game.

Opening Conversion Rate

The rate at which each character's openings lead to a follow up. When a character gets an
opening and begins punishing another character, if they hit that character again before that
character can escape the punish, the opening is considered to have been converted.

The average number of openings required to kill opponent.

The average damage dealt as a result of each opening.

Actions (Roll / Air Dodge / Spotdodge)

How many times each action is performed respectively.

Neutral Wins
How many times you won neutral. Winning neutral is defined as getting an opening when neither
player is punishing.

Counter Hits
A counter hit is when a character gets an opening on a character that is punishing.

Beneficial Trades
Trades where the character dealt more damage.

Actions (Wavedash / Waveland / Dash Dance)

How many times each action is performed respectively. Currently dash dance records the number
of times the character pivots during a dash.

Inputs / Minute
How many inputs made each minute. An input is defined as pressing any button, releasing a
button does not register as an input.
For stick inputs, any input which moves the stick from one area outlined in purple in the
following graphic to another outlined area registers as one input. For more information see the
APM section of this article.

For trigger inputs, going from no reading on the trigger to a light press is one input. Going from
no reading on the trigger to a hard press will register as two inputs. Going from a hard press to a
light press or changing the value of your light press will not register any input. It should be noted
that “trigger tricking” will disallow your light presses from registering.

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