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Riding Arena Footing Material

Selection and Management
Riding Arena Surface defined characteristics of particle size
and composition. Table of Contents
Unfortunately, there are no universal A handicap to recommending a Riding Arena Surface........................................... 1
recommendations for the perfect strict formula for footing materials Understanding Footing Raw Materials ............... 3
arena surface or footing material. is that materials vary greatly around
Common Footing Materials ................................. 4
A “perfect” arena surface should be the county and country. For example,
Challenging Footing Materials ............................ 6
cushioned to minimize concussion sand from one location is often very
different from sand in another loca- Locally Available Materials ................................. 7
on horse legs, firm enough to pro-
tion. Local terms for materials can A Footing Recipe to Try ....................................... 7
vide traction, not too slick, not too
dusty, not overly abrasive to horse vary widely and contribute to the Characterizing Footing Materials........................ 7
hooves, resistant to freezing during confusion. However, it is possible Dust Management ............................................... 8
cold weather, inexpensive to obtain, to develop some guidelines and use Water Use and Techniques .................................. 9
and easy to maintain. Cost of foot- common sense to get a good, work- Surface Maintenance ........................................ 11
ing materials is dependent on local able footing material. Quarried in- Summary............................................................ 12
organic materials (sand, stonedust,
material availability and transporta- Additional Resources ........................................ 12
gravel, road base mix) from quar-
tion expense. The intended use of Acknowledgments ............................................. 12
ries can be designated according
the arena for jumping, reining, or
to standard adopted nomenclature
driving, for example, also influences
that relates to particle sizes and the
footing material attributes such as Prepared by Eileen Fabian Wheeler, associate
distribution of sizes found in the pur- professor of agricultural and biological engineer-
traction and depth of loose mate- chased product. Particle size distribu- ing, and Jennifer Zajaczkowski, owner/manager,
rial. Manufactured or trademarked tion describes a footing material in a Restless Winds Farm.
materials are options that depend “standard” format. The distribution Visit Penn State’s College of Agricultural Sciences on the Web: http://www.
less on local availability and provide
is determined by shaking the footing
Penn State College of Agricultural Sciences research, extension, and resident
more guarantee of uniformity in ma- material through a set of sieves that education programs are funded in part by Pennsylvania counties, the Com-
terial properties. Naturally occurring have increasingly smaller holes so that monwealth of Pennsylvania, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
This publication is available from the Publications Distribution Center, The
inorganic materials (sand, etc.) are finer material ends up on the lower Pennsylvania State University, 112 Agricultural Administration Building, Univer-
offered by quarries that can provide sieves while larger particles are held sity Park, PA 16802. For information telephone 814-865-6713.
Where trade names appear, no discrimination is intended, and no endorsement
raw materials or mixtures that have on the upper sieves. by Penn State Cooperative Extension is implied.
This publication is available in alternative media on request.
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Footing is actually a rather dy- start out as a composite of two or cial facility. A private backyard arena,
namic material that undergoes com- more materials. used once or twice per week, would
positional and property changes with Regardless of type, most arena be exposed to much less wear and
time and use. Almost all arenas will surfaces will need amendment at tear and may suffice with a simple
have manure “naturally” mixed in least every couple of years since arena design. Most importantly, it has
over the years and the result can be a arena footing material does not last been proven that a successful arena
good, workable footing that no longer forever. Every 5 to 10 years, plan on surface is no better than the underly-
has a simple description. In addition, a complete footing replacement or ing foundation of base and subbase it
footing materials break down from at least a major overhaul. Even with rests upon (Figure 1). A good indoor
the impact of horse hoof action. In proper management, the best, most or outdoor arena surface is just the
some cases, the arena surface started carefully selected footing materials top layer of a multilayer composite.
as one material that broke down into rarely maintain their good attributes The base material is hard-packed
smaller particles or compacted over indefinitely. The key is to learn to material similar in construction to the
time. As older material breaks down, manage what you have at all stages base supporting a road surface. See
these arenas are topped off with fresh of its “life.” the Additional Resources section for
material that may be different to sup- This bulletin focuses on arenas publications with base and subbase
port or renew the property that was that have a moderate to high amount layer design criteria for arena con-
lost. Many successful arena surfaces of horse traffic, such as at a commer- struction. The loose footing material

Figure 1. The footing material is only the top layer of riding arena construction and is dependent upon the support of a
suitable base and sub-base.

Fence rail
Sod 3 Footing
- loose
- well-drained
- 2–4 inches thick

2 Base
Topsoil 1A Optional: 1 Subbase - compacted
Landscape fabric - compacted - well-drained
(a.k.a. geotextile layer) - built-up pad of - solid, uniform, level
Pressure-treated board separates base and site subsoil - well-graded aggregate
reduces base migration sub-base materials - slight crown or - 4–6 inches thick
slant at 1–2% slope

2–20 feet Fence rail

3 Footing
- loose
- well-drained
- 3–6 inches thick

2 Base
1A Optional: 1 Subbase - compacted
Landscape fabric - compacted - well-drained
separates base and - built-up pad of site subsoil - solid, uniform, level
subbase materials - slight crown or slant at 1–2% slope - well-graded aggregate
- 4–6 inches thick

discussed in this bulletin is installed of rubber. Compaction occurs when so that eventually the materials are
on top of this supporting base. The the voids between particles fill with effectively contained in a smaller
footing needs to “knit” to the base smaller particles, thus “bridging” the volume, or compacted.
material, meaning that loose footing matrix of particles together. Compac- Aggregate particle shape is the
is not allowed to freely slide along the tion is a function of the range of par- second key component in footing
compacted base as horses work in the ticle sizes and particle shapes found in material selection. Sharply angular
arena. Knitting is naturally achieved the material. For the discussion that materials (like manufactured sand or
with some footing material selection follows, “think small” while picturing stone dust) are more prone to com-
and is designed into other footing common particle shape and its rela- paction than “subangular” particles.
material installations. tion to neighboring particles. Sharply angular materials fit tightly
Footing materials used on a farm’s There appear to be two main ap- together and have smaller void spaces
indoor and outdoor arenas may be dif- proaches to arena surface material between the particles than the less an-
ferent. Consider the conditions and selection. On one front are those who gular particles. Subangular particles
use of each arena. For example, the prefer to start with a large portion of have already had the sharpest corners
indoor arena may be primarily used the footing composed of the native broken off so they do not fit as tightly
during cold-weather months with an soil. They then frequently manipulate together and provide larger void spac-
outdoor arena used the other seasons. the surface with equipment to achieve es between particles. To help visualize
The outdoor arena may have to shed the desired riding characteristics. The this, picture a brick placed next to
considerable quantities of rainwater other approach designs a surface adjacent bricks. Visualize new bricks
and snowmelt with the expectation composed of delivered materials that that are sharply angular placed tightly
that most footing material will stay meet criteria for the expected arena and evenly so that the spaces between
in place, so a well-draining, heavy activity. Both approaches will work. adjoining surfaces are even and very
material that does not float would be The approach chosen often depends narrow. Now visualize bricks worn over
desirable. An indoor arena footing on local soil conditions and availabili- time into a subangular shape with
mixture that holds moisture longer ty of locally mined raw materials. Most broken corners. Placing these sub-
will reduce the need for frequent of the discussion that follows in this angular bricks tightly against each
watering. The indoor arena surface section relates to designed surfaces. other will leave more space between
material may incorporate salt for dust When one works with the native soil as bricks. An arena surface that is com-
control via moisture retention. Alter- a primary component, the decision to posed of subangular particles will
natively, a wax, polymer, or oil coating use this material is a local one based be relatively stable because the wide
may be added to reduce dust. on soil characteristics at the site.
range of particles can nest together
Soil is not the same throughout the
without rolling (round particles will
Understanding Footing country or even throughout the farm.
For this discussion of arena footing
roll), but will not compact because
Raw Materials materials, it is instructive to outline
the rounded edges have voids between
them that provide cushion. Manufac-
The primary principle of selecting characteristics of suitable materials,
tured particles fit together like pieces
footing materials is to obtain materi- which then allows evaluation of the
of a puzzle and have no air space and,
als that maintain their loose nature suitability of local soil.
therefore, no cushion.
without compaction while providing The range of particle sizes is the
Particles need some angularity to
stability for riding or driving activity. first key component for selecting
offer resistance to movement between
The major component of most foot- footing materials. When footing is
them. Round particles would appear
ing is a mixture of naturally occur- primarily composed of materials with
to offer the biggest void space be-
ring sand, silt, and clay particles. In one particle size, it cannot compact.
tween adjacent particles, thus being
a sieve analysis (available from most In the extreme, this can be such a
less compactable. But a footing pri-
industrial mines or sand produc- loose footing that it is unstable with-
marily composed of round particles
ers) these are listed from largest to out much “purchase” for changes in
is not suitable since there is too little
smallest particle size. In addition to direction or speed while riding. In
stability between particles. Picture a
the particles of sand, silt, and clay contrast, when a widely graded ma-
giant-scale footing composed of ball
in the footing mixture, there can be terial is used, many particle sizes are
bearings or marbles. Beach and river
organic material (original and/or present (up to the maximum size you
sand have rounded particles through
added through horse manure drop- specify). With this wide distribution of
the wear of water action that has re-
pings) and perhaps additives such as particle sizes, the smallest particles fill
moved most angular corners. These
coatings, synthetic fibers, or pieces the gaps between the larger particles

rounded particles only have stability no larger than ¼ inch; any larger with other particle sizes or other
near the shoreline where they are can bruise a horse’s hoof). Crushed materials. Be careful to apply the
saturated with water. Subangular stone is the product most useful as a proper depth of sand. With its deep,
particles offer resistance to movement compactable base material. loose traction, sand deeper than 6
between particles without the rolling When a noncompactable but inches is stressful to horse tendons.
action found with rounded particles. stable footing surface is desired, Start with about 2 inches and add a
The subangular particle shapes are choose an evenly graded material ½ inch at a time as necessary. (Start
typical of naturally occurring, mined so that the majority of particles are with only 1½ inches for arenas used
materials. Naturally occurring sands within a limited size range. Choose primarily for driving horses.) Newly
have had the sharpest corners of their a material with subangular particle laid sand contains air pockets that
originally sharply angular particles shape. Type of riding or driving activ- absorb shock and rebounds. However,
broken off. These mined materials ity will partially determine the stability despite its solid, inorganic nature,
are more durable and provide bet- needed in the arena surface. Evenly sand will erode and compact into an
ter traction and stability due to their graded material will have a range of unsuitable surface over time.
shape and are less prone to becoming particle sizes, mostly in the middle Sand dries out fairly rapidly since
dusty than manufactured materials. range of suitable arena particle sizes, it drains well, so frequent watering
Crushed stone or gravel is manu- but it does not have the extremes that is essential. Some managers add a
factured and will be sharply angular contain the fines (leading to dust and water-holding material, such as a
until it erodes over time through use compaction) and large particles. wood product or commercial addi-
as the arena footing. This erosion A feature that is becoming more tive, to the sand footing material to
of the sharpest corners of particles important in footing material selec- hold water between watering events,
eventually makes them subangular, tion is the abrasiveness of the material hence reducing dust.
but the former corners leave fines on horse hooves. With a relatively Certain specifications of sand are
that have potential to loft as dust. nonabrasive material, such as wood required for good footing material.
Not everyone lives within affordable products or shredded leather, horses Riding arena surfaces should contain
delivery distance of mined sand, so may remain unshod if their primary cleaned and screened, medium to
understand and learn to manage what riding area is in this type of footing. coarse, hard, sharp sand. Fine sand
is available in your area. Conversely, sand, stonedust, and other will break down more readily into
Another aspect of particle shape sharply angular, aggregate materials small enough particles to be lofted
relates to the fine particles within the can be abrasive to the hoof wall. as dust. “Cleaned” means the mate-
footing matrix that are composed of rial has been washed of silt and clay,
silt or clay particles, depending on the Common Footing Materials making the sand less compactable
gradation of sand that you choose. and less dusty. “Screened” means
Within the finest particles of arena SAND is the common ingredient in large, undesirable particles have been
footing, clay’s flat particle shape is many arena surfaces and ranges from removed and a more uniform-sized
more prone to becoming slippery fine sand at 0.05 mm diam- material remains that will
when wet since these particles easily eter to coarse sand at 2.00 be less prone to compac-
slide over each other compared to the mm diameter. Sand alone tion. “Hard” is quartz sand,
more angular silt and sand particles. A may be used but it is of- which will last up to 10
footing mixture with a large portion ten combined years. Obtained from a
of clay or silt particles will also be quarry, subangular sand
dusty when dry since these super-fine has sharp particles, ver-
particles loft easily. In addition, the sus the rounded particles
small clay particles easily “cement” found in river sand. The
the larger particles together by filling subangular particles of
void spaces between them. naturally occurring, mined
When compactable material is materials are old deposits
desired, such as for an arena base, of sand that have weath-
stall floor base, or under a building ered from natural forces
foundation, use a widely graded, man- of water (typically) into
ufactured material that has angular particles that are still angu-
particle sizes that range from very fine lar for stability as an arena
to the largest size you specify (usually sur face. Manufactured

sand is very fine, crushed rock and is or harrowed into a loose mixture for uct will eventually decompose since
also angular, but not as hard as real sliding stops and cutting work. it is organic, and smaller and softer
sand. Angular sand provides better Other materials, such as wood wood products will break down into
stability than rounded sand particles, and rubber, may be mixed with sand smaller particles that will eventually
which behave similar to millions of to overcome some difficulty encoun- lead to compacted footing. Expect to
ball bearings underfoot. tered when using sand alone. Wood add more wood product every couple
Sand is often one of the cheap- products added to sand footings will of years as the older wood decom-
est materials to use for arena foot- add moisture-holding capacity and poses. Eventually, some footing may
ing material, yet the hard, angular, improve traction while adding some have to be removed to maintain an
washed sand that is most suitable as cushioning. Rubber adds cushion appropriate depth.
a riding surface is among the most to a sand footing and can prolong Manufactured wood products may
expensive sands. “Waste” or “dead” the useful life of the sand through be used as the predominant footing
sand contains considerable quantities decreased abrasion of sand particles component. All-wood footing offers
of the silt and clay particles that are on sand particles. While rubber can cushioning in a material with fibers
the by-product of “clean” sand and is add some cushion to worn sand foot- that interlace for traction. Wood
unacceptable for good arena footing. ing, for old, eroded sand the better footing materials contain pieces that
Cleaned, washed sand alone is too long-term fix is to discard the failed are larger and more durable than
surface material and replace with a wood chips or sawdust and require
loose for some riding disciplines that
new mixture. Rubber is a relatively little maintenance when installed cor-
require sharp turns and stops, such
expensive addition to a footing that rectly. Wood footing has ½- to 1-inch
as barrel racing and cutting. Wetted
has outlived its useful life and is best slender pieces, or wood “fiber” mixed
sand provides much more traction
replaced. with some finer wood for knitting the
than dry sand, but frequent and abun-
WOOD PRODUCTS may be used wood footing to the base material. All-
dant watering is needed and this is not
as the primary footing material or wood footing is often installed on a 1-
realistic in some locations.
mixed with other footing materials. inch layer of wetted, washed, angular
Allowing 5 to 10 percent fines
Wood chips or coarse sawdust will pro- sand to further tie the wood pieces
(passing through a number 200
vide some cushioning and moisture- into the highly compacted base sur-
screen, which has 0.075 millimeter face. Hardwood pieces will last longer
holding capacity to an all-inorganic
hole size) in the chosen sand prod- footing (sand, stonedust). Wood than softwood products. Do NOT use
uct provides particles that help bind products are quite variable, not only walnut and black cherry hardwood
the larger sand particles. More fines from location to location around the products as they are highly toxic to
than this will cause the sand mixture country, but even from load to load at horses. For this reason and for quality
to become very dusty and slippery the same wood mill. Any wood prod- control in eliminating contaminants
when wet. Providing 5 percent fines in the shipment (large wood chunks,
will allow some binding activity while nails, staples from ground pallets,
decreasing dust potential; as the sand etc.), buying wood footing from a
wears, the fine particle percentage manufacturer that specializes in
will increase. For those arena surfaces supplying horse arena footing
designed to use native topsoil, 10 to is recommended. An advan-
30 percent of the mixture may be tage of all-wood footing is
“dirt” with the balance sand. Unfor- the reduced abrasiveness on
tunately, the fines in either of these horse hooves compared to
mixtures will loft as dust if not man- sand- and stonedust-based
aged for dust suppression (see Dust footing materials. The ma-
Management section of this bulletin). terial must be kept moist to
Fibers, natural or synthetic, may be maintain adhesiveness of
used to bind loose sand with less risk the wood pieces with each
of adding dustiness but of greater other. Fully dried all-wood
cost than the addition of fines or footing can become slippery
local soil. A combination sand-soil
arena is popular with western riding
events where high stability is needed
for speed events so the footing can
be kept moist and more compacted

as the wood becomes more brittle and rubber tends to be too bouncy and of management needed to maintain
does not as effectively interlace for the black color provides significant suitable arena conditions. Stonedust
stability. In contrast, all-wood footing heat on outdoor arena users. Indoor provides good stability, drains well,
with large pieces (for example, chunk arena users may notice the rubber and can be an attractive surface if
bark or wood greater than 1 square odor. Most horses are not prone to kept watered and harrowed. It can be
inch, not slender) becomes slippery eat it should they have free access to a very suitable footing material when
when overly wet. the arena footing. Rubber pieces float kept damp. It will be almost as hard
RUBBER from recycled shoes or and with heavy rainfall can separate as concrete if allowed to compact and
tires can be ground or shredded into out of the footing material mixture dry. Stonedust is extremely dusty if
small particles. Rubber source may (Figure 2). Simply reincorporate not kept constantly moist throughout
vary so use products from a horse with surface conditioning equip- the entire depth of footing. Stonedust
footing material supplier. Be sure to ment. Rubber is added to a sand or is a very cheap material, which en-
get a guarantee that the shredded stonedust footing at the rate of 1 to hances its attractiveness, but frequent,
product will not contain metal (from 2 pounds of rubber per square foot. diligent management will be needed
steel-belted tires) or other foreign ma- Crumb-shaped rubber pieces are to control dust in an indoor arena
terials or thoroughly check the load suitable to reduce compaction in a environment or for outdoor arenas
upon delivery. Ground rubber is usu- sand-dirt or stonedust mixture. Flat outside of the rainy season.
ally mixed with sand or other surface rubber pieces (or fibers) will help For footing material, the stone-
material to minimize compaction and knit together an all-sand, clean foot- dust (also known as blue stone,
add some cushion into the surface. ing that needs more stability. The rockdust, limestone screenings, de-
Rubber product won’t degrade like rubber fibers essentially knit together composed granite, or white stone)
wood but will break down into smaller the entire depth of footing profile to should contain a narrow range of
pieces through grinding against create a material that does not shift grade sizes so that it does not compact
sand and horse hooves. Its ability as readily as pure sand. easily. Stonedust is a finer version of
to darken an outdoor arena surface STONEDUST remains in the the road base material used in arena
color reduces glare and helps thaw “common” footing material category base preparation. If the stonedust in
the surface faster during winter by but may really belong in the “chal- your area is well graded and is suitable
absorbing more solar radiation. Pure lenging” category due the high level as a compacted base material, it will
be difficult to keep loose as a footing
material. In contrast, when stonedust
Figure 2. Rubber pieces can float to the top of a footing mixture after large rainfall is not compactable, it can make a
events. The rubber will have to be mixed back into this stonedust mixture with suitable arena footing material.
surface conditioning equipment. Stonedust mixed with rubber will
provide a less compactable footing
than stonedust alone while keeping
the high-stability stonedust offers
for quick changes in direction and
speeds, such as jump takeoff and
landing activity.

Challenging Footing Materials

TOPSOIL is hard to define due to
differences in local soil types, but
the properties that make it useful in
growing crops or gardens make it un-
suitable for arena footing. Topsoil is
not recommended since it is a widely
graded material and therefore tends
to compact. Topsoil is a mixture of
clay, silt, sand, and organic material
that provides too many fine particles,
leading to dust problems when dried.

Organic material breaks down fur- when wet. Even on indoor arenas, Sawdust at 15 lb/ft3 density
ther over time, adding to the dust when kept wet enough to dampen the
1¼ tons (or 6 yards) for
problem. Topsoil with a large clay dust, the stall waste surface tends to
2 inches deep
portion will be slippery when wet be slippery. It will need to be replaced
and hard when dried. Not all topsoils at least annually. ½ to 3⁄4 ton (or 3 yards) for
drain well so they require more time 1 inch deep
than the surface materials discussed
above to become suitable for riding
Locally Available Materials [a “yard” is a cubic yard or 27 ft3]

after a drenching rain. Dirt arenas Arena footings composed of shred-

continue to be successfully used ded leather, industrial by-products, Characterizing Footing
when the native soil contains large and mine waste have all been used Materials
quantities of sand particles (more and may be cheap local sources of
than 50 percent) or is mixed with Table 1 presents characteristics of
footing materials. Match the good
sand (see Sand section). several common footing materials.
footing criteria presented above to
STALL WASTE (manure and The characteristics represent those
the properties of the local material
bedding mixture) can be used as an selected specifically for good arena
to help determine how desirable the footing (e.g., dust potential). You
arena footing for the very short term
material will be. can see why wood products would
and is admittedly a cheap material. It
will be dusty since it is almost entirely be added to a footing to increase
organic material that breaks down A Footing Recipe to Try moisture-holding capacity and why
rapidly into small particles that lead rubber pieces or sand would be added
This sand and wood product com-
to compaction. Filth of lofted dust to reduce compaction. Figure 3 (page
bination has been used successfully
and potential for attracting flies 8) offers a look at the footing particle
at The Pennsylvania State Univer-
can be concerns, as are issues of size distributions that were found in
sity and in many private arenas.
sanitation should a person fall into it. six indoor riding arenas located at
Recipe for 1,000 square feet of arena
Odor is unpleasant if the stall waste commercial boarding facilities in cen-
contains large amounts of manure. tral Pennsylvania. (Particle size distri-
Ammonia gas given off by the decom- Sand at 100 lb/ft3 density bution determines the various ranges
posing urine and feces is not healthy 12 tons for 3 inches deep of particle diameters in a composite
for the horse respiratory system. On material such as arena footing.)
outdoor arenas, stall waste is slippery 8 tons for 2 inches deep

Table 1. Characteristics of riding arena footing materials.

Cushion or Slippery
compaction Traction Water when Freezing
Material Primary use resistance improved Dust Drainage retention wet potential Durability Abrasive Maintenance Cost
Sand Footing H M L H L N L H H L M
Wood Footing or H M V M H V V M L M L–M
products1 additive
to increase
Stone dust Footing or M H H H L N L H H M L–M
for base
Rubber Additive H M L H L N? L M L L H
pieces1 to reduce
Soil Compacted L V V V V Y H L M H L
(not sandy) as base
Stall waste Footing M L H L H Y V L L H L

L = Low, M = Medium, H = High, V = Variable, Y = Yes, N = No

1. Potential contaminants are diminished when materials are purchased from a specialty horse footing material supplier.

Note that the two “sand” arenas were

very different in their particle size
diameter, to a minimum in the mixture.
Dust is caused by clay and silt particles,
Dust Management
distribution. This emphasizes why you which are 0.001 to 0.005 millimeter in Riding arenas, particularly indoor
should be specific as to the desired type diameter, and should be kept below 5 arenas, are plagued with dust prob-
of sand (or any other material) in an percent of the mixture. Fine and very lems. Dust causes eye and nose irrita-
arena footing. Some materials are sold fine sands, which are 0.05 to 0.25 mil- tions and contributes to respiratory
with a particle size distribution analysis. limeter in diameter, also contribute to damage in both horse and rider. It is
It is important to keep the fines, or dust when allowed to dry. The more estimated that an idle horse inhales
those particles below 0.1 millimeter in fines, the more dust potential. 16 gallons of air per minute and dur-
ing strenuous exercise can inhale up
to 600 gallons per minute. Minimiz-
Figure 3. Particle size distributions of six indoor riding arena footing materials. ing the amount of dust in this air
Minimizing the amount of fine material will decrease dust potential. should be a primary goal in footing
material choice and subsequent man-
100% agement. In addition to horse and
handler respiratory irritation, dust
90% coats any structure and equipment
near the arena. Dust rises from the
80% surface when a large percentage of
fines break loose and float into the
air. Naturally, lightweight particles
are more prone to suspension than
heavier particles. Decrease light-
weight particles in three ways:
50% 1. Eliminate fine particles such as
silt, clay, or fine sand in the footing
40% mixture by careful footing mate-
rial selection. Even coarse materials
such as sand and wood products will
break down over time into many fine
particles, so maintenance is criti-
cal to reduce dust. In some footing
mixtures, 10 to 30 perent of these
materials are deliberately added for
stability and water-holding capacity
0% but realize the implications for more
Limestone Sand Sand Limestone Wood Chip Stall
Sand and Wood Gravel Waste diligent management for dust sup-
Shavings Compared to the other (fresh) pression. Generally, if more than 5
sand footing, this one
has less dust potential
percent of material passes a 200-sieve
With an even screen, the footing material will have
and more particles distribution of
6.4 mm of one size so should particle sizes, a tendency to be too dusty. With a
be less prone to high percentage of fines, the arena
compaction is
4.8 mm compaction. very likely. footing material should be partially
2 mm
or wholly replaced. Remove manure
1 Desirable arena sand
particle size is 0.25 to deposited on the arena surface before
1 mm 2.0 mm in diameter. it gets mixed in. Manure will break
down into fine particles, contributing
0.6 mm 2 Dust potential with fine to the dust problem.
and very fine sand and
0.25 mm particles of silt and clay. 2. Moisten particles to increase their
Particle size below 0.1 mm. weight with simple, cheap, environ-
0.1 mm
mentally friendly water. With no
<0.1 mm rain occurring in indoor arenas, the
facility manager must be in charge

of moisture control. Moisture re-

tention and evaporation is site and
good option for dust suppression and
adding stability to a loose surface.
Water Use and Techniques
season dependent, so weekly checks Petroleum coating has characteristics Watering the footing material re-
on moisture level are important. Ma- similar to Vaseline™ and lasts about duces dust levels and can put some
terials that can hold more water will 10 years between applications, is UV- stability back into loose, sandy, or
increase the time between watering resistant, and will not become rancid. wood-based footing. Frequent, deep
events (more about watering in the Wax coating is even more expensive watering will be part of normal arena
next section of this bulletin). than petroleum coating but lasts maintenance, so planning ahead to
even longer for dust suppression on make it a less arduous task will have
3. Provide an additive to bind particles
durable footing materials. long-term benefits. The objective is
together. Many arena surface additives
are available. Moisture retainers can Salt mixed into the footing mate- to keep the material moist all the way
be used or the surface amended to rial is a common dust-suppression through and to have uniform water
capture and hold more moisture on a technique. The salt holds moisture application over the surface. When
dry site. Wood chips and other organic in the footing and can draw moisture an arena is not kept uniformly moist,
materials retain moisture well and can out of the air and into the footing the loose, dry areas are less stable
be a first line of defense. Synthetic or material. The salt releases moisture than the well-watered spots so that
natural (e.g., coconut) fibers can be slowly over time between watering horses lose confidence in what kind
used to intertwine with footing par- events. It is added to a moist foot- of conditions will be underfoot as they
ticles to bind the materials together. ing so it can absorb water for later travel between slippery and suitable
Crystals and gels, some resembling cat release. Salt application rate is 20 to conditions.
litter, can absorb relatively large quan- 50 pounds per 1,000 square feet of Water the arena to keep the foot-
tities of water and then release that arena surface area. With watering or ing evenly moist to a 3-inch depth.
moisture into the surrounding footing rainfall the salt dissolves and leaches Once the arena is at the moisture level
material as it dries out. Water addi- out of the footing and needs to be that is suitable for your purpose, use a
tives can slow evaporation, increase replenished. Salt replenishment is garden supply store soil-moisture me-
moisture penetration, or encourage necessary about every 6 months and ter to determine that moisture con-
microbes to grow on footing materials although lower in cost for initial tent and strive to achieve that mois-
for their moisture and binding activity. application, the frequent replenish- ture on subsequent waterings. Water
Peat moss holds considerable water ments eventually make it comparable an arena as you would a garden. It
and, when kept constantly damp, is in cost to petroleum coatings that last does not need to be flooded nor does
effective at binding a footing mixture. much longer. just wetting the top fraction of an inch
Once peat moss dries it no longer has Calcium chloride (CaCl 2) and do any good. Give it a good watering
binding ability and becomes loose magnesium chloride (MgCl2) are most with plenty of water in frequent, short
and potentially slippery. Fully dried commonly used since they are less periods. This will allow water absorp-
peat moss is hydrophobic and takes expensive and more effective for mois- tion into the footing material(s)
considerable effort to rewet. ture holding versus table salt sodium between waterings. In fact, wait about
Oil-based products (such as palm, chloride (NaCl). The effectiveness four hours or overnight before using
coconut, mineral, and soybean oil) relates to calcium chloride and mag- the arena again to allow moisture to
can weigh down or glue together nesium chloride having three available soak in. Once the correct moisture is
fine particles—similar to the effects ions for binding water molecules while achieved, subsequent waterings will
of water application. The first ap- sodium chloride has only two ions. Salt only be needed to remoisten the top-
plication of oil is used to coat all the application as a moisture-retention most surface that will be drying faster
footing particles to increase their additive dries out hooves, and being than the footing underneath. Water-
weight. Subsequent annual or bien- a salt, it is corrosive to metal such as ing schedule will naturally depend on
nial application of oil is of much re- indoor arena siding and structural sup- season (air temperature), wind, and
duced quantity to coat newly formed ports when lofted with the dust. Arena sun exposure of outdoor arenas, and
particles that have abraded off the managers typically wipe salt from the indoor arena air temperature and
original footing particles. The plant- horse hooves, sole, and lower legs once moisture level. Watering when the
derived oils may become rancid over finished using the arena. These salts arena surface begins to show signs of
time. Application of used motor oil are effectively and commonly used dustiness will preserve moisture in the
is an environmental hazard. Costing to reduce the freezing temperature underlying layer. Check the moisture
more but lasting longer, pharmaceu- of the footing material during cold level weekly and more often when dry-
tical-grade petroleum coatings are a weather in northern climates. ing conditions prevail, such as during

times of combined low humidity, high Figure 4. A tractor- or pickup-mounted water spray tank is a way to partially
temperature, or greater wind speed automate wetting arena surface materials.
over the arena surface. On outdoor
arenas, direct sunlight dries the top
footing layer on a daily basis.
Watering systems include those
requiring continuous or frequent
human involvement for proper ap-
plication of the water and those
systems that are automated and once
installed or setup require little human
attention during the watering event.
Watering that requires a high level of
human involvement includes hand-
held spray nozzles, garden sprinklers,
and tractor-mounted sprayers (Figure
4). More automated systems include
ceiling- or post-mounted spray nozzles
and self-traveling irrigation.
Hand-held hose watering takes
considerable time and is variable in
uniformity of moisture addition. The
benefit is that the person watering can
treat wet or dry patches of arena sur- Horticultural or agricultural- Arena surface materials may be
face with more or less water. Garden grade sprinkler systems (gear-driven wetted by mechanized field-watering
sprinklers can be set out for timed op- rotors or impact heads) are suitable equipment. A flexible hose traveling
eration and moved to cover the entire for providing fairly even watering of system is an effective option for sites
arena surface over time. This allows the arena surface. Ceiling-mounted with larger arenas or with low-volume
other activities to be performed by the sprayers (indoor arena) produce water sources. One disadvantage is
operator during watering but is likely a mist of water and good, uniform that the traveling hose has to be set up
to be less uniform in coverage than coverage with proper design. Frost- each time it is used. Once set up, it op-
the hand-held technique. Puddles proof installations are needed un- erates unattended with an automatic
are common when a sprinkler stays in der freezing conditions. Landscape shut-off once the sprinkler cart on
one area too long. Tractor- or pickup- sprinklers can be installed around the traveling hose arrives back at the
mounted watering can be done in an outdoor arena perimeter to reach hose reel. Advantages include more
concert with surface conditioning the entire surface with water (Figure even water distribution than with
(Figure 5). A frost-proof hydrant 6). Indoor or outdoor sprinklers are perimeter-mounted sprinklers and
should be located near the arena to spaced based on anticipated coverage potential to double its usefulness by
supply hose or sprinkler-applied wa- pattern of the particular spray nozzle. watering both indoor and outdoor
ter. A hydrant is a convenient tap for Side-mounted sprinklers require arenas. Installation and maintenance
filling a water tank that is pulled by substantial flow rates to spray water costs of automatic systems are the high-
truck or tractor through the arena. distances greater than 50 feet. Greater est of the footing watering options, but
Automated arena watering is spray distances provide uneven water labor is significantly reduced.
provided by a permanently installed application with strips of dry surface Winter watering is a challenge in
sprinkler system located along the between adjacent wetted circles or freezing climates. Too much water
perimeter of an outdoor arena, half-circles. For indoor arenas, the and the footing is frozen hard; too
throughout the roof framing of in- side-mounted sprinklers’ uneven wa- little water and dust prevails. This is
door arenas, or by mechanized field- ter distribution results in too much a particular challenge for indoor are-
watering equipment in both indoor water applied in some areas, which is a nas where rider expectations are that
and outdoor arenas. Width of arena problem since the indoor arena base the surface will be usable year-round.
and available water source are impor- is not constructed to shed water. The Managers may opt to reduce water ad-
tant factors in determining which type sprinklers may be activated as needed ditions to the indoor arena as freezing
of system will be most effective. or controlled by a timer. weather approaches. The advantage

Figure 5. Large amounts of water may be necessary to keep outdoor arena surface Uneven footing and compacted
dust under control. To more fully suppress dust, more than just the top surface areas at the rail and elsewhere are
layer needs to be wetted. resolved with a dragging device to
redistribute or break up the footing
material (Figure 7, page 12). Drag-
ging should be done even before
traffic patterns begin to be detected.
Plan to drag the arena at least once
per week even for arenas that are
lightly used for riding (three times a
week or more). Arenas under heavily
scheduled use will need the surface
dragged once or more daily. Once
a deep path of disturbed footing is
established, it is difficult to alleviate.
Ruts along the rail are common, but
frequent redistribution of the foot-
ing will keep the rut from becoming
chronic. Accumulation of footing at
the fence line of an outdoor arena
can slow surface water drainage. To
make the dragging less time con-
suming, use appropriate equipment
of having a footing material that does supposed to provide a cushion above that is easy to hook up and adjust to
not compact is even more important the highly compacted base material. conditions.
when freezing is possible. Excess wa- Horse hooves contacting the base will Several options for dragging arena
ter can pass through a well-drained cause permanent ruts in the base that footing back into position are avail-
material, such as sand, and not bind are expensive to repair. Footing near able. A tractor-pulled chain-link fence
particles together into a solid mass. jumps also compacts. Surprisingly, section (with added weight) or light
Many indoor arena managers use salt the position where riding instructors harrow is adequate for loose footing
to lower the footing’s freezing point stand is among the most compacted such as wood products. Dragging
during the winter and discontinue its footing in an arena. devices that cannot be lifted will drag
use during warmer weather.

Figure 6. Horticultural-type sprinklers can be used in indoor and outdoor arenas to

Surface Maintenance automate the surface-watering process.
Horse traffic patterns during arena
use will cause the footing material
to become uneven. The high-traffic
path along the arena rail will take
the most abuse. Depending on the
riding discipline, high-traffic areas
are also located along the arena di-
agonals, near barrels or poles, and
the centerline. The footing within
the high-traffic area will be thrown
out of the path by hoof action, while
any remaining footing will be more
compacted where it is most needed.
It is not uncommon for the footing
material to be almost entirely gone
from the high-traffic area with the
horses working off the base material.
This is very undesirable; footing is

Figure 7. Equipment will be needed for frequent conditioning of the riding surface Additional Resources
to redistribute footing for an even coverage of the base material and, in some
cases, to loosen compacted surface materials. A l l - We a t h e r S u r f a c e s f o r H o r s e s
1994. Ray Lodge and Susan Shanks.
J.A. Allen, London.
The Equine Arena Handbook, De-
veloping a User Friendly Facility
1999. Robert Malmgren. Alpine
Publications, Loveland, Colo.
Horse Stable and Riding Arena Design
2006. Eileen Fabian Wheeler. Black-
well Publishing, Ames, Iowa, and
London, U.K.
Under Foot: The USDF Guide to Dressage Are-
na Construction, Maintenance and Repair
2000. U.S. Dressage Federation, 7700
A Street, Box 6669, Lincoln, Nebr.

footing material out of the arena gate

as it exits unless it is stowed prior to
Summary Acknowledgments
exit. Finer but heavier footing ma- With no common recipe for success- Appreciation to two reviewers who
terials, such as sand and stonedust, ful riding arena surface material, made significant improvements to
will need a harrow with short tines. understanding the physical principles the original bulletin Horse Facilities 6:
The tines are dull spikes that are flat that one is trying to achieve with the Riding Arena Footing Materials:
on the bottom. Adjustable tines are footing can lead to better selection
Patricia Comerford, instructor, equine
highly recommended so they may of materials. Once installed, learn
be set to redistribute and loosen the to manage the footing materials
entire depth of footing while not dis- since each material and mixture of Albert Jarrett, professor, soil and
turbing the base material. Adjustment materials will have advantages and water engineering
of harrow tines is a real advantage shortcomings. Footing will change
When this bulletin was included
in surface conditioning to match over time, thus be adaptable and
and expanded into a chapter in Horse
desired conditions, depth of footing manage the footing material accord-
Stable and Riding Arena Design (Black-
as it wears and compacts, and for use ingly. Understand the principles of
well Publishing), an additional review-
in more with one arena footing ma- surface maintenance and indication
er offered valuable contributions from
terial. Make sure the tines are set or of when footing material needs to be
her experiences providing footing
purchased short enough so that they amended or replaced. Footings with
materials: Emlyn Whitin, vice presi-
do not penetrate the underlying base sand as a major component are usu-
dent, Stancils, Inc., Perryville, Md.
material. The base is an expensive ally successful. Choose hard, angular,
part of the arena construction and washed sand for stability with loose
costly to repair if it is accidentally footing composition. The addition of
dredged up into the footing material. up to 5 percent fines will help bind
Heavier harrows benefit from a three- sand together but with increased
point tractor hitch arrangement to need for management of dust. Good
raise and lower the device for entry footing requires regular, consistent
and exit from the arena. management in dust control and
surface finishing.

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