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1 Listen and read.

Hi, Ben! Is that

your kite?

Yes. It flew up … and

then it crashed! Who
invented kites?

I don’t know, but it

wasn’t the Wright
brothers. They invented

Oh, no! That’s my

mum. Who invented
mobile phones?

2 Look and correct the sentences.

1 The kite didn’t crash
into the flowers. It crashed 2 The Wright brothers didn’t
into the tree. invent the mobile phone.

3 It didn’t rain on Saturday. 4 The volcano didn’t 5 The aeroplane didn’t

erupt in 2001. fly to France.

40 Disney elements © Disney

fly: Ben (flew) the kite. Oscar (didn’t fly) the kite.
phone: Tessa’s mum (phoned) her. Tessa’s dad (didn’t
phone) her.

LESSON 1 AB page 40 1 Can you remember? Write

true (T) or false (F)?
Lesson aims To use the past simple • Pupils can do the activity without referring to their
(interrogative and Pupil’s Books. Check answers.
AB page 40 2 Look at the picture and
New target language Past simple (negative): correct the sentences
flew, invented, rained • Point out the irregular past (go – went) for pupils to
add to their list of irregular verbs in their notebooks.
Recycled target language kite, mobile phone; Pupils then write the sentences.
erupted, went
KEY 2. The children didn’t go to the sports centre.
Receptive language Who invented … ? 3. They didn’t arrive at three o’clock. 4. They weren’t

Warm-up AB page 40 3 Listen and answer

• Write sentences on the board, replacing verbs with • Tell pupils to listen to the recording and write one-word
gaps. Pupils read aloud and complete them with the answers, not complete sentences.
past simple verbs. 1 I (phoned) my friend on my mobile
phone last night. 2 They were wet because it (rained) RECORDING 56
a lot. 3 The volcano (erupted) in 2001. 4 He (arrived) NARRATOR Oscar’s Uncle Harry is on holiday.
at 10 o’clock. 5 She was hungry and (wanted) her
OSCAR Hello?
UNCLE HARRY Hello, Oscar. It’s Uncle Harry.
Presentation OSCAR Hello, Uncle Harry. Where are you?
• Explain (in L1) the meaning of invent. Write on the UNCLE HARRY Well, I’m here. I’m here in Spain!
board: Alexander Bell invented the telephone in 1876. Can you hear me?
The Wright brothers invented the aeroplane in 1903.
OSCAR Yes, what’s the weather like?
Pupils repeat the sentences after you. Elicit the names
of any other inventors and make similar sentences. UNCLE HARRY Well, it didn’t rain today.
OSCAR It rained today?
PB page 40 1 Listen and read UNCLE HARRY No, it didn’t rain, it was sunny. I arrived
• Play Recording 55 two or three times for pupils to listen at 11 and I went down to the beach
and read. this afternoon.
• Point out the irregular past simple verb, flew. Explain OSCAR At 7? You arrived at 7?
(in L1) that some verbs in English do not add -ed to UNCLE HARRY No, I didn’t arrive at 7. I arrived at 11.
make the past simple form. Tell pupils (in L1) to start a Oh, dear. Oscar, I’m going to phone
list of these in their notebooks. again on Sunday, OK?
OSCAR You’re going to phone on Monday!
PB page 40 2 Look and correct the
OK. Bye!
• Explain (in L1) that the past simple negative is formed OPTIONAL ACTIVITY
with didn’t + verb. Write: It crashed. — It didn’t crash.
Correct the mistakes
• Do the activity orally with the class. Write the verbs on
the board. Pupils repeat the activity, working in pairs. Write sentences on the board, with deliberate
mistakes. Play the recording for Activity Book
KEY 2. They invented the aeroplane. 3. It rained on
Activity 3 for pupils to correct the wrong words in
Sunday. 4. It erupted in 2002. 5. It flew to Spain.
each sentence:
Consolidation 1. Uncle Harry is at school on holiday. 2. He’s in
• Pupils look at Activity 1. Write sentences on the board France Spain. 3. It was windy sunny today. 4. He
for pupils to copy and complete with positive and went to the beach this morning afternoon. 5. He’s
negative verbs (shown here in brackets): going to phone on Monday Sunday.

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3 Look, listen and choose.
a b
1 The Wright brothers had a
pet shop / bicycle shop.
2 They wanted to build
kites / aeroplanes.
3 The first aeroplane
c d
didn’t fly / didn’t sail.
4 The first flight was in 1903
and was 12 hours / seconds long.
It changed the world!

4 Ask and answer. Yes, they did or No, they didn’t.

The Wright brothers
wanted to fly kites.

No, they didn’t!

They worked in They invented They changed

a bicycle shop. the mobile phone. the world.

5 Look and say.

The first aeroplane had an
engine. It didn’t have a radio.

1 an engine 3 a radio 7

2 wings 3 windows 7

3 a pilot 3 passengers 7

4 propellers 3 lights 7

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LESSON 2 KEY They worked in a bicycle shop. Yes, they did.
They invented the mobile phone. No, they didn’t.
They changed the world. Yes, they did.
Lesson aims To talk about a sequence
of events in the past. PB page 41 5 Look and say
New target language had, wanted to, worked • Pupils repeat the example sentences after you. Draw
They didn’t have … in their attention to the past form of have: had. Pupils
1850. make the remaining sentences.
Yes, they did./No, they
didn’t. KEY 2. The first aeroplane had wings. It didn’t have
windows. 3. The first aeroplane had a pilot. It didn’t
Recycled target language Past simple negative: have passengers. 4. The first aeroplane had propellers. It
didn’t didn’t have lights.
changed, invented;
wings, windows Consolidation
Receptive language engine, lights, • Consolidate short answers by asking pupils questions to
passengers, pilot, which they can reply Yes, I did or No, I didn’t, e.g. Did
propellers, radio you go to the supermarket yesterday?
• With strong groups, ask questions that will elicit other
short answers, e.g. Did your sister have a party on
Warm-up Saturday? (No, she didn’t.)
• Tell pupils (in L1) to turn positive sentences into
negative sentences. Use ideas from Lesson 1 and from AB page 41 4 What’s wrong?
your pupils’ own situation. Say, e.g. • Ask pupils to look at the picture and tell what year it
1. Ben’s kite crashed into a field. (It didn’t crash …) 2. was, (1850). Read aloud the example sentence for
The Wright brothers invented the telephone. 3. Oscar’s pupils to repeat after you.
uncle was on holiday in France. 4. It snowed here KEY In any order: They didn’t have
yesterday. 5. Anna flew a plane this morning. 6. A taxis/burgers/aeroplanes/videos/mobile phones in 1850!
volcano erupted here last year. 7. I invented the mobile
phone. AB page 41 5 Use a mirror and write the
Presentation • If possible, pupils should use small mirrors to hold up to
• Use a picture, drawing or sketch from the board of a the writing and read the message. Check the answer
propeller aeroplane to teach associated vocabulary: by asking someone to write the message on the board
aeroplane, wings, propellers, windows, lights, a pilot, and read it aloud. Pupils then answer the question - Do
passengers, engine, radio. you agree? by ticking one of the boxes.
PB page 41 3 Look, listen and KEY The Wright Brothers changed the world. Yes, they
choose did.
• Give pupils time to read the sentences, look at the
pictures and guess the correct words and phrases. Play OPTIONAL ACTIVITY
the recording two or three times so pupils can listen
and choose. They can see if their guesses were correct. Draw and label an aeroplane
Each pupil needs a sheet of drawing paper to
RECORDING 57 draw an aeroplane, colour it and label the parts.
1. The Wright brothers had a bicycle shop. 2. They Tell pupils (in L1) they can draw an old or a
wanted to build aeroplanes. 3. The first aeroplane modern plane, a realistic or a fantasy plane.
didn't fly. 4. The first flight was in 1903 and was 12 Pupils can refer to Pupil’s Book page 41 Activity 5
seconds long. It changed the world. for aeroplane vocabulary.

PB page 41 4 Ask and answer. Yes, they

did or No, they didn’t
• Ask pairs of pupils to read out a sentence and respond
with Yes, they did or No, they didn’t. Pupils then work
in pairs, taking turns to say the sentences and respond.

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6 Treasure Planet. Listen and read.

Jim and John Silver went into the

1 treasure room. B.E.N. the robot and 2
the other pirates followed them.

Captain Flint’s
We’re rich!
treasure is here!

I ... I was in this room a

long time ago. But I can’t
remember ...

There was a dead pirate. It’s part of your robot

3 4
brain, B.E.N. Why did
Look! That’s Captain Flint take it out?
Flint! And he’s got
something in his hand.

I can remember! Flint didn’t

want me to tell people about
the treasure.
But suddenly B.E.N. didn’t Suddenly there was an explosion.
5 6
look very happy.

Oh, no! I can remember something

else. Captain Flint didn’t want
people to steal the treasure.

What did he do?

Let’s get out

He made a trap! of here!

42 Disney elements © Disney

LESSON 3 AB page 42 6 Who’s speaking? B.E.N.,
Jim or John?
Lesson aims To follow a story in • Pupils write the names of the speakers for each of the
English; to revise the five sentences from the story.
main language points of
KEY 1. B.E.N.; 2. Jim; 3. John; 4. Jim; 5. B.E.N.
Unit 6.
New target language diamond rings, gold AB page 42 7 Can you remember?
coins, silver chains Answer the questions
Recycled target language explosion, treasure • Write key words on the board. Pupils then write their
answers. Check answers by asking pairs of pupils to ask
Receptive language a long time ago, part of and answer the questions.
your brain, remember,
steal, trap KEY 1. They went into the treasure room. 2. Captain
Flint was in the room. 3. He was dead. 4. Part of Ben’s
robot brain was in his hand. 5. Flint didn’t want him to
Warm-up tell people about the treasure or Flint didn’t want people
to steal the treasure and he made a trap.
• Sing Lonesome George from Pupil’s Book page 38
(Recording 53) and explain the difference between the AB page 41 8 What’s inside your
sailors and the pirates they will hear about in the story.
treasure chest? Draw and
Presentation write
• Elicit positive and negative past forms to complete a • Pupils look at the pictures and repeat the phrases after
verb table on the board, beginning with go, went, you. Ask them (in L1) what else could be in the
didn’t go. Continue with the verbs have, phone, fly and treasure chest. Write more phrases on the board for
rain. pupils to repeat after you, e.g. gold watches, silver
coins, gold rings, diamond chains, gold cups. Pupils
• Pupils make sentences about yesterday and last week draw their own treasure in the chest and write
using the positive and negative past forms. Say two or sentences using There is and There are.
three examples, e.g. I didn’t go to the cinema last
week. My brother flew to France at the weekend. Try
to ensure that each pupil says a sentence. OPTIONAL ACTIVITY

PB page 42 6 Listen and read Vocabulary building

• Pupils look at and talk about the pictures, using English Write: treasure chest on the board with eight
as much as possible. The story features characters from words under it: cat, key, true, steal, car, sea, their,
the film, Treasure Planet. Encourage pupils to say what start. Ask pupils to find which three words cannot
they know about the film and the characters. Ask: be made out of treasure chest (key, steal and
Where are Jim and John Silver? What does Jim see in their).
the treasure room? What is in Captain Flint’s hand?
Pupils work in pairs, making more words out of
Why did he take out part of the robot’s brain?
treasure chest, e.g. her, the, here, hear, there, tea,
• Play Recording 58 two or three times while pupils listen see, sure, rat, hats, hate, that, these, seat, shut,
and read. Check that pupils understand the vocabulary. three, tree, treat, eat, ear, seat, chest, sure, hear.
• Play the recording again for pupils to read and listen.
Encourage them to say how the story continues, using
English as much as possible. Pupils can act out the
story, if they wish.
• Help pupils to retell the story from the point of view of
Jim. His account could go as follows:
• We went into the treasure room. There was a dead
pirate. It was Captain Flint. He had something in his
hand. It was part of B.E.N.’s brain. Captain Flint didn’t
want B.E.N. to tell people about the treasure. Suddenly
there was an explosion. We ran!

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7 Look. Tell the story of Icarus.

What did Icarus want to do?

What did he make?

Where did he fly to?

What happened?

Why did Because he glued

he crash? the wings with wax!

What happened next? Choose!

Icarus made new wings! Icarus didn’t fly again!

8 Now write the story in your notebook.

Icarus wanted to fly…

He’s home! He’s here! It’s Jim.

Jim’s home and John,
John’s home with Jim.

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LESSON 4 Consolidation
• Pupils look again at the story of Icarus and answer your
Lesson aims To practise using past questions with short answers. Did Icarus fly a plane?
simple verbs. Did he make wings of wood? Did he make wings of
feathers and wax? Did he crash?
New target language Why did … ? Because …
Did … Yes, he did./No, AB page 43 9 Write the questions and
he didn’t match to the correct
Receptive language modelling clay, paper, answers
wood • Pupils unscramble the questions about Icarus, then
write short answers.

Warm-up KEY 2. Did he make a kite? No, he didn’t. 3. Did he

work in a bicycle shop? No, he didn’t. 4. Did he fly too
• Write on the board: Sue had her birthday party at
near the sun? Yes, he did. 5. Did he make wings? Yes,
home last Saturday. Ben arrived at 9pm. He was late
he did. 6. Did he fly to Brazil? No, he didn’t
because he crashed his bike into a tree. Ask questions
for pupils to answer in full sentences, e.g. What did AB page 43 10 What did they make? Look
Sue do last Saturday? Where did Sue have her party?
etc. and write
• Explain (in L1) that Oscar and his friends have been
Presentation making things from paper, wood and modelling clay: a
• Write on the board: Why …? Because … Ask and canoe, a plane, a dinosaur and a castle. Read aloud the
answer: Why did Ben arrive late? Why did Sue have a example sentence and point out the past form of
party? (Because it was her birthday). Ensure that why make: made.
and because are properly understood. KEY 2. I made a plane. 3. I made a dinosaur. 4. I made a
PB page 43 7 Look. Tell the story of
Icarus AB page 43 11 How did they make it?
• Remind pupils that Icarus was the name on Ben’s kite Look and write
in Lesson 1. Ask pupils (in L1) if they know the story of • Elicit the sentences orally before pupils write them.
Icarus. Help them to tell the story in English using the
pictures and questions. Write the sentences on the KEY 2. Ben made the plane from wood. 3. Gina made
board and leave them there for Activity 8. the dinosaur from modelling clay. 4. Tessa made the
castle from paper.
KEY He wanted to fly. He made wings from feathers
and wax. He flew near to the sun. His wings melted. He
• Read aloud the Why …? Because … question and Hangman
answer in the speech bubbles for pupils to repeat after
you. Read the question (What happened next?) and the Play Hangman with the class, using words from
two answers. Each pupil chooses one of the answers. this lesson. Write dashes on the board to represent
Discuss their choices briefly in L1. the number of letters in the word, e.g. _ _ _ _ for
wood. Pupils guess the letters.
PB page 43 8 Now write the story in your
• Ask individuals to read aloud the sentence in Activity 8
and the story sentences you wrote on the board in
Activity 7. Remind them of sequencing adverbs First …
Next … Then … Finally … Pupils write the story in their

PB page 43 Micro Phono

• Play Recording 59 for pupils to listen and read. Then
play it several times for them to join in. If they have
difficulty with the target sound /dZ/, isolate the sound
for them to repeat after you.

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9 Listen and sing.

Grandad and me
Where did you go on Saturday?
What did you do all day?
Did you visit your grandad,
Or did you go away?
Grandad invented having fun,
He invented a bike for three.
There’s a seat at the back.
For my brother or sister
And there’s also a seat for me, or you.
We went by bike to the river,
Grandad, my brother and me.
We flew our kites and sailed our boat
And cycled home for tea at three.

10 Play a game!

1 Choose eight verbs from

the song.
2 Cut sixteen cards and write
a verb on each card, in the
past and in the present.
3 Play Snap.

Who were the Wright

brothers? What did They were
they do? inventors. They …

were inventors.
had a bicycle shop.
worked in a bicycle shop.
They invented aeroplanes.
changed the world.

44 Disney elements © Disney

LESSON 5 Consolidation
• In pairs or groups of three, pupils use their cards from
Lesson aims To learn a new song; to Activity 10 and write sentences using the eight past-
make and play a card tense verbs. They can write positive sentences, negative
game. sentences or questions, e.g. Did you cycle to school
today? My father didn’t invent the telephone. I visited
New target language seat granny on Saturday.
Recycled target language Past simple interrogative
changed, flew, has, AB page 44 12 Can you remember? Read
invented, made, worked, and tick the correct people
were • Pupils should tick the ‘both’ box if Grandad and the
Family members Wright Brothers did the activities. They can compare
answers with their partner before checking answers as
a class.
KEY Possible answers: Grandad flew a kite. The Wright
• Revise family members: mother, father, brother, sister, Brothers worked in a bicycle shop. Both invented new
aunty, uncle, cousin, granny, grandad. You could write things. Both had fun!
the words on the board with missing letters, and ask
pupils to write them in. AB page 44 13 What did Oscar and
Presentation his family do? Listen
and circle
• Write on the board: What did you do on Saturday?
Where did you go on Saturday? Pairs of pupils ask and • Play the recording two or three times for pupils to
answer the questions. Write the verbs on the board: listen and circle the words.
went, played, cycled, flew, sailed etc.
PB page 44 9 Listen and sing On Sunday, we went by train to the river. In the
• Pupils talk about the picture and say what is different afternoon, we visited auntie Fay. We didn’t go to
about the bicycle. Play Recording 60 two or three times Grandad’s. There wasn’t time. We arrived home at
for pupils to listen and read. nine o’clock. We watched a DVD and went to bed.
• Check that pupils understand the vocabulary. Play the AB page 44 14 Write the story from
recording again for pupils to listen and sing.
Activity 13
PB page 44 10 Play a game • Do the first few sentences with the class, eliciting
suggestions for different words, e.g. On Friday, we
• Read through the instructions with the class. In pairs or
went by bus to the shops.
groups of three, pupils choose eight verbs from the
song. They will need to cut out sixteen cards and write AB page 44 15 Find and write ten verbs
eight present and eight matching past verbs on each
card. • Tell pupils (in L1) the verbs are written across and
down. Past tenses are shown here in brackets:
• Tell pupils (in L1) to shuffle the cards then put them
face down in two rows. In turn, pupils turn over two KEY Across: sail (sailed); make (made); invent (invented);
cards and see if they make a pair i.e. the present and fly (flew); go (went); work (worked) Down: watch
past forms of the same verb. Pupils get one point for (watched); arrive (arrived); have (had); change (changed)
each pair.
PB page 44 Language Time
• Two pupils read aloud the example question and Write about your family
answer. Pupils make sentences using the prompts in Pupils write sentences about members of their
the box. family, saying what they did last Saturday or
Sunday. Write prompts on the board: On Saturday
my mum … .

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11 Listen, read and answer.

Imagine a world without wheels.

Before wheels there were no
bikes, no clocks, no windmills,
no engines. Can you think
of more things with wheels?

The first wheels appeared more

than 5,000 years ago. They were
solid and round. The Sumerians
of ancient Mesopotamia put
these wheels on their carts. They
also used wheels to grind flour
for making bread and they used
wheels to make pots.
In 1888, John Boyd Dunlop
invented a tyre with air in it to
put on the wheel. We still use
Dunlop’s invention today.
1 When did the first wheels appear?
2 What did John Dunlop invent?
3 Was it a good invention? Why?

12 Project Fun!

Make a collage! Find out more about

Bring pictures of all Mesopotamia on
the things around
you that have wheels.

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LESSON 6 AB page 45 16 Complete the sentences
• Do the activity orally with the class, initially. Write key
Lesson aims To read and understand a words on the board, if necessary.
factual text; to complete KEY 2. I made a dinosaur. 3. I invented a tyre. 4. I
a project. worked in a shop. 5. I arrived at half past four.
New target language windmill
AB page 45 17 Write the questions and
Recycled target language kite, clock, engine, answers
Yes, I did./No, I didn’t. • Pupils write the questions and answers. Monitor the
activity. Check answers by asking pairs of pupils to read
Receptive language round, solid, tyre aloud the questions and answers.
KEY 2. Did you play tennis yesterday? Yes, I did. 3. Did
you fly a kite yesterday? Yes, I did.
• Give pupils two minutes to work in pairs and write AB page 45 English Adventure
down as many past verb forms as they can. Check
• Help pupils solve the anagrams for the sentence
answers by asking individuals to write verbs on the
(English is fun.)
board and say them.
• Read out the first sentence from the computer screen.
Presentation Ask What did the Wright brothers do? What did Icarus
• Use pictures, drawings or actual objects to introduce do?
the topic of wheels and associated vocabulary, e.g.
• Read out the second sentence. Write on the board:
clock, engine, round, a hole in the middle, the centre,
aeroplane, a bike for three, wheel, tyre. Give pupils
a tyre. Write the words on the board and ask pupils to
time to look through Unit 6. Pupils then close their
repeat after you.
books and make sentences about the four inventions.
PB page 45 11 Listen, read and • Finally pupils shade the number of boxes they wish,
answer depending on how well they feel they can perform the
• Pupils identify the objects in the pictures windmill, tasks described. Circulate and discuss the pupils’
bicycle/bike, clock, farmer, cart. assessments of themselves.

• Play Recording 62 two or three times for pupils to listen


• Check that they understand the vocabulary. Elicit Vocabulary building

sentences beginning Before wheels there were no …
Write jumbled wheel words on the board for
Explain or translate any new words and write them on
pupils to sort out: 1. l l i i n m d w (windmill)
the board. Pupils ask and answer the questions, giving
2. x t a i (taxi) 3. g e n n e i (engine)
their own opinion for question 3.
Check answers. In pairs, pupils write one or two
KEY 1. more than 5,000 years ago; 2. the tyre
more jumbled words of things with wheels. Pupils
PB page 45 12 Project Fun can refer to the Pupil’s Book. Monitor the activity.
In turn, pupils write a jumbled word on the board
• If pupils chose to make the collage, ask them to label for the rest of the class to sort out.
the pictures and ask you for any new English words
they need. They will need large sheets of paper and
access to scissors and glue.
• If pupils chose to find out more about Mesopotamia,
they should select one or two areas to research. Tell
them to write four or five sentences about
Mesopotamia and draw a picture or attach a visual
from the Internet.
• Pupils who made collages show the class their pictures.
Pupils who found out about Mesopotamia read aloud
their sentences and show their visuals. If there is space
in your classroom, make two displays.

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