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Initiative & Resposibility

High Degree of Committment

Opportunity Orientation
Moderate Risk-Taker
Confident & Optimistic
Creative & Innovative
Seeking Feedback
Characteristics of Drive To Achieve
Entrepreneurs Ability To Set Vision
Self-Assessment For Skilled at Organising
Internal Locu of Control
Tolerance of Failure
High Level of Energy

Team Building

Engage in buss activities for profit
to support living & family
Businessman Low risk-taker
Follow others & invest only in
tested & proven markets
Starts venture, assume leadership &
expand venture to fulfill personal goals &
attain self accomplishment
Moderate risk-taker
Takes calculated risks
Very concious of rules & taboos
Difference Amongst
Businessmen, Managers sensitive to the future & willing to
& Entrepreneurs postpone rewards
Conventional Manager powerful need for acceptance
able to identify problems in any
course of action
make detailed plans
view rules as guidelines
future concept as personal goals with low
threshold for frustration
Entrepreneurs ambivalent towards control, success &
responsibility also able to being
manipulative & exploitative of others
Impatient with discussions & theories,
prone to action & seems impulsive

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