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JEAN BAUDRILLARD with implications for the future.

- Exposes the negative consequences (Prof. James L. Peacock)

of postmodernity to individuals in - It considers human experience as

the society an interplay of “nature” referring to

- posits that in the modern genetic inheritance which sets the

postmodern, the self is found in the individual’s potentials and

prestige symbols of goods “nurture” which refers to

consumed by man. sociocultural environment

- The postmodern person has become Both biological and cultural factors have a
an insatiable consumer.
influence on the development of self-awareness
- Consumption structures the
among individuals within a society
postmodern society.
- Anthropology has contributed to
- The postmodern individuals
the understanding of self through
achieve self-identity through
the ethnographic investigation
prestige symbols that they
(sampling method, interviews,
The self may be in a never ending search for

in the postmodern society - British Anthropologist


CONCEPTUALIZATION OF SELF: THE SELF AS – is the complex whole which

EMBEDDED IN CULTURE includes knowledge, belief art,

 Anthropology morals, law, custom, and any other

- It encroaches on the territory of the capabilities and habits acquired by

sciences as the humanities, and man as a member of society.

transcends the conventional Anthropologists have emphasized that culture is

boundaries of both while
behavior itself but the shared understandings
addressing questions to the distant
past and pressing present - perhaps
guide behavior and are expressed in behaviors.
-It is how people make sense of their

experiences and behave according to socially


ideas, values, and perceptions

Culture provides patterns of “ways of life”.


- He believes that the concept of self

is a necessary supplement to the

concept of culture in anthropology

and should be regarded as a human


 Ethnic Identity

- It is pointed out the sameness of the

self with others that is to a

consciousness of sharing certain

characteristics (language, culture)

within the group.

- Is understood as a disposition of

basic personality features acquired

mostly during childhood and, once

integrated, more or less fixed.

- This makes a human being a person

and an acting individual.

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