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- STD CAMERA REPAR BO 1 - DESCRIPTION A. GENERAL DESCRIPTION “Te Polaroid Land SX-70 ia folding, pocket shred singlo-lene reflex camera which takes and immediately delivers fll color pictures approx imately 3M ses square (ee Figures ol, 2 fn 1). Operation i sutomatie. The ser ‘etely inserts the fn, focuses and shoots. Powe ris provided bya sivvoll battery inside the film backs therefor, the bates ae alway fresh Bthe film FIGURE T2 HOLDING AND OFENISG THE SRTO “The our element les hasa maximum aperture (of 1/8, nd 8 Focusing range from 1.4 inchs to Tntinty. "The shatter is automstcaly conteo by a photocell and electonie timing, Electrical, {te imechanieal eneray conversion saccomplshed by Iwo solenoids and amotor Theres no sep. tate diaphragm adjustment The shutter open- ing and closing tine is controlled by the exporure ‘The subject viwsd and focused though the faking lens, a miro a fesnel viewing sercen (Gath splitimaue focusing aid) and an optical ‘stem to focus te image atthe wicwing eye lece” AS inal slagleens reflex meray, hatter must Be open to provide an image a the yepiece. The requitement i fated by the Sitomatc eectromeshanical components which te described in detain Section ofthis ‘manual \Whea the exposure is made, the image mutt be tnansfered [om the viewing system to the su face of the im in accurate focus, To accom pls thi the shelter closes and the viewing Seen swings out ofthe optical path which thn diverted by 9 ror 9 the fli surface “Those two paths ae deserved in greater deta aowhere in this sen, ‘The exposure is made following the viewing scroen| minor swing. The sreen then tun to ‘the viewing position and the automatic mecha sm jets the exposed shet of film. Develop. ment takes place outside the camera and can be observed by the operator. ASsoon a the print | mom CQE\ surren QD Is siected, the mesanisn competes its eye 10 Prepare forthe next exposure Following the tenth exposure, te Mash circu is inmiited ne {ils eth fim pack iziesrted. Normal oper” tion will veauine when the camera is elated, B, CAMERA OPERATION The folowing paragraphs describe the eectr- mechanical events hat occur in normal operation ‘The purpose of this deseription i to sequaiat the Tender with the rapnet in which the ets func tons are accomplished. Detaled analysis ata composient/ub assembly Ive appears in Section u 1 Opening the Camere ‘When the 8X70 olde, a intetock switch (86) removes al battery powsr fom the exinra rmechanism to petent any Jain fron the fy packeencapsuited bttenes, To prepare the ait for piture taking, bl the caer in the Tet ng, pul staight up on the verated portion of the viewfinder hossing (Figure 1-2). This action releases latches, wich um allow the ain body ofthe cael 0 Tass ato operating position When the came ie fally upon the interlock ste (56), located atthe el tea eorner of the ‘miior cov, closed and the battery i comet {tothe camera slctial craitry Figure 14), FIGURE Ta $6 WITH CONTACTS CLOSED 2. Loading the Fit Pak, ‘The front cove atch located un the right side ofthe camera just nse the ein ofthe tom over ascmbly. Pressing down on thi yellow Tate seleses the fmt cover which drops down to expose the film chamber. With the cover open, 2 fl pack canbe inerted cr an exhausted pack fan be removed ‘A fresh fm pack is oaded into the film chamber ‘Obsrving Color coding (Figure 1-5), Under oer. tain rcumstances a partly used pack could be Inserted, but thi action mill ause some deviation ‘The battery isa prt ofeach film pack, and the to exposed termina on the pack engage two contacts within the film chariber asthe pack is inserted 2. Starting the Automstie Mechanism With the itm pack in plac, the front cover ean becosed, I mut be fully closed and latched, (Gear the front cover must engage the main fp tain ofthe eanora before the gat tans {ut into motion. A switch ($7) located inthe orwatdsetion of the gear rain compartment iniates the application of power to the gar tesa drive motor, Switch $7 isactuated by two ‘components, (2) Aprojetion on the font cover latch (Fi tre FA), and (2) Apost on the igh rear edge ofthe Font coyer Figure 1-8), FIGURE 16 SV CONTACTSOPEWANO CLOSED Thus, the cover must be fully closed, the oars engage, andthe ate fully seated, in ower to eluate the drive motor ‘As ST closes, power is applied to the dive motor (Sse ateo volved and re dzeusted in 3 Vollowing Darsgraph, the gat tan eset in motion 2nd cuter a device called the itm pick The pick ‘ngags the dark slide, pushes i nto the spread Tolls andthe dark slides elected fom the lower front oAge ofthe front cows, eady to ake the fist ite. Tie cameras now ‘When a used film packis removed fom the film chamber, the action atomically eests the ox pone counter a the car of the camera to the Start positon, closing $8. Witha new film pack installed and the frontcover closed and latched (S7 closed, the motoris powered, and the dark sie s jected. The exposure counter (ares to umber 10 (Figure 1-7), indicating that 10 pie tures remain nhs pak TSURE 7 -COUNTER, 5. Viewing and Focusing Viewing and focusing i accomplished through a reflex systera Figure 1-84). Inthe viewing ‘mode the image passes through the lens toa {xed mirror whigh refkcts it down tothe fees nel slewing sercen. The viewing path from the winder eyepiece fr from 3 parsbolie mieror nd wafer lens, ff the fixed miter tothe Ses" relssreen On most cameras the Irenel screen ‘Contains a crear splitimage asa which isused 38a feesing ai. A knurled knob (ihe focusing ‘thea on the shutter touring i rtated toad Just the camera focus, The scene isin facut tin rfc fine within the spltimage are is perfectly straight On early cameras (without SSpltimage featire), te scene iin focus when Theimage seen om the feel screen i sharpest. 6. Naking the Exposure The exposure ismate ty presing the lease button Thiscompleter the electrical ict ta SHUTTER oFeN (mene MODE, . y =~ aes teerosone mooe) FIGURE 18 VIEWING AND SHOOTING a ~ ~ — the tert inter of nents The ‘The hte psn nd lest prom he x Shutter Blades close to eu off the opis] path ‘The hinged Frese viewing screen ie swung UP. var and comes to fest in front ofthe fixed view: Ing moe Figure 1 8B), posure function A fustsurfaced taking minror is istered 10 the Atnderside of the reel enricreasnbly. The linge is flected by this ror onto the fi surface, The electron metering system deter. ines the requted exposure, and programs the Shutter opcning and duration accordingly. The incorporation of 8 mitrorin the lensto-im path i nceeitated by the mature of the film. No separate negative isempoyed. stead the nage appears as iect postive, Since the Binal pro: Sct san pave pra itis viewed by election, ‘Asa tel the ror is needed fo ects the Jinage so tate Gina print wl Be propey rented. Tha requirement a ut, dictates the tao of the refetance type viewing szeen rather tana gromod asst pe transmission system, Noe thatthe fil surface is diaplaced from the fresnel viewing sereen by the thickeess ofthe iewing screen assembly. The corect foal di- lance for both viewing nd exposure property ntsined, however, sace the surfaceosted ox: posure sor is displaced by the amie dimension, Doing exposure the tight from the viewing ay fom must be prevented fom striking the fl, Tiss accomplased by » mibeelght stop ade hen fo the hinged Freie eaerier, Wha the fresnel ease sonee upward, the ight stop Mocks of tight from the viewfinder eyepiece Asindcsted by the Foeyoing description, the viewing system is Hacked out Jing the steal Saposute Assoon as he exposute x complete the schism ‘etures the viewing sores to ft inital portion 29g the pok feds the exposed film to the spender roll The rts break the pod rca Hs devcoper, ial et the fil fon the ears. 7. Competing the Filoypack Ascach exposure competed, the exposure ‘unter sutract one digit anti the ten exposures hve been made, ‘The counter then ndieates (0). When this occurs, switch $9 closed. Closing {his switch inhibits the Rash and exposuce sing, ‘hice the counting eye i iniisted by the inser Yon ofa film pack, the pack may not necesat Ay contain a full supply of fm. Uy, for some ‘sason, a pally used pack foie Se Insert, the top fam wi be the darkside. The oonter wl fart at number 10. Since switches $8 und 89 ae ply attached tothe oure {the camara yl ete through 10 exporares eventhough there be less than 10 sheste of iim inthe pack. This deviation must be recognized whencter a purally exposed pack uted 8, Developing the Print As in ther Polurid pack cameras, the pisture it ‘developed outside the camera, Unie previous Polaroid Land Cameras however, these no negative to pee and discard ‘Thus, theres 20 equirement fora dewstopnient Ting eye. Thenature ofthe filmi wich that ‘once delivered Grom the eamers, the picture will Saute ts inl sppearance automaticaly wih no Further atenten by the operator 9. Exposuees Using Flash The $K-70 accepts special 10am Nash bar ‘hat plugs into aeseptcts divctly over the cum ‘talens. There arefive lamps na tow on cither Side ofthe Bar wich mutt be removed, rated, nd reinserted afte the fifth lam bas been fired Figure £9). Insétting» Mash ba nto the Mash sosket coses stitch Soin the socket, This action sets up the shutter eletroniedzeuit to permit ring of the Ash amp. A Tollow-focus mechanism, coupled to the tens focusing system arrests the ster bas stan opening related fo camecr-to-bect NOTE: On cary enera model, the taht nea: frog circut romatiectie even with the ish bur inerted into the socket Ifthe iru deter Ines thar there I ufficlent antbent Iga ‘Xposure ibe tna without the fish. Canceas ‘ath "Pcofigiaton o later shatter do not Ihave dhs tgt measaring feat I the fas ne, Regardless of the arsient light level, the cits wil fie the fash when a Pash bart the sche (inte, of course the las have ul bce ad). the aray hasbeen extaustd, the shutter wil complete the exposute cycle without Hh, ‘Maximum exposureduration is thirty sande When the exposure cote rues 0 (np) the ‘camera will nt fire Ms as sen St oe {sed fanps remain tthe Bars The pian tase devotion aseiated with the espouse ‘counter is applicable to the ash fonctions Tran lunased lamp in pestion anlif warily pty fl puck hs been roiserted the wares wil ‘onthe to fe late afr the fst sect of film has besn exposed, wil the counter techs 79, FIGURE 19 INSERTING THE FLASH BAR 10, Closing the Camera ‘When through using the saiera it ean be folded au latched its closed eonfgontion by psig ‘the erecting ik. When the emera i closed, the lierlock Sitch (S6) i opened 9 hat the Ba tery is completely daconnectod from the canera {leit The tiny whoo (te Hihtemfdarken a Iostinet, the photocel sutommae C SHULTER DESCRIPTION (AMBIENT TicHT MODE ‘Te shutter employed inthe SX-70 casera is mage No ditect compatsons should be dawn ‘tween the manner in whih functions sind the fnetion of other Palo csc tronic shutters. No manvaly adjustable or fised spurture im ployed When a picane taken, two stati FIGURE 1 10 SHOT ‘BLADES HELD OPENED ly shaped cutouts, open the Teas from atotally closed position fo suitable spectre The tv blades then revere direction ad uguin shutoff the optical path. Thess same two blades also contain sniar (ithooan di. ferent shaped) par of eutous that open and close the lightpath tothe photocell nike Imanner Inthe folowing deserption the Func ‘on ofthe potoeel cutouts defereed unt the setion ofthe shutter eutouts explained althogh, operation, the two functions are interdependent ‘Who the cameras open fr viewing, but before the telease Button fs prescd,solenosd A ede" surgirch andthe shitter Bier ure open, A ‘pring (opening sin) folds the shutter blades ‘wile epen Figure 110). The lens this prowides, ‘maxim veiog/focusng brlignse. Soleo “ping actin is ytd tal a the nent SEuG oF thie mah tw Wen the release button is presed, a switch SI loses (Figure 1A and B) and applies operat- ing power tote shutter. Assvom as power is ‘ied to the shutter, soionod I ie enericed and rapidly moves the shuiter blades tthe closed postion _. FIGURE VITA 81 Lt — 20 FIGURE 1-178 $1 ~ OPERATION ‘Wien the solenoid has roa hud the end of its stoke (Gutter closed), i ne Tonger requires maxon urtent to hold tat hat poston. Swish $4 (located on solenoid Fl) closes (CB) and activates Sn electron circuit aed the POWER DOWN CIRCUIT. This teduers power fo an adequate ysl to hold the solnoid after the high curent ‘esi has completed the slenosd operating Tinction and switches on the motor dive ee ‘it Thy theater il remain closed, with ‘ninn Batley dain, Light estsring the fens is now cutoff and the reflex iter swung upward fo pictiretaking Dustin, Te eectranc atch (octivated by ‘pening $8) snes thatthe sequence will Be onplated gwen ifthe wperstor stoves is gor from the exposure alton, St ‘When she miro swings up, 2 mschawiely oper sled sie (93) avttates "Yn delay eeu 2D isco (Fgare 1-12) soca he shutter wih tol fonction ent siior hownce has subsided. At the end of the delay vio the electronic eietry removes the power from the solenoid and The open Fngeprng sets the shutter Hades in motion toward {he full ope postion, Atte sane instant anclee- tronic switch opens and starts the Intpretion cle ‘Tye intepation veto that period during whicn {he total amount of light tensity and dation) reaching the plotocels transformed electronic aly to sepa the feng of time the i is pots The shape of the pening in he shutter I FIGURE 1-12 $3 BEING OPENED BY RECOCK RAM. 1 blades and the motion ofthe bles issih that ATof the factors involved are continowsly vate Uxoughout the exposine period. This set, howe cer, ea design consideration and should not confuse the theory of shutter operation from a maintentnce point of Wie When the comera completes all ofits automated functions andthe release button fas been rslsse, alfsollage fs removed from solenoid sn the “utter opens preparation forthe next exposure, 1 shouldbe noted that wner extremely tow iM ertiion, the suttes wil lose completing Aeceposive eye it 14 to 30 seconds whether 3 ‘hitube expose has lash produced or nol D. SHUTTER DESURIETION (FLASH MODE) ‘The special tn shot fs ba is equipped with « shorting bar so that when the burs inctted, 8 Contacts within the camera are shorted. This ‘switch fe ilentiied a8 $2. When $2 ls closed, the shutter electronic eicuit tects that a ish tar vin face nd ready Tor firing. tn general, the sequence of fonctiaverraine the same for ambient ight op ston withthe folowing isl a the intsrcoptor {0 give the proper as exposure, As solenoid - sing mecha #1 dowwrgass suite $4 moves fom the CB deal dvi id fat the nsf IBA), The itreepiorlemoved the Dosiion the CA. position. “This switch com fens i focused repudlese of whather subient- Iiwels VEC the FFA, light or Mash pictureeare baie taken Wien a Mosh bar ia place (8 closed) andthe gear ‘When the Mash day period reaches compe Tus opensswitch $8 (Fate 1-14), soho Ue euiteysemeves the holding sure fe 21s eral und pls the interceptor nto pos solenoid #2. Sine the sok noid an leer ‘con to physiellyeestrict the shutter blade tarel_——grechante’ saving poset rom i causes (Faute 1-138). Since the interceptor iecontrolled a ealaping nape ald lech inde bythe focusing mcehanion the ster opening Bick voltage This ‘stelated to camera fosuhct fata ts come Mash ecuey wh Petsitng forthe A. stblbto-subjcctd sts the ih inp, tees 4 Baits (aaa LENGIO ENERGIZED [ on FIGURE 113A INTERCEPTOR LINK, SOLENOID 2, $2 OPERATION ~ SOLENOIO DEENCAGIZeD ni FIGUIE 1-48” $8 SETI OPENED BY THE RECOCR RAWTGCAR TRIN Mae In cameras with “P* configtation of ate sat {ers there sno smbienttipit measutemcnt made Wa tush ba isin the shutter socket a Rash pw ure wil result rguress of the ambient ight level (On cary canta, an ambient ight measurement ‘made during the Math delay period. Since the jotoel aperture isa part of the shutter Blades, the unownt of refeeed It easing the cll Wil ato be a fnction of focusing stance. The Shutter electronics delays fring the Mls nt the shutter has opened fo the ape tute stabs shed by the fo wheel. During ts lay pe tod the ambient ight lve is auilnly high te case rggeving of the integrating crus, the exposute willbe completed andthe shutter loved before the rng valtage reaches the lamp faa the lap wil not be ced. ‘The Mah circu just mentioned performs two additional fonetions. Te produces signal that Shorts out the Integrating (exponire timing) cap- fcitorand thus discharges the capacitor sa that ican epeat the intagratng function. The same ‘signa alo inte the Nath time-out interval At the end of the Mashing ites, the ‘tcl energizes solenoid #1, th ster eoses and the sequence proceeds in the sinbiet. Tight node 1 the bulbs in the Mash bar ae all sed when the operator attempts to uke 4 Nash eapontre, all ofthe previously deenbed visvitey wil fene tion upto the actu Gr ng of Nas amp, Since there fs no lamp 1 git, 0 Mash fing current wl be drawn, There willbe no tpt signa from the Mash seaiencing citeut, snd sm nbicot ht exposure ‘willbe nada. On cinta with" or later com Figuration shutters, the welt lk bea ink pee ture unless the ambient ih fevel fe high cen fo giean exposure. Theis cise by the fact ‘hat "P* and later configuration ster have no interatng function slong a8 3 My bare Ingerted in the soeket. Ea comers have w wonty second time-out petiod even with as bar inserted Inthe socket Therefor if te fash bt nex hausted a properly exposed pleture wil resi the ambient ight i geatenoush to produce ‘ne in wenty seconds MW - THEORY OF OPERATION A. INTRODUCTION A git description of the camera snd the sequen of te fonctlons contain in Section Inter accion, detaed apalyis of sndhidal a- fens an electrical cigcute was minis 30 that simphass could be placed on the inter tion- Ship varios functions tn Ie fllowing pata {Bapla,the infil groupe of eonipannts ae fiserbed in greater deta Phe descriptions are [ventted inthe sequence in which the comnpom- {nteere imentioned in Section B, POWER SOURCE Power forthe drive motor the shutter electrons, and the fash tay is sopplied by a specially de Signed sxvolt battery incorporated in each ten exposure film pack. When the pick is inserted i to the camer, two contact pats on the bottom sir. faut of the pak engage wo springlouded contscts Sn te ir boon srface ofthe camera bottom plate, Feom these two points tis distbuted to Its stinatins by the oppor fo tips of alex ‘Siro onthe outer srt ofthe button plate Tie battery has adesnate capacity to expose al ten fim fares with atleast six months of expected shel if cuENs Th fens employed ia four eke, glss fem of 118 aperture sith a foal wngls of Ui Sin, Te has Focusing acorspised by nuncment of the feoat element only, Metal thea nt en ‘mount provide the lincur less wement sovsient Operation is by means ofa geared focus whce at the top of the shutter housing There no mania: Iy adjustable diaphragm asociated withthe SX-70 VIEWING AND EXPOSING SYSTEM When the camera is erected to pieture-taking con figuration, the mject can bo vicwed though the elapse viewfinder. Figures 21 and 2.2 show the to optical paths inthe camera, Note the i | FIGURE 22” VIEWFINDER OPTICS (EXPOSING) ~ — 1. Pressel (Figures 234 & 238) “The special fresnel (pronounced Freon sexeen Isemlayed to enhaive the viewing image by in ‘creasing the brightness and deinen. ifs matte shite surface were rabstituted for tas fresnel ferven, an image woud stil be vine. Howsyer, the light rays tring acest the corners of the Sercon cet the sere at a more oblique sre than the rays stikingnear the center. At this gear angle, a leper percentage of te Hight Sispersed sod es igh returned to the sce Thus, on amattescenn image the coniatt would appear datker than the center, Te feanel ence 's designe to overcone ths problem ection of the arrows. Rect light from the Saject passes through the eamers lens and sre Acted by the viewing iior (on te inside sur face of the minor cover) 0 the fesnel viewing The enie subject images now resgoduced onthe viewing seren At pot, onda opis inst be eniployed for focus. The opiy mst transfer the age foe he viewing scent te {Se lone by the parable mir and vicwing iio) and must petent ie mage fay aha Eontzet to permit pre: focsng done othe oe fens nd parole miro The sroen itl isa sheet of plastic upon whieh acc impressd a series of eancentic ings much like the grooves pressed into phonograph second (Figure 23) instead of having ¢ vee shape; how ve, the grooves inthe ffestel screen form a save {oth with «tooth ange increasing slightly with exch suecestve groove in such a manner 0 complement the decreasing angle ofthe light ray The sawtooth ‘uttens out completly atthe exact optical center oft screen. In the 8-70 camer, the optical ‘enter inet the geometial center of the screen The surface ofthe sereen i sivered to provide optimum recctance. The raul is2 brant view: ing image every Mumvnated from sornet to corner. For the reader who i familar with the use of a Stesnel Tens wed in conjunction with grount ss focusing sree, ora fresne-gound focusing magnifier it must be noted that these are tran inission devices while the Polaroid sercen i te ing medium. Otherwise, the brliance- ‘enhancing properties ae the same, A suitable anal ‘ay would be the comparion of lenticular prow ‘ection seen compared with a mate surface. The ‘ibbed surface ofthe lenticular sreen narows the A | semi, ? $ samzor Dither neeeicnaaeea [ ‘nc ove garage ven FIGURE 23, FRESNEL SCREEN ‘ange of reflectance but increases the biliance of the image within the viewing are. In sursmary, the fresnel satisfies three conditions (§) it enhances focusing by distibuting lh rays cvenly across the entire viewing ates (2) It guarantees roper focusing by mature of is acting ae a ground ‘ass ~ thus ingusing that the subject in focus when {he eye sees the image Infocus on the screen (3) It Acta asa reflecting surface to permit the eye to See the image through the viewfinder opts. ‘As shown in Figures 2-34 and 2-38, two types of {tesa screens are used, Current types (gure 234) have splitiage sick cut ino the ener of ia sreen which males focusing easor Specialy ‘oriented prisms within the cece split the image are less the cameras peefectly cased, ‘Therefore t stright vertical ine in the image area would appear {o be broken unles the subject iin focon. To further ‘ise focusing, the image within the spit ccle appeart brighter than the rest ofthe frenel image, ‘Thi posible because the split cece area it notconted Inthe sme manner asthe rst ofthe fresnel, This latter feature improves the ailty of the viewer to Tocus the carers in dimly tt areas. 2. Viewfinder “The viewfinder optic consist ofan eye lens, x con- ave miro, and s wate lene Figure 2-4) As in Sil simple optical systems, aeertan amount of di tortion snberent in us design. A small wafer lens isintroduced into Qhe viewfinder optical path to Timitthe ange of aeceptance and, ths, reduce dstor- tion. The sze ofthe ese opening is Tage enough to provide acceptable viewing brillance 8nd, a the ‘ame time, small enough tobe easily closed when the camer ig in the exposure mode. (On eter models rectangular mask called astigmatic pupil takes the place ofthe wafer Tens) FIGURE 74 WAFER LENS ASSEMBLY Ignoring the shutter fonctions momentarily, when the operator prewes the exposure bution, the {teanel cari swings avey from the fm plane tind comes to ret in front ofthe viewing minor. During the moment of the feesnel caer (and titi eturne tots nial viewing postion), ‘exible ight sop cloner s path between the ‘ewfinder andthe inner exmera to prevent Hight {rough the eye lens fom reaching the Hi. ‘The movement ofthe sprag-riven Trespel caler complished bythe mirror release cam which isacomponent ofthe motor-driven gear train ‘Thedetals ofthe automated action ate deseribed inthe dscusion ofthe slectro/meehanial assemblies 3, Mirore “Two fit surface mitrors are used in the SX-70 op. Ahealeyatem. When apietur isbeing tke, the free tel carne ateed, Thepaces the edged irr lato the optical path and lights reflected ‘nto te film plane. (The taking miror is mounted fon the Fresnel carer onthe side opposite the Trex Pa Tight rays entering the eamera from the taking lens are reflected onta the fresnel screen by the Viewing Imiror. Secondly, the opentor views the image on the seen with light refleting ofthe viewing mirror (Figure 2:1), (The viewingmiror is ocated onthe Underside of the mirror eave assembly.) 4. Flare Bate The Mae bate (Figure 2-2) i springtoaded plate which springs up when the Fresnel sereen moves Into the pieture taking moce In this state ght i trovented {von pasing trough the lene directly onto {he firm without fist being refiectd of the taking iron. This prevents “botipots” from appearing, fon the finished picture, When the fresnel carer {nin the lowered position, she Mare bale is held down, out of the optical path. E. CAMERA ELECTRONICS 1, Generat ‘The $%.70 i unique, both nit principles of ‘operation and in ts functional design. It ean be con Sidered as an clectroniealy controlled mechanical device, An electronic contol module (ubstat fr ECM) contains ll of the electronic components Stith the exception ofthe motor control (MCC) Integrated circuit and the fath fire assembly (PFA), Because the ECM is located inside the shutter hous ings tt becomer Kentfed spat of the shutter (ig ‘ie 2:5) should be not that all ofthe camera ttomation is controled by the integrated cucu inthe ECM, (surernome cows01 moouLe FIGURE 78 ELECTRONIS CONTROL MODULE (ecm) The sitive LEM (rate than ts individual integrated incite wae 343 feplcement item, For that ‘eson, the theory of operation nd alas techn {ques picscnted in this manual have been prepared Inst» way thatthe repairman ean relate a specit= ‘ie eamera failure mede to an ECM function. 2, Switeh Functions (Figure 2-6) 4 Switeh 1 is aetuated by elther the red shutter feleae button ora remote control cable release. tis operated by the photographer and it cause {he camera to rin through a complete exposure/ fll delivery eye IGURE 26 SX-70 SWITCH LOCATIONS | | b. Switeh $2 places the ccevtry into the lash mods. Switch $2 fs closed when the Nazh ba is nsert- fed Into the FA on top ofthe shutter housing Te commands the integrated circuit in the FFA fo select thefist unused Mashbut and, to fire the bub. It also enables the ECM fo energize folenoid #2 whieh limite the opening ofthe shut {er blades so that as expasure wil be determin 4 by Masteto-subject distance. When solenoid [P isenergzed it engages a mechanical coupling between the shutierblades ard the focusing mechanism, © Switch $3, mrmally ose at dhe Beginning ofthe NOTE: Whenever the SX-70 shutter dacuse sspusite cyte isojined by the recock ram located 24 must be noved that, snes the cantera ls in the get tsi ssembly, See Figure 27. At 2 snglefensrefles and focus is accomplished eer the eaposueesyuence Begin 83 opens und tough he taking Ten, the ster normal svtuates a delay circuit (¥ delay) inthe EMC state fropen, notlosed arn other Polaroid hich retards the stat of the actual exposure eamerae spprosimately forty millseconds so That miror bouace wil have subsided before a picture tak- When the shutterrslease button i pressed wh. At the eh af the delay time, the shutter and ihe eaposutecycle inated full Bate Hatch Sars to open and the electronic tang ascton tery power dsinered to solenoid, clos Gnteprstion) eas place. Ifa Mash cicut i ir lng the shutter. Gnce the solenoid plunger Sertd into the FEA (82 closed) an addtional. isseated itn fonger requires as much power Fash delay eicut i yetivated totnsuce thatthe ab was originally reeded to overcome ie static exposure gsi ll effect ofthe light derived fram inertia, Switch St thetefore, closes the 34 Ue lash. AC the end ofthe espomire cycle when CB contacts fo the ECM and the elect powee te Tesi wana sures down Sato ewig postion, tolliesotenold coi tected to te “pov SS clowesas the rcock ram movesaway. Ite now” erdown” value wlich sufficient to continwe reset forthe next camera cycle. the exposute cycle yet tow enough to conserve sree battery drain seh 4 Switeh $4 is tripped by an actuator onthe plunges of solenoid, the shutter Blade act When the switeh $4 (CB contacts closed) trans: tating salen Figure 28), fers to the ECM itsends power tothe drive aaa FIGURE 28 S4 SWITCH OPERATING CONFIGURATIONS otro opr i gem, Whe 4 twig po, $5 cob he eek potas eps a, Wen argateg etsy ee ‘Bitches gece reset ade een ce cea uth Sil y opeig he enue ote re Te ne Baten eb fo a ' motu rand) ten ee Shieh 8 (orm oe te besa oS ore saan 3s etait fo sue the emorao powe rm ieee cet eee ae) When hea fae es {he appropriate point ints cycle, $5 opens and, Switch $7 ls closed when the front cover it remaves power frm the dive motor, applying closed. It is wised In series with SE. Like dynamic baking voltage to stp the eat tain 6, 7 disconnects the negative side of the Shickly. The ECM resets o this command baltery fom the common return so thatthe Insuch a way that the exposure cycle continues camera cannot function unl the front covet completion even though the operttor has SS losed and latched. Te ran interlock during cooomnn 27) Jequed the exponure button ($1). APterexposire formal piture taking, With S6 and $8 closed, and when the fresnel camer retuins tothe Tintdates the dare ade function. : FIGURE 27 53 BEING OPENED BY RECOCK RAM 2 Po bh Switch $8 (Figure 28A) i pat of the exposure Counter operate by the counter wheel, As ST loses, power is aplied, electing the darkside ‘Afr dark aide jection, the counter wheel tums, opening 8. $8 then remains open until the fim packs removed. When the pack taken ut, $8 closes, Switch $9 near SB on the exposure counter asembly, When the counter reaches the 0 Position, switch $9 closes andthe ECM labia the Mas-firng function, so that ian unused bulb sil avalabe Sl ot be wasted. Fora handy summary, see te Switch Function Table, 13, Function Sequence ‘The lowing paragraphs describe the sequence Invhich the switches operate during normal op- ‘eration ofthe camera. 4 The operator opens the camera. Switch $6 connects the battery to the camera ecutry. 'b The operator opens the front cove. Switch $7 ‘opens and removes battery power from the {© The operator inserts film pack. (When the pre- FIGURE 26A 5650 EXPOSURE COUNTER ‘lousy ued iim pack was fomoved, a mechanical SWITCHES, SWITCH FUNCTION TABLE ' Come lets expan pce nd cau cet tte ae tine Spier 2 tome Connect cheery 10 ak iat plete a Ope Int "40 mites ely. (Pwr down wlnclé Fine tas mated ‘ cAciou Cento power to leeld [dope arent to ele lt cece Suni he ECM toner eter 5 pects Stops mote bot by dong nd openieg depedig won scutes ‘tection sé nerd eutey. . Chom + conecte bat 1 even reuley wn the | pen 1 an canara cool ct Dower on bate. 7 Chom Wn 58 so coud, provides owe to th camer whan She rot power inched or dre Seat, Ale ate an Intel daring normal peur ing ° clo rales ih 67 sou the ceuley te lt ste, Open ‘aun tare dee ect ° Come Prt Pring sh i pack courte on 28 ‘seuplng device sot the exposure counter fo the postion jst before the fist exponire and closed 58, tut since 87 has removed all battery power ro ation occurs) 4. The operator closes and latches the front cover ST clones power applied and the camera ‘est the dark ide. NOTE: During hisaction Cand in certain other ‘operations other switches actuate and functions ‘eur But, unles they contribute tothe parte ule canter function betigdeserlbed, they are ‘omitted from tis dgeusion. ‘The counter indicates exposure #10 (and opens $8) hereby showing thatthe cameras ready to {ake the fist picture The operator sims, focuses the lens, nd proses the red shutter release button (SI). The ECM. fctustes solenoid #1 which closes the shutter blades Solenol Fl transfers te S4 contacts [rom CA to CB, which in tur, switches the ‘Sra fom fl solenold power to holding current (gowerdown) Closing contacts CB of switch ‘4 le state the deve motor Opening $4 (CA) femoves power from the FFA. As the gear train run, il mechanically releases (be spring loaded Treselearier so that it eaves te fim plane and rises to its exposure position. ‘This accomplished by the mirror lease cam ofthe recock gear. The recock fam falls off the Fecock cam, allowing the ram to snap forward. ‘Thisallows the dive spring to raise the fresnel assembly to the exposure mode, The ran also moves away from $5 allowing $5 to open. This S2on eases the ECM to dynamically brake the ‘motor which will remain at rest throughout the xpouie sapment of the cycle. The SS switch {ction also programs the ECM to compete the {yee even though the operator has releaied the expose button after 8 is open, NOTE: There would appear 0 bea conrad. lon between this step and step 10 below where inclosing of $5 performs the Klential faction. es stops the motor and applies braking. $3 ir able to perform in this manner, however, be ‘cause the cirelt (gate) fo which tts connected. tina diferent condition during cock of the eps While the fresnel carier was moving up Dror to moter shutdown, the recock ram ‘Opens switch $3. When $2 opens it signals the ECM to initiate 3 4Oiizecond delay in the s- ‘quence, This amount of time prevents a plture from being taken until mstor bounce as subd. At the end ofthe 40 millisecond delay period, {he ECM removes power fom solenoid fl and the shutter opens. Simultaneously, the circuit stars timing the exposure (inegration). The in- tegration components ofthe ECM are controled by the amount of ight received by the photo cll, AU this same time, the Mesh delay section ofthe ECM is made ready but wil ot function Unles a flshiba has been ploaged in, t close switen 92 When power is removed from solenoid fl (and the shitter begins opening) the actuator onthe plunger return seiteh Seto its original condition (CA lowed). When the exposure timing cycle is ‘complete, power i returned to solenoid fl and the shutter loses, pening CA, closing CB, plac- Ing slenoid I agan inthe power down condi ton and starting the motor to eject the exposed fim. NOTE: The length ofthe timing eye ls deter- runed by the amount of ight reaching the photo- Cal If there i icuffcient Ugh fo correct op. ‘rate the integration eieuls, the system wil euros ‘matically terminate the exposure within 14 10 430 second When in the previous stp, the solenoid closes the shutter blades snd the drive motor fener. bBned, the gear train resumes ie sequence with the following results The film pick feeds the expoted film tothe spread rll, [At the end ofits travel the pick i held in it for: ‘ard position by the pick atch. Film moves through the spread system, “The ecock gear cam proceeds to retun these. oek ram which through the bell crank, mover the fresnel carter down “The recock ram closes switch S3 to prepare for Drother onponure. The light stop opens the optical path to the viewtinde, ‘The film completes its passage through the spread roller. The front cover idler grat mestng ‘wth the ger tain powers the top roller which {rves the lon through the exit slot ‘The fresnel cartier when fully seated ie held by the recock ram, “The pick latch releases the pick and the pick re {Went toe starting poston ‘The recoek ram closes 55 to cause the ECM 10 shutoff and dynamically brake the drive motor. Ire operator nas emoved pressure trom the “xposute button all powcr wil be revioved an the shutter blades wll open to permit viewing. ‘te button hss not been feeused, the shut Des will ain closed unt the opcrtor te ‘moves his ge rom the button, Wren a Rash bat i placed in it socket, it closes switch $2. This switch connect the ECM inthe sh mode. Allof the mechanical sequences will ‘emain as just deseribed The ECM however, will ow provide power to solenoid f2 when switch 85 (in the gear ain) opens, and wit maintain itina power down contition when $2 opens Within the shutter assembly i cam follower “riven by near on the fous wheel an aang ‘30 that twill mechanealy stop the tavel oF the souter blades relative tothe focus distance. When solenoid #2 is wot energized, a zpting onthe am follower prevents engagement ofthe eam follower and the shutter mechani functions In the ambient exposure mode. When the ECM Is programed for Tash, solenoid Pi encreaed and the shutter opening econtrlled by fusing distance, When making a ash exposure and the shuter blades start fo open, the interceptor wil bese {0a postion determined by the focusing mech- amin But out of the path of the lnterceptor pi ‘When solenoid 2 is energized it pls the inter ‘xplorinto the pins path of the blades and stops Una the apertace for Mash exposute at te wt Aistance Figure 1-13). The sterptor tts ln this postion. AL this time, me ECM removes the power from Solenoid #2. The solenoid like any inductive device, produces s fiyback vliags when its magnetic fed collapses, Ths fy back voltage is used to trigger the ECM whic, intra, apples power othe FFA to ignite the next ut Used Rabu, ©. The shutter pe'forms an additional function in the flash mode One ofits citaits examines fe Ml Mashbub contacts and by virtue of the tesitance determines whether or not the Bul hasbeen feed. Ifthe Bl lamp i exheused, the cireuit sans tof2, ete When an waved lamp Istocated, the ring cca rmaine connected torte tap wnt tis sed NOTE: 11s important tobe avare that nearly ‘cameras the toning integration) cieutt ofthe ‘buna continue to function ven though the Insertion of a ash aray har placed the mstate Inthe flash mode. Thus ifthe ambient ight lere ‘lis high the pleture may be made by ambient light without feng the flash “Als, if al the lash- lumps are expended and a pleture is taken an am. Dientight expesure wil reall. The photograph er wil recognts this suction by theabsence of ‘flash Homerer, he may sll get an acceptable Dleture, The aperture this ce wil be determine ff by the fashiorsudject distance, FLASH TIMING SEQUENCE CHART sins Pome Opane Bown Ste So SABC omer Powe'up Gout Boom 3 seca | Stee lows | Spsme | Pome un feces Artie — Coa Skogarett Espa Exponae owt The folowing patagrapi describe the manner in whic the mechoniealeomponcits ofthe shutter 1 Spond ta cther manual or electrical ditetion, 1. When the opetatorprepaes to take a pictare, SHUTTER MECHANICAL DETAILS (Figute 29) image into focus, eam mold into the rear Surface ofthe focus whee! moves the component ‘denied us the cam follower assembly. The ‘tim lnk coupled to the trim assembly is pinned {0 the cam follower in such a way that follower ‘movement is also ditecty influenced by the set ting ofthe tim wheel. The trim wheel ithe Tiphten/darkea control on the photocell) he fst must aim and focus the camera. As he rotates the focur wheel to bring the split fresnel [ Baio sina dsausicion' eae = ne FIGURE 2.9 SHUTTER, EXPLODED View ‘Won an ambient ight expose is being made, all ofthe aetion just described takes pace but ‘does aot affect the shutter action. However, ‘when a fash array ie ingrted switch $2 in the Mash socket programs the electonis to energize ‘solenoid 2 The impact ofthis ution on the ‘movement ofthe shuter blades i deseibed in faragraph Fa bot fit the shutter Blade actuation fst be deerbed at follows: When the ECM circuit powers solenoid #1, the solenoid plunger sped ito is sea, overcoming the opening spring force. The plunge! pulls the Salling beam, rotating it about 60 degrees. Each ofthe shuter blades basa pin which en- hing beam, As the walk {othe shutter pins and dries the ear blade 10 the rip (Facing the font of the shutter) and {he front blade tothe left thus closing the light ‘path of the picture taking lens and the lightpath ofthe photocell lena. When the shutters tot ‘ly cowed and the gear train as reached the point in the sequence a which the fresnel ‘ater snaps up, the exposure sequence starts ‘The blades wil proceed toward the fully open postion and return to closed position inthe time interval eetated by the photocell and Integrating crit. Theblads may nt each the fully open condition ithe lunnation level is ‘igh or they may fly open and remain open {or period of tine ifthe light level is low. If 1 Tah array amounted, the blades may not be emitted to open completly becuse of the Foliow focus mechaniam described in part inthe foregoing pergraph.The following paragraph explains the interaction ofthe fllow-focus com ponents andthe shutter blades, Installing» ash bar inthe camere flash socket twitches the ECM tothe fash mode. Ax previous: Iy explained, ata point in the picture taking so ‘quence (ash mode), solenoid #2 is energized. Fstened tothe plunger isthe pull down bar ‘When the plunger pulls this bar down, it moves {the interceptor info the postion where it wil ine {ercept a pla (he stoppin) on the walking bear Figure 254). Now when the shutter Blades ‘move towards the open position, they wil be in- terrupted by the mechanism just described which ‘means thatthe maximum size ofthe blage open- Ing (aperture) is determined by the focus setting ofthe camera. As the camera (and thus the Mash Tamp) is moved closer tothe subject, the maximum aperture reduced so thats comect exposure will reat. Phe reverse (greater dstance/erest Terr) eal tne FIGURE 290 SOLENOID S2 OPERATION 5. The shape ofthe pin ox the walking beam i such that once contacted by the eam interceptor It remains latched In that postion unt solenoid. (Alls acrusted during te next phase of the shat- fereycle. When the plunger on solenoK fl pale In, the folow-focus pin dsengages fom the fn- {erceptar and the solenoid f2 plunger returns to iWeriginal postion under the force ofthe inter ceptor hinge spring. Since the photocell components are contained ‘wthia the shutter hou, they are included {inthis dacuntion. A lees employed to facts ‘the reflected light from the subject on the photo call. A Second par of Dpeings inthe shutter biades control the amount of ight received by the cell as previoudy described. A variable neu Uuakdensity wedge system i mployed to provide lighten/darken adustments (Trim Asserb)) ‘The operation of ths contro differ slighty rom those used on other Pohroia cameras. When the ‘cameras folded, cam on the ight shield othe front cover srkes a releae lever onthe lighten! Aivken assembly and reuens the trim acting wheel ts center (normal) position. "The tim ‘heel is automatically centered when the camera Belored 1. To compensate for any variations in individual photocell characteristic, neutra-density iter {selected an ttle infront ofthe photocell Tens during ssiembly. A calibration must be per formed und’ iter of correct density instaed any Lime the ECM requies replacement. G. FILM PROCESSING COMPONENTS ‘The basi theory ofthe film processing method reiaing unchanged from previous Plarod sys teins "That isthe developing chemistry ise ‘ipsilated n'a pod on each sheet of film and, as {he shee! spased between oles, the pods burst vd the chemical spread evenly between the nega tive und the mylar protective cover. Except for {hese characteristics no direct similaties exist. ‘The SX 90 camera employe augue proces which totaly eliminates the "throw stay” nege five, The print is daw through the spread rls by the motor dive system so that no ction need be taken by the operator. See Figure 2-10. De- ‘eiopment takes pace ouside ofthe camera and Teumaffected by ambient light conditions, Since the'end results determined when the picture merge from the camera, no time measurement {snocesary. (Adéitona im information fava, ‘ble on page 60 and 61 of "The World of SX-70".) LER SYSTEM FIGURE 210 SPREAD Ri 1H. SEQUENCE OF OPERATIONS ‘The operator pushes SI, spplyng full power to {olenoid 1, which cloes the shutter Blade, and pushed salenold Pl agninstS8, charging it fom CA ToCB. Closing CB cuts solenoid #1's power from igh to lows fow is enough fo ld the Bades close. Goung CB also signals the ECM fo ste the motor. ‘The motor slats the gear tain moving. The move- sment ofa chm on the gear tran ceases the ecock 23 ram and, through spring action, raves the fresnel, Carter, When the recotk ram move, it opens SS fd, then SB a certain fresnel cari angles. Open- ing SS stops the motor after it has made only 2 bet jor, Opening 93 start the Yedlay; a 4-mulsecond delay which allows the fresnel erie to come torest Afterits travel, (This eliminates bouncing eased by the sodden stop of the carer on the mitor cover.) At the end ofthe ¥ delay, powers removed from {olenod f, allowing the spring to open the shutter FSrexposire, and moving $4 Yom CB {0 CA poston, ‘When the proper exporure level reached, the photo ‘el tps the Schmitt Trigger (S/T) in the ECM which Sends ful power to solenoid #. This closes the blades and transfers 58 from CA to CB. As before, toning CB cute solenoid 1's power from Tul to Low, Saiclent to mold the blades lea: closiag CB alo lens the eleevonies to start the motor, ‘The motor starts the gear (ain agun, and this time the cam catee a serie of actions at different post ton of gest tain movernent: “it start the pick which pull the fm into the rollers (one of which s attached to gear rain {tie hie powered roller rotation that pols the film through and out ofthe camera), = it stops the pick; = it pls down the fresnel catir, which in turn, moves the counter tothe next number; = itmoves the recock ram, closing $3 (resetting itor the next cycle), ~ ie etoms the pick = it seats the fresnel earie 20 it is ready forthe reat evel = st moves the reac ram, closing $5, which ops the motor; nd i stops the spread action. When $$ closes, it cuts power tothe solenoid #1; the pring opens the shutter Bades, and SIs pushed fom 5 to CA. (The biades open oniy if the operator feleses the ved uton) The system i cendy for new exposure cycle Springs are used in three of the operations discussed above: holde the shutter blades open, fips the (res hel carser up, and holds the pick atthe rest position. [As indicate, inserting 2 film pack cause automatic ction, This could, of course, bea partial pack thetop sheet af lim would be eected as dark side and the counter would register "10" Alter the last ctl sheet s used the eamera would stil function Umit "0" i reached If lash bar were attached, anda unused bulb was wallabe after the lst il Shset was use, attempting to make another exposure ‘Nou ie the ash The difference io the Mash mode ae Inserting a Mash bae closes S2, which activate sole noid #2 to move the interceptor into poston ‘This contol the shutter blades according to fooue Jing” the closer the subject the more ight from the Mhah will bounce back, ‘Therefor, the smaller the permitted aperture. [At the end of the Y-delay a Mash deta circuit Sctvated, and when Stawitehes from CB to CA, CA’Sends power to the flash circuit. During the ‘xed flash delay, the photocell and S/T ate oper tion so that enough ight energy i collected bee Tore the end ofthe fash delay, the Bade: will be closed asin he ambeint plctute. However, on newer ‘cameras ("P" configuration shutters, the flash wil fire whether orn sufficient smblent Ught is arailable, [At the end of the ash delay (the blades at this point ae open fo the aperture dictated by focusing) Dower is removed from solenoid 2 and the dit haige (My back vollge) tigers the ash ect, fing the ash and starting the Mash time-out inter. val (he xed exposure time). If on ealy cameras, anambient exposite has beea made, /T-2 inthe ECM receives the signal and no ash or ash time ‘out occurs [At the end ofthe ash time-out, the circuitry ener f2es solenoid I which closer the Blades. Iho lash hss occured, caused by all the bulbs having been used, no sighal wll be seat to slenond I, and on ‘rly cametes an ambient expomsre will be eds Ifthe S/T has not collected sufficient light energy atthe end ofa fied period (20 seconds, the blades will automatically close On newer camera, the Exposure time resin short and a black picture wil esate | finan owns fea PE ron nt il fam zposuns commana scnas connre [ote Rese Anas ay ty int as M- TROUBLESHOOTING ‘A. INTRODUCTION The SX-70 camer an electronically contd Seve the eto being i the integated ‘Site (IC) mounted in the Bectronie Conol Moduel (Ew) and Fash Fre Assembly (FFA) Inthe shutler hovsing nd inthe Motor Control ‘Gut (MCC) in the eamera back Because the ICS atenonrepaiable tems, there is no eaure- ‘ent to trace Poult within the Integrated eeults, iemandlon bowery tobe eto te ommend inpuis witches open or closed, ete) sede ating uate. The SK Co rchensve Tester provides the readouts necessary {contimanxposre malfunction; bute thorouth Understanding of the theory of operation i fequr df caning uae ofthe testers expected. Wa articular camera function fay ts necessary (0 Fcognize how te fallure related to the operat- Rgchtence af evens and thoe seduce tet roe (bres to toe relted Yo the wes of malfunction. Because of te camer ght atm at pidmec can i ‘dirom clatomer complaints except in esto ‘uile mechan dame. For fae ‘ell otal automation, iti ‘Tne primary purpose of eny fault analysis program ‘Pte reduce te investigation time to.2 minimum ‘This. itis not only impotent to establish a fixed routine, but itis mandaion to 1equte the max mim umount of information from gach stop of the checkout procedure. Use the charts a the end ff thissetion to guide jou throuph each sep of Inspection, dynamic testing and post rai tess Analysis of the $X-70 camera ia hey part ofthe complete repre task. tthe analysis done cor eat elimi cen repair tine a igh parte replacement cost. For instance inital fvatustion may show the entre shuterto’be at faut: however, continu analysis determines that ‘he probiem rin solenoid 2, which, when replaced reaules the material cont consigerbly (from over $20.00 to under $2.00), The repair person must. Always consider the labor. material ade off ‘ohn making a pat 2B, INITIAL TESTS Do not make any abitray assumptions, An assembly or component should be horouphlyfesied fa deter tnine whether or not it performing ls function onrecty. Complete the ests nthe chat below. SX.70 CAMERA REPAIR INSPECTION PROCEDURE [x FUNCTIONAL Tee 5 Gin im who et 2 eth and ot cover fo 4, Oye er tine ot 5 ar 4 vt th taitenion not, «6 Rrctent man acing 3. vl ot crane ‘Sti ueerpcterion te 104" (4 pcitntion seat SFr fit coer eit 1s Fasvon ewe 10. ier ra bow (006 9 +011 Pent camee thing. 2 Eectoann ence. ostneloa. Chee om sont movant nd atch 2 epsh tinea cre cam tod contin. & Ue autaeoatvon nd momen Eph son a Slaw eon eee BSI npn at BOCAS te wane dh hn seen etna “Weare iecltied “decks ok” — cycle camara 12 tire at 47a 68 vole [abot theremin mace ft! $b een FINAL VISUAL 1. hc opt pth 1 Fret coumarin chr). Sk ima Water and eye ew Erne nd ek pl eon, fb. SHUTTER cosmerics 5 SP pea cent — ir ti ec 15 Shutter mounting serve imining or owe, CAMERA BACK 1 Sede tng contin eather — dtr 2 Stade st novenen fp between lade 4. Concave irr conan cle cogeetaroahed ot ‘ourls {eonation~poutone ite serng hoe on 5. Seat pt 10. Grackeafchen Rn Shia hag ke Sod 0125 ma, 1B Seton aint, a TURE EVALUATION 3 frcrasne ever ron ovate. 1 Cooreogeind PEt eure ony) 3 FIGURES FILM PACK SINULATOR AND POWER SUPPLY . TEST EQUIPMENT OPERATION ‘Checkout of the SXTO camera requires the use of Several pets of test equipment. The purpose of this section fe tonstruct you i the proper use of this equipment 1. Power Supply and Pack Simulator (Figure 3:1) {In use, the system substitute forthe lm pack, ving s steady shable source of power. 2: Plug the pack simulator into the power suply being careful fo aber polwity (pound negative, Set the power supply switch to VOLTS and {wen the supply ON. «Adjust the output to the desied voltage (5.8¥ orm). NOTE: Except on Lafeyettemmade units, the Dower supply meter & not adequate fo set the foltage. Uae om external meter (VOM or VIVM) Yo make thi setting. TGORE ST SX 70 COLLIMATOR FIGURESS LOCATION OF NEWCOLLIMATOR TARGET 4. Set te power supply switch tothe AMPS, postion Remove front cover fom camers, 6 Insert the pack simulator Into the eamera as you would’ film pack (with the contacts down), Ghose the camera $7 switeh using the atuator 2. Coeator (Figure 3:2) When peeforming several ofthe Comprehensive Tosterchecks a requirement ofthe test shat ‘he camera lens be coretly collimated. For this reason and becaue the ens can be checked simply {nd rapily, te collation checks mould be done before Comprehensive Tester checks. Collation for the SX-70 camera is done on the special colle. smator a indicted below, 2 Colimation of Split Inage Viewing System NOTE: if the colinatir snot aval, yet the {focus whee! 0 nity and ook at ascent at tent 200 fer away. Observe thatthe foes tsar ‘nithin a tolerance of oath 1 #2 teeth besunnd ‘the infinity Setting of the focus wheel, NOTE: fan eat vintage soltnator i bing used, anew adhesbeebacked libel must bedded {othe target nthe postin shown in Figure 3.3. aw Remove the camera front cover and load the camest onto the horn ofthe callin tor 4321354 (Figure 82). (The collimator usesa rearlluminated target 0.80 add tional equipnent nected) Tum on tte collimator ight, View the added target wth the focus whee! ett infinity Compare the observed conditions with the examples Sown in Figure 34. Azindcat fe (best case), the upper part ofthe verte ‘al line shuld be sliged withthe bottom part of iheline or it may be piace to the right. lf dspace to the tight (accept ble, it should stl be touching the lower partof thle) 1 the upper pat of the fine i displaced to the sigh ao far that Ht does nat touch the lower putt ofthe line o its displ: 4 10 the ft (out of flerance), the toler nce evelrateexssrded andthe camera ‘mast be rected. Corrective procedures re outlined im Section 4 Q ® ® “ bs. Colmation of NonSplit image Viewing System (1) Turn on the collimator light source, L ae FIGURE 34 -TYFIGAT COLLIMATION CONDITIONS Py ‘Open the camera front cou adie the saimsesa onto the hort a the alintor Make sure thatthe conta a the way fm the hom so that the camera f captured by the spain atches. Swing the colimatorifinity tens tits vertical postion. (Be sure the & Tens hot inthe viewing pat.) {Look into the camera viewfinder white uring the focus wheel counterclockwise Uti the imape appears sharp. Look at {he collimator center target (op group of lines) and note the number 63, This nar ‘ber and the lines should have maximum lunty a the focusing wheat eae inti. the wheel stops before the focus i ‘sharp, mate the following ajuatment before continuing with the ellimation procedure. o @ o Spring Looded Laer Gene (2) With the camera stil onthe collimator, slip special tool #11939 over the lens and push iti, toward the back ofthe cave ‘This wil disengage the ler gear rom focus whee, allowing the lens tobe tumed ‘without affecting the focus whee (©) Wits the focur whee sti stat its infinity position, look though the camers wule {ring the tes. (This is done by maine {Wing presure onthe tool). Wile turn ing, you wil be able ro see the tact ‘rough the opening in the fool, ‘When the image is sharpest, tleae the special tool to reengage the refocused Tens {the focus wheal, (Continue with step.) © [Non Spring Lonced ler Geats (Earlier Cameras) w © Remove the eamera from the climator. Loosen the adjsting screw a the Bottom ofthe shutter housing so the ile pear no longer engages the focus wheel and lens bare Figure 35), (©) Return the camera tothe collimator and adjust the infinity focus by rotating the Teng barrel white maintaining the infinity position an the focus whe M TGURESS_GISENGAGING THE IDLER GEAR (8) When the focus sharpest, remove the ‘camera from the collimator and tighten the adjusting screw. Return the camera to the collimator and continue with step 6 (6) Verity the infinity setting. Do his by ‘observing the vera line target through "he colimator infinity lens and the camera ‘optics, ‘The line shouldbe straight within, the tolerance shown in Figite 3-4, Swing the collimator infinity tens back down tos horizontal portion. out of the viewing puthof the camera, Turn the came ra focus wheal tothe 104” setting o (8) Look through the camera and observe the vertical line target. Compare the observed image with Figure 34 to determine if the mera is within specifications, NOTE: There sno separate close focus ads ‘ment om the camera Ifthe focus wheel hat reached ltr stop before maximuin resolution fchived, revue tothe infinity check. If there {tan tolerance a thot setting, read the {Puy sering es close as posible 10 the focus ‘wheel stonping pain and recheck the cose Focus, fttis it impossible to obtain a sharp lage the lens i defecive and the shutter must bereploeed NOTE: The foregoing tess extme that when (Fresnel carrier) reaches the correct attitude Charing the expoture cycle, Ifthe len as been ‘correctly collated, the ony check posible of ‘cru pletre definlion is 10 expose fm. 3. Comprehensive Testers (Figute 36 and 3-7) “There ae two modes of Comprehensive Testers stalnble for sembautomati testing ofthe SX-70 camera. The easier model, Comprehensive Test Mode A, consists of three interrelated nits Tiphbox, the dectronica module, and the power supaly (Figure 3-6). Comprehensive Tester Model UGHT 80x. FIGURE SS” COMPREMENSIVE TESTER as B (Figure 37) slo const of three iterated ‘nits the Comparalunen calibrated light source. the electronics module, and the mounting horn or holding fixture. ‘The purpose of oth tester models {ito check the dynam operating functions ofthe camera, (A detailed description of the later tester {s avaiable ina technical eanval tiled "Model "8 (Camera Tese#".Thissection will deal only with the operating Instructions forthe tester) MODEL A CAMERA TESTER a. setup Before testing the camera, perform the Following setup procedure, (1) Calibrate the tester daily. Record the ihren VERTICALLY HORIZONTALLY ‘ALIGNED o FIGURES 0 EXIT PUPIL WAGES Ith snc are not sented vertically (Figure 3:18A), perfor the erecting link adjustment in Ssction 4 {Whe circles are displaced horizontally (Fgute EIAD), make the sgetoside adjustment of ‘ne fetel caer which is included in Section. 3, Cancave Mirror Distortion Check 1 cus on target which presents a clear vertical line fer example, 2 door frame). bs Scan the camera horizontally. «If the mir is not ditorted, the vertical seen in the epee sal vary asthe camera is feanined. At either side of the fel the Hine wil be bent wile inthe centr of the field the Tine wi be straight (see Figure 3-154). 4. tf the mirror is distorte, the vertical ines ehange more graphically asthe image scanned {nd one or aera reverals of direction of bend- ing may occur (Figure 3-158), A sigeneen FIGURE 318 IDENTIFYING DISTORTED MIRRORS, © telephone directory page ata distance of 2 {eet may be used to check distortion. The white pages have high contrat fine deta and ‘niform printing {The fame around the viewfinder may appeat nonymmetical about the vertical suit, A ‘ormal miror will appear to be symmetrical Shout the axis (Figure 3-150). 4, Fresnel Quality Check ‘Tre fresnel sereen must be examined for blemishes, Shadows, dir, scratches, ec. A standards chart (igure 3-16) wallable for determining whether the fesnel being examined is acceptable. Focus the camera to 10,4 for viewing the chor. Fiat, view the fresnel apanat rhe presented in Section 1 ofthe chat ‘Whether the defects (it, scratches, digs ete.) Uden the Aor Bares ofthe Iresnel 'b, Next, compare ary boot of mitror marks onthe franc! withthe marks shown in Section 2 of the chart. I the mark exceeds that shown on the chart the fesne isnot acceptable, View the fresnel sceen against the background ‘of Section 3 on the chart The conditions ‘Shown on the chart are he maximum actept- able imits for fresnel defects. Ifthe fresnel being examined har defects which go beyond those shown on the chart, reject the fresnel (ote that am dlustrated listing on the chart &s {rallatle for comparison to fresnel which have ‘only one or two tlemishes 44 Examine any shading on the fresnel agzinst the limite shown in Setlon # of the char, TC the shading extends beyond the aa (op oF bot {om ofthe fresnel) shown on the char, the fremne is not acceptable. Examine the spit image circle by comparing it aginst the examples shown on the chart. IF ‘the Shading onthe spits renter than shown, ‘rif theres more than one dig. pit, tein, of Seratch on the split, the fresnel isnot acceptable ‘The fresnel must also be rejected ifthe blemish ‘on the spit islarer than any shown onthe chat. 5. Cotimation For the collimation procedure, refer to paragaph D, "Test Equipment Operation” E, USE OF ANALYSIS CHARTS Te followi charts should be used 10 identity and correct faulty camera operation, It will sel- ddom be necessary to consult every chat. Only those lated to particular malfonction should ‘be consulted. In some case, the customers com Plait wil be sufficiently specific to lead you to 4 particular char, In other ease, the preliminary ingestion procedure atthe beginning of thi see. ton wll provide asefl information to ad you toachart, Inallewes, the fult analysis chorts beset the logicd sequence of checks snd rem Gal procedures. These charts ae citded into three parts: one, (CAMERA ANALYSIS) for problem analysis when the camera completely assembled; two, (OPTICAL ANALYSIS) for ane lysis of viewfinde: parts and three, SHUTTER ANALYSIS) for detaled shutter analysis, The 27 eae NEW CAMERA FRESNEL STANDARDS + FIGURE T16_ FRESNEL STANDARDS CHART ais SHUTTER ANALYSIS chars should be used nly after the shutter hasbeen ungoldered trom the camera, If repairs andor replacements ae indicated, the procedures ae described in Section W 1. Camera/ShutterIoltion ‘To expedite the repair procedure, itis esental that the malfunction be volated to ether the ‘camera tack or the shutter a eal a possible in the troubleshooting procedure. The sequence, should not be considered inflexible, however 318 1 Disassemble the camera to the point where the terminal onthe flex circuit are acesse, igure 31), », Tack solder a 1000 ohm, 1/2 wat resistor acros the VOC and NPN terminals a shown, (tis procedure doesnot spply to mid-yele shutdown. Refer tothe Falure Analysis Charts) NOTE: On 10-pud flex circus, these are the 76 and TP30 terminals. On &pad crcuits, these ‘ae the TPA and TP2/ terminals. On Pad flex ‘rete, where the PNP pad eliminated, the [NPN terminal ls ested decy adjacent 9 the VOC terminal. Refer tothe insets In Figure 3-17 10 locate the proper terminals. «, Clone S6 and 7 and apply power: (1) tee camera cycles, the motor ané MCC ‘are OK and the shutter defective, (2 tee camera fast cyce, check the ‘moter and MCC by continuing below, 1 With the 1000 ohm resistor stil in place, connect a jumper wire between the motor {minae TP9 contact and battery (minus TPL contact) fora moment: (1) the motor rans, the MOC is defective, (2) te motor does not run, the motor elective, Remove the Jumper immediatly after deter raining the faut aren 2. Camera Analysis Charts ‘Once femiaity with the system Is gained, repalr people can rely onthe fallre analysis charts to {toubleshoot camera problems. When the chart lead you to real procedure, refer to Section 4, Repairs and Adjustments forthe necesary infor imation. Setup the test equipment as shown in FIGURES: TESTINSTAU CONNECTIONS Figure 3-18, ‘The fm pack simulator is inserted Into the camera and the nezaive lead from the ‘VOM i connected to camers ground through the ‘power supply. This allows all the test o be com- pleted simply by moving the VOM ead a probe from point to point Figure 317 in conjunction ‘vith Figure 3-19 wil sit you i locatng the {est points or termina ealed out. ‘2x70 SHUTTER Test POINTE (70 be ead in eonunton with Flare Anat Tt TGORE SS TERT POINTS ON SX-TOSHUTTERS IV - REPAIR AND intRopucTION “This section of the manual is primary devoted to Gstremby/reastembly procedures. These proce (res provide tep-hytep instructions aed at puldng the technician rough the intricacies of ‘Sxc7o camera repair, The procedures cover sch ‘ings ss eplcerment of defective mechanical part, realignment 9 -aproper linkages o¢ connec fons, repair of electrical malfunctions, and adjust mente necéed to return the camera proper It shouldbe stesed that there procedures tel re i te apne Technicin, Except where noted otherwise, fe actual repair procedure to be ured Tet to the ducretin of trained peronael, The com ination of trang and expenence should be ‘affcient to allow rep i personnel fo make on thespot Mdgements (0 the best method ofr puis A major factor whieh must be considered is {fe tradeof between ime and coat of materals, {ttn repair i eny a feaite from a cost eve point should be male, Otnerwise,repacerent Ota part or eubatier 1) isthe prope choice ‘Theres one other gneral note that pertains to S70 camera reps. Occasionally, crew holes Inthe plate become sipped Tiss most apt to cccorin the counter mounts, the motor mounts toad where the rear upper inner frame meets the ‘template, To make an effective repair when this Fappene, replace the oiinl screw with an rer Se screu or nsert a thin aver af plastic into the $lpped hoe before the anginal screw is returned. A. FRONT COVERISPREAD ROLL ASSEMBLY ‘The spread roll inthe SX-TO camera ae gar diven by the main gee tai, Thus, in 2d3i.0n {wear or damage tothe rolls, its posible to en Counter wear and/or damage fo the drive sea. Reyatles ofthe nature of the malfunction, the Complete wsemily must be replaced. ‘The fallow: Ing peragapha describe the replacement procedu Removal 1, Erect the camers to plcturecaking configuration. 2 Open the font cover by depressing the front cover release latch onthe «ght side ofthe camera ee ADJUSTMENTS 3, Apply pressure tothe side of the cover adiacent te the cover hinge area. Press towar train side ofthe camera, Ths wl font cover. On newer models, detach the font over from the npht se (gear tain side) only. 4 laspect and clan the rollers and gears with a tip moistened ia water. If fm developers haere under the ligt she or nthe fm ‘atcher spring tes, the font cover housing ‘rust be replnced. S.Irnsceuary, a decerined above, replace the from cover housing and tet 6. the spretroll sseily i to be removed, strip the leather from the cover. (Start poling the eather from the back and pil toward the Fim exit Do not stata the fim exit) Take ut two screva which secure the spread rollers to the inside of the font cover, and remove the roll avery from the font cove. 1, Position the spreadoll assembly inthe front overs tha the eam Ul mate withthe main far train when the cover in place. 2. stall and tighten the two retaining eres ted to secure te rol NOTE: A new sef-toping, square socket heed. Coane thread screw, PIN 708564 & wed fo (ect arepatr of tipped thread inte front ‘over acsembly when tllng a ieead system seembiy. If the hole was sipped during di tisembiy, the new acre wl perma any rea fmbly. (Tha werew iW sandard on newer comers.) A neve square serendriver tot bl, PIN 11487, Gdwaabte from Waltham Pte Dept 3, Position the front cover housing onthe camers 4. ntl he decorative leather covering. Make sare the film exit is mot covered bythe lether, 5. Iatal the front cover by squeezing the sides of the cover ust enough to engage the hinge on the pivot pote ofthe bottom plate. 6, Che the cover and check the eamera for prop- eroperation NOTE: If mishandling o” dropping of the Camera causes beskage of the extruded metal Studs wed fo eure and plot the frat cover ‘no repair is posuble, You must replace the Inner camer back assembly. Pigure 4] ihe Imates the studs mentioned. FIGURES FRONT COVER HINGE STUBS Repairs Adjustment 1. Loose Front Cover Some camerashave been detected with oove front covers due to improper latching. This problem fecuts when the "brie ede" of the font cover Tate not firmly, andlor comectly seated in the late retainer, thereby causing excess “play” be {ten the atch and retainer, To raove his problem, perform the foloning procedures 1 Contin that the problem ie not caused by Tote srews on the spread system assembsy ty Closing the font cover, and, while rocking Sigh, obsering fr excenne play, Two vendors produce the spread sytem assem iy bracket see Figure 42). One vendor, Ramee, makes the backet nth a veainer ae Wwhienig not bent. The ofter vendor makes the tracker witha bene retainer sea, Most ofthe lease font cover problems occur withthe bent reluner area Therefore, a simple solution feo replace the front over ora spread system ste astembiy with one containing Ramee! spresd roller bracket, However, before doing this ty {he repair procedure called out in paragraph below. (De nt scrap the orignal font cover since it sil uable on other camera) Ifa Rameel cket front cover isnot availabe, tse the following procedure to corer the loots Front cover, (1) Open the front cover 2) Remove the gear tin coves, 42 7. FIGURE TE COMPARISON OF SPREAD ROLL. BRACKETS: (3) withthe atch depres, ute needle nose Pliers fo bend the dale cdg of the latch Inboard (away tom the front covet) sight Iy les than 80°, a5 shown in Figure 43 (4) Close the front cover an recheck; bend furthers necessary (5) With the (ort cover open, observe for 3 clearance between the ich andthe 3rd Taber pea. (6) Observe that the stop pin (ee Figure 43) isnot resungon th outer plate when the front cover closed. When resting on the ‘outer plate, the latch front cover loang ‘System vl leosen from wear In short, {ime Make the following observation + Open the front corer and note the los: tion of the ont cover atch dee (row). + Close the font cover & note the deca location, The decal arrow shoud be Closer to the bottom cone (Figure 44). Inet it san indeaton of Font cover logtenes wich shoul be comeced, ENDING THE STE SURE TS COMPARE “3 IN OF DECAL BEFORE ANG AFTER FRONT COVER CLOSURE 2 Interference Between Front and Bottom Covers ‘Afew camera may have an interference fit be: {heen the 57 actutor post andthe ede ofthe bottom cover when the front cover i opened ‘The problem has been traced to uighly oversize {ottom coven. Problem bottom covers hve a smoke mark "PP 2 ‘One method of correction i to Bat the bottom over and front cover away from each other to the limit of fhe screw hole. In an extreme ease, Yyou may be alle to pind the required clearance {rom the S7 actutto post on the front cover, (Comection ofthis interference problem should ‘only be a customer request nce the problem ‘imines with se, 3 Top Spread Rol Loosenes ‘There have been instances ofthe tp spread roll popping out ofthe spread sytem. To diminate he problem, ie new spread rolls have 3 cap weld: son the end opposte the dive gear (Figure 5). ‘The cap caprarey the sprend roll inthe spreag system fare, When making any rep requiring replacement of, ‘ithe the spread sytem or the front cover assem Ly, replace the old spread system with a new one. {fou instal a ew spread ystem in an old front ‘over, You mt remove the ight seal before ine Salling the new spread rystem. The new ligt ‘ealisedhered dec (0 the prender before the ‘Spreaders installed the front cover 4. Replacing the Light Shield Cam ‘Armanvfacturng change tothe Trim Assembly ‘rat made to overcome erate action. Part of {his change was to revise the cam on the light ‘lel. (Ms em rae the Trim Asembly each time the caren ls owed.) Figure 46 compares ‘am, The cam onthe light shld of te font ‘over har boon made wider and deeper, The tang (ofthe tim reset lever hut is now 2 at bar ‘bout 1/16 of an inch wide and appears off centr, tiga brass or at Hack cote, (All replacement shutters will be thenew type) The improved ‘Shutter wil algo haven cut out aes larger and ‘uaer In shape the the older verion. xf we TOW “ URE 25 NEW SPREAD ROLL CONFIGU! SSP a FIGURE S48 FRONT COVER LIGHT SHIELD cam ‘When a new type shutters installed, the cam in ‘height shield must be spected and changed IF ‘ecenary. ‘The new eam should be installed in {he tame place and manner athe old cam, See Figure 47. Remove the old cam using an xacto ‘ef to eut the plate rivets. Place the new cam Inthe same position, making sre the cam lp goes over the ed ofthe lighsheld as shown, and the ‘ia go tough the four holes. When asembled, {ppt heat enough to peen over the ends ofthe. Fin projecting though the Holes = ths sting fhe unit in pace. [new cams are not aaa, it wil be necessary to mma anew front cover saemby. FIGURE G7 -REPLACING LIGHT SHIELD cam s B. MIRROR COVER/BOOT ASSEMBLY ‘The miror cover asembly consist of the mirror cover the boot, and the viewing mir, Because ‘of ts construction, it isnot feasible to disassemble the mirror cover asemblyiself ang, therefor, whenever one ofits major components fabs te centre sembly is replaced. The miror cover ould sustain damage in the form ofeach 0 broken hinges o overall datordon. The boot could be cut, tom or damaged by wear. The ‘iror could be love or dplaced ints mount, Uroken, or its surface damaged beyond cleaning. Should any ofthese felt be evidenced, replace the sembly, NOTE: On older camera, «coding system ts {aed 1 match fremnets and mirror cover, When ‘hanging ror cover end fresnel enemies, cor- ‘eet color coding must be employed prevent Unaccepable tolerance buildup, Thi i usualy demonsrated by dfeult closing of the camera ‘te The chart below shows the Color codes 0 be (aed: Le, ared coded fresnel goes with ethe a "ed, velo, Bie or white miror cover ot with Uigreen mbror cover” The choice sould Bethe {rtm order inthe chart. Red ft, yelow ‘econd, er. The color code t Iocatedon the ‘minor cover, om the underide, upper ight and ‘Corner need ati holding th camera fo feke Pictures On the reel exembiy. ls marked on fhe protective paper atthe point where The edher sive seals the poper around the fresnel uRROR COVER Fema [ fed |Yotow| tue [ Gree | Wr oom feta fa | & [Newer comeres employ: universal resnellmtror ‘cover arembly. No matching f coded parts ts Removal 1. Erect the camera to picturetaking configuration, 2 Open and remove the front cover. 2. Remove the decorative lether covering from the bottom cover. 4, Remove the four bottom

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