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discretion for failure to respect the constitutional right against self-

ARSENIO PASCUAL, JR., petitioner-appellee,

vs. incrimination, the administrative proceeding against him, which
BOARD OF MEDICAL EXAMINERS, respondent- could result in forfeiture or loss of a privilege, being quasi-criminal
appellant, SALVADOR GATBONTON and in character. The lower court issued a writ of preliminary injunction
ENRIQUETA GATBONTON, intervenors-appellants. against the Board and ordered the latter to await the judicial
disposition of the matter upon petitioner’s posting
G.R. No. L-25018               May 26, 1969 of a bond amounting to P500.
Pascual vs. Board of Medical Examiners
According to the Board, the right against self- incrimination is
Keywords: Medical Malpractice; Administrative case; available only when a question calling for an incriminating answer is
Punitive nature; Self-incrimination; Witness stand asked of a witness. Pascual's remedy is to object once he is in the
witness stand. Respondent Board, denied that it acted with grave
Principle: A respondent in an administrative case may not be abuse of discretion.
compelled to take the witness stand without his consent if such
case, while administrative in character, possesses a criminal or A motion for intervention was filed by Salvador Gatbonton and
penal aspect. Enriqueta Gatbonton, the complainants in the administrative case
for malpractice against Pascual. Their answer in intervention
FACTS: sustained the power of Board of Medical Examiners, which for them
is limited to compelling the witness to take the stand, to be
Petitioner Arsenio Pascual, Jr., filed with the CFI of Manila an action distinguished, in their opinion, from the power to compel a witness
for prohibition with prayer for preliminary injunction against the to incriminate himself. They likewise alleged that the right against
Board of Medical Examiners alleging that at the initial hearing of an self-incrimination cannot be availed of in an administrative hearing.
administrative case for alleged immorality, he, who was the
respondent in such malpractice case, would be made a witness. The lower court found the claim of Pascual to be well- founded and
He objected, through his counsel, relying on the constitutional right prohibited the Board "from compelling the petitioner to act and
to be exempt from being a witness against himself. Board of testify as a witness for the complainant in said investigation without
Medical Examiners (respondent) stated that at the next scheduled his consent and against himself."
hearing, Pascual would be called upon to testify as witness, unless
he could secure a restraining order from a competent authority. ISSUES:
1. WON a respondent in an administrative case be compelled to
Pascual alleged that in ruling to compel him to take the witness take the witness stand without his consent.
stand, the Board of Examiners was guilty of grave abuse of
2. WON the constitutional guarantee against self- incrimination An American Supreme Court opinion is then made reference in the
should be limited to allowing a witness to object to questions the case at bar: In the language of Justice Douglas: "We conclude ... that
answers to which could lead to a penal liability being subsequently the Self-Incrimination Clause of the Fifth Amendment has been
incurred. absorbed in the Fourteenth, that it extends its protection to lawyers
as well as to other individuals, and that it should not be watered
down by imposing the dishonor of disbarment and the deprivation
of a livelihood as a price for asserting it."
Lower court decision was AFFIRMED. 2. NO. Allowing a witness to object to questions the answers to
1. NO. If the administrative case is punitive in nature, as in this case. which could lead to a penal liability being subsequently incurred is
In the case of Cabal v. Kapunan, an administrative charge for merely one aspect to the right against self- incrimination.
unexplained wealth having been filed against petitioner under the
Anti-Graft Act, the complainant requested that petitioner be The constitutional guarantee also protects as well the right to
ordered to take the witness stand. Petitioner refused to be sworn as silence. As far back as 1905, the SC has held that, "the accused has
a witness and was charged for contempt. SC found for the a perfect right to remain silent and his silence cannot be used as a
petitioner in accordance with the well-settled principle that "the presumption of his guilt." In Chavez v. Court of Appeals, the SC
accused in a criminal case may refuse, not only to answer reaffirmed the doctrine stating that it is the right of a defendant "to
incriminatory questions, but, also, to take the witness stand." forego testimony, to remain silent, unless he chooses to take the
While the matter referred to an a administrative charge of witness stand — with undiluted, unfettered exercise of his own free
unexplained wealth, the Anti-Graft Act authorizes the forfeiture of genuine will."
whatever property a public officer or employee may acquire, in
proportion to his salary and his other lawful income. As such, The constitutional guarantee, along with other rights granted an
there is clearly the imposition of a penalty. The proceeding for accused, stands for a belief that while crime should not go
forfeiture while administrative in character thus possesses a unpunished and that the truth must be revealed, such desirable
criminal or penal aspect. objectives should not be accomplished according to means or
methods offensive to the high sense of respect accorded the human
In this case, petitioner would be similarly disadvantaged. personality. "The constitutional foundation underlying the privilege
Since he could suffer the revocation of his license as a medical is the respect a government ... must accord to the dignity and
practitioner and result in the loss of the privilege to practice the integrity of its citizens."
medical profession.
Equal emphasis was also made of a person's right to privacy.
According to Justice Douglas: "The Fifth Amendment in its Self-
Incrimination clause enables the citizen to create a zone of privacy
which government may not force to surrender to his detriment."

In an administrative hearing against a medical practitioner for

alleged malpractice, respondent Board of Medical Examiners
cannot, consistently with the self-incrimination clause, compel the
person proceeded against to take the witness stand without his

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