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66 Institute of Energy (Viet Nam) 01/06/18 Page 1/5

Center for Renewable Energy

Project :
Geographical Site
Grid-Connected System: Simulation parameters

LIG Solar farm

Gio Linh, Quang Tri Country


s e
Time defined as

Meteo data:

Simulation variant :
Legal Time
Gio Linh, Quang Tri

New simulation variant

16.92° N


s t r
Time zone UT+7
Longitude 107.15° E
Altitude 7 m

Meteonorm 7.1 (1992-2000), Sat=100% - Synthetic

Simulation date 01/06/18 09h55

Simulation parameters
Collector Plane Orientation Tilt 10° Azimuth 0°

Models used Transposition Perez Diffuse Perez, Meteonorm
Horizon Free Horizon
Near Shadings No Shadings

PV Array Characteristics
PV module
Custom parameters definition
Number of PV modules
Total number of PV modules
Array global power
Array operating characteristics (50°C)
Total area

Custom parameters definition
Si-poly Model
In series
Nb. modules
Nominal (STC)
U mpp
Module area

CS3U - 340P 1500V
Canadian Solar Inc.
30 modules
49572 kWp
1034 V
289267 m²

PVS980 2000
In parallel
Unit Nom. Power
At operating cond.
I mpp
Cell area
4860 strings
340 Wp
44754 kWp (50°C)
43280 A
257821 m²

Characteristics Operating Voltage 935-1500 V Unit Nom. Power 2000 kWac

Inverter pack Nb. of inverters 20 units Total Power 40000 kWac

PV Array loss factors

Array Soiling Losses Loss Fraction 1.5 %
Thermal Loss factor Uc (const) 29.0 W/m²K Uv (wind) 0.0 W/m²K / m/s
Wiring Ohmic Loss Global array res. 0.40 mOhm Loss Fraction 1.5 % at STC
Serie Diode Loss Voltage Drop 0.7 V Loss Fraction 0.1 % at STC
LID - Light Induced Degradation Loss Fraction 1.5 %
Module Quality Loss Loss Fraction -0.4 %
Module Mismatch Losses Loss Fraction 1.0 % at MPP
Strings Mismatch loss Loss Fraction 0.10 %
Incidence effect, ASHRAE parametrization IAM = 1 - bo (1/cos i - 1) bo Param. 0.05

System loss factors

External transformer Iron loss (24H connexion) 98147 W Loss Fraction 0.2 % at STC
Resistive/Inductive losses 0.1 mOhm Loss Fraction 1.0 % at STC
Unavailability of the system 3.6 days, 3 periods Time fraction 1.0 %
PVSYST V6.66 Institute of Energy (Viet Nam) 01/06/18 Page 2/5

Center for Renewable Energy

Grid-Connected System: Simulation parameters (continued)

e s e
User's needs :
Auxiliaries loss

Grid power limitation

Unlimited load (grid)
Proportionnal to Power

Active Power

s t
40.0 MWr
6.0 W/kW ... from Power thresh.

Pnom ratio
0.0 kW


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PVSYST V6.66 Institute of Energy (Viet Nam) 01/06/18 Page 3/5

Center for Renewable Energy

Project :
Simulation variant :
LIG Solar farm
Grid-Connected System: Main results

New simulation variant

e s e
Main system parameters System type Grid-Connected
PV Field Orientation tilt 10° azimuth 0°

PV modules Model CS3U - 340P 1500V Pnom 340 Wp
PV Array Nb. of modules 145800 Pnom total 49572 kWp

Inverter Model PVS980 2000 Pnom 2000 kW ac
Inverter pack Nb. of units 20.0 Pnom total 40000 kW ac
User's needs Unlimited load (grid)

Main simulation results

System Production

s y
Produced Energy
Performance Ratio PR
67022 MWh/year
80.59 %
Specific prod. 1352 kWh/kWp/year

Normalized productions (per installed kWp): Nominal power 49572 kWp Performance Ratio PR
7 1.0
PR : Performance Ratio (Yf / Yr) : 0.806
Lc : Collection Loss (PV-array losses) 0.73 kWh/kWp/day
Ls : System Loss (inverter, ...) 0.16 kWh/kWp/day
Yf : Produced useful energy (inverter output) 3.7 kWh/kWp/day


Normalized Energy [kWh/kWp/day]

Performance Ratio PR




0 0.0
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

New simulation variant

Balances and main results

GlobHor DiffHor T Amb GlobInc GlobEff EArray E_Grid PR

kWh/m² kWh/m² °C kWh/m² kWh/m² MWh MWh
January 88.8 66.21 19.15 93.4 88.3 4028 3703 0.800
February 99.9 65.70 20.31 104.8 99.4 4501 4338 0.835
March 125.7 80.94 22.76 128.0 121.4 5404 5213 0.822
April 161.8 86.62 25.81 162.1 154.1 6750 6532 0.813
May 188.7 83.54 28.09 183.3 174.5 7549 7311 0.804
June 186.0 80.58 29.39 178.3 169.5 7301 7070 0.800
July 191.7 76.37 29.65 184.7 175.9 7552 7312 0.799
August 189.6 72.65 28.68 187.0 178.4 7655 7303 0.788
September 131.4 79.49 26.47 133.8 127.2 5579 5387 0.812
October 123.0 81.82 25.12 128.2 121.6 5398 4893 0.770
November 103.6 61.82 22.39 111.8 106.0 4753 4580 0.827
December 76.8 52.27 20.24 82.3 77.8 3530 3379 0.828
Year 1666.9 888.00 24.86 1677.7 1594.3 70001 67022 0.806

Legends: GlobHor Horizontal global irradiation GlobEff Effective Global, corr. for IAM and shadings
DiffHor Horizontal diffuse irradiation EArray Effective energy at the output of the array
T Amb Ambient Temperature E_Grid Energy injected into grid
GlobInc Global incident in coll. plane PR Performance Ratio
PVSYST V6.66 Institute of Energy (Viet Nam) 01/06/18 Page 4/5

Center for Renewable Energy

Project :
Simulation variant :
Grid-Connected System: Loss diagram
LIG Solar farm
New simulation variant

e s e
Main system parameters System type Grid-Connected
PV Field Orientation tilt 10° azimuth 0°

PV modules Model CS3U - 340P 1500V Pnom 340 Wp
PV Array Nb. of modules 145800 Pnom total 49572 kWp

Inverter Model PVS980 2000 Pnom 2000 kW ac
Inverter pack Nb. of units 20.0 Pnom total 40000 kW ac
User's needs Unlimited load (grid)

s y
Loss diagram over the whole year

1667 kWh/m² Horizontal global irradiation

+0.6% Global incident in coll. plane

-3.4% IAM factor on global

-1.5% Soiling loss factor

1594 kWh/m² * 289267 m² coll. Effective irradiance on collectors

efficiency at STC = 17.15% PV conversion

79088 MWh Array nominal energy (at STC effic.)

-1.5% PV loss due to irradiance level

-7.1% PV loss due to temperature

+0.4% Module quality loss

-1.5% LID - Light induced degradation

-1.1% Mismatch loss, modules and strings
-1.0% Ohmic wiring loss
70030 MWh Array virtual energy at MPP

-1.1% Inverter Loss during operation (efficiency)

0.0% Inverter Loss over nominal inv. power
0.0% Inverter Loss due to max. input current
0.0% Inverter Loss over nominal inv. voltage
0.0% Inverter Loss due to power threshold
0.0% Inverter Loss due to voltage threshold
0.0% Night consumption
69236 MWh Available Energy at Inverter Output

-0.6% Auxiliaries (fans, other)

-0.9% System unavailability
-1.8% External transfo loss

67022 MWh Energy injected into grid

PVSYST V6.66 Institute of Energy (Viet Nam) 01/06/18 Page 5/5

Center for Renewable Energy

Project :
Simulation variant :
Grid-Connected System: P50 - P90 evaluation
LIG Solar farm
New simulation variant

e s e
Main system parameters System type Grid-Connected
PV Field Orientation tilt 10° azimuth 0°

PV modules Model CS3U - 340P 1500V Pnom 340 Wp
PV Array Nb. of modules 145800 Pnom total 49572 kWp

Inverter Model PVS980 2000 Pnom 2000 kW ac
Inverter pack Nb. of units 20.0 Pnom total 40000 kW ac
User's needs Unlimited load (grid)

Evaluation of the Production probability forecast

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The probability distribution of the system production forecast for different years is mainly dependent
on the meteo data used for the simulation, and depends on the following choices:

Meteo data source Meteonorm 7.1 (1992-2000), Sat=100%
Meteo data Kind Not defined Year 1995
Specified Deviation Year deviation from aver. 3%

Year-to-year variability Variance 0.5 %

The probability distribution variance is also depending on some system parameters uncertainties
Specified Deviation PV module modelling/parameters 2.0 %
Inverter efficiency uncertainty 0.5 %
Soiling and mismatch uncertainties 1.0 %
Degradation uncertainty 1.0 %
Global variability (meteo + system) Variance 2.5 % (quadratic sum)

Annual production probability Variability 1709 MWh

P50 67022 MWh
P90 64831 MWh
P75 65870 MWh

Probability distribution
P50 = 67022296.95 kWh
0.40 E_Grid simul = 67022296.95 kWh
P75 = 65870319.41 kWh

P90 = 64831199.13 kWh
62000000 64000000 66000000 68000000 70000000 72000000
E_Grid system production kWh

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