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AmË_{dœmg d

ZD$ H$hmÊ`m
AmË_{dœmg d {OÔrÀ`m... 2.H$UIa gw{à`m

A{Ve` gwImV KmbdV Agboë`m Am`wî`mbm H$moUmMr Var ZOa bmJmdr Am{U "Vr'
nmMdrV AgVmZm AmB© AZ² XmoZ dfm©V d{S>bm§Mo {ZYZ ìhmdo. _m_m, _mderH$So> amhV
AgVmZm ZH$iË`m d`mV OdiÀ`mM XmoZ ZmVodmB©H$m§H$Sy>Z b¢{JH$ AË`mMma hmoVmo.
~rgrEÀ`m Xþgè`m dfm©V AgVmZmM b¾ Ho$bo. nU hm` ao {VMo Z{e~! BWo XoIrb gwI
H$mhr {_imbo Zmhr. {Vbm H$mhrhr Z gm§JVm gmoSy>Z OmÊ`mÀ`m Ë`mÀ`m `m bQ>H$s
ñd^mdm_wio hmoUmar Kwg_Q> ~mOybm gmê$Z {VZo ~r.H$m°_. Ho$bo. 2018 _Ü`o Vmo AgmM
{ZKyZ Joë`mZo hVme hmoD$Z AmË_hË`oMm à`ËZ Ho$bm. H$mhr _{hÝ`mVM Vmo nwÝhm {ZKyZ
Joë`mZ§Va Vr XoIrb Am`wî` g§ndÊ`mÀ`m {dMmamZo Kam~mhoa nS>br. ghm _{hZo aoëdo
ñQ>oeZ, ~g ñQ>°ÝS> da amhV Agbobr Vr 2019 _Ü`o "XrnñV§^ \$mD$§So>eZ'À`m "_Zmo~b
àH$ënmV' Ambr. Am`wî` g§ndÊ`mgmR>r {ZKmboë`m {VMm BWo EH$m AWm©Zo Xþgam OÝ_
EImÚm {MÌnQ>mMo H$WmZH$ dmQ>mdo Aem `m H$WoVrb "Vr' åhUOo gmVmè`mVrb H$amS>
VmbwŠ`mVrb Ho$go JmdmVrb gw{à`m qeXo. Apë~Zmo Am{U Ñï>rXmof AgUmar gw{à`m
gÜ`m "_Zmo~b' _Ü`o E_nrEggrMr V`mar H$aV Amho. XrnñV§^Mo {Vbm _XV H$aUmao
gd© hmV {VÀ`mgmR>r OUy XodXÿVM AmhoV. A{YH$mar ìhm`M§ ñdßZ nmhUmè`m gw{à`mMm
BWo Amë`mnmgyZ Ñï>rH$moZ é§Xmdbm. àM§S> AmKmV ghZ H$ê$Zhr VmR> C^o amhÊ`mMo
gH$mamË_H$ ~i {_imbo. ñdV:da ào_ H$am`bm {eH$bobr Vr, bmoH$ H$m` åhUVrb `mMm
{dMma Z H$aVm Ü`o` JmR>Ê`mgmR>r {OÔrZo dmQ>Mmb H$aV Amho.
...{hab Jmd§So> B§Jmobo
XrnñV§^ ‘Zmo~b àH$ënm§VJ©V OiJmd d nwUo ¶oWo An§J, AZmW, d§{MV
KQ>H$mVrb {dÚm϶mªZm {dZm‘yë¶ ñnYm© narjm ‘mJ©Xe©Z, Cƒ{ejU {Xbo OmVo.
Imbrb qbH$ da AmnUhr ¶m àH$ënmV gh¶moJ XoD$ eH$VmV.

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Deepstambh Foundation
‘Zmo~b àH$ënm~Ôb ‘amR>rVwZ ‘mhrVr Contact : 83800 38714
Zm¡ H$hm{Z¶m±
AmË_{dœmg Am¡a ÑT>Vr H$s... 2.gmhgr gw{à`m

Xþ^m©½`nyU© KQ>ZmAm|Zo H$s l¥§Ibm H$s Vah, CgHo$ ~MnZ _| hþdm _mVm-{nVm H$m {ZYZ
CgH$mo AnZo [aíVoXmam| Ho$ `hm bo nmohMm& CgH$mo ~hþV hr H$_ C_« _| emar[aH$ Am¡a
^mdZmË_H$ emofU go àVm[aH$ {H$`m Om ahm Wm& `h H$hmZr ho gw{à`m qeXo H$s, Omo
_Zmo~b _| AnZm E_nrEggr H$m à{ejU bo ahr h¡ Am¡a ^{dî` _o Am°{’$ga ~ZZm
MmhVr h¡& gw{à`m _{hbmAm| Ho$ CËWmZ Ho$ {bE H$m_ H$aZo Ho$ {bE Ñ‹T> g§H$pënV h¡&
21 gmb H$s C_« _| gw{à`m H$m ào_{ddmh hÿdm Omo {H$ EH$ ^`mZH$ AZw^d gm{~V hþdm&
CgHo$ n{V b§~o g_` VH$ Ka go \$ama ahm H$aVo Wo & AnZo OrdZ Ho$ ImbrnZ H$mo ^aZo Ho$
{b`o CgZo AnZr ~r.H$m°_. {H$ {ejm nyar H$s boH$sZ O~ CgH$mo `h AHo$bmnZ
AghZr` hþdm , CgZo AmË_hË`m H$m à`mg {H$`m Am¡a IwXH$mo EH$ d|{Q>boQ>a na nm`m&
O~ dh R>rH$ hmo JB© Vmo {\$ago CgHo$ n{V Zo Cgo N>mo‹S> {X`m, Vmo CgZo AnZr g_ñ`mAm| H$mo
g_má H$aZo H$s {Xem _| EH$ H$X_ CR>m`m&
EH$ XrZ CgZo Ka N>moS> {X`m& O~ VH$ Cgo XrnñV§^ _Zmo~b Ho$ ~mao_o nVm Zhr Wm V~ VH$
CgZo Hw$N> _hrZo, aobdo ßboQ>\$m_m] Am¡a ~g ñQ>¢S> na JwOmao & CgZo EH$ Z`m OrdZ ewê$
{H$`m&_Zmo~b Zo CgHo$ OrdZ _| AmË_{dœmg ^a {X`m& {OÝhm|Zo CgH$s ghm`Vm {H$ CZ
g^r bmoJm| _| gw{à`m B©œa H$m ñdê$n XoIVr h¡& dh IwX H$mo AÝ` bmoJm| Ho$ ZOar`o go Zht
XoIVr h¡ CgZo IwX go ß`ma H$aZm grI {b`m h¡& AmO, dh OrdZ {H$ N>moQ>r MrµOm| _| ^r
AnZr Iwer XoIVr h¡ Am¡a {dœmg H$aVr h¡ {H$ `h ZO[a`m CZH$mo OrdZ _| ~hmoV Xÿa VH$
bo Om`oJm...!
... d{‘H$m e‘m©
XrnñV§^ ‘Zmo~b àH$ën Ho$ VhV ObJm§d Am¡a nwUo _| {dH$bm§J, AZmW Am¡a d§{MV
dJm] Ho$ N>mÌm| H$mo {Z:ewëH$ à{V`moJr narjm _mJ©Xe©Z, Cƒ {ejm, H$m¡eë¶ à{ejU
Xr¶m OmVm h¡& Amn {ZåZ qbH$ na Bg n[a`moOZm _| `moJXmZ X| gH$Vo h¢&

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Deepstambh Foundation
qhXr _| _Zmo~b n[a`moOZm Ho$ ~mao _| OmZH$mar Contact : 83800 38714
Nine stories of
confidence &
Persistence 2. Resilient Supriya

Like a series of misfortunate events, she lost her parents at a tender

age. Living with various relatives as an orphan, she soon became a
victim of sexual and emotional abuse, several times, at a very early age.
This is the story of Supriya Shinde, who is currently pursuing her MPSC
training at Manobal and wants to become an officer in the future.
Determined to work for uplifting many women, in our country.
At 21, her marriage to the man she loved against the wishes of her
relatives and siblings also turned a nightmare. Her husband absconded
from home, for long periods of time. She filled her life by completing her However, at one point, unable to take the loneliness in her life,
she attempted suicide and ended up on a ventilator. When she
recovered and her husband left her again, she decided it was time to
turn her life around. One day as she stuffed her an old bag with clothes
and certificates and left her home.
Months, she survived on railway platforms and bus stands. Until she
found Deepstambh’s Manobal, and started a new life. Manobal boosted
her confidence in herself. In all the people who helped her she saw a
glimpse of God. She has learnt to love herself. Today, she finds her
happiness in the little things in life and believes that can take her a long
way in the journey of life.
...Roshni Radhakrishnan

Deepstambh Foundation's Manobal Project gives quality education and

training for competitive examinations, to students with physical disabilities,
orphans, and other underprivileged students. Please support these students
by clicking following link.

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Deepstambh Foundation
Documentary of Manobal Project in English Contact : 83800 38714

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