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Analysis Essay

Digital Training Management System (DTMS)



Analysis Essay

Digital Training Management System (DTMS)


In the present day business, the use of the information system is in the limelight. An

information system is a kind of communication process, which can help people interact with the

technology and business processes effectively to enhance the visibility of business outcomes. In

this particular study, the emphasis is on digital training management system (DTMS) along with

its key characteristics, features, usage, and impact of the system. The purpose of the study is to

examine DTMS along with some key insights and learn how people can conduct effective

business functions, such as training and development.

Digital Training Management System (DTMS) is an online application or software,

which helps to train individuals. It has been designed for army institution, as it is customized to

execute FM-1 battle focused training. Interestingly, this software can be used at brigade and low-

level sections. The management can plan the training process and manage it effectively to train

different individuals at all levels. One of the prominent purposes of the study is to examine how

the management customizes this system to make all individuals capable of achieving goals and

objectives[ CITATION Arm07 \l 1033 ].

Now, the digital training management system is to be described by illustrating some key

characteristics along with some pertinent insights.

Characteristics of the Users of the System

The digital training management system has been triggered by many characteristics. For

Instance, one of the most prominent characteristics of this system is to enable the training at all

levels in the army institution. It compiles and exhibits the training manual or roll-up by using

some improvised tabs. These customized tabs can help the management to conduct several

functions. These key functions are tracking the weapon qualification, physical fitness tests,

training, and development tasks. Interestingly, these development tasks have been shaped by this

system from enlistment to retirement. Another key characteristic of the digital training

management system is that it provides individual and collective tasks, which helps to conduct

several training functions. Apart from it, DTMS is the main source of strategic training tasks,

including universal tasks. When it comes to the characteristics of the system, it has been revealed

that the system aligns the school management system to allocate and resource training equipment

seats. Army officers have to go through equipment training and many other installation

courses[ CITATION nFo10 \l 1033 ].

Primary users of the digital training management system are army training managers.

These training managers intend to use the training system every week. This target group is quite

visible, as it contains a mission of improving essential tasks. An immense range of army soldiers

reside in the digital training management system. In short, it can be said that this training system

is to be used by the operational army at multiple levels. Army training managers and battlefield

officers use this system to improve the fighting skills of soldiers and enhance their tactical

planning, even in complicated situations. Unit resetting and pre-deployment of people have been

done through this incredible application. It is a work-related system, and Army training

managers are working in different units in this institution. Of course, they have to derive some

standard tasks from the system to boost training in all units. Another target user of the digital

training management system is the combat system training team. This target user uses the system

to manage and control the FCS process. It is to be said that future combat training group has

embedded DTMS in the FCS[ CITATION Leo09 \l 1033 ].


Features and Usage of the System

The feature and usage of the system can be described and justified by elaborating some

key insights with the perspective of users. For Instance, it has been observed that army training

managers are the main users of this remarkable system. The application contains all features to

plan, manage and resource the individual training at multiple levels. The software contains the

tracking ability, as the training manager can track the training for almost 2 million soldiers. In

short, it can be said that this software is a key source of the growing needs of the army,

especially at the bottom-line. With the perspective of users, the main feature of this system is that

the information can be shared by using different online means or by hand. Several removable

devices can be used in this system to carry the information. Each important key stakeholders

contain access to this system, as they have to update their schedule, training calendars, and

requirements. Combat readiness center can also integrate the system to monitor all units. When

logging on the system, an army training managers can observe some important tasks on the

dashboard, including, requirements of new courses, schedules, and calendars[ CITATION Dep10 \l

1033 ]. These are important aspects, which are to be shared and managed well. One of the most

important functions of the digital training management system is the tracking of an army officer

from recruitment to retirement. Of course, the system or function reveals all training tasks or

interventions throughout the career. The user has to enter the code of the officer or name of

soldier in the system to operate this particular function. Of course, it transforms the information,

as the user has to enter code or numbers regarding particular soldier or officer. The function

transforms the keyword and opens the comprehensive profile, which depicts information from

start to end. The output of the system is to be shown on the digital screen. However, related

reports are also to be generated to share with departments. The related data is to be used to track

the progress of a soldier and identify some strengths and weaknesses. Accordingly, the army

institution can make some changes in training and development process. In short, a digital

training management system is a key source to identify the training needs at several levels and

track the performance. It seems an incredible digital application, which helped to improve the

overall outputs of the institution. Features of the system are effective for both users and

trainees[ CITATION Mic15 \l 1033 ]

Impact of the System

As mentioned, the digital training management system is work-related, as it is to be used

army training managers to train individuals for the battlefield. The impact of this system on the

whole organization is visible. For Instance, the impact seems positive, as it helped to improve the

performance of soldiers. It is a fact that the army is one of the most prominent institutes of the

country, as far as the national security is concerned. Consequently, by using this system, the

organization or institution has improved its capability to ensure national security. Nonetheless,

individually, it is a great system for soldiers. Army soldiers can get pertinent training to improve

their tactical and strategic skills and experience. Army got the standard, and this digital system is

a key source to maintain this standard. The impact of this system is positive because it helps the

organization to prepare individual soldiers or units to complete any mission on the battlefield.

The army institution can develop training exercises and keep the record of the progress of all

units. Thus, it can be said that the efficiency regarding the progress can be achieved

effectively[ CITATION Sha10 \l 1033 ]. The impact on employees or soldiers has been derived

through several soldiers, which have passed through this differentiated training system. For

Instance, the impact on the bottom-line of the army is positive, as it makes soldiers encouraged

and inspired regarding the training power. The origination has saved the cost and time by using

this system, as it enhanced outcomes. The negative impact on the digital training management

system is that it is rigid. There is no improvisation to integrate with new trends and techniques.

Several training methods have been developed by corporations to improve the outcome of the

training and development process. Training managers, which are primary users of the system, are

so certain of their traits and manuals. It cannot be said that learning and adaptation are limited.

Still, sometimes, it looks backward, as far as the future needs of the army are concerned.

However, this negative impact does not affect overall outcomes, as soldiers learn enough to

contribute to organizational success effectively. In the future, the organization can anticipate the

need for some changes in the digital training management system, to be relevant and efficient in

the training and develop meet function[ CITATION Joh14 \l 1033 ].


In the end, it is to conclude that the digital training management system has helped the

organization to improve the performance, especially at the bottom level. Different characteristics,

features, and usage have been elaborated in this comprehensive essay to understand the

importance or significance of the system. The training system is based on modern technology,

which has been shaped to meet training needs of people in the organization. The most important

thing for the management is to anticipate the need for change and make some improvements in

the future. The impact on overall outcomes of the organization is positive. However, by

considering some key interventions, the positive impact must be sustained or maintained.

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