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Study on

Training and Development




Table of Contents

Company Overview & Background................................................................................................3
Objectives and Importance of the Study..........................................................................................4
Literature Review on HR Functions................................................................................................5
 Training & Development Function in Context of Ashghal..................................................5
 Responsibility for developing and implementing Plans.......................................................5
 Main steps to Follow HR Functions at Ashghal...................................................................6
Analysis of HR Function.................................................................................................................7
 Tools & Technique to Implement HR Function...................................................................7
Evaluation of Effectiveness of HR Function...................................................................................8
 Improving Overall Performance through Implementation...................................................8
Recommendation on how to Improve and Enhance the HR Function..........................................10

Training and Development



The role of the human resource management in the company is visible due to its impact

on employees, management and overall business outcomes. In the present day business, the

company intends to improve the HR function to augment the business outcomes. By improving

employee performance through the HR function. The company can strengthen the internal

business environment, and ultimately, it can lead to a competitive advantage in the industry.

In this particular study, the emphasis is on a particular company, which is based in Qatar.

After elaborating on the objectives and importance of the study, a comprehensive literature

review is to be articulated. Apart from it, a inclusive analysis of training and development along

with its effectiveness will be presented. Finally, being a strategic consultant of the company,

some key recommendations or solutions are to be stated to improve and enhance the human

resource function.

Company Overview & Background

Ashghal is one of the most prominent companies, which is based in Doha, Qatar. The

company is in the limelight due to its efficient and differentiated infrastructure and construction

services. The company deals with different public works in the region. The company was

founded in 2004. Currently, the company is dealing with more than 2500 employees. The main

services of the company are building local roads, and public buildings, including schools,

mosques, hospitals, drainage systems, highways, health centers, and parks. The company has

depicted some incredible HR functions in the internal business environment to improve the

employee and process. The primary HR function in the company is training and development, as

the company has invested in this particular HR function to contain both workplace and employee

growth and development

Before elaborating on the literature review training and development process, it seems

crucial to come up with the objectives and importance of the study. By elaborating on the

importance of the study, the foundation to further evaluate and analyze the HR function can be


Objectives and Importance of the Study

The objective of the study is to examine the training and development function of the

company. The study aims to uncover different training and development strategies, which are

also aligned with corporate goals and objectives. The study seems important, as it can help to

learn different HR concepts, which are associated with the training and development process. It

seems essential to navigate the impact of training and development of employees in the

workplace. In the present day business, HR management has to anticipate the training needs and

make some key interventions to create the impact. Ultimately, workplace outputs are to be

increased in the end. The study contains the importance due to increasing trends of training and

development in corporations.

Now, detailed literature on the training and development as an HR function is to b

articulated below.

Literature Review on HR Functions

 Training & Development Function in Context of Ashghal

Training and development is a key human resource function, which is based on employee

performance and improvements. It can be said that it is a key HR intervention to improve the

whole workplace. Training and development have been triggered for many reasons. For Instance,

first, the management of the company has to identify the needs for training in the workplace.

Normally, it occurs after implementing the performance appraisal, as it indicates some needed

performance improvements. This particular HR function is a part of the professional

development program, as employees have to adopt or learn different skills and develop

capabilities, which are required to get the job done.

Another reason for this HR function is to make employees eligible to play a different

role, which has never been played before. In short, the training and development process is a part

of succession planning in the company, and it is to be directed to enhance the performance and

overall outcomes of the company. Training and development functions link with several motives

a well. The theme of any training program can be communication, quality initiatives, sexual

harassment, safety, ethics, diversity, human relations, and computer skills. Some key benefits are

visible in the workplace.

 Responsibility for developing and implementing Plans

The HR team is responsible for implementing and developing training and development

plans. For Instance, through the training and development process, the company can increased

job satisfaction and motivation. Increasing efficiencies in processes and gaining the financial

gains is also one of the most prominent benefits. The contemporary business always needs to

integrate with new technologies. Consequently, through implementing this particular HR

function, the capacity of employees to work on these technologies can be improved or increased.

In the modern workplace, employee turnover has been increased due to a lack of motivation and

career growth. The training and development is a key function to reduce employee turnover.

 Main steps to follow HR Functions at Ashghal

The training and development process at Ashghal is also associated with five key steps. It

refers ADDIE model, as it indicates analyze, design, development, implementation, and

evaluation. In the first steps, the company management can identify the needs for training and

any possible gaps. It is all about analyzing the current situation in terms of work and employee

contribution. In the design process, the company can shape the training programs, including

delivery methods, duration, structure, feedback, and assessment[ CITATION All06 \l 1033 ].

In the development process, the HR manager can create the course. The development

phase must be integrated with the design phase as well. After the development phase, the

implementation phase is to be run. In the phase, the company trains the employees. Training

types such as job training, lectures, role-playing, management games, simulators, and any

technology-based training can be used in this phase. Finally, the HR team has to evaluate the

training process by aligning with some measures Integration of Ashghal with A&M University is

a glimpse of it, as the educational institution developed and evaluated training contents ad

courses for employees [ CITATION Gul17 \l 1033 ]. It is to be assessed that training goals and

objectives are successful. Any change in the design phase or delivery methods can occur if

results or outcomes are not according to expectations[ CITATION Rao13 \l 1033 ].


Now, the study will uncover the HR function of Ashghal along with some key insights.

Analysis of HR Function

 Tools & Technique to Implement HR Function

The training and development function in Ashghal contains the significance. Objectives

or motives of training and development function have been derived from the literature of

"employee of the month”. For Instance, this construction giant trains its employees to be

punctual all the time. The company or HR trainers aim to bring the commitment among

employees to be punctual. Apart from it, behavioral training seems mandatory in this company,

as employees learn how to develop and depict positive behavior towards the management and

coworkers. Also, the management trains employees to increase or improve the capability to

perform assigned tasks and get the job done even before deadlines[ CITATION Joh052 \l 1033 ].

In short, in Ashghal, training and development is a key source of developing the

reliability, which ultimately improves the workplace outcomes. Ashghal’s HR team mainly

focuses on communication. It teaches communication skills and patterns .whim are to be used or

adopted when integrating with coworkers and management. In the construction process, both old

and new employees are trained to be safe and secure at the workplace. Training and development

at Ashghal is a kind of learning journey for employees. The company aims to increase the

cognition level to anticipate the needs of customers effectively. The ability to work in different

teams in big and small construction projects is a big concern, and training manuals have been

shaped for all employees. Finally, employees are trained or taught how to become a loyal

member or corporate citizen. Interestingly, Ashghal has linked the training and development

process with the organizational culture, as all these aspects are to be considered when selecting

the employee or the month[ CITATION RKS09 \l 1033 ].

A learning management system has been used in this company to train employees.

Employees know how to operate the automated system or computer applications and enable the

delivery of training. Technology-based training, simulators, and behavioral modeling are three

effective methods for the Ashghal HR team to train its employees. Both instructions led

classrooms and computer-based (Online) training is delivered, which helped to meet the training

and development goals[ CITATION Cow06 \l 1033 ].

Evaluation of Effectiveness of HR Function

 Improving Overall Performance through Implementation

The training and development process at Ashghal is effective due to its impact on

employees and the workplace. The comprehensive analysis showed intentions of the HR

department in terms of work and employee behavior. Apart from instruction led classrooms and

learning management systems, the company has also integrated with adventure learning. The

function appears effective because the company is not limited to some particular training

methods. It anticipated the needs of workers in different departments and focuses on a particular

training method. In the adventure training, a group of senior supervisors creates some challenges

for juniors or new employees or construction workers.

It seems a part of on job training, which effectively facilitates employees to enhance the

learning. The effectiveness of the training and development function can be justified due to

behavior and skill level of people at Ashghal. In the modern construction industry,

communication, behavior, skill development, and attitudes of employees are well-aligned with

corporate goals. Ashghal’s road to sustainable development in terms of employees and workers

has been achieved, and it justifies the effectiveness. The training and development function

seems effectiveness because it is also associated with article 79 and 80. All benefits and

motives, which are described in the HR function analysis, are interrelated with these articles. The

training methods help employees to understand and learn this code of ethics. The purpose is to

contain some key ethical considerations when performing job duties.

For Instance, point 4 of Article 79 states that the worker must show dignity and good

reputation along with a good appearance. Interestingly, when using several training methods

such as learning management systems, adventure learning, and instruction led classrooms,

behavioral, communication, and appearance are key aspects to teach to employees. The code of

conduct in terms of ethics is in the limelight in the company. By directing the training process

effectively, the ethical workforce has been developed. The HR function in Ashghal is always

critical, as far as laws and regulations in the construction industry are concerned. The code of

ethics restrains employees from violating any law regarding safety and security. In the training

process, employees learn how to make them and others safe and secure.

Of course, training and development is a driver of law and regulation, imposed by

government entities. It can be safely said that training and development function is well

structured and directed, and it is also quite flexible to be lucrative and relevant.

Recommendation on how to Improve and Enhance the HR Function

There is always some space to improve and enhance the training function. For Instance,

the key recommendation to this company is to set the benchmark against the competition. HR

management must to analyze what competitors are doing in the internal business environment.

The strategic intent is to get an advantage over other rivals due to the competitive workforce.

Thus, differentiated training methods are required to make the difference. The second

recommendation to Ashghal is to initiate employee surveys. Employee surveys can assist in

getting key insights regarding delivered training program or methods[ CITATION Art16 \l 1033 ].

It can be used as a key measure as well, as some improvements are to be made

accordingly. Ashghal has to be more innovative in its training and development process. Just

sticking to basic or traditional methods can limit employee learning. Tremendous improvements

are needed in the competitive landscape, and innovative techniques such as artificial intelligence

can be used to get some expected results[ CITATION Sud19 \l 1033 ].


In the end, it is to conclude that training and development at Ashghal are effective, as it

improved the performance of employees and enabled growth. However, internally, it is a result

of the hard work of HR management. Incredibly, the HR department led this particular function

and make employees able to become better corporate citizens. With a technical and corporative

point of view, Ashghal has successfully managed this function. However, due to changing trends

in the construction industry, the management can consider these strategic recommendations to

keep things on track and emerge as a prominent rival. The study focused on a valuable literature,

which set the foundation to further evaluate the HR function of Ashghal.



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