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What Next

T here is a more profound objective for going into the field and
putting the Shogun Method™ to test on tens of thousands of
women, and that objective is the development of your inner

With this knowledge, you will transform yourself to succeed

in this game of love and life. Over hours of practice which you must
commit yourself into, you will overcome your own fears,
uncertainty and limiting beliefs to emerge on the other side as the
version of yourself that you utmost desire.

You will have the ability to see through any social facade
and see things for what they truly are. You will never have problems
meeting women ever again, and you will be brimming with quiet
confidence that you have the ability to attract any woman that you
will ever lay your eyes on.

Figure 1

You will never be lonely ever again, unless you purposely

choose to live a life of solitude.

A young Shogun who trains in the art of warfare for twenty

years will become a master, but eventually he will lose the desire to
fight, because of the experience and wisdom he acquires from the
deepening of the knowledge and practicing of the art. The same goes
for Mind Control and seduction. You will no longer have the desire
to bed every female you see, but you will use your knowledge
selectively on that special woman who connects with you at a deeper

You will act more naturally, and with your own Shogun
Sequences inside your growing arsenal of seduction and Mind
Control techniques, you will be able to overcome any obstacle and
remove any attempts to barricade your progress.

You will know how to create the perfect and lasting first
impression by appealing to her curiosity and creating intrigue. You
will know how to build deep emotional rapport, and skillfully
shifting the burden of attraction to her while you increase your
Desirability in her eyes. With the foundations of strong rapport, you
will then get her attracted to you with your charm and confidence.

You’ll achieve all this using military grade Mind Control

techniques like Fractionation, aided by your mastery of
supplementary tactics like anchoring, rollercoastering and
conditioning. If needed, you will bring out the biggest gun of it all -
the Black Rose Sequence.

If you have been transformed by my work, get in touch and

share with me your experience. Throughout our journey, we have
gone beyond the master-apprentice relationship, and we are now
peers in the game of seduction and life.
Tell me your story 

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