Rotate MD-80 Simplified Procedural Steps PDF

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Steps and Checklist for the Rotate MD-80

Powering Up from “Cold and Dark” to Powering Down to “Warm and Dark”

These steps were simplified from the Delta MD-88/90 Flight Crew Operations Manual (FCOM) Volume 1 and Rotate’s
Pilot Handbook PDF to help with single pilot operation. These procedures assume that all systems are operational, all
switches are initially in their “powered down” position as per Rotate’s default setting, all gauges read correctly, all
annunciators are functional, and the operator has a basic familiarity with the aircraft.

1. To begin with the engines and systems off, use menu option within X-Plane.
2. Ground Power available in Plugins menu, Rotate MD-80, Aircraft Management, GPU Toggle.
3. Decimal-type page references are based on where complete procedural detail can be found within the Delta MD-
88/90 FCOM document.
4. Regular page references are based on the Rotate MD-80 Tutorial Flight .pdf document (abbreviated RTF below)*.
Supplementary Procedures – Flight Deck Safety Inspection & Preliminary Flight Deck

BAT (Battery switch) On

For External Power

EXT PWR AVAIL (Light) Check illuminated (Check note 2 above if not lit)

L/R EXT PWR BUS (Switches) On

For APU Power (SP.6.1 as per 7.1 and NP.20.11)


if AC or external power available)

APU (Master switch) START/RUN (Note APU RPM rise to 100%)

APU PWR AVAIL (Light) Check illuminated

L/R APU BUS (Switches) On

On (Right AFT pump),
Off (DC Start Pump)
Flight Deck Preparation
AIR COND COLDER (if cabin Warmer than 24°C)
AIR (Switch located on APU panel) ON (If cabin 24°C or colder)

GALLEY (Galley power switch) On

EMER LTS (Emergency exit lights switch) ARM





ENG L & R (L & R Engine Anti Ice switches) Off

IRS MODE SELECT (IRS mode selectors) OFF (Normally on NAV now, but Rotate calls for
this further down the list, see RTF pg 10*)

STALL TEST (Switch) Test (Push SYS 1, SYS 2)


YAW DAMP (Switch) On


Air Conditioning and Cabin Pressurization Panels


CKPT TEMP & CABIN TEMP (Knobs) As desired (Auto typically)

Air Conditioning SUPPLY (Switches) Auto (Auto Normal)

LDG ALT (Knob) Set to destination field elevation

LDG BARO (Knob) Set to destination pressure

ANNUN/DIGITAL LTS TEST (Button) Push & hold (Check all warning lights work)
Flight Guidance System panels (on glare shield), Flight Mode Annunciator (FMA) & Instrument Panel
*If flying with an online ATC Service, consider obtaining IFR clearance before continuing

F/D (Flight Director switches) On (Pilot flying side comes on first)

EPR LIM (Button) Press (Effect seen on FMA later)

SPD|MACH (Knob) Set (V2 in window & cruise Mach speed ! Found after FMS set)

AUTO THROT (Switch) Off

HDG (Knob on shaft tip) Set (Runway heading, pull out for HDG SEL & check FMA)

Bank Angle Limiter (Shaft below HDG knob) Set (Default set 30°, 15° departure legs)

ALT (Altitude knob) Set (Top alt on SID, MEA/MOCA, or ATC* & verify on FMA)

VHF NAVs (VHF navigation radios) Set (Initial frequencies needed during departure)

POS/STROBE (Position & Strobe lights) On (Turns on position lights only)

ALTIMETERS Set (Barometric pressure set & crosschecked)

Departure briefing Complete

Before Start Flight Deck Preparation


Verify fuel required numbers Set (Load fuel and payload weights within X-Plane’s
Weight and Fuel menu, pgs 18 – 20 RTF*)

FUEL (Levers) Off (Check joystick mixture axis not mapped)

VHF COMMs (VHF communication radios) Set (Frequencies leading toward departure)

Transponder mode selector (Center pedestal) Set (Squawk code & STBY/AUTO/ON switch to TA/RA,
or as requested by online ATC service)

PNEU X-FEED VALVES L/R (Levers rear pedestal) Open

Zero Fuel Weight Set (Enter ZFW into FUEL QTY panel as described pg. 20 RTF*)

IRS MODE SELECT (IRS mode selectors) Set to NAV (…but read steps on pg 17 -18 RTF*
leading up to setting the FMS)

FMS SET (Pgs 17 – 28 RTF* explains programming of FMC via CDU,

more depth described on FCOM pages SP.11.1 – 11.20)

Reopen TAKEOFF REF page on CDU Verify (Note V1, VR, V2, V2+15, CG, and TRIM)
SET (Bugs automatically set to V1, VR, V2, V2+15, but FCOM says
IAS Bugs to set to V1, V2+20, slat retract speed, and clean
speed NP.20.22)

Airspeed Command Bug Set at V2 (Use SPD|MACH knob to set in window)

Set (CG from FMS & Flap settings dialed in w/ CG & Flap
Takeoff Condition Computer (TRIM) thumbwheels, then resulting LONG TRIM readout w/
LONG TRIM stabilizer setting as seen pgs 28, 29 RTF*)

FLAP TO SEL (Flap takeoff selector) Set (Dial 23° [or desired] takeoff flap setting
by rolling FLAP TO SET wheel)

HYD PUMPS (Switches) On (HYD PUMPS 1 & 2 on HI, AUX & TRANS On)

Trust Rating Panel (Button) Set (TO or TO FLX)

Before Start Checklist Complete

Pushback & Engine Start

(Procedure on NP.20.24-28)

PNEU X-FEED VALVES L/R (Levers rear pedestal) Open (Verify)

GPU (If it was used) Disconnect (If it was used: Plugins/Rotate MD-80/Aircraft
Management/GPU Toggle)

Pushback clearance Obtained (Needed from ground control if pushed onto

taxiway/movement area. Or ramp tower if modeled)

ANTI COLLISION (Switch) On (Alerts outside personnel aircraft push & engine start)

Pushback (X-Plane 11, use shift-g, direction based on tail

Initiate Pushback X-Plane 10, reverser pushback after engine start
or 3rd party plugin)

Transponder code & mode selector Verify (STBY/AUTO/ON switch set to TA/RA, or as
required by online ATC service & region)

FWD & AFT PUMPS (Fuel pump switches) On

Ignition selector (SYS A & SYS B) Select (Alternate every flight leg/pilot flying)

Air Conditioning SUPPLY (Switches) Off (Allows pressure to build for engine start)

PSI (Start pressure) Positive pressure

START (Switch)* On (Once N2 reaches 21% [20% min], then...)

FUEL (lever)* On (Switched from OFF position)

*Start one engine at a time by repeating these steps. After moving FUEL lever to ON, verify continued rise in oil pressure, N2,
and N1 RPM %, settling in the green ranges. Then put START switches to OFF & close guards.

After Start Procedure & Taxi

(NP.20.29 - 33)

Ignition selector (SYS A & SYS B) Off

Air Conditioning SUPPLY (Switches) On

ENG L & R (ICE PROTECTION switches) As needed

FUEL HEAT (ICE PROTECTION switches) As needed

FLAPS (Lever) Set (Set takeoff flaps)

AUTO BRAKE (Knob aft pedestal) Set knob to TO and switch to ARM


Flight Controls Check

NOSE LTS (Taxi lighting switch) On (Alerts personnel outside aircraft is about to taxi)

Taxi Checklist Complete

If taxi route crosses ANY runway, then turn on the landing, strobe, and wing illumination lights before crossing runway
(SOPs vary between air carriers)

Before Takeoff
(Follow procedure & callouts for flying pilot and monitoring pilot on NP.20.35 - 36)

Annunciator Panel & Warn Lights (Fwd overhead) Check (RUDDER TRAVEL UNRESTRICED is normal)

Takeoff Briefing Complete (NP 20.36)

Takeoff Warning (Test) Check (Advance throttles forward briefly w/ brakes off,
verify no audible warnings sounds)

APU AIR (Switch) Off

PNEU X-FEED VALVES L/R (Levers rear pedestal) Closed

Ignition selector (SYS A & SYS B) Select (Alternate every flight leg/pilot flying)

Exterior lights Set (“Line up and wait” – all lights except landing lights)
(“Cleared for takeoff” – all lights except for taxi lights)

(Follow procedure & callouts for flying pilot and monitoring pilot on NP.20.23-24)

TOGA (Button on throttle lever) Press (Note “TAK OFF” references on FMA)

Takeoff Thrust Set (1.4 EPR, levers approximately vertical)

AUTO THROT (Autothrottle switch) Set to AUTO THROT

At VR Rotate (At 3° per second toward ≈ 8° of pitch)

At positive rate of climb GEAR HDL SEL to UP

Adjust pitch To achieve a approximate climb speed of V2+10

(Avoid exceeding 20° pitch)

After Takeoff
(Follow procedure & callouts for flying pilot and monitoring pilot on NP.20.41-43, illustrated NP.30.20 - 21)

At or above 400 AFE (AFE = above field elevation) Select Roll Mode (NAV or HDG SEL, note FMA)

At or above 1,000 ft. AFE (Thrust reduction height) Lower nose to 10°, set climb power
(by pushing CL on TRP)

A/P ENGAGE (Autopilot Engage switches) Engage autopilot A (Once above min A/P engage Alt)
Accelerate to flap retract speed (Flap 1°-13°: V2+5)
At or above 1,000 ft. AFE (Acceleration height)
(Flap 15°-24°: V2+15)
Retract flaps (…then accelerate to Slat retract speed)
FLAPS (Lever)
Retract slats (…upon reaching Slat retract speed)
Ignition selector (SYS A & SYS B) Off (Keep ON in heavy rain & turbulence, and
when turning engine anti-ice on/off)

At Flaps Clean speed Accelerate 250 KIAS & reset Bank Angle Limiter
(25° or 30°)



FLAP TO SEL Set 23° (Only after flaps fully retracted to prevent jamming)

AUX & TRANS HYD PUMPS (Switches) Off

After Takeoff checklist Complete

Climb & Cruise

(Follow procedure & callouts for flying pilot and monitoring pilot on NP.20.44)
Accelerate to 310 KIAS, or FMS climb speed
Set FASTEN BELTS switches to AUTO or OFF
At & above 10,000 MSL Set lights (Landing, runway turnoff, wing illumination set OFF
– Strobes, position, and anti-collision remain ON)
(Some air carriers SOPs shut lights at FL180)

At transition altitude (18,000 MSL in the U.S.) Altimeters set 29.92 in. Hg.
While maintaining climb KIAS, pitch for Mach for
When climbing between FL270 – FL330
rest of climb once cruise Mach is reached
At cruise Hold appropriate Mach (0.76-0.77, or dictated by CI)

Trust Rating Panel (Button) Stays set on CL

CTR (FUEL TANK pumps) OFF when empty

Bank angle limiter 15°

Radar Check (If no returns present, aim at

ground to verify functioning)

Cruise checklist Complete

Last 100 miles before last enroute fix If STAR has been provided, brief the procedure
(Note all speed and altitude crossing restrictions)
Descent and Approach
(Follow procedure & callouts for flying pilot and monitoring pilot on NP.20.28)

Determine Top of Descent (TOD) point Note TD symbol on route depicted on ND

Approach briefing Complete before TOD

SET (Precision approach – DA

RADIO & BARO Alt Bug (Yellow carrot on Altimeter)
Non-precision approach – MDA)

SEAT BELTS (Switches) On

Approx. 10-15 NM prior to TOD Set lower altitude in the ALTITUDE window
(As provided by ATC or depicted on STAR)

Verify descent begins. Monitor need for speed

At TOD point brakes to maintain altitude & speed restrictions
depicted on STAR and FMC/CDU LEGS page

While maintaining desired Mach speed, switch to

begin maintaining KIAS reference for remainder
When descending between FL330 – FL 270
of descent once FMS speed or 310 kts is reached
– 250 KIAS before descending below 10,000
Altimeters set to local barometric pressure
At transition altitude (18,000 MSL in the U.S.)
Exterior lights


WINDSHIELD ANTI FOG (Switch) As Req (If descending into high humidity [narrow temp/dew]
after flying above FL250)

Note airspeed bugs to VREFs for landing Open APPROACH page in FMS (Note clean
maneuvering, slats extended, flaps 15°, go-around safe speed)
Set COMM & NAV radios & courses as standbys
Before reaching 10,000 feet (If possible) Set radio altimeters
Set AUTOBRAKE to desired strength
Slow to 250 KIAS before descending further,
At 10,000 feet
turn on landing lights, set NO SMOKING to ON
Approach & Landing
(Follow procedure & callouts for flying pilot and monitoring pilot on NP.20.49 & illustrated NP.30.22-26)

NO SMOK (Switch) Recycle to On (Lets cabin crew know landing immanent)

Slow aircraft as needed (Approximately 210 KIAS) 210 KIAS is the minimum speed without flaps
(Plan ahead, jets are slippery)

SPEED BRAKE (Spoilers) RET (Retract before extending flaps to avoid stall)

FLAPS (Lever) Extend as needed (Avoid if speed brake still extended)

Begin to slow toward approach speed.
Verify ILS tuned.
On Localizer intercept course
Verify LOC & GS deflected appropriately.
ILS Armed.
Bank limiter 15°, set missed approach altitude
On Localizer
Flaps 11° or 15°, slow then hold 160 KIAS
Note altitude where GS intercept takes place,
Crossing altitude (at GS intercept & FAF OM)
or final approach fix/outer marker
Ignition selector (SYS A & SYS B) Select (Alternate every flight leg/pilot flying)


Verify Landing VREF Check speed bugs (Landing speeds based on latest weight)

AUTO BRAKE (Knob aft pedestal) MED or MAX, then ARM

Gear down, set flaps 15° (allow to slow to 150 KIAS)
Glide slope alive SPEED BRAKE lever (spoilers) set to ARM position
(Pressing “3” key sets them to auto deploy on landing)

Establish descent, and set flaps for landing

Glide slope intercept Stabilize speed to VREF + 5 or 10
(700 FPM to 850 FPM holds glide slope well)
Landing Roll
(Follow procedure & callouts for flying pilot and monitoring pilot on NP.20.52)

Throttles idle, check spoilers extended

On touchdown
Fly nose wheel to the runway

Activate reverse thrust, verify REVERSE UNLOCK and

REVERSE THRUST lights have remained on.
Add full reverse thrust & maintain RWY centerline.
On rollout Bring reverse thrust to idle before 60 knots.
Disarm AUTO BRAKE just before taxi speed to
prevent coming to full stop while still on runway
(Tap manual brake “b” or “v” to disengage).

After Landing & Taxi In

(Follow procedure & callouts for flying pilot and monitoring pilot on NP.20.54)

FLAP (Handle) Set handle to FLAP 0° (Flaps retracted)

SPEED BRAKE (Handle) Move to RET after exiting runway

Transponder mode selector ALT OFF (Or set as required by airport ground radar)

APU (APU starter switch) Start (If required)

APU AIR (Switch) On

AUTO BRAKE (Knob aft pedestal) Off and DISARM

Weather radar Off

Exterior Lights Set* (Landing, runway turnoff, wing illumination, strobes)

NOSE LTS (Taxi light switch) On

Taxi clearance Obtain

*If taxi route crosses ANY runway, then turn on the landing, runway turnoff, strobe, and wing illumination lights before
crossing runway (SOPs vary between air carriers)

Shutdown & Secure Procedures

NOSE LTS (Taxi light switch) Off

SEAT BELTS (Switch) Off

AUX & TRANS HYD PUMPS (Switches) Off

APU (APU starter switch) Run (or off if connected to ground power unit)

FUEL (Levers) Off (Check joystick mixture axis not mapped)

ANTI COLLISION (Anti collision lights switch) Off (Alerts personnel outside aircraft of engines off)

FUEL TANK FWD & AFT PUMPS (Switches) ON/OFF (RIGHT AFT ON if APU staying on, others off)

WINDSHIELD ANTI ICE (Switch) Off (Leave ON if below freezing)

ENGINE L & R ANTI-ICE (Switches) Off



F/D (Flight director switches) Off

Transponder mode selector (Center pedestal) STBY

Parking Brake SET

Shutdown checklist Complete


Air Conditioning SUPPLY (Switches) Off

GALLEY (Galley power switch) Off

EMER LTS (Emergency exit lights switch) Off

IRS MODE SELECT (L & R IRS mode selectors) Off

PNEU X-FEED VALVES L/R (Levers rear pedestal) Closed

APU (Master switch) Off

BAT (Battery switch) Off (Allow APU to fully spin down first)

Secure checklist Complete

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