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13th March, 2100- was a red-letter day for the SETI team at NASA. They had detected Radio
Frequency Signals from a distant galaxy using the VLA in New Mexico. The best brains on earth
decoded the signals and found the following message-
“Dear Earthly Living Beings,
We are the Xions from the galaxy of Magrathea.
We have taken the toilsome responsibility of gathering all the ruling inhabitants of planets across the
universe to increase co-operation between different planets across various galaxies. We want you to
choose one being among yourselves to represent your planet. Tracking our signal will eventually lead
your representative to our galaxy, through various wormholes and hyper space highways. There we
have commissioned a meeting of all such representatives from across the universe. It will be a great
opportunity to interact with each other.
We, in advance, extend our friendly hand towards you.”

Humans were dazzled to find a species more superior than them existing in the universe. Since this
was the first opportunity of interacting with other living species in the universe, the humans did not
want to look inferior in the meeting. They decided to send the best human being on earth as a
representative. Thus commenced the task of producing a superhuman clone - the best in brains,
strength, speed, looks and all other desirable human qualities. He was named- ‘WonderMan’.

Wonder Man was sent on this journey using a highly advanced spaceship which could travel very
close to the speed of light.

Now, you can proceed with this story in 3 separate independent ways:

Plot 1: Describe WonderMan’s journey to the galaxy of Magrathea – his experiences on the
spaceship, the various planets and star systems that he witnesses on the way etc.

Plot 2: During the meeting between the various representatives, a representative of Andromeda
Galaxy gets accidentally killed by the Xions. This enrages the other representatives who return back
to their respective planets and prepare for War. WonderMan returns to Earth. Subsequently, a “War of
the Galaxies” ensues, in which majority of Earth’s population participates through various spaceships.
The War is won by the Milky Way galaxy but it results in the Earth getting destroyed. Now,
WonderMan is given the responsibility of relocating the remaining humans (all are in spaceships).
Complete the story and find a new home for humans.

Plot 3: The meeting scheduled in the galaxy of Magrathea was a hoax. It was in reality a plan of the
Xions to estimate the ability and advancement of the human race, so that when they attacked Earth,
they could estimate the extent of damage that the humans could pose to them. When WonderMan
finds out about this, he returns to earth and a War ensues. Describe it.

The entire story is to be written in no more than 1500 words. Let your imaginations wander!

Bamboozle the geeks with the "vinci" in you. Painting competition open for all where you
have to paint something related to astronomy.


Use the junk in your backyard to craft a static model related to astronomy.


Informative Posters to explain the intricacies in astronomy.

Open for all compettion for making a dynamic model depicting a concept or phenomenon
realted to astronomy.


Test your astronomy quotient.

"Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were. But without it we go nowhere."
- Dr. Carl Sagan

Make a collage to express an idea of astronomy.

Materials :-

 Traditional collage materials include scraps of paper and other flat materials:
newspaper and magazine clippings, shopping bags, photographs (or photocopies of
photographs), wallpaper, and foil.
 Objects such as string, beads, feathers, and fabric.

 Collage may encompass images, text, solid colors, or a mixture of these. You may
want a recognizable image or word, or simply a suggestion, feel, color, or texture.
 Choose a base for your collage, which is usually flat paper or poster board.

 Use scissors or a blade to cut out pieces for your collage.

 Glue.

Rules :-

 Bring your own materials.

 The background could be a plain white sheet, a page from a magazine or book, a
large photograph, or a page of text.
 Judgment - On the basis of idea and clarity.

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