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Name : Arianna Safitri Saldi

NIM : 195244039
Class : 2B-Asset Management
Subject : Listening
“Good to Hear from You Again”

A. Audio 23
Match each call to the appropriate picture below. In each case there is a communication

1. Conversation 1 picture: B

 Proble : The receiver can only speak Japanese

 Solutio : The caller should inform when he will call and give the reason for the
n call so the receiver can be prepared and avoid problems such as
language differences
2. Conversation 2 picture: C

 Proble : The caller speaks English very well but uses like figurative sentences
m that are difficult for the receiver to understand.
 Solutio : The callers use language and sentences that are easily understood
3. Conversation 3 picture: A

 Proble : The receiver is not listening properly to what the caller said
 Solutio : The receiver should listen well to the caller who appears to be his
n customer and can respond the caller’s complaint with expression
which indicate interest and understanding
C. Audio 24
Two colleagues, Bob and Lora, need to meet because a third colleague, Leon,
has resigned. As you listen, write the details of the appointment they make in
Bob's diary.

 In Bob’s diary, he has a meeting with Ravesi on Wednesday, so Bob

meeting with Lara on Thursday at 9.00 a.m.
D. Audio 25
Here Vladimir Kramnik from Moscow calls Joanna Hannam of Swallow
Exports Ltd., in London. He wants an appointment with Ms. Hannam.
Complete the details of the arrangement made in Ms. Hannam's diary

 June 5th (Wednesday), evening: dinner with Mr Kramnik.

 June 6th (Thursday), morning: meeting with Mr Kramnik.
Identify three ways in which Ms. Hannam’s secretary offers to help Mr.
1. Suggests dinner on Wednesday evening
2. Confirms everything by emails
3. Arranges a hotel for Wednesday night
Give comments on the performance of the staff working for Swallow Exports?
They are very service oriented, helpful and polite
What style differences are there between the two conversations in 1 and 2
above? Why are they so different?
1. The first conversation is much more informal. It is a conversation between
colleagues in the same company. They use fisrt name and direct style
2. The second conversation is between partners working in different
companies. The conversation is very polite and quite formal, using family
names and a more indirect style. There are various polite phrases which
typify a formal service-minded approach.
F. Audio 27

Listen to a conversation between two colleagues, John and Paula. Take some
Details of the original arrangement : At 4 o'clock today
Reasons for change : Something has happened and John has
to go home early.
The new arrangement : They will have a 'working lunch'
together on Thursday at 12.30
How would you characterize the style of this conversation?
I think this conversation is very informal and uses colloquial language
Why is it like that?
Because this conversation is between friends and colleagues in the same

Note the four part structure of a conversation about changing arrangements.

Complete the missing words from the key phrases below:
Reference to original arrangement
“We’re supposed to meet at 4 o'clock today.”
Statement of problem – need for change
“I’m sorry, I really can’t make it, something's happened and I've got to go
home early.”
Fixing new arrangement
“Can we meet some other time, perhaps?”
“See you, Thursday then.”
G. Audio 28
In ending a call, you will hear a recording of Catherine Welsh, a
Communication Consultant, talking about telephoning and, in particular,
ending phone calls.
Before you listen, suggest what she might say about the following:
1. Ways to avoid : We can repeat what the receiver said
misunderstandings to make sure that we really know what
the receiver means
2. A way to check that there’s : We can check it by ask the receiver if
nothing left to say there is still something being
discussed or ask for any helps.
3. The important of small talk : I think the small talk is very important
because it can helps to build
relationships to stay keep in touch
4. Ways to get off the phone : We can make a polite excuse and
when the other person keeps check it if the receiver if he/she want
talking and you are very busy to ask something.
Now listen to what Catherine actually says. Compare her suggestions with
what you suggested above. Discuss these and other suggestions
Her suggestions with mine are quite same, but what she said was clearer.
Catherine version:
 The ways to avoid misunderstanding are repeat details and confirm the
agreements by ask for a fax or an email;
 A way to check that there’s nothing left to say is by says something like 'Is
that am' or 'Anything else?';
 The important of small talk is it helps to build and maintain relationships;
 The ways to get off the phone when the other person keeps talking and you
are very busy is by saying a polite sentence and said that you have a
meeting soon. And if it's a customer, you can offer to call back later if
there's anything else to discuss.
H. Audio 29

Hans Rossler is an Export Manager for an American company in San

Francisco. A Sales representative, Paolo Arione from Brazil, is planning to
visit him. You will hear two versions of how Hans ends a phone conversation
with Paolo. Notice how they are different.
1. What is wrong in the first : Hans no check that Hassam has
version? nothing else to say or ask. Also,
doesn't end with the polite phrase.
2. Which key phrase is in the : “Anything else you need to know?”
second ending that was not In the second version, Hans gave
in the first one? Hassam a chance to ask something.
I. Audio 30

From a conversation between colleagues, Celia Walton and Gerd Hoffmann,

who work for a Swiss toy manufacturer.
1. What is Celia’s problem? : Gerd keeps talking while Celia wants to cut
the conversation
2. How does she resolve it? : Celia interrupts Gerd and suggests calling
him another time, perhaps later in the week,
or Gerd can call Celia if there are any

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