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VBA Data Types

Object Type Prefix Description

String Data str Text
Integer Data int Whole numbers up to approx. 32,000
Long Data lng Whole numbers up to approx. 2 billion
Single Data sng Large floating point numbers with up to 6 decimal places of accuracy
Double Data dbl Even larger floating point numbers with up to 14 decimal places of accuracy
Currency Data cur Monetary values up to approx. 900 trillion with up to 4 decimal places of accuracy
Date Data dat Date and time
Boolean Data bln True or False
Variant Data vnt Indeterminate data type - any of the above

Document Word object doc A Word (open) document

Range Word object rng A text range
Table Word object tbl A Word table
Row Word object row A row in a table
Column Word object col A column in a table
Cell Word object cel A cell in a table
Style Word object stl A paragraph or character style
Selection Word object sel The Word object which is currently selected

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