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Be Prepared for a Tsunami Recovery:

Protect Yourself Key Messages Re-Entry
If caused by an earthquake, Drop, Cover, and Hold
A tsunami may cause damage to buildings and

On to protect yourself from the earthquake first.
roads. During the transition into the recovery phase,
Get to high ground as far inland as possible. structure, roads, utilities, and other infrastructure
Be alert to signs of a tsunami, such as sudden rise must be inspectedto ensure that they are same for
or draining of ocean waters. public reentry. This function may require using both
Listen to emergency information and alerts. City personnel and private sector resources.
Evacuate: DO NOT wait! Leave when you see any
natural signs of a tsunami OR hear an official Demobilization
When the response phase of the incident transitions
tsunami warning.
into the recovery phase, the demobilization stage can
If you are in a boat, go out to sea. begin. Internal and external response partners can GROUP 2 10 KATAPATAN DARSSTHS MR. LUIS
begin to be released and agencies can return to their
normal working roles as soon as
practical. This brochure is intended
to help associations along
Restoration with the coast plan and
Restoration to impacted areas can be a long process execute community-wide
following the potentially damaging effects of a earthquake/tsunami
tsunami. Local resources may be exhausted and evacuation drills.
additional assistance from other public and private
partners may be needed.

It is important to consider the following

issues during the cleanup and recovery
Cleanup of debris on public property, the beach, and
repair of City infrastructure such
as streets and utilities.
Hazardous materials specialists may be needed to
assist in cleanup efforts.
Health services may be needed to assist with water
purification, inoculations, and
Safe refuge and shelter sites may be required to
house people affected by the Whether your area is planning its
first walk-out drill or preparing for
more complex evacuation
exercises, the following pages
Public Disaster Assistance offer supervision and guidance
The DRRMC will coordinate with the country/area to based on best methods and the
fully assist everyone from the disaster occured experience of coastal
communities and emergency
management professionals
What is it about an earthquake Community Preparedness Plan Conduct Community Orientation on
Earthquake/ Tsunami
that causes a tsunami? Active National Disaster Risk Reduction Introduce the evacuation plan and routes going to
Although earthquake magnitude is one factor that and Management Committee the pre-determined evacuation area.
affects tsunami generation, there are other important Post the evacuation map in visible places.
factors to consider. The earthquake must be a shallow
marine event that displaces the seafloor.
Magnitudes below 6.5
Earthquakes of this magnitude are very unlikely to
trigger a tsunami.

Magnitudes between 6.5 and 7.5 Conduct Community Data Gathering

Earthquakes of this size do not usually produce
destructive tsunamis. However, small sea level
changes might be observed in the vicinity of the

Magnitudes between 7.6 and 7.8

Earthquakes of this size might produce destructive
Conduct Community Watching Exercise
tsunamis, especially near the epicenter. At greater Assess the strength of the houses or buildings
distances, small sea level changes might be observed. using the "How Safe is my House?" tool for
earthquake/tsunami safety.
Magnitude 7.9 and greater Conduct Community Earthquake
Observe safe and unsafe areas
Destructive local tsunamis are possible near the
epicenter, and significant sea level changes and
damage might occur in a broader region. Note that
with a magnitude 9.0 earthquake, there is a possibility
of an aftershock of magnitude 7.5 or greater.

Conduct Community Orientation on

Earthquake/ Tsunami
Organize lecture about earthquake/ tsunami
Quick Facts hazards in the area.
Travels 20-30 miles per hour with waves 10-100 Teach the community and schools on how to
feet high. protect themselves.
Causes flooding and creates problems with
transportation, power, communications, and
drinking water.
Can happen anywhere along U.S. coasts; coasts
that border the Pacific Ocean or Caribbean have
the greatest risk.

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