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Grammar 6 Past Simple

Name ___________________________________ No. ____ Class ______ Date

A. Complete the table with the Past Simple of the
have read look find see go stay work buy enjoy
be keep try take study sleep visit book travel watch

Regular verbs Irregular verbs

Past Past
Infinitive Past Simple Infinitive Past Simple
Simple/negative Simple/negative
1. look looked didn’t look 1. have had didn’t have
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
5. 5.
6. 6.
7. 7.
8. 8.
9. 9.
10. 10.

B. Write the sentences in the negative.

1. The tourist took a lot of pictures.
2. Their aunt and uncle spent their summer holidays in Brazil.
3. Josh went abroad last August.

C. Complete the sentences with the Past Simple of the verbs in brackets.
1. The Spencers _____________________ (not book) hotel rooms as usual. They
______________________ (spend) two weeks in a lighthouse on the coast of Wales.
2. We ______________________ (go) on a family boating holiday. We even
______________________ (take) our dogs.
3. They ____________________ (stay) on a working farm. It ____________________ (be)
4. Where _______________________ (you/buy) the plane tickets? I
_______________________ (buy) them online.

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D. Answer the questions. Follow the example.
e.g. Did he buy a newspaper? (No / magazine)
No, he didn’t. He didn’t buy a newspaper. He bought a
1. Did they travel by bus? (No / plane)
2. Did you write a postcard? (No / email)
3. Did she go to the cinema? (No / live concert)
4. Did he take the plane to Madrid? (No / Paris)

E. Ask questions in the Past Simple. Look carefully at the words in bold.

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1. ___________________________? 3. _______________________________?
The students visited the Museum. She went to the summer camp last
2. ___________________________? July.
He had dinner in an Italian 4. _______________________________?
restaurant. Yes, they did. They had a great time.

F. The Smiths are back from holiday. Ask and answer the questions using the
information next to the pictures.

1. Where/go? (New York) 2. How/travel?

1. Where/go? (New York) 2. How/travel?
1. You: Where ___________________? 2. You: How ______________________?
The Smiths: We___________________ The Smiths: We____________________

3. How long/stay?(A week) 4. What/do?

3. How long/stay?(A week) 4. What/do?
(visit Rockefeller Center/walk in
3. You: How long _________________? (visit Rockefeller
Central Center/walk
Park/ see a musical on in
Central Park/ see a musical on
The Smiths: We___________________ Broadway)
4. You: What ______________________?
The Smiths: We____________________

2. How/travel?

1. Where/go?

2. How/travel?

1. Where/go?

3. How long/stay?
(A week) 4. what/do?
(visit Rochefeller Centre/walk in
Central Park/ see a musical on
3. How long/stay? Broadway)
(A week) 4. what/do?
(visit Rochefeller
Editable andCentre/walk in Texto | Move On
photocopiable ©
Central Park/ see a musical on

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