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ME 6163: Combustion Engineering

Final Exam. 31/10/2020

Time: 3.0 hrs. Total Marks: 150

• Use A4 paper and submit the pdf file as assignment 05.

• Arrange the answers as: Part-A followed by Part-B.

• Part-A: start new question from a new page, and arrange the pages sequentially.

• Part-B: briefly present the explanations and maintain the sequence.

[5x25 = 125]

1. Estimate HHV and LHV of liquid Butane (C4 H10 ) combustion.

2. A mixture of 1 kmol of H2 O and 1.5 kmol of O2 is heated to 3000 K at a pressure of 1 MPa.

Determine the equilibrium composition of this mixture, assuming that only H2 O, OH, O2 , and H2
are present.

3. In an SI engine, octane is burned rich ( = 1.1) and exhaust leaves the engine cylinder at 1200 K.
Estimate (a) ppm of CO in the exhaust (b) energy lost with hot exhaust as compared to complete

4. Stoichiometric methane is burning at 2000 K. Using one-step-global reaction mechanism, estimate

the time required to complete 99% of the combustion.

5. Discuss sulphur removal technologies used in coal-fired power plants.

[5x5 = 25]

6. Explain the role of laminar burning velocity in SI engine knock.

7. Why lean burning is adopted to reduce NOx formation.

8. Distinguish between flame speed and burning velocity.

9. Make a brief comparison between premixed and diffusion flames.

10. Explain the importance of ‘adiabatic flame temperature’ in combustion applications.

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