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wewmGm cixÿvi wcÖwjwgbvwi †U÷-Gi wm‡jevm 1

wel‡qi bvg : evsjv fvlv I mvwnZ¨

c~Y©gvb : 35
gvb eÈb
fvlv : 15
cÖ‡qvM-AccÖ‡qvM, evbvb I evK¨ ïw×, cwifvlv, mgv_©K I wecixZv_©K kã,
aŸwb, eY©, kã, c`, evK¨, cÖZ¨q, mwÜ I mgvm

mvwnZ¨ :
(K) cÖvPxb I ga¨hyM 05

(L) AvaywbK hyM (1800-eZ©gvb ch©šÍ) 15

me©‡gvU- 35

Name of the Subject: English Language and Literature

Total Marks: 35

PART- I : Language 20
A) Parts of Speech:
The Noun:
The Determiner
The Gender
The Number
The Pronoun
The Verb:
The Finite: transitive, intransitive
The Non-finite: participles, infinitives, gerund
The Linking Verb
The Phrasal Verb
The Adjective
The Adverb
The Preposition
The Conjunction
B) Idioms & Phrases:
Meanings of Phrases
Kinds of Phrases
Identifying Phrases
C) Clauses:
The Principal Clause
The Subordinate Clause:
The Noun Clause
wewmGm cixÿvi wcÖwjwgbvwi †U÷-Gi wm‡jevm 2

The Adjective Clause

The Adverbial Clause & its types
D) Corrections:
The Tense
The Verb
The Preposition
The Determiner
The Gender
The Number
Subject-Verb Agreement
E) Sentences & Transformations:
The Simple Sentence
The Compound Sentence
The Complex Sentence
The Active Voice
The Passive Voice
The Positive Degree
The Comparative Degree
The Superlative Degree
F) Words:
Usage of words as various parts of speech
Formation of new words by adding prefixes and suffixes
G) Composition:
Names of parts of paragraphs/letters/applications
PART- II: Literature 15

H) English Literature:
Names of writers of literary pieces from Elizabethan period to
the 21st Century.
Quotations from drama/poetry of different ages

wel‡qi bvg : evsjv‡`k welqvewj

c~Y©gvb : 30

gvb eÈb
(1) evsjv‡`‡ki RvZxq welqvewj : cÖvPxbKvj n‡Z mg-mvgwqK Kv‡ji BwZnvm, K…wó I 06
ms¯‥…wZ| evsjv‡`‡ki ¯^vaxbZv hy‡×i BwZnvm: fvlv Av‡›`vjb; 1954 mv‡ji wbe©vPb; Qq-`dv
Av‡›`vjb, 1966; MY AfzÌvb 1968-69; 1970 mv‡ji mvaviY wbe©vPb; Amn‡hvM Av‡›`vjb
1971; 7 gv‡P©i HwZnvwmK fvlY; ¯^vaxbZv †NvlYv; gywRebMi miKv‡ii MVb I Kvh©vewj;
gyw³hy‡×i iY‡K․kj; gyw³hy‡× e„nr kw³e‡M©i f~wgKv; cvK evwnbxi AvZ¥mgc©Y Ges
wewmGm cixÿvi wcÖwjwgbvwi †U÷-Gi wm‡jevm 3

evsjv‡`‡ki Afz¨`q|
(2) evsjv‡`‡ki K…wlR m¤ú` : km¨ Drcv`b Ges Gi eûgyLxKiY, Lv`¨ Drcv`b I 03
(3) evsjv‡`‡ki RbmsL¨v, Av`gïgvwi, RvwZ, †Mvôx I DcRvwZ msµvšÍ welqvw`| 03

(4) evsjv‡`‡ki A_©bxwZ : Dbœqb cwiKíbv †cÖwÿZ I cÂevwl©Kx, RvZxq Avq-e¨q, ivR¯^ 03
bxwZ I evwl©K Dbœqb Kg©m~wP, `vwi`ª¨ we‡gvPb BZ¨vw`|

(5) evsjv‡`‡ki wkí I evwYR¨ : wkí Drcv`b, cY¨ Avg`vwb I ißvwbKiY, Mv‡g©›Um wkí I 03
Gi mvwe©K e¨e¯
vcbv, •e‡`wkK †jb-‡`b, A_© †cÖiY, e¨vsK I exgv e¨e¯
vcbv BZ¨vw`|

(6) evsjv‡`‡ki msweavb : cÖ¯Ívebv I •ewkó¨, †g․wjK AwaKvimn ivóª cwiPvjbvi 03

g~jbxwZmg~n, msweav‡bi ms‡kvabxmg~n|

(7) evsjv‡`‡ki ivR‣bwZK e¨e¯’v : ivR‣bwZK `jmg~‡ni MVb, f~wgKv I Kvh©µg, 03

ÿgZvmxb I we‡ivax `‡ji cvi¯úwiK m¤úK©vw`, mykxj mgvR I Pvc m„wóKvix †Mvôxmg~n Ges
G‡`i f~wgKv|

(8) evsjv‡`‡ki miKvi e¨e¯’v : AvBb, kvmb I wePvi wefvMmg~n, AvBb cÖYqb, bxwZ 03
wba©viY, RvZxq I ¯
vbxq ch©v‡qi cÖkvmwbK e¨e¯
vcbv KvVv‡gv, cÖkvmwbK cybwe©b¨vm I

(9) evsjv‡`‡ki RvZxq AR©b, wewkó e¨w³Z¡, ¸iæZ¡c~Y© cÖwZôvb I ¯
vcbvmg~n, RvZxq 03
cyi¯‥vi, evsjv‡`‡ki †Ljvayjvmn Pjw”PÎ, MYgva¨g-mswkøó welqvw`|

wel‡qi bvg : AvšÍR©vwZK welqvewj

c~Y©gvb : 20

gvb eÈb
(1) •ewk¦K BwZnvm, AvÂwjK I AvšÍR©vwZK e¨e¯
v, f~-ivRbxwZ; 04
(2) AvšÍR©vwZK wbivcËv I AvšÍivóªxq ÿgZv m¤úK©; 04
(3) we‡k¦i mv¤úªwZK I Pjgvb NUbvcÖevn; 04
(4) AvšÍR©vwZK cwi‡ekMZ Bmy¨ I K~UbxwZ; 04
(5) AvšÍR©vwZK msMVbmg~n Ges •ewk¦K A_©‣bwZK cÖwZôvbvw`| 04
wewmGm cixÿvi wcÖwjwgbvwi †U÷-Gi wm‡jevm 4

wel‡qi bvg : f~‡Mvj (evsjv‡`k I wek¦), cwi‡ek I `y‡h©vM e¨e¯’vcbv

c~Y©gvb : 10

gvb eÈb
1. evsjv‡`k I AÂjwfwËK †f․‡MvwjK Ae¯
vb, mxgvbv, cvwi‡ewkK, Av_©-mvgvwRK I f~- 02
ivR‣bwZK ¸iæZ¡;
2. AÂjwfwËK †f․Z cwi‡ek (f~-cÖvK…wZK), m¤ú‡`i eÈb I ¸iæZ¡; 02
3. evsjv‡`‡ki cwi‡ek : cÖK…wZ I m¤ú`, cÖavb P¨v‡jÄmg~n; 02
4. evsjv‡`k I •ewk¦K cwi‡ek cwieZ©b : AvenvIqv I Rjevqy wbqvgKmg~‡ni †m±iwfwËK 02
(†hgb Awfevmb, K…wl, wkí, grm¨ BZ¨vw`) ¯
vbxq, AvÂwjK I •ewk¦K cÖfve;
5. cÖvK…wZK `y‡h©vM I e¨e¯’vcbv : `y‡h©v‡Mi aib, cÖK…wZ I e¨e¯
vcbv| 02

wel‡qi bvg : mvaviY weÁvb

c~Y©gvb : 15

gvb eÈb
†f․Z weÁvb : 05
c`v‡_©i Ae¯
v, GU‡gi MVb, Kve©‡bi eûgyLx e¨envi, GwmW, ÿvi, jeY, c`v‡_©i
ÿq, mvev‡bi KvR, †f․Z ivwk Ges Gi cwigvc, †f․Z weÁv‡bi Dbœqb, †P․¤^KZ¡,
Zi½ Ges kã, Zvc I ZvcMwZ we`¨v, Av‡jvi cÖK…wZ, w¯
i Ges Pj Zwor,
B‡jKUªwb·, AvaywbK c`v_©weÁvb, kw³i Drm Ges Gi cÖ‡qvM, bevqb‡hvM¨ kw³i
Drm, cvigvYweK kw³, LwbR Drm, kw³i iƒcvšÍi, Av‡jvK hš¿cvwZ, †g․wjK KYv,
avZe c`v_© Ges Zv‡`i †h․Mmg~n, AavZe c`v_©, RviY-weRviY, Zwor †Kvl,
A‣Re †h․M, •Re †h․M, Zwor †P․¤^K, UªvÝdigvi, G·‡i, †ZRw¯…qZv BZ¨vw`|
Rxe weÁvb: 05
c`v‡_©i RxeweÁvb-welqK ag©, wUmy¨, †R‡bwUKm, Rxe‣ewPΨ, Gwbg¨vj
WvBfviwmwU, cøv›U WvBfviwmwU, Gwbg¨vj wUmy¨, AM©vb Ges AM©vb wm‡÷g, mv‡jvK
ms‡kølY, fvBivm, e¨vK‡Uwiqv, Ry‡jvwRK¨vj b‡gb‡K¬Pvi, †evUvwbK¨vj b‡gb‡K¬Pvi,
cÖvwYRMr, Dw™¢`, dzj, dj, i³ I i³ mÂvjb, i³Pvc, ü`&wcÐ Ges ü`&‡ivM, ¯œvqy
Ges ¯œvqy‡ivM, Lv`¨ I cywó, wfUvwgb, gvB‡µvev‡qvjwR, cøv›U wbD‡Uªkb, civMvqb
AvaywbK weÁvb: 05
c„w_ex m„wói BwZnvm, KmwgK †i, eøvK †nvj, wn‡Mi KYv, evwigÐj, UvBW,
evqygÐj, †UK‡UvwbK †cøU, mvB‡K¬vb, mybvwg, weeZ©b, mvgyw`ªK Rxeb, gvbe‡`n,
†iv‡Mi KviY I cÖwZKvi, msµvgK †ivM, †ivM RxevYyi RxebaviY, gv I wkï
¨, Bgy¨bvB‡Rkb Ges f¨vKwm‡bkb, GBPAvBwf, GBWm, wUwe, †cvwjI,
wewmGm cixÿvi wcÖwjwgbvwi †U÷-Gi wm‡jevm 5

†RvqviÑfvUv, GwcKvjPvi, †mwiKvjPvi, wcwmKvjPvi, nwU©KvjPvi, Wv‡qvW,

UªvbwR÷i, AvBwm, Av‡cwÿK ZË¡, †dvUb KYv BZ¨vw`|

wel‡qi bvg : Kw¤úDUvi I Z_¨ cÖhyw³

c~Y©gvb : 15
gvb eÈb
Kw¤úDUvi : 10
 Kw¤úDUvi †cwi‡divjm (Computer Peripherals) : wK-‡evW©
(Keyboard), gvDm (Mouse), IwmAvi (OCR) BZ¨vw`;
 Kw¤úDUv‡ii A½msMVb (Computer Architecture): wmwcBD (CPU), nvW©
wW¯‥ (Hard Disk), GGjBD (ALU) BZ¨vw`;
 Kw¤úDUv‡ii cvi½gZv (Computer Performance);
 •`bw›`b Rxe‡b Kw¤úDUvi (Computer in Practical Fields): K…wl,
†hvMv‡hvM, wkÿv, ¯^v¯
¨, †Ljvayjv BZ¨vw`;
 Kw¤úDUv‡ii b¤^i e¨e¯
v (Number Systems of Computer);
 Acv‡iwUs wm‡÷gm (Operating Systems);
 Gg‡e‡WW Kw¤úDUvi (Embedded Computer);
 Kw¤úDUv‡ii BwZnvm (History of Computer);
 Kw¤úDUv‡ii cÖKvi‡f` (Types of Computers);
 Kw¤úDUvi †cÖvMÖvg (Computer Program): fvBivm (Virus), dvqviIqvj
(Firewall) BZ¨vw`;
 ‡WUv‡eBm wm‡÷g (Database System)|
Z_¨cÖhyw³ : 05
 B-Kgvm© (E-Commerce);
 ‡mjyjvi WvUv †bUIqvK© (Cellular Data Network): UzwR (2G), w_ªwR
(3G), †dviwR (4G), IqvBg¨v· (Wimax) BZ¨vw`;
 Kw¤úDUvi †bUIqvK© (Computer Network): j¨vb (LAN), g¨vb
(MAN), IqvB-dvB (WiFi), IqvBg¨v· (Wimax) BZ¨vw`;
 ‣`bw›`b Rxe‡b Z_¨cÖhyw³ (Information Technologies in Practical
 ¯§vU©‡dvb (SmartPhone);
 Iqvì© IqvBW I‡qe (World Wide Web - WWW);
 B›Uvi‡bU (Internet);
 wbZ¨ cÖ‡qvRbxq Kw¤úDwUs cÖhyw³ (Daily-Use Computing
Technology): B-‡gBj (E-mail), d¨v· (Fax) BZ¨vw`;
 K¬vq›U-mvf©vi g¨v‡bR‡g›U (Client-Server Management);
 ‡gvevBj cÖhyw³i •ewkó¨mg~n (Mobile Features);
 Z_¨cÖhyw³i eo cÖwZôvb I Zv‡`i †mev/Z_¨mg~n (Tech-Giants Services
& News): ¸Mj (Google), gvB‡µvmdU (Microsoft), AvBweGg (IBM)
 K¬vDW Kw¤úDwUs (Cloud Computing);
 ‡mvk¨vj †bUIqvwK©s (Social Networking): †dmeyK (Facebook), UzBUvi
wewmGm cixÿvi wcÖwjwgbvwi †U÷-Gi wm‡jevm 6

(Twitter), BÝUvMÖvg (Instagram) BZ¨vw`;

 ‡ivewU· (Robotics);
 mvBevi Aciva (Cyber Crime)|

wel‡qi bvg : MvwYwZK hyw³

c~Y©gvb : 15

gvb eÈb
1. ev¯Íe msL¨v, j.mv.¸, M.mv.¸, kZKiv, mij I †h․wMK gybvdv, AbycvZ I 03
mgvbycvZ, jvf I ¶wZ |
2. exRMvwYwZK m~Îvewj, eûc`x Drcv`K, mij I wØc`x mgxKiY, mij I 03
wØc`x AmgZv, mij mnmgxKiY |
3. m~PK I jMvwi`g, mgvšÍi I ¸‡YvËi Abyµg I aviv | 03
4. ‡iLv, †KvY, wÎfyR I PZyfyR© msµvšÍ Dccv`¨, wc_v‡Mviv‡mi Dccv`¨, e…Ë 03
msµvšÍ Dccv`¨, cwiwgwZÑ mij †¶Î I Nbe¯‧ |
5. ‡mU, web¨vm I mgv‡ek, cwimsL¨vb I m¤¢ve¨Zv | 03

wel‡qi bvg : gvbwmK `ÿZv

c~Y©gvb : 15

1. fvlvMZ †h․w³K wePvi (Verbal Reasoning)

2. mgm¨v mgvavb (Problem Solving)
3. evbvb I fvlv (Spelling and Language)
4. hvwš¿K `ÿZv (Mechanical Reasoning)
5. ¯
vbv¼ m¤úK© (Space Relation)
6. msL¨vMZ ÿgZv (Numerical Ability)

wel‡qi bvg : •bwZKZv, g~j¨‡eva I my-kvmb

(Ethics, Values & Good Governance)
c~Y©gvb : 10

 Definition of Values Education and Good Governance;

 Relation between Values Education and Good Governance;
 General Perception of Values Education and Good Governance;
 Importance of Values Education and Good Governance in the life of
an individual as a citizen as well as in the making of society and
national ideals;
wewmGm cixÿvi wcÖwjwgbvwi †U÷-Gi wm‡jevm 7

 Impact of Values Education and Good Governance in national

 How the element of Good Governance and Values Education can be
established in society in a given social context;
 The benefits of Values Education and Good Governance and the cost
society pays adversely in their absence.

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