Assessment Task 1

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Assessment Submission details:

1. Please include following details on the top of your assessment:

 Your Name
 Your Student Id
 Your Trainer’s name
 Assessment Due Date
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Please Note: Any changes in the assessment due date must be approved by your trainer.

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5. You can e-mail this assessment to your trainer’s e-mail address with following details: In
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Achieving Competence:

To be deemed competent in this assessment you must:

 Correctly address all the assessment requirements as described in this task
 Correctly address all the submission instructions
 Successfully complete the Assessment Questions
 Submit assessment on or before the due date with an assessment cover sheet

Performance objective:
In this assessment task, you will demonstrate the skills and knowledge required to
plan and lead continuous improvement systems and processes.
Assessment Task 1 1
BSBMGT516 Facilitate continuous improvement Sep 18
Assessment description:
Using the simulated business information provided and in response to a scenario,
you will prepare and deliver a presentation to the management team on proposed
continuous improvement strategies to be deployed in work teams; proposed systems
to communicate to stakeholders; proposed approaches to meeting sustainability
requirements; proposed approaches to coaching continuous improvement; and
strategies for knowledge management. You will then submit a summary report. You
will also prepare a monitoring strategy to monitor progress on the implementation of
the continuous improvement system, a communication strategy, and several
relevant procedures.

Note: You will use the planning and portfolio documentation you develop in
Assessment Task 1 for completing Assessment Task 2.

Assessment Questions:

Part A: Prepare and deliver a presentation

Research, plan and deliver a 20-minute presentation to a peer group of managers on
proposed continuous improvement (CI) systems and processes.
1. Review the following scenario.

You are a continuous improvement consultant. Australian Hardware has

contracted you to analyse the business in order to propose an overall approach to
continuous process improvement, including a general methodology such as Lean
or Six Sigma.
The approach will be used across the business, including application to areas such
● sustainability across the organisation
● revenue per customer interaction
● operational costs
● customer service satisfaction across product areas such as timber, plumbing
and electrical, garden products, hardware, tools and homewares
● delivery lead times for customers.

You will need to consider the appropriateness and applicability of different

continuous improvement methodologies in order to find the best fit for Australian
In your overall approach, you will need to develop several supporting strategies

Assessment Task 1 2
BSBMGT516 Facilitate continuous improvement Sep 18
and procedures.
You intend to trial your proposed quality systems and processes at the Wollongong
You will need to gather feedback from the management team on your proposed
continuous improvement approach. In accordance with organisational practice,
you will need to prepare a summary report incorporating feedback and
suggestions for amendments and refinements.

2. Review Australian Hardware documentation, including strategic plans and

operational plans. Note what the organisation does, how it does it, what its
goals and objectives are, and who its stakeholders and customers are.

Assessment Task 1 3
BSBMGT516 Facilitate continuous improvement Sep 18
3. Research or review continuous improvement methodologies and tools and
identify strategies for improving quality and performance in targeted areas.
You will need to select and prepare for discussion in your presentation:
a. a continuous improvement methodology, such as TQM, Lean and Six
Sigma to apply to the organisation
b. problem/opportunity identification and decision-making tools, such as
value stream mapping, root cause analysis and brainstorming.
c. strategies for including and encouraging participation by the right
individuals and teams
d. strategies for building ownership and a work culture that is conducive to
improving quality, reducing waste and high performance.
4. Analyse the impact of your proposed introduction of continuous improvement
measures on the organisation as an integrated whole. In particular consider, for
discussion in your presentation, the impact on:
a. communications to various stakeholders
b. knowledge management and information flow, including information
technology relevant to document storage and sharing
c. sustainability and sustainability objectives
d. performance management, including setting goals and KPIs, monitoring,
training and coaching, and rewards and recognition
e. legislative compliance.
5. Arrange a time and location to deliver a presentation to the management team
with the results of your findings in steps 2–4.
6. Deliver the presentation to the management team. Ensure you:
a. Seek input for improvements or additions to your approach to be
incorporated into your summary report and portfolio documents. Ask
questions and use active listening techniques.
b. Deliver your presentation in accordance with the deliverables and quality
specifications outlined below.

Part B: Prepare a summary report

1. Summarise the contents of your presentation in a one- to two-page written
report, including recommended changes or additions. Ensure you:
a. use an appropriate style and tone for business reporting
b. use headings, paragraphs and full sentences (except in illustrations or
bulleted lists).
Assessment Task 1 4
BSBMGT516 Facilitate continuous improvement Sep 18
2. Submit your summary report in accordance with the deliverables and quality
specifications outlined below.

Part C: Portfolio of work

1. Develop a communications strategy for implementing your proposed
continuous improvement initiatives that includes:
a. two to three communications objectives
b. at least two audiences, for example, senior management, work teams, or
individual employees
c. at least two methods of communication or media.
2. Develop a short (less than one page) procedure for informing teams of the
outcomes of continuous improvement activities.
3. Develop a monitoring strategy for an area of team performance identified in
the scenario. Include:
a. targets (aligned with or consistent with organisational goals)
b. standards (compliant with relevant legislation, policies and procedures)
c. KPIs
d. responsibilities for recording and reporting
e. timelines
f. technology and systems used for capture, storage and reporting of
performance information.
4. Develop a short (less than one page) procedure for managers and special
continuous improvement teams to run continuous improvement sessions; for
example, if poor performance is observed through monitoring systems.
Your procedure should:
a. outline how to run a team session to capture opportunities for
improvement and share required knowledge
b. include at least one measure to ensure adherence to legislative
requirements such as health and safety, privacy, or anti-discrimination.
5. Submit your portfolio deliverables in accordance with the deliverables and
quality specifications outlined below.

Assessment Task 1 5
BSBMGT516 Facilitate continuous improvement Sep 18
You must:
deliver a 20-minute presentation on continuous improvement strategies in
response to the scenario
submit a summary report
submit a portfolio of work: monitoring strategy, communications strategy, and
procedures for communications and continuous improvement team processes.

Quality (presentation):
Your assessor will be looking for evidence of your ability to:
● seek feedback on your approaches to continuous improvement processes and
● relate your CI approaches to meeting sustainability objectives
● relate your CI approaches to mentoring, coaching and other support to enable
people to participate effectively in continuous improvement processes
● describe how insights will be incorporated into the organisation’s knowledge
management systems and future planning
● demonstrate reading skills through:
○ identifying and extracting relevant information from texts on CI
○ locating, interpreting and analysing workplace documentation to gather
information relating to continuous improvement
● demonstrate oral communication skills through:
○ presenting information to management audience
○ listening and comprehending information
○ confirming understanding through questioning and active listening
● navigate the world of work, through:
○ developing CI strategies to enable compliance with legislative
requirements and achievement of the organisation’s goals
● interact with others, through:
○ identifying and using appropriate conventions and protocols when
communicating with peer managers

Assessment Task 1 6
BSBMGT516 Facilitate continuous improvement Sep 18
○ collaborating with others to achieve joint outcomes, playing an active
role in facilitating effective group interaction and influencing direction
● get the work done, through:
○ using analytical and lateral thinking to review current practices and
develop ideas for improvement
○ reflecting on the ways in which digital systems and tools are used, or
could be used, to achieve work goals.
Quality (summary report and portfolio):
Your assessor will be looking for evidence of your ability to: demonstrate writing
skills, through:
○ developing a complex text (report) related to CI processes according to
organisational requirements
○ ensuring the vocabulary, grammatical structures and conventions of the
report are appropriate for the context and target audience
● navigate the world of work, through:
○ developing strategies and procedures to enable compliance with
legislative requirements and achievement of the organisation’s goals
○ monitoring adherence to organisational policies, procedures and
protocols through a monitoring strategy.

Assessment Task 1 7
BSBMGT516 Facilitate continuous improvement Sep 18

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